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1、白头神探31994完整中英文对照剧本看看 总统来了Hey, look! Its the president!还有教宗And the pope!啊 天啊Oh, my God!看 那是愤怒的邮务人员Look! Its disgruntled postal workers!等等 把儿子还给我Wait a minute!Give me my baby back!弗兰克 弗兰克 你没事吧Frank!Frank!我在流汗Im soaking wet.我去拿爽身粉来Ill get the talcum powder.不 不是这个意思 我做恶梦了Its not that. I had a nightmare.

2、全是罪犯 我阻止不了There was crime all around me.I couldnt stop it.弗兰克 那是梦罢了It was just a dream.是的 我需要好好休息All I need is a good nights rest.到了早上 一切就都没事了In the morning, everything will be just fine.白头神探3 终极悔辱史达威监狱你好吗 我的宝贝Hows my little boy?没什么事吧Getting along okay, sweetie?这里的人很滥交 我忍♥受不了About as well as

3、a heterosexual can in prison.I dont know how much longer I can take it.坦尼娅好吗Ma, hows Tanya?坦尼娅还是一样Tanyas the same.整日在打扮 擦脂粉Milky, creamy skin,竹笋型的骚胸 令人神晕颠倒的pouting red lips, firm buttocks,ample breasts,ears youd love to stick your tongue into.再说我会把持不住了Ill get guy cramps if you keep this up.对不起 罗科 有人

4、来探望你Sorry.Rocco, theres somebody here to see you.柏斯马Papshmir.我的人很失望My people are very upset.他们一向都失望Theyre always upset.他们是阿♥拉♥伯恐♥怖♥分♥子♥Theyre Arab terrorists.妈 别这样Ma, please.你应该是世上爆破的佼佼者Youre supposed to be the foremost terrorist bomber in the world.火车站 百货公&

5、hearts;司♥ 政♥府♥大楼train stations, department stores, government buildings.南科罗里达州那次破坏行动The devastation in south Florida?那是旋风安祖做的That was Hurricane Andrew.那只是外面的谣传Thats what they told the public.我们只想另美国难下台 但.No matter.We wanted to embarrass the United States,你令那个警♥察♥成为

6、国际英雄and youve made the police我说过要做得好得要5百万look like international heroes.A first-class job costs 5 million.如果你付得起钱 那我一定做得到If you want to step up to the price,I got a target thatll make city hall look like chicken feed.这目标真不错Thats a pretty big target,但那又有何不同but why should I think anything would be dif

7、ferent?你出5百万 我就逃狱Cause $5 million buys me.Im breaking out of here.好吧All right,如果你失败 我的人不会放过你的but fail this time, Mr. Dillon,and my people wont be so forgiving.失败Fail?谁能阻得了我Show me one man who can stop me.I used to be a renegadeI used to fool aroundBut I couldnt takeThe punishmentAnd had to settle do

8、wnNow. Im playing it real straightAnd yes I cut my hair.各位顾客请注意 Attention, shoppers.请看清楚七号♥纸手巾 Be sure to check out our paper towel special on aisle 7.Its hip to be square那是七号♥ Thats aisle 7.Its hip to be square.救命Help!给我Give it to me!我的钱包 救命啊Somebody help me!别再打我My purse!Stop fighting

9、 me!Hes a jolly good fellowFor hes a jolly good fellowFor hes a jolly good fellowWhich nobody can deny听着 听着Hear! Hear!我们曾一起出生入死Well.we shot a lot of people together.好 真好 今天我退休了Its been great.如果我再要出生入死只能在家中了But today I retire,so if I do any shooting now,itll have to be within the confines of my own h

10、ome.这就像是个王老五派对似的Hopefully, it will be an intruder and not an in-law like at my bachelor party.好的Well, Ed,我正式把枪交给你I officially give you my gun.及我的警章.And my. my badge.我.Oh, I.还有And, uh.珍和我想保存这手铐Jane and I would like to keep the handcuffs作记念品as a souvenir.振作点 不是永别呢Cheer up, Ed. This is not good-bye.只是我

11、不会再见到你Its just I wont ever see you again.弗兰克Oh, Frank.滚开Get out!别挡道Get out the way!卓斌警官 弗兰克Frank!Lieutenant Drebin!你看到吗Didnt you see that?什么What?是的 垃圾胶袋 一元两个Oh, yes. Kitty litter.2 bags for $ 1.00.很好Great.法庭上请肃静Order in this court.陪审团不用理会刚才的供词The jury will disregard that last statement.检察官 请继续You ma

12、y continue, Counselor.克莱顿先生 法庭判你支付膳养费 是吗Alimony had been set by the court, right, Mr. Clayton?是的 但.Yes, but.但你一直没有支付膳养费But not once have you paid alimony to my client,一再无视法律repeatedly defying a court order.对吗 克莱顿先生Isnt that right, Mr. Clayton?我没有她的地址I lost her address.她两度搬家 我找不到她She moved twice. I c

13、ouldnt keep up.克莱顿先生 别说谎 你发过誓的Dont lie to me, Mr. Clayton.Youre under oath.你知道发假誓的刑罚是什么吗Do you know the penalty for perjury?我再问一次Ill ask that again.抗♥议♥Objection!法官大人 我Your Honor, l.妈的Ow, ow.检察官在引导证人Counsel is leading the witness.反对有效Sustained.宝宝 妈妈说审讯时不能敲击的Sweetie, Mommy said no pound

14、ing when shes in session.请重复最后的一句Please read the prosecutions last statement to the court.克莱顿先生 别说谎 你发过誓的Dont lie to me, Mr. Clayton. Youre under oath.乖 宝宝乖There. That a boy.你知道发假誓的刑罚是什么吗Do you know what the penalty for perjury is?这就是了 法官大人Thats all I have, Your Honor.卓斌太太 请继续You may continue, Ms. S

15、pencer-Drebin.啊.控罪就这么多了Uh. prosecution rests.辩方律师戴维斯太太Defense attorney Ms. Davis-Jacobsteiner-Laszlo?我没其他问题了 法官大人I have no further questions, Your Honor.休息 早餐后再审Court will recess until after the morning feed.我觉得我们会赢的Were going to win this. I can feel it.那当然Yes. Of course.我嫁错人了I married the wrong man

16、.我想那是不可能的I never thought that was possible.你说什么I beg your pardon?没什么Oh, nothing.路易斯 没有 嫁错人 这回事的Louise, theres no such thing as the wrong man.最重要的是自己努力You just have to work at it.现在 让我们来看看Now, lets see,是卓斌先生夫人是吗Mr. and Mrs. Drebin, right?你们结婚已经6个月了Now, you two have been married for six months?对的Yes.医

17、生 很感激你肯见我们We really appreciate you seeing us, Doctor.我们以前的医生极度推荐你的You came highly recommended by our last therapist.是的 他自杀了我很难过Yes, I was sorry to hear about his suicide.我觉得夫妻间应互相坦白You know, I feel its important for a couple to get off on the right foot而不是互相埋怨and not get caught up in blame.你们谁没有生殖能力

18、Which one of you is impotent?是他That would be him.当然Yes, of course.你为何不问谁是性冷淡呢Why dont you ask whos frigid?那也是他That would be him, also.你怎知道 你从不在家的How would you know? Youre never home.他说我是个职业妇女He resents that Im a working woman.还有他不知女人需要什么He has no idea what a woman wants or needs.你一点也感觉不到吗Youre so in

19、sensitive.你又在说那马桶坐的事This isnt that toilet seat thing again, is it?是Baby 弗兰克 我想生BabyIts babies, Frank. I want to have a baby.每次我们开始做♥爱♥你就头痛Every time we start to make love, you have a headache.我不是一块肉 珍Im not a piece of meat, Jane.我已尽力Im trying.我用尽了能帮助的东西Ive got ointments, lotions, cream

20、s, books,还有那能震动的things that vibrate.弗兰克Frank!那可能是你的问题Maybe its your fault.有试过穿性感内衣吗Have you tried sexy lingerie?一些蕾丝内衣 黑色丝♥袜♥Some lacy underwear, a black teddy?我所有都穿过 但全无反应Ive tried wearing them all. They dont work.你为何不想有孩子Oh.Why dont you want to have a child?记得我想领养那十八岁韩国女孩Didnt I try

21、to adopt that 18-year-old Korean girl?珍 弗兰克Jane, Frank,我来个建议 今晚做点特别的heres what I suggest.Make tonight a special night.晚餐喝点酒 听听浪漫的音乐Dinner, wine, romantic music.听24小时广播电台Put on the 24-hour Johnny Mathis station.只有珍和弗兰克这对恋人Just be Jane and Frank,lovers.我们已经很久没有这样了We havent had a night like that in a l

22、ong time.只是不是我俩在一起Not together.弗兰克Frank!珍Jane.生孩子是责任重大的事having a baby is a big responsibility.那像在监狱管理厕所般Its like being in charge of sanitation at a Haitian jail.我只是有点害怕Im just frightened.弗兰克 我们今晚来点特别的吧Frank, lets make tonight something special.亲爱的 我真的很爱你Oh, honey, its just that I love you so much.我的

23、甜心My little lover sparrow.我的.My.心肝puppy-wuppy wover.我的小甜饼My little love biscuit.我的小星星My little shnooky-wookums.我的小爱犬My little lady cheesy puppy.卓斌先生夫人Mr. and Mrs. Drebin,对不起please, Im a diabetic.我想你们可以离开了I think you two ought to go now.想不到我们的结果是这样 I never thought wed end this way.那你想会是怎样的 How did yo

24、u think wed end?我不知道 I dont know.不是这样的 Some other way.啊 杰森 Oh, Jason.埃德 诺德伯格 好久不见了Ed! Nordberg!Its been a long time.- 弗兰克 - 高兴见到你- Hiya Frank - Good to see ya.你气色很不错You look terrific!谢谢Thank you, Ed.我健身去 那女的帮我健腿呢The little woman got me a Thighmaster.我真没礼貌 进来 进来Where are my manners?Come on in. Come i

25、n.布置的真好How charming!坐 坐Sit, sit.地方太乱 我正在烤蛋糕Excuse the mess. Its my ironing day.I just frosted some cupcakes.要尝尝吗Would you care for one?不用了Oh, not just now.弗兰克 我们有麻烦了 是恐♥怖♥份♥子♥Frank, were having a little problem with a terrorist threat.我想吃蛋糕 那咖啡也很香呢Id love a cupcake.That c

26、offee smells great.我自己磨的I grind my own beans.弗兰克 我们来这因为需要你帮忙Frank, the reason were here is we need your help with something.很不错That is great!希望你们喜欢 我手做的I hoped youd like them. Made them from scratch.现在才可以坐坐Just get off my feet for a second.弗兰克 我们怀疑有人要炸大会堂Frank, we may have a lead on a suspect这是记者照到的

27、in the city hall bombing attempt.这女子是在监视These pictures were taken by a news photographer.我们把它放大了This girl was used as a diversion.看起来很熟悉We had them enlarged.不 弗兰克 胸针 她是护士They look familiar.No, Frank, the pin. Shes a nurse.我可以保存这张吗Can I keep this one?我们追踪知道他在加舜医院办事We traced her to the Karlson Clinic

28、on Myrtlewood.她叫坦尼娅Her name is Tanya Peters.坦尼娅Tanya Peters?你认识她You know her?你记得那70年迪斯可枪战吗Dont you remember back in the 1970s?The big disco shootout.Well you can tell by the way I use my walkIm a womans manNo time to talkThe music loud the women warmIve been kicked around since I was bornBut now its

29、 all right and thats okayAnd you may look the other wayWe can try to understand.埃德 怎么了Ed, whats happenin, my man?弗兰克 昨晚的舞会你没有来Frank, we missed you last night at the fondue party.我到乡下去 赶不及回来Couldnt make it.他们是很古老的人呢-Went to see the Village People.They are a stone gas, man.-I can dig it.怎么了What have we got here?一个死了的舞者One dead disco dancer.吸毒吗 真是物极必反啊Bummer. What a mindbender, huh?我们猜是三角恋情吧We think it was a love triangle.这是嫌犯坦尼娅This is the suspects girlfriend Tanya Peters.我很快回来Ill be right back.香烟吗Cigarette?是的 我知道Yes, I know.我们需要你到警局一趟Well.well need a

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