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新编大学英语教案第二册Unit 3 Born to Win.docx

1、新编大学英语教案第二册Unit 3 Born to WinUnit Three Born to winTeaching Objectives1. Develop good attitudes towards life 2. To know the differences between a winner and a loser3. Learn to be confident in yourself4. Translation practice and skill training5. Some important new words and phrases should be mastered

2、Teaching allotment6 academic hours.Methods: Elicitation Communicated Approach translation Procedure:1. discussions2. words learning3. discuss paragraphs of the text and translate some sentences into Chinese.4. reviewing the words phrases and sentences pattern through a range of exercises.Focus Point

3、s1. Key words, phrases & usagesachievement appropriately capability capacity range dominate guilt potential range respond uniquebe born with in ones own right refer to as a matter of do ones thinking come to a conclusion call for in the face of see as contribute to be unaware of channel into manipul

4、ate into live up to enter into2. Difficult sentencesI. Related Information: Rather than being born to win, most successful people have been educated or trained to win. Winning requires adequate skills, opportunity to use these skills productively, and most of all, and attitude which guarantees that

5、the winning individual will work hard and stay with a task until it is completed. There are countless examples which could be given: Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, etc. For each of these winners it is clear that good habits and a good attitude were at least as important as good i

6、nherited skills. The fact is that a good set of inherited skills is as likely to occur in a person born into poverty as it is in a person born into wealth. Comfort has often been the curse of the wealthy, and there is little support for the idea that a life of ease will lead to a life as a winner. I

7、n nearly every field of work or profession there are winners who have come from humble beginnings. In the United States, this was so evident to many people that there have been many books written in praise of the individual who struggles early in life to become a winner or a person widely known as s

8、uccessful. So when you see a person who is a winner in life, remember that it is not that they were “born to win”. The usual case is that they had formed good habits of learning and living, and they had an attitude which caused them to succeed and never to consider defeat or loss as an acceptable ou

9、tcome or something else.II. Suggested Class Activities1. Warming-up Activity: What are the basic rules weve to follow if we want to winPurpose: Make it clear that winning requires necessary skillsStep 1 Discuss in groups about how to become winnerStep 2 Then list the necessary qualification we have

10、to own in order to be a winnerStep 3 Write down the points on the blackboard to let them have a deeper thinking,.Suggested words/expressions: Overcome / background / hardship / deal with / get along with / perseverance / flexibility /independence / self-confidence / contribute to / good health2. In-

11、class reading activity: Are we born to winPurpose: Show them the fact that only hard work can lead to winningStep 1 Divide the students into two big groups to discuss whether people are born to winStep 2 Ask each group to select three or four speakers to have a debate with each other to decide wheth

12、er we are born to win.Step 3 The teacher may finally comment on their debate and make the fact clear that talent only plays a minor important part in ones life.Suggested words/expressions: Appropriately / capacity / creativity / evaluate / potential / inadequate / responsive / call forIII. Further d

13、evelopment: Live your dreamsStep 1 Write down on a piece of paper what you think you will be doing 10 years later from now on.Step 2 Write down on the other side of the paper what you dream to be doing 10 years later form now on.Step 3 If your answers are different, try to explain what is preventing

14、 you from living your dreams to other members in your group. And try to help each other to build up confidence.IV. In-Class ReadingWords and phrases1. capacity n. 1) the ability to do a particular thing 能力e.g. This book is within the capacity of younger readers. He has a great capacity for enjoying

15、himself.2) the amount that something can hold or contain 容量,容积,容纳力e.g. a hall with a seating capacity of 2,000filled to capacity: completely full 全满 e.g. The hall was filled to capacity. 大厅已满座。3) a particular position or duty 身份,职位e.g. act in ones capacity as a police officer/in ones police capacity

16、以警察的身份行事in ones capacity as sth 以某种身份或立场Exercise:她以顾问身份被他们聘用。(She is employed by them in an advisory capacity.)The game was watched by a capacity crowd.(观看比赛的人坐得满满的。)2. contributev. 1) help to cause a situation, event, or condition 有助于,促成e.g. This advertising campaign has contributed significantly t

17、o the success of the new car.2) join with others in giving money, help, advice, etc.捐献,捐赠,出(钱、力、主意等)e.g. Everyone should contribute what he or she can afford. The chairman encourages everyone to contribute to the discussion.3) write and send (a written article) to a magazine, newspaper, etc. 投稿e.g.

18、She has contributed several poems to literary magazines.contribute to contribution n.contributory adj.Exercise:Diligence and hard-working contributed to her success.(成功源于她的勤奋。)3. dominatev. 1) have or exercise control or power over (sb or sth) 支配,统治,控制e.g. He has authority, but he doesnt try to domi

19、nate others. 2) have the most important place or position (in) 在中占首要地位e.g. The team has dominated international football for years. My weekend was dominated by housework.3) (of a high place) overlook 耸立于,俯视e.g. The great cathedral dominates the center of the city.domination n. the act of dominating

20、or the state of being dominated支配,控制,优势e.g. His defeat ended American domination of the sport. under foreign dominationdominance n. the fact or position of dominating; importance, power, or controlling influence优势,支配地位,控制力e.g. the absolute dominance of the governing party 执政党的绝对优势dominant adj. 最显著的;

21、高耸的;支配的Exercise: 首先考虑的往往是价格问题。(Price tends to dominate all other considerations.)Our _ of the market is seriously threatened by this new product. (dominance, domination)4. flexibleadj. 1) that can change or be changed to be suitable for new needs 灵活的;可变通的e.g. We can visit you on Saturday or Sunday;

22、our plans are fairly flexible. 2) that can bend or be bent easily 有弹性的,柔韧的e.g. flexible plastic tubing 弹性塑料管opposition: inflexible flexibility n.Exercise:He is so flexible that he can easily adapt to the new school.(他适应力很强,很容易就适应了新学校的环境。)5. potential n. the possibility for developing or being develo

23、ped, the inherent ability for growth and development 可能性,潜能,潜力e.g. She recognized the potential for error in the method being used. 她意识到在所采用的方法中可能出错。 The product has even more potential in export markets.adj. likely to develop into a particular type of person or thing in the future 潜在的,可能的e.g. weigh

24、ing up the potential benefits and disadvantages of investing in new industries 权衡向新产业投资可能存在的利害得失a potential danger Exercise:她有做艺术家的潜质。(She has artistic potential/potential as an artist.)This book is arguably a potential best seller.(该书或可成为一部畅销书。)6. call for1)need or deserve 需要,值得e.g. Youre getting m

25、arried? This calls for a celebration!2)demand 把招来,要求e.g. to call for the waiter The opposition have called for an immediate inquiry into the behavior of the police.3) go and get sth or sb, collect 去接e.g. Ill call for you at forth: (fml) cause to appear or be shown; evoke 显出, 唤起e.g. His

26、speech called forth an angry off: cancel or abandon 取消e.g. The football match was called off because of the out: order to go on strike 下令罢工e.g. Miners were called out by union leaders.Exercise:The situation _ prompt action. A. call forth B. call out C. call for D. call offThe

27、 picnic had been called off because of the bad weather. A. demanded B. evoked C. deserved D. cancelled7. channelinto1) direct towards a particular purpose 引导,集中,朝向e.g. I decided to channel my energies into something useful.2) form a channel, or take in a channel 在上挖沟渠;用水渠把引至e.g. to channel water int

28、o the desertExercise:We must channel all our energies into the new scheme.(我们必须把一切精力都用到新的计划上。)8. enter into1) become involved in, take an active role or interest in 参与,产生兴趣e.g. Our company entered into negotiations with a business firm.He entered into the spirit of the game with great excitement.他兴致

29、勃勃,融入比赛的气氛中。enter into the spirit of an occasion: begin to enjoy and feel part of it 领略各种乐趣2) be an important or necessary part of 成为的一部分/一个因素e.g. This possibility never entered into our calculations.enter into a bond with 与.订约enter into alliance with 与.结盟Exercise:退休老人们其乐融融,积极参加体育锻炼(Those retired pe

30、ople entered into the spirit of sport exercises actively.).9. live up to keep to the high standards of, behave in accordance with sth 保持的高水平,遵守,符合e.g. He failed to live up to his principles. Bill worried he didnt live up to his parents expectations.Exercise:虽然他被誉为著名的艺术家,但却有些不负盛名。(Though honored as a

31、 famous artist, he could not live up to his reputation a bit.)10. refer toasmention or speak about sb or sth as 把当作, 把称作e.g. The scientist referred to the discovery as the most exciting new development in this field.refer to: 1) mention or speak about 提到,说起e.g. Which companies was she referred to when she spoke of competing firms?2) look at for information 参考,查阅e.g. refer to a dictionaryLet me just refer to my notes to find the exact figures.3)concern, be directed towards 有关,针对e.g. The new law does not refer to land used for farming. What I have to say refers to all of you.Exercise:The speake

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