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1、Englisharoundtheworld教案Englisharoundtheworld教案English around the world teaching planEnglisharoundtheworld教案前言:小泰温馨提醒,英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校选择英语作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。英语教学涉及多种专业理论知识,包括语言学、第二语言习得、词汇学、句法学、文体学、语料库理论、认知心理学等内容。本教案根据英语课程标准的要求和针对教学对象是高中生群体的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定合适的教学方案的设想和计划、并以启迪发展学生智力为根本目的。便于学习和使

2、用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 unit 2 english around the world the first period warming up, speaking and integrating skills teaching aims: 1.learn a dialogue about american english and british english some exercise about sentence transformation the passage and fill in the form step1.listen to the

3、tape and then answer the following questions: 1.what does nancy thinks joe wants to do? 2.what does joe really want to do? 3.what causes the misunderstanding between the two people? in american english bathroom: a place where you are sure to find a toilet.maybe you will find a bath; maybe not. in br

4、itish english bathroom :a place where you are sure to find a bath or shower , but sometimes you may not find a toilet step2.integrating skills : read and answer: what differences between american english and british english are mentioned? different words with the same meaning spelling pronunciation

5、borrowing words from other languages differences between am e going from one point to another without turning aside e.g. a direct flight from chengdu to singapore. which is the most direct route to your home 2)honest, easily understood he gave a direct answer to my question. direct a straight

6、 line, without stopping or turning aside e.g. the flight doesnt go direct from chengdu to singapore. directly adv. in a direct manner e.g. he answered me very directly. conj. as soon as (一就) he came directly he got my call. must be very tired. must be 表语气肯定的猜测,意为“一定,肯定”;否定形式是 cant be,表示“一定不”。

7、1) he must be in his office, for the light in his office is still on. 2) -that must be jim. -no, it cant be him. hes away on holidays. 1.this _b_ be a womans _ be a mans. a. cannot, may b. cannot, must c. must not, can d. cannot, can _b_he that tells such a lie; it _you. a. must not

8、 be, must be b. cant be, must be c. must not be , can be d. cant be, can he 3.such a businessman _a_ honest; he gets his money by dishonest ways. a. cant be b. cant have been c. may be d. may not be 责任,义务e.g. 1)you must finish your homework on time. 2)she is so lonely. you mustnt leave her. 3)-must

9、i come at 4 oclock?-yes, you must -no, you neednt. mustnt 表示禁止做某事 e.g. you mustnt cheat in the examination. cars mustnt park in front of the entrance. all (1)用于否定句,意为:根本不、一点也不。it wasnt difficult at all.在口语中单独说 not at all, 可用来回答感谢或道歉。 a:thank you very much. b:not at all. 不客气. (2)用于疑问句,意为:到底、究竟、难

10、道不 do you play poker at all? (3)用于条件句(用来加强if的语气),意为:假若、既然、即使、反正。 if you do it at all, do it well. 7.make yourself at home=make yourself feel at home e.g. his mother made us feel quite at home. 8.mean to do sth i mean to help you. mean doing sth missing the bus means waiting for another hour. 9.forge

11、t/ remember/ regret to do sth forget/ remember/ regret doing sth 10.on ones way to , by way of , lose ones way, all the way, in the/ones way a bit /a little+adj/adv a little+n ,a bit of +n not a bit =not at all, not a little=much did these differences come about? come about: happen / occur /

12、take place/ break out.(爆发) 这些动词或动词词组都是不及物动词,因而不用被动语态。 1) no one knows how the accident came about(= happened). 2) “death occurred about midnight, ” the doctor said. 3) it is said that sars will break out again. come about 可用it 作形式主语,后用that引导主语从句 how did it come about that the year1914 saw the first

13、world war. how did it come about that humans speak so many different languages. 12.there is no quick answer to this question reply /key to the question a key to the lock a note to the text an entrance to the school 13.for a long time the language in america stayed the same stay link v. 保持 = remain/

14、keep 1)the shop stayed open till six oclock. 2) the temperature has stayed hot these week. stay: v. stay in bed/ up/at home/ out the same as / the same as 1) jenny looks the same as before. 2) do you think his jacket is the same as mine? 3) our english teacher is about the same age as my mother. 14.

15、while conj. 1.表时间,“当时候” e.g. grandma fell asleep while she was reading the newspaper. 2.表转折,“而,却”(并列连词) e.g. he likes coffee while i prefer tea. 我们忙着学习,而他们在玩。 we are busy studying while they are playing. 有的人富有,而有的人贫穷。some people are rich while others are poor. 3.表(条件)只要as long as while there is life

16、, there is hope. the same time: 1.表两个动作同时发生或存在 2.转折,但是,然而the two babies begun crying at the same time. he can be very rude but at the same time you cant help liking him. borrow sth from sb , lend sth to sb up vi. (以)结束;结果(做) she said she would not go but she ended up by going. a. end up with s

17、th/ begin with sth our teacher ended up her class with a joke. b. end up as sb/sth he ended up as head of the firm. c. end up adj be careful with your gun, or youll end up dead yourself. d. end up +prep phrases if you drive like that, youll end up in hospital. e. end up+ving every time she tried to

18、argue with her husband, she ended up crying. 17.thats why: why 和because引导表语从句, why表结果because表原因 thats why he spoke french so funnily. i think its because youre doing too much. 用reason作主语时,表语从句一般用that引导,在现代英语中也可because引导. -i drove to zhuhai for the air show last week. -is that a you had a few days of

19、f. a. why b. when c. what d. where a she couldnt understand was fewer and fewer students showed interest in her class. a. what, why b. that , what c. what ,because 18.have difficulty/trouble/problems (in) doing sth/ with sth difficulty: c 具体的难事,困难 u.困难,费力,前不能加冠词 difficulty/trouble可用 some, much, no,

20、any, great, little修饰 1) do you have difficulty ( in) pronouncing these words? 2) he has some difficulty / trouble (in) speaking english well. there is/was some difficulty in doing sth. 3) there is some difficulty in teaching such little children. 4) what difficulty do you have _c_ the problem? a. to

21、 solve b. solve c. solving d. solved 19.there are several reasons for this 1) for reason for this reason, he hated me very much. 2) the reason for(ones doing) sth there are our reasons for doing it. 3) the reason why the reason why you cant succeed is obvious. 4) the reason why is/was that.做的原因是 the

22、 reason why he complained was that the service of the shop was too bad. 20.bring in 1)带来,引入,提出 2) 获利,赚钱 bring in a bill in parliament the sale brought in over XX00 yuan. bring about带来,造成 bring about great changesbring down 使下降 bring down the price bring out使显现,阐明,出版,生产 bring out a new computer bring

23、 up 培养,教育,提出(议题),打断 21 a great many ,many ,a number of +n(pl) a great/good many of +the/these/those/my/ your/人称代词宾格 there are c sheep on the grassland. d his books are kept here. a. a great deal of b. a lot c. a good many d. a great many of 修饰可数 many , a good/ great many(of) ,quite a few, a number o

24、f 修饰不可数 much, little, a great deal of . a great amount of 修饰可数和不可数 a lot of , lots of , plenty of pare vt. compared with/to compare a with/to b: 比较 if you compare her work with/to yours, youll find hers is better. compare a to b: 把a比作b (比喻) people always compare teachers to candles. compare a with b

25、:匹敌,能和相比(常用在否定句) no olympics can compare with beijing XX. comparison n. 比较 make a between a and b d the youth the rising sun at 8 or 9 oclock , mao zedong expressed his great hope for the young men. a. comparing, with b. compared , to c. compared , with d. comparing, to the second period teaching ai

26、ms: 1.learn the text “english around the world” 2.get the students to master the useful expressions in the text 3.train the students to read the text with correct pronunciation and introduction step1.preparation for reading question: how many languages do you speak? which is your native language? st

27、ep2.listen to the tape and then read it, answer the following questions: many people use english as their mother tongue? many people use english as a second language? which countries do we find most native speakers of english? 4.why is it becoming more and more important to have a g

28、ood knowledge of english? many people learn english as a foreign language? step3 find out the main idea of each paragraph: 1) english is a language spoken all around the world. 2) more than 750 million people learn english as a foreign language. 3) english is the language most widely spoken an

29、d used in the world. step4 read the text carefully and fill in the form english asnumber of speakersexamples of countriesworking situations he native languageover 375 millionuk,us,canada,australia, southafrica, ireland,new zealand in any situation a second language over 375 millionindia, pakistan, n

30、igeria, the philippinesgovernment,schools, newspapers 平等的 (一般无比较级和最高级) all men are equal in the eyes of law. 常见结构:be equal to tom is equal to me in height. our monitor is equal to his job. vt. eight times eight equals sixty-four. none of us can equal her. 与相等,比得上(不接to,不用进行时) 5.a number of : 许多 the n

31、umber of : 的数量 a large / great/ an equal number of 1) a large number of cars are parking along the street. 2) a number of people came to visit emei mountain from all over the country 3) the number of the cars in the cities has increased greatly these several years. 6.situation n. 情形;场所;处境;境遇;形势;局面;事态 the house has a fine situation. the situ

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