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1、北京西城初三一模英语含答案2021北京西城初三一模英 语2021.4考生须知1. 本试卷共10 页,共五道大题,39 道小题,满分60 分,考试时间90 分钟。2. 在试卷和答题卡上准确填写学校、班级、姓名、学号。3. 试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。4. 在答题卡上,选择题用2B 铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。5. 考试结束,将本试卷、答题卡和草稿纸一并交回。知识运用(共14 分)一、单项填空(共6 分,每小题0.5 分)从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. We all like the book Lonely Pla

2、net. It tells _ a lot about the world.A. us B. him C. her D. them2. My home is _ my school. It is only five minutes walk.A. for B. on C. near D. at3. Susan is ill, _ she is not at school today.A. though B. but C. or D. so4. Mom, it is really hot today. May I have some ice-cream?Of course you _.A. sh

3、ould B. must C. need D. can5. _ did you visit the National Museum last time?About a year ago.A. How B. Why C. When D. Where6. The mind exercise is as _ as body exercise.A. important B. more importantC. most important D. the most important7. The students _ on the playground when it began to rain.A. r

4、un B. are running C. were running D. will run8. Jack, would you like something to eat?No, thank you. I _ a big meal.A. have B. have had C. was having D. had9. There is a new park next to my home. I _ a walk there every day.A. took B. take C. was taking D. have taken10. When Helen Keller was 7, she _

5、 to learn to read by using her fingers.A. starts B. started C. will start D. has started11. It is said that a starship _ to Mars around 2030.A. sends B. will send C. is sent D. will be sent12. Do you know _?She lost her passport yesterday.A. why does Lisa miss the flight B. why did Lisa miss the fli

6、ghtC. why Lisa misses the flight D. why Lisa missed the flight二、完形填空(共8 分,每小题1 分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。Vertical GardensHenrietta did not have a big yard. She only had a small deck (平台) overlooking a tiny piece of grass. It was not enough yard for her dog to play on. She_13_ a

7、 garden really bad, but did not have space. What could she do?For a while, she just kept a few plants in pots on the deck. They took up space and there was hardly any space for her table and chairs. So, she made some flower boxes with rope to put plants in. She _14_ one on her window and put two mor

8、e on the bars, which were great for flowers. This helped for a time, but she still longed for more.She _15_ got an idea: if she couldnt build out, why not build up? She had heard of vertical gardening from a friend. She had wooden fences (栅栏) all around her little piece of grass, so if she could fix

9、 some pots to the fence, she could _16_ up into that space, and her dog could still play.She went to the building store and got some supplies. It was _17_ to find pots that would fit what she had in mind. So she looked around to find something else for her vertical garden. Then she had an idea with

10、rain gutters (排水槽). Rain gutters could hold water, so why not plants? She decided to _18_ them.Back at home, she fixed the boards to her fence for supporting the gutters. She put caps on the end and extra supports in the middle. Then she filled them with potting soil and planted three long rows of _

11、19_ .A few days later, there were new leaves. Weeks later, she was harvesting vegetables to eat. She went all out then, lining all three walls of her fence with more long rain gutter planters. She had made her vertical garden!Best of all, her dog, Skippy, still had _20_ to run and play.13. A. wanted

12、 B. hated C. missed D. treated14. A. hid B. opened C. hung D. carried15. A. almost B. seldom C. finally D. hardly16. A. move B. look C. climb D. garden17. A. quick B. hard C. fun D. convenient18. A. try B. sell C. cover D. repair19. A. grass B. trees C. flowers D. vegetables20. A. time B. room C. en

13、ergy D. interest阅读理解(共36 分)三、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共26 分,每小题2 分)ABest Gifts for Your Teen FriendsShopping for your teen friends birthday gifts can be difficult. Each year, we pay close attention to the newest gifts hitting the market. Below, weve created such a list, choosing

14、some of the hottest items on store shelves right now.Color-changing Lamp Speaker$36.00With a simple touch, this speaker lamp changes color, plays music and helps them sleep. They can even bring it with them on camping trips since it runs for up to 120 hours. Harry Potter Paperback Box Set$80.00If th

15、eyre getting sick of borrowing the local librarys copies, then they need a complete collection of Harry Potter books to call their own. This set comes with all seven books in the series (系列). The Mind Card Game$20.00This is a board game that encourages true teamwork, because the number one rule is “

16、No talking!” If successful, theyll be amazed at how well they work with their teammates without using any words. Bluetooth Wireless (无线) Smart Beanie$15.00Trying to wear headphones and a hat at the same time is usually uncomfortable. This smart beanie can keep their ears warm in winter, while allowi

17、ng them to listen to their favorite playlists for up to five hours. Also, its washable as long as you take out the battery (电池) . 21. Which gift encourages teamwork?A. The Mind Card Game. B. Harry Potter Paperback Box Set.C. Color-changing Lamp Speaker. D. Bluetooth Wireless Smart Beanie.22. How muc

18、h should you pay for a color-changing lamp speaker?A. $80.00. B. $36.00. C. $20.00. D. $15.00.23. The Bluetooth Wireless Smart Beanie _.A. comes with all seven booksB. can run for five hours in winterC. can change color and help one sleepD. follows the number one rule “No talking!”BField Day“Its tim

19、e for Field Day again,” thought Carly as she started the last week of school.Carly was not looking forward to it. “Why does everybody make a big deal out of it?” Carly asked her mom. “Well, its supposed to be a fun day and a day to let yourself go,” said Carlys mom. “Im not good at any of those game

20、s that are played, and Im afraid the kids are going to laugh at me. Maybe I can stay home and miss Field Day,” said Carly.Mary was Carlys closest friend, and they walked to school every day. “Arent you excited about Field Day?” Mary asked Carly. “No, I dont care about such a silly day. No one ever p

21、icks me for their team because Im not good at those games,” answered Carly.Mary felt bad and she told her mom how unexcited Carly was and wondered what she could do to cheer her friend up. “See if you can get in a game that you know Carly is good at,” suggested Marys mom. Mary thought for a moment a

22、nd said that she knew Carly loved to play horseshoes, and was really good at that game. She was also good at the water balloon toss (投掷) too.Field Day finally arrived. Mary came by Carlys house for their daily walk to school. Carly was very quiet on the way to school. “I hear they are going to have

23、horseshoes this year and also a water balloon game,” Mary said. “Really? I love horseshoes, and I am pretty good at catching those water balloons,” said Carly. Suddenly, Carly felt more excited about going to school and starting Field Day than she had ever been.The games began, and Carly had the bes

24、t Field Day ever! Her team won first place in the water balloon toss thanks to her, and she got a ribbon (绶带) for second place in horseshoes. “What a great day!” Carly said to Mary. Carly is now looking forward to Field Day next year!24. Carly wasnt looking forward to Field Day at first because _.A.

25、 she didnt have friends to go with herB. her friend Mary wasnt excited about itC. her mom told her that it wasnt fun at allD. she wasnt good at those games that were played25. In the story, Mary _.A. tried hard to cheer Carly upB. won first place this Field DayC. taught Carly how to play horseshoesD

26、. stayed at home and missed this Field Day26. Carly will probably _ next Field Day.A. invite her family to join her B. make a completely new ruleC. take an active part in the games D. plan the whole event for her schoolCImagine that your friend is cutting the cake to share with all the guests at the

27、 birthday party. The first three guests are handed large pieces of cake, while you are handed a teeny-tiny one. How would you feel? Is this fair? Most of us have a clear sense of what is fair and what is not, but where does this come from? Scientists try to study fairness in primate species (灵长类物种)

28、to understand how fairness came about.Fairness often involves equal outcomes (平等的结果)Do monkeys behave in ways that lead to equal outcomes? To find out, scientists give monkeys choices about how to share food. Scientists ask a monkey to choose between two optionsto provide a piece of food just for th

29、emselves, or to provide food for another monkey nearby, as well as for themselves (Figure 1). If monkeys are trying to achieve equal outcomes, they would give food to both themselves and another. Do they? Sometimes.The left monkey has just chosen the board to give food to himself and the neighboring

30、 monkey.The left monkey has just chosen the board that provides food for himself only.(Figure 1)Whether monkeys favor equal outcomes seems to depend on the species. The species which live in groups will prefer equal outcomes, but not all the time.What else might be influencing whether monkeys create

31、 equal outcomes? If the two monkeys are friends, one is more likely to share food with the other. It also seems that monkeys would make the equal choice when they cannot see the actual foodsome scientists use pictures of food.But wait, does effort matter?Scientists have developed a way to test wheth

32、er monkeys prefer everyone to be paid equally for doing the same work. In this study, monkeys are trained to work for food by exchanging small coins with a scientist. To determine if and how monkeys respond to unfairness, scientists have two monkeys take turns exchanging coins and give them different food

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