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1、UnitHowwasyourschooltrip9Unit8 How was your school trip? 教案设计上传: 李月红 更新时间:2012-5-17 22:03:20unit8 how was your school trip?教案设计作者: 李月红一、教材分析:本单元主要围绕学校郊游这一话题,让学生大量练习过去式的用法。section a 主要谈论郊游中有趣的事情, section b 谈论倒霉的或无聊的事情。让学生体会不同的情况下如何表达自己的感受。在教案设计中要注意由易到难,循序渐进的进入,避免操之过急给学生造成学习障碍。二、学情分析:学生在进行活动中很可能会出现没话说

2、,或说不出来的的情况。如在进行自主对话或讨论的时候,不能找到合适的话题。三、解决方法:在讲课的过程中,注意培养学生的发散思维与创新意识,鼓励他们好的想法,注重一些活动的累积。section aschool: no.4 middle schoolclass: class 1, grade 8title: unit 8 how was your school trip?teaching aims:knowledge target:a. inspire the students to enlarge their visual field about all kinds of activities.b

3、. encourage students to talk about events in the past freely and happily.ability target:a. help the students to improve the abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially listening and speaking.b. make the students have a further impression of simple past form.moral target:a. insp

4、ire the english-learning beginners to learn the language step by step.b. help students to share their sweet and unforgettable memories with others.important points:sentence pattern: what/ where/ when did you do.? i did.difficult points:a. the past form of the verbs.b. let students ask and answer the

5、 events in the past.teaching strategies:a. task-based approachb. situational methodc. audio-lingual methodteaching instrument:recordermulti-media computerteaching proceduresi. warm-up activity:(present tensepast tense)a. ask students if they will have a school trip, what they want to do. help studen

6、ts think out as many activities as they can and write the activities on the blackboard. (brain storm)b. question: did you do these activities last school trip? so we can say i did . last school trip. (help students to change the verbs into the past form. and practice the simple past form sentences.

7、)ii. presentation:a. listening 1b and do the pairwork of 1ca: did tina do .?b: no, she didnt. her friend did .b. listening 2a, 2buse the form on the multi-media what else did tina do on the school trip? tina toby laurac. dialogueit is time for dialogues. give students three topics to m

8、ake their dialogues.(1) last school trip(2) last vacation(3) last weekend students should use the sentence patterns: where did you go? what did you do? who did you go with?d. reading 3afirst, ask students to read the article. then work in groups to talk about the things they cannot understand. if th

9、ey still have questions after discussing, the teacher will help them.second, correct the statements under the reading. then check the answers.third, retell the story. give some pictures on the multi-media computer. ask students to look at the pictures to retell the story.e. game: circle storyput eig

10、ht questions on the multi-media computer. ask students to make up their own story according to the questions.f. conclusioniii. homework: write a composition about your last school trip.blackboard designunit 8 how was your school trip? where did tina go? activities what did tina do? who did tina meet

11、?section bteaching procedures:period three:i. sing a songii. presentation:1a activities1. ask students what activities they do not want to do on weekends.2. finish 1a. then talk about the reason.1b pairworkwork in pairs. discuss the activities they dont want to do.2a, 2b listening1. play the recordi

12、ng the first time. students only listen.2. play the recording a second time. this time ask students to finish 2a.3. play the recording a third time. this time ask students to finish 2b.4. check the answers.5. ask students to read after the tape. if the sentence is important, ask one student to write

13、 on the blackboard.2c pairworkwork in pairs to talk about your last day off.iii. homework:write a composition about your last day off.period fouri. sing a songii. presentation:3. a1ask students to only look at the picture. and describe the picture.2ask students to read the article as quickly as they

14、 can.3take notes of the things nick did that day. then check the answers.4write one or two sentences to give your opinion about the day.3. bask students to fill in 3b in class. then check the answers.3. ccheck the homework. ask some students to read their compositions. other students find out the mi

15、stakes.4. pairworkstudenta, look at page 51. studentb, go to page 85. studenta, find out about your partners vacation.iii. homeworkfinish self check.四、课后反思第八单元的 section a 主要讲学校郊游,这是学生很感兴趣的话题,在这一部分应该充分锻炼学生大胆的说。在教案设计中,我特别关注了教案剃度的变化-由易到难,循序渐进的进行。在听力这一环节上,主要突出听完后再利用听力材料巩固练习所学内容。并运用多种形式的活动巩固一般过去时的用法。在 se

16、ction b 的处理过程中,3a 出现了一个小亮点。我不急于讲小短文,而是让学生挡住小短文,看图叙述故事。学生将一个个简单的句子放在一起,稍作加工就成了一篇小文章。这样做既提高了学生学习英语的兴趣,又使得小短文变的简单多了。五、教案过程教案环节教案过程设计意图Step1: Leading1.Free talk with individuals:How do you spend your day off?How was your last day off?Where did you go and what did you do on your last day off?2. Lead to t

17、he new lesson: Here is a letter which told us how a boy spent his day off.1就学生感兴趣的话题引入新课,能充分调动学生的学习热情。2此话题与阅读文章的话题相吻合,做到引入自然;同时在自由交谈中复习到相关的活动词汇及描述性词语,为下文的阅读扫清障碍。Step2:ReadingStep2:ReadingTask 1:本文之初体验(Listening)From whomTo whomWeatherListen to the tape and fill in the information card此环节让学生轻松了解本文的主要

18、意思,on the other hand,也是时时处处都不忘遵循听说领先,读写跟上的原则。Task2:Find the heading(Scanning)Get Ss to scan the article in 3a and find out the topic sentence.Sentences1-3(I didnt have a fun day.)Sentences4-6(Why didnt I have a fun day?)rained all day;In the morning,I stayed in the house;In the afternoon,had a yard

19、sale;no one came;luckilyraincoat umbrella;didnt get wet快速浏览文章找主题句和主线短语,能有效地锻炼学生对语言的归纳提炼能力并快速地了解文章主旨。-板书主线短语Task 3 :Train your eyes to find the information(Skimming)Ask Ss to read the article for the third time carefully and finish two tasks below:Guess the meaning of the new words, and do the matchi

20、ng.1、通过精读,在具体语境中揣摩新词意思,推断作者的弦外之音,对学生的阅读质量提出更高的要求;同时教给学生相关的阅读技巧。Task 4 :Word Macth(Read in detail)(1)a yard salea.covered(覆盖)with water(2)wetb.doing something withgood luck(3)umbrellac.something like a coat to keep off rain(4)raincoatd.something to keep off rain and sunshine(5)luckilye.selling old th

21、ings ata lower price in theyardof the house(此环节提醒学生根据上下文语境及文中的图示进行猜测)2、猜新词意思是中考阅读中常考的题目,在平时教案中因地制宜引导学生进行针对性地训练,能提高学生的猜词速度及猜词能力。用英文解释词义,有利于培养学生的英语思维习惯。Task5 :OpenyourmouthsHave Ss practice reading the article following the recorder.Then talk about :What do you think of Nicks day off?(Note:引导学生以不同的方式回

22、答,如:I think it was boring.In my opinion, Nicks day off wasWhat an awful day off!.etc.)在泛读、默读、精读三个环节后,让学生模仿录音跟读课文,助生校对音准、语调,也让学生明白长句的断句,达到更好的阅读效果。在阅读教案中适时训练推断与发表个人意见,可以有效地培养学生的推断能力,提高阅读质量。引导学生从不同角度,用不同的方式发表看法,更好地发散学生的思维,也锻炼了学生运用语言的能力。教案环节教案过程设计意图Step3:PracticeTask1 :GroupworkRaise questions for Ss to

23、 discuss, help Ss understand the use of the past tense :(1)In this article, what did Nick describe?(How he spent his day off.)(2)When was his day off ?( In the past.)(3)So what tense did the writer use ?(The past tense.) How can you tell his story?1教师用递进式的问题引导学生自学,解读文章对一般过去时这个语法知识的运用,突破本节课的重难点,同时体现“

24、学中用,用中学”的教案原则。2通过范围性的信息提示,给学生提供了复述的思维线索,减少了复述的难度。通过复述,检查学生对文章的理解程度及知识的输出情况;锻炼学生综合运用语言的能力。Task2 :RetellGet Ss to retell the article with books closed according to the key words on the blackboard:rained all day;In the morning,I stayed in the house;In the afternoon,had a yard sale;no one came;luckilyra

25、incoat umbrella;didnt get wet(师强调其中可能用到的动词应为过去式,特别要学生注意不规则变化的动词过去式。)Step4:Culture LearningTask1 :Discuss1. What activitiy are you the most interested in according to Nicks letter ?2. What is a yard sale ?用提问的方式再次引出yard sale,因为中国人没有yard sale这种做法,学生一定较为感兴趣,同时也有必要让学生了解一些西式的东西,这也就是文化意识的渗透。Task2 :Groupwo

26、rkWatch a video about A Yard Sale in America. Check ( )what you see and hear according to the video .1.How do Americans prepare(准备)A Yard Sale?2.If we have a class sale ,what will you bring to the sale ?How do Americans prepare(准备)A Yard Sale?() (1)Gather(聚集)many friends, relatives and neighbors to

27、take part in the sale and put up a clear mark sign in the yard.()( 2) Clean up the items(物件) you will sell .()(3)Have tables and chairs for people to rest .() (4)Keep dollars , coins, and small bills in your cash box so you can make change.() (5)Figure out(计算出)the price of every item and then mark i

28、t out on a card.()(6)Have a mirror so people can see how a hat, a shirt look on them.()(7)Sell coffee , lemonade and cookies at the same time.1此时此刻很可能会出现一些学困生,所以我安排了有趣又富予文化色彩的视频,重新把学生的注意力完全集中了起来。还是专题十四所提到的学英语要善于培养学生的情感态度。(国培的收获5)这也正应验了爱因斯坦的那句至理名言:“兴趣是最好的老师”。2使学生在check的同时对yard sale的模式印象更为深刻,甚至有学生在课后都

29、还尽可能用英语在讨论自己家是否也要弄一个yard sale,来处理家中那些已不用但却还有用的东西。兴趣所致呀!Step5:Summary Writing strategyHave Ss read the article in 3a for the last time, observe the structure of it ,get to know how the writer described his past experience.Ask individuals to conclude:First, the writer used a topic sentence “I didnt ha

30、ve a fun day.” to tell the main idea.Then, he told where he went and explained his activities on that day in details.Of course, we can also tell our feeling at last.(最后一步可由老师作补充)How to write an article about ones activities:ActivitiesWhen wherewhatwhohowweather善于利用资源,以阅读文章作为范文,引导学生学习其写作技巧,图表式的写作要素,让学生一目了然,有利于培养学生写出更有条理性的文章,提高其写作能力,使阅读教案更好地服务于写作。Step6:Homework:Learn to writeWrite a letter to your best frie

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