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1、Historicalstories全教案Historical stories( Periods时间:2009-12-10 下午 06:12:19 点击:128核心提示:Chapter 5 Historical stories ( Periods 1-2 ) 一 . 学习目标:1. 能认读本课的三会单词(带*号的单词)2. 能听说读写本课的四会单词。3. 会使用四会单词造句、完成句子。二. 课前预习与导学: 1请同学们查字典写出下列单词的中文意思: pyramid.Chapter 5 Historical stories ( Periods 1-2 ) 一 . 学习目标:1. 能认读本课的三会单

2、词(带*号的单词)2. 能听说读写本课的四会单词。3. 会使用四会单词造句、完成句子。二. 课前预习与导学: 1请同学们查字典写出下列单词的中文意思: pyramid Stonehenge Troy plain capture wooden Trojan giant secret seize historical fictional legend bow 2你能翻译出来吗 经营 最重要的 广场 庆祝 军队 进入 英俊的 战斗 假装 亚洲 冲 叫 愚蠢的 秘密的 命令 故事 除。之外 依次 成功 3请同学们课前根据词汇表里单词的音标尝试拼读P101 Chapter 5的新单词。三教学过程:(一)

3、同学们,让我们跟着老师一起朗读Chapter 5的单词和短语. (二)课堂重点知识归纳学习与能力培养: 学习并掌握下列单词的用法,并根据句子意思给每个句子填入一个单词。(请注意单词的正确形式。)1army ( n. ) 军队: a large group of soldiers. eg 。Tom joined the at the age of 18.2capture ( v ) 攻占,用武力夺取 take control by force eg The army finally the city after a long battle.3celebrate ( v ) 庆祝 do somet

4、hing special for an important day or event eg I my birthday with a big party.4citizen ( n ) 公民 a person living in a certain place eg Every should do his best to protect the environment。5cry ( v )叫,喊 shout loudly eg “Thats not true!”he with angry。6drag ( v ) (使劲而 吃力地)拖,拉pull something heavy along wit

5、h difficulty eg The boy a chair to the window,stood on it and looked outside。7except for (prep)除。之外not includingeg This is a good report , some small mistakes。8 giant ( adj )巨大的extremely bigeg The company has bought the truck recently。9joke ( n )笑话something you say or do to make people laugheg She n

6、ever gets my 。10main (adj)主要的,最重要的principal; most important eg I dont understand the idea of the passage。 11plain ( n. )平原a wide area of flat land eg They came down from the mountains onto the . 12. run ( v )经营,管理hold, organize eg He a computer company。 13.rush (v)冲,迅速移动move or do something quicklye

7、g He to school because he was late。 14secret (adj)秘密的known about by only a few people Eg She put the diamond in a place。 15seize ( v)抓住take something or someone by force Eg The police officer the thief by the arm。 16square (n)广场 an open,foursided area in a city Eg Many people gather in Peoples on Su

8、nday。 17stupid(adj)愚蠢的 silly Eg He made a really mistake。18succeed(v)成功 achieve Eg Only a few countries have in putting astronauts on the moon。19tale(n。)故事 story Eg The boy likes to listen to fairy before sleeping。20wooden (adj)木头的 made of wood Eg The house burnt quickly。(三)课堂合作探究学习 请你把今天学的单词大声读出来,让

9、你的小组长和其他成员帮你检查你的发音。四课堂知识巩固练习:( 1 )请根据中文提示,填上所缺的字母,把单词补充完整。1m n 主要的 2。c lebr te 庆祝 3。 ter 进入4。h nds me 英俊的 5。c tize 公民 6。 pr t nd 假装 7。r sh 冲 8。 der 命令 9。st p d 愚蠢的10。 my 军队 11wh l 车轮 12。t 故事 13。p nt 绘画 14。l g nd 传说 15。 As 亚洲 16squ 广场 17。d g 拖 18。g ld n 金色的( 2 )选词填空完成句子。每词只用一次,请注意使用单词的正确形式。 pretend o

10、rder joke enter army soldier 1Her funny made everyone in the party laugh。2After visiting the museum,we some food to eat。3He the room with a book in his hand。4He wants to join the to be a 5She to be angry after hearing his words。五. 教学反馈 同学们在学习本节课后有什么想法和建议或存在的问题,提出来 让老师知道, 方便再找时间和机会讨论。Chapter 5 Histor

11、ical stories ( Periods 3-4) 设计:黄小华 审核:张华银 罗天理一 . 学习目标:1. 能读懂课文的意思并复述课文大意: 2. 掌握课文中出现的重点句型和词组;3. 注意课文中不同时态的句子4. 品味历史故事二. 课前预习与导学: ( 一).仔细观察P58 Part A 的几张著名的历史古迹的图片,把他们的名字与国家名称连起来 1Pyramids 2. Stonehenge 3. the Great Wall a Chine b Egypt c the UK(二 ) . P58 Part B的六张图片给我们展示了一个著名的历史故事,请你仔细观察并按故事发展的顺序给他们

12、标上序号.( 三). 预习朗读课文:读懂课文的大致意思,并找出课文中你认为重要的单词与词组,给予划线做好记号:三. 课堂合作探究学习过程:(一) 课前预习情况汇报: 阅读课文,根据课文大意翻译下列英语词组和单词,并在课文中找到这些词组的位置并做出记号,看是否与你预习时所记号的单词与词组一致。(可以小组互助完成!)1. a story competition _ 2. famous tales from history_3 rush down _ 4 .run up _ 5 . seconds later _ 6 look down _ _ 7 capture _ 8 main _ _ 9 ta

13、ke away _ _ 10 sing and dance_ 11. celebrate _ 12 make jokes about _ 13. except for _ 14. succeed in_ 15. wait for _ _ 16. enter_ 17. climb out _ 18. secret _ ( 二 ). 阅读技能培养:1.整体感知:朗读课文:了解课文的大意。并回答下列问题:(1)What is the story about? _.( 2)Why did the soldier rush down the stairs?_.(3) What did the six G

14、reek soldiers do after they climbed out of the wooden horse? 2. 判断对错:详细阅读课文,根据课文内容,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。( )1.It took the Greeks ten years to capture the city of Troy.( ) 2.The Trojans all went to sleep except the gate guards.( ) 3. The Greeks left the wooden horse because it was too heavy.( ) 4. There we

15、re six Trojansoldiers in the wooden horse.( ) 5.Troy won the war at last.(三).课堂重点知识归纳学习与能力培养: 1. 归纳总结重点短语与句型 2.能力培养: 根据中文提示,完成句子: ( 1 )“队长,他们已经走了” 他大叫. “Capture, they .” he . ( 2 ).希腊人已经用十年时间试图攻占我们的城市. The Greeks for ten years to our city. ( 3 ).当天晚上,全市的市民都庆祝了. That night, all the of the city ( 4 ).

16、 广场空了,只有那匹巨大的木马还在 The square was , the gaint horse。 (5)。他们又等了一 个小时。 They hour。 (6)。他们成功地攻占了城市。 They the city。(四)能力提升: 学了课文之后,能否完成下列短文填空:(提示:归纳课文大意,复述故事 ) For ten years,the Greeks have tried to (1) the city of Troy. However,one day,the Trojan(2) found that the Greeks had all gone,leaving a huge woode

17、n horse on (3)the city. They (4) down the stairs to report the good news to their captain. He(5) the soldiers to(6) the wooden horse into the city with(7) . That night,the citizens of Troy(8) their victory.They made(9) about the (10) Greeks.Then they locked all the gates of the city and all went to

18、sleep.By(11) ,six Greek soldierin the(12) horse quietly opened the (13) Door inside the horse.They opened the main gates and let the Greek(14) in. In one night,the Greeksoldiers(15) in capturing the city with a trick.(五). 情感体验 Thinking over the following questions: 1Why werent the Greeksable to defe

19、at the Trojans for ten years? 2What can you learn from the story?(六)。Homework:1完成课本P60-61 Parts C-D的练习。2完成综合练习册P62-63 Reading 部分的练习。四. 教学反馈同学们在学习本节课后有什么想法和建议或存在的问题,提出来 让老师知道, 方便再找时间和机会讨论。核心提示:Historical stories ( Periods 5-6)Listening and speaking一 . 学习目标:1了解听力技巧。2. 能够听懂故事大意,并给顺序混乱的图片根据故事的发展标上正确的序号。

20、3掌握清辅音/t/ / /的发音技巧,能够根据音标准确发音4. 会使用相关的重点.Historical stories ( Periods 5-6) Listening and speaking一 . 学习目标:1了解听力技巧。2. 能够听懂故事大意,并给顺序混乱的图片根据故事的发展标上正确的序号。3掌握清辅音/t/ / /的发音技巧,能够根据音标准确发音4. 会使用相关的重点句型进行对话和补全对话。二. 课前预习与导学: 1请同学们查字典写出下列单词的中文意思: handsome god golden sail battle goddess Sparta 三教学过程:听力能力培养:(一)听录

21、音,根据所听故事内容给课本P62 的八幅图片排序。(二)再次听录音,找出下列句子的错误,并改正过来。1Paris had to choose the cleverest goddess among the three goddesses. 2. Paris gave the prize, a silver apple, to Aphrodite, one of the goddesses. 3. Paris got a big ship and sailed from Troy to Sparta to find the most beautiful woman in world. 4.Par

22、is stole a lot of gold from Sparta and went back to Troy alone. 5.The Greeks and Trojans fought each other for twenty years in front of the walls of Troy. (三)课堂知识巩固练习: 完成Workbook P6061的听力训练。 Speaking能力培养:(四)请大声朗读下列单词,注意字母t和th的发音。 ten tree September last part boat pretend three throw thin thirsty thi

23、ng both thick(五)。朗读课本P67 PartA1-A3 的单词和句子,掌握字母t和th的发音。(六)。读下列的单词,划出每个单词的音节和重读位置。 beautiful carefully instruction popular intention(七)。郎读P67 PartA4-A6的单词,注意每个单词的音节和重音位置。(八)。听录音跟读P68的对话注意语音语调。(九)课堂知识巩固练习:请选择正确答案补全下列对话:A: Youve 1 so hard on John. Whats 2 with him?B: He has 3 me so much trouble.A: What kind of trouble?B: To make a long story short, hes very 4 。( )1. A. be B. been C. was( )2. A. wrong B. the wrong C. matter( ) 3. A. give B. gave C. given ( ) 4. A. noise B. noisy C.

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