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1、极品基老伴第二季4集中英文对照台词Whoever thought? 谁曾想到You and I getting married. 你我竟要完婚了Did you ever think youd live to see the day? 你想过你能撑到这一天吗I wasnt even sure Id live to brush my teeth this morning. 我都没想到能撑到今早刷牙Did you brush them? 那你刷牙了吗Ill get around to it. 朕自会拨冗为之Ive still got so much planning to do. 我还有好多要打算的

2、Food, drinks. 食物 酒水- The ceremony. - Now dont get carried away, Stuart. 典礼 - 别太忘乎所以了 斯图尔特Remember, were only spending 记住 我们的预算that money from my incontinent-pad commercial. 只能从我的 老年尿不湿 广告费里出But dont you have that audition tomorrow? 可 你明天不还有场试镜吗The big crime drama? 那部犯罪大戏We could use that money, too.

3、 我们也可以用那笔钱Yes, but I havent got the part yet. 话虽如此 但我毕竟还没拿下But it is for six episodes. 不过这角色能演整整六集呢I play the owner of a book shop, 我演一个书店老板who is attacked by teenagers with a crowbar. 他被一个熊孩子拿撬棍袭击了I know thats something Id like to see. 这么解气 正合我意 Thank you. 谢谢And I promise I wont get too carried awa

4、y. 而且我保证不会忘乎所以的Well keep it a simple celebration with all the people we love. 我们一切从简 请我们爱的人参加就好了 .Yes, spending time with the people we love is the most important thing. 对 和我们爱的人共度才重要Oh, look. Theres Violet. 看呐 那是维奥莱特Quick, hide. 赶紧 藏起来I hope she didnt see us, 希望她没发现我们I dont want her to think were t

5、errible people. 我可不想让她觉得咱们不待见她I think she already knows that. 我想她早有这个觉悟了Ive invited her over for tea later. We can have a proper chat. 我邀请她一会来喝茶 可以好好聊聊Yes, or we can send her an email. 行 或者给她发个邮件就行Oh, hello, Violet. 你好啊 维奥莱特We were just talking about you. 我们刚才还在说你Oh, thats never good. 准没好话Hello, Vi.

6、 Id get up and give you a kiss, 你好 小维 我本想起来亲你的but youre all the way over there. 但是鞭长莫及啊It seems so odd, 邪了门了but I could have sworn I saw you both on the street just now. 可我发誓刚才在街上看见你俩了No. 不可能No, weve been in all morning, Im afraid. 我们整个上午都宅在家里But youre wearing your coat. 但 你穿着外套呢- Are you calling us

7、 liars? - No. Im sorry. 你是说我们糊弄你吗 -不是啊 对不起How horrid of me. 我是有多不可理喻To be accused of lying and in our own home! 竟然在自己家里被指责撒谎Dont push it, Freddie. 别搓火 弗雷迪So, how are the wedding plans coming? 那么 婚礼策划得怎么样了Tell me everything. 跟本宫详细唠唠Do you remember your wedding? 你还记得你的婚礼吗Yes, of course. 当然啊Well, just

8、think the opposite of that. 我们会搞得截然相反But my wedding was lovely. 但我的婚礼很美好啊It was just everything that followed that was so unpleasant. 只是后面的画面太美我不敢看Wasnt my wedding lovely, Freddie? 我的婚礼不美吗 弗雷迪It was shit. 恶心成翔But I looked fabulous, didnt I? 但人家打扮得还是很动人的 对吧Maybe dont ask any more questions, dear. 你还是

9、别问了 亲爱的 Oh hello, Ash, how are you feeling? 你好 艾什 还好吗Not so great. 并不好I guess it will take a while 我大概要花点时间to get over being dumped by the love of my life. 从被真爱甩了的阴影里走出来 Well, of course it will take a while, Ash. 你当然需要时间 艾什 Ill give more hour. 朕再宽限你一个小时吧So, here we are, Ash, 既然如此 艾什 both of

10、us newly single. 我们都刚刚落单What do you suppose fate is trying to tell us? 你觉得命运在向我们暗示什么That you should close your legs. 暗示你应该把腿合上I think we should both start dating again, dont you? 我觉得我们又可以策马奔腾了 不是吗 Ive already met somebody online, 我 在网上相中了一个 who I think I can get really serious with. 估计我会掏心窝子去处的Do yo

11、u know anything about him? 你 了解他吗I know he owns a computer. 我知道他有台电脑At this point, thats enough. 就目前来看足矣I dont think Ill be ready to date again for a long time. 我恐怕累觉不爱了Well, I have some news that might cheer you up, Ash. 我有件事能让你打起精神来 艾什How would you like to be my best man? 你想当我的伴郎吗- Id love to, Fre

12、ddie. - Oh, would you? I couldnt tell, 乐意之极啊 弗雷迪 -是吗 没看出来 because you didnt say how honoured you were. 你都没说你有多荣幸And that I could have picked anyone, but I chose YOU. 况且朕本可以选别人 但偏偏钦点了你 Im really honoured. 荣幸之 至Well, then, act like it. 那就表现出来Im gonna throw you a wicked stag do. 我会给你办一个销魂单身派对We can hav

13、e it in my flat. 就在我的公寓开Its a little small. I hope thats OK? 麻雀虽小 五脏还俱全啊 Yes, anythings fine, just make certain 没问题 那都不是事儿 不过要确保 its one of the best nights of my life. 那一夜让我觉得这辈子没白活The stag do is for both of us, right, Ash? 单身派对我俩都能去 是吗艾什I just thought. 我还以为 .you just thought what? - that you were T

14、he woman. 你以为什么 - 以为你是新娘子And I suppose you have something to ask me, Stuart? 那你肯定有求于我吧 斯图尔特Do you mean, Why do you 你是说问你 为什么smell of alcohol at ten oclock in the morning? 早上十点就浑身酒气吗 Would I be your maid of honour? 我能做你的伴娘吗Well, I suppose so. 我想 可以吧Im really touched that you would ask me, darling. 你盛

15、情邀请让我感激涕零啊 亲爱的You actually asked you. 明明是你自说自话I believe its matron of honour, dear. 我觉得 大娘 更适合你 亲爱的Or if theres anything older than matron, 或者要是有再老一点的称呼then it would be that. 那就是它了Well, my, I shall need some help planning this wedding. 妈呀 我需要有人帮我策划婚礼了I heard my ex-girlfriend Chloe is an event planne

16、r now. 我听说我前任克洛伊在做活动策划Maybe I can talk to her and shell give you a discount. 也许我跟她说说 她能给你们打个折呢 That would be wonderful! 那就太好了So far, all the money we have to spend is from 目前为止 我们的预算从弗雷迪Freddies adult nappy commercial. 做 成人尿不湿广告的钱里扣I wet myself at my grandsons birthday party. 我在我孙子的生日聚会上尿了I went met

17、hod on that one. 我刚刚用的是体验派技法Arent there any other acting jobs coming in? 就没有别的角色空缺吗Well, if were lucky, 恩 如果走运的话Freddie is going to get attacked with a crowbar. 弗雷迪将会被撬棍击中Fingers crossed. 祝我好运Freddie! 弗雷迪Shouldnt you be leaving for your audition? 你是不是该去试镜了We really need you to get that job. 你真得拿到那角色

18、才行Yes, all right, all right. 行 行I was doing my vocal exercises and a tooth came out. 我刚在吊嗓子呢 没想到一颗牙蹦出来了 Ive shoved a peppermint in there instead. Can you tell? 我在那儿塞了一颗薄荷糖 看得出来吗Not at all. 浑然天成It actually looks better. 比你那口老牙更好You should do them all like that. 你该把你的牙全换了Hi. You remember Chloe?嗨 还记得克罗

19、伊吗Of course. 当然Yes. How are you, dear? 亲爱的 你好吗Im on three types of medication 上次一别之后since the last time you saw me, so Im really fantastic. 我用着三种药呢 所以感觉棒棒哒Good, because you were a real arsehole. 太好了 你之前可病得不轻So, congratulations. 那么 恭喜啦I hear youre in the market for a wedding planner. 我听说你们打算聘一位婚礼策划Wh

20、at are you staring at? 你 看什么呢Nothing. 没什么I just forgot how pretty you are. 只是我不曾记得你如此动人And I forgot how handsome you are. 我也忘记了你如此英俊Knock it off. - Sorry. 打住 -抱歉Now were looking to keep this very simple. 我们想婚礼一切从简Not that simple, Freddie. 也不能太过简单 弗雷迪It is our wedding, after all. 毕竟是我们的婚礼I just dont

21、want you dipping into our savings. 我只是不想动用我们的积蓄We dont have any savings. 我们没什么积蓄Oh, Christ, were really living right on the edge, arent we? 苍天呐 我们都快成破产夫夫了 是 不Please, sit. 请坐Since Chloes just starting out, 克洛伊事业才刚起步shes willing to do you a deal on her fee. 因此她愿意给你们一个友情价Well, what if, instead, 这 如果I w

22、ere to give you access to some of my celebrity friends? 我能介绍一些名流朋友给你呢Helen, Benedict, 比如 海伦 本尼迪克特Mags.Maggie Smith. 玛格斯玛吉史密斯Judi De nch and I are very close. 朱迪丹奇和我可铁了In fact Im just off to an audition now. 其实我现在就要去试镜的Do you know the television program Broadchurch? 你知道电视剧 小镇疑云 吗Yes. 知道Well, this is

23、a complete rip-off of that. 我们的这部就是它的狗血版So its bound to be just as successful. 注定要火啊Wow, if I could plan events for celebrities, 哇 如果我能给名流们做策划that would be amazing. 简直碉堡了OK. Yes. 好 行Ill do it for free. 我免费帮你们策划We might actually need a small fee from you as well, dear. 亲 我们可能还得要你出点钱From me? 我出钱Really

24、? 坑谁呢Really. Were helping you to establish your business. 真的 我们帮你打开门路Fairs fair. 双赢啊I guess. 说不准啊And, remember, Ash, I dont want you to 记住 艾什 我不想要你go to a lot of trouble for my stag do. Anything is fine. 为我的单身趴太过劳心劳力 随便什么都 成I was thinking punch and mini sausage rolls. 我想搞一点潘趣酒和迷你香肠卷Keep thinking. 再费

25、点心吧Im off. Dont wait up. 我走了 别傻等But its only midday. 这才中午呢Id still prefer if you werent conscious when I returned. 我还是希望我回来的时候你已魂游 别处Malcolm. - Freddie. 马尔科姆 -弗雷迪Colin. - Freddie. - Rowan. - Freddie. 科林 -弗雷迪 -罗温 -弗雷迪Trevor. - Freddie. 特雷弗 -弗雷迪I thought you were dead. 我还以为你死了Im not. 没呐Whos the empty

26、chair for? 这空椅子为谁准备的Benjamin. 班杰明Hes dead. 他死了I knew it was one of us. 我就知道得挂一个Firstly, I want you to know 首先 我要告诉你how happy I am that youre planning our wedding. 我真庆幸有你做我们婚礼的策划And how easy Im going to be to work with. 我也很平易近人的So. lets start with a hug. 所以 .我们先抱一个Thank you, thats such a relief. 谢谢 我

27、轻松多了I drew up some ideas. 我草拟了一些计划Just tell me what you think. Well take it from there. 跟我说说你怎么看 然后我们就开始Oh, that sounds wonderful, dear. 哦 亲爱的 听起来好棒哒I hate everything. 全都不入流Even the paper its written on. 就连这纸也是Oh, OK. 哦 好吧It would be perfect if we were planning a crap wedding. 如果我们要举办 浑礼 这倒是很好的Can I

28、 have another glass of water? 我 能再要一杯水吗I think I need to double up on my medication. 我想我得加倍药量Yes, thats a good idea. 可以 太好了You can take more than they tell you, you know. 你完全可以多吃点 不必遵医嘱Have another one. 不妨再来一片Can you maybe give me an idea of what you do like? 你能说说你到底喜欢什么吗Do you remember Princess Dis

29、 wedding? 你记得戴安娜王妃的婚礼吗I like that. 那我中意Thats a bit tricky on this budget. 这预算有点不够啊Oh, Freddies at an audition that hes perfect for. 哦 弗雷迪正在参加一个十拿九稳的试镜Once he gets the job, 他一拿到那角色well have lots more money to spend on the wedding. 我们的婚礼预算就会多很多That would be really helpful, 这真真是极好的 because, right now,

30、its a bit tight. 因为 现在手头有点紧We might need more money from you, then. 那我们得多收你点费啊Hello, Stuart. - I just brought 嗨 斯图尔特 - 我给你的婚礼you a little something for your wedding. 备了一份薄礼- Oh, thank you, Penelope. - Im just so happy for you. 哦 谢谢 佩内洛普 - 真为你高兴 Hello, sweetheart. 嗨 甜心Shes a little young, though, isn

31、t she? 她是不是太小了点Im not marrying her. Im marrying Freddie. 我不是跟她结婚 是和弗雷迪 Thats weird. 奇了怪了I dont think youll want this gift, then. Its a negligee. 那我觉得你可能不会想要这礼物 这是件 女式睡衣No, thats fine. 别 伦家穿嘛为君表演真是荣幸之至也真是待遇优渥轻轻地走了 留下问候与谢意 对了 之前说过 如果你们另有指示And just let me say again, 请允许我重申一次 what an honour it has been to perform for you gentlemen and that it would be a privilege 在谋杀镇被少年所欺to be brutalised by teenagers on Murder Town.And I tip my cap 我

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