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1、第二学期大学体验英语第四册教案EXPERIENCE ENGLISH 4Unit 1 Man and Womans PrejudicesObjectivesAfter finishing this unit, students will be able to talk about environmental issues get an idea of the overall organization of both passages learn to use key word and expressions adopt the reading skill Word Attack Strategi

2、es while reading adopt various ways of describing structure and an organizationI. Listen and talk (2 periods) Teaching Steps: Step1 Greetings and Presentation (10M)(class and individual)1. What kind of jobs do you think are respected and admired in China?2. What job do you like to do in the future ?

3、 why?3. What is the job situation like in China? Is it the same as or different from/to the situation mentioned in the following passage?4. Is there any kind of job that people often joke about in China?5. What prejudices do people have about certain kinds of job?Step 2 Lead-in (Listen twice and fil

4、l in the missing words ) (10M)(class and individual )1. hold stereotyped views of : a conventional opinion on2. absent-minded: preoccupied and deep in thought3. forgetful, dependable, responsible, cheerful, gloomy (let the Ss use the adj. words to make sentences)Step 3 Sample Dialogue 1 (15minutes)(

5、class and pair work)1. Listen to the dialogue and get to know the content of the dialogue.Question: Andrews is a man or a woman? Is he or she a secretary? What is she or he? 2. Read and follow the tape and explain some of the language points1) circular letter: a letter of notice or notification2) ou

6、tdated: old- fashioned, out-moded, eg. an outdated building3) prejudice: n.成见, 偏见 损害, 伤害 歧视eg. a. He has a prejudice against all foreigners.b. I will do nothing to the prejudice of my friend in this matter.c. It must be understood that this concession is made without prejudice to any future decision

7、 of the committee.vt. 使抱偏见, 使怀成见; 伤害, 损害, 不利于be prejudiced against in favour of a personThese facts prejudiced them against her.a prejudice against in favour ofUseful expressions:be swayed by prejudice 对.的不利有利偏见 be swayed by prejudice 为偏见所左右in to the prejudice (of) 不利于, 有损于without prejudice (to) 【律】

8、不使(合法权利)受到损害; 无损于, 无害于, 不影响prejudice sb. against 使某人对.产生偏见 prejudice favour of 使某人对.产生好感4) bring up: v.教育, 培养, 提出, (军队等)调上来, (船)抵达目的地bring up教育;养育 提出;引出to bring up the question提出问题He was brought up short. 他突然停了下来。(骤然停止)bring up the rear(队伍)殿后Step 4 Communicative task I (15M)(group work)1. Talk

9、ing about suitable job2. useful phrases and sentencesId preferTheres no wayA long term responsibility forHave been interest in 3. work in groups (Row 1&3, Row 2&4, Row 5(team 1&3)4. Ask 2 groups to come and act out their dialogueStep 5 Sample dialogue 2 (15M) (class and pair work)1. Listen and answe

10、r: Question: Does Nancy want to be a headmistress? Why?Listen, follow, and explain1)perception: perceptn.The process, act, or faculty of perceiving.The effect or product of perceiving.PsychologyRecognition and interpretation of sensory stimuli based chiefly on memory.The neurological processes by wh

11、ich such recognition and interpretation are effected.Insight, intuition, or knowledge gained by perceiving.The capacity for such insight.2) infantadj.婴儿的; 幼儿的; 幼稚的; 初期的 未成年的 为婴儿幼儿设置的infant fruit末成熟的水果 an infant school英幼儿园来自拉丁语的in fans: in (=not)+fari(=to speak)其原义是“不会说话”n婴儿;幼儿eg. An infant school is

12、 a school for children from about five to seven years of age.3)committeecommit oneself on 对.表态 commit oneself to 委身于, 专心致志于commit do, perform, or perpetrate: 犯作、实行或犯(罪):commit a murder.犯谋杀罪To put in trust or charge; entrust. 委托置于委托或托管人;信托To place officially in confinement or custody, as in a

13、 mental health facility. 收监,收押置于官方限制或保护,如在精神健康设施To consign for future use or reference or for preservation: 交付,保管为将来使用、参考或保存而寄存:commit the verse to memory.将诗句存入脑海中To put into a place to be kept safe or to be disposed of. 担保放在保持安全或予以处理的位置上To make known the views of (oneself) on an issue: 表明使对一个问题的观点被

14、知道(某人自己):I never commit myself on such issues.我从未对这些问题表示过意见To bind or obligate, as by a pledge: 致力于约束或强制,如经由誓言:They were committed to follow orders.他们对命令全力以赴To refer (a legislative bill, for example) to a committee.把(例如立法议案)提交委员会commit v.intr.To pledge or obligate ones own self:使负责,使受约束:felt that he

15、 was too young to commit fully to marriage.感到他太年轻不能完全承担结婚的义务2. Have the students read the dialogue in pairs and choose 3 pairs to act it outStep 6 Communicative task II ( 15M) (group work and pairwork) Its getting difficult to make ends meet. Show concern for Keep the balance betweenStep 7 Assignmen

16、t Read and practice the dialogues and make free dialogue in groupsPassage A (2 periods) The Unsung Heroes: What About Working Dads?Step 1 Greetings and a brief revision ( 3-5M ) (pair work or group work)Ask one or two pairs(groups) to act out their own dialogue about prejudiceStep 2 Pre-reading (5M)

17、(group discussion)1. Do you think what role man and woman should have in the society and in the family?2. Do you think fathers are as important to children as mothers are? Why or why not?3. Whats the image of a “good family man”?4. A “working father” as a family bread winner is often too busy to tak

18、e care of his family. Now people have a negative image of the “working father.” What do you think of the “working father”?5. Discuss in the group about the mode of traditional father and mothers role in China 6. How about the authors attitude about working father?Step 3 Skimming (10M)(individual and

19、 class work)1. Read the title “The Unsung Heroes”, and do some predictions about the authors opinion2. Skim the passage and find out the explanation of the title . Then summarize the main idea by the students themselves and do the exercise 2 in page 14Step 4 Scaning (20M)(class work)Discuss the whol

20、e passage in groups and summarize the passage ,check the result of their discussion.Step 5 Review Retell the passage (5-8M)Step 6 Language focus 1. refer to as: call,regard ase.g. Dont refer to your sister as a silly cow (=Dont call your sister silly cow)2. proportion: a).relation of one thing to an

21、other in quantity, size, etc.b) to make in or put into correct or suitable proportion.3. fulfill: perform, carry out, accomplishe.g. He had fulfilled many of his youthful ambitions before he was fifty.4. by the same token: in the same way; for the same reasone.g. We are grateful to you for giving us

22、 shelter for the night, by the same token, we should like to thank your wife for all her kindness.5. entail: involve, make necessarye.g. This job would entail exceptional competence in computers.6. at large: in generale.g. Did the public at large approve of the governments decision?7. hold upas: sho

23、w or offeras (an example, a model, etc)e.g. He was held up as an example to every student.8. at best: in the most favorable casee.g. We will arrive on Thursday evening at best.9. devalue: cause or be responsible for a lessening of value or qualitye.g. Lots of people tried to devalue the great writer

24、s work, all in vain.10. strive: struggle harde.g. He strove for recognition as an abstract artist.Step 7 AssignmentReview the text Finish the language focus exercisesPassage B Men Move in the Wake of Wives Jobs (2 periods)Step 1. Greetings and a brief revision ( 3-5M) (individual work)Dictation: som

25、e useful words, expressions and sentences.Step 2. Related information (5M)During the Soviet period, a secular “ wedding palace” was the only place people could get married. Today some couples get married in a church after their official civil ceremony at a wedding palace.Step 3. Lead-in Questions (5

26、M) (group work)1. What is culture?2. Do you think there is any difference of culture between different countries?3. Have you ever experienced any kind of culture shock? Tell your story to your classmates.Step 4. Skimming. (5M)Read passage B within 6 minutes and try to talk about the following questi

27、on:What is the main idea of the whole passage:Step 5. Scanning (5-10M, Group work)1.Find the key words2.Find the main idea of each paragraph.Step 6. Reviewing. (5-10M, group work)Retell the passage :Go over the passage Bquickly and try to remember the main content of the story within 3 minutes accor

28、ding to the key words you have found in each paragraph. Close your book and try to retell the story to your parter.Step 7. Language Focus1. in the wake of: after, followingExamples: Dolphins followed in the wake of the ship.Traders came in the wake of the conquering armies.2. anchor: (cause to) be f

29、ixed firmlyExamples: They anchored their boat in a quiet bay. As people ran screaming, I stood, anchored to the ground, watching the scene in horror.3.swallow: 1) cause or allow to go down the throatExample: They rushed her to the hospital after she swallowed a coin.2) believeExample: I trusted her

30、so much that I would have swallowed any story she told me.3) use the muscles of the throat as though swallowing sthExample: He swallowed hard, and walked into the interview room. 4. pose: 1) cause, presentExamples: He posed a serious threat to their authority.Traffic problems have posed an obstacle

31、to the development of the city. 2) put forward for discussionExamples: Youve posed us an awkward question. She posed a searching question to the chairman at yesterdays meeting.3) present to beExample: He posed as a buyer and contacted the drug dealer at great risk to his life.4) sit or stand in a particular wayExample: He posed for his photo easily, as if he were an actor. 5. derive from

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