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翻译 2专业英语论文的写作方法.docx

1、翻译 2专业英语论文的写作方法First vs. Third Person:IF there is one stylistic area where scientific disciplines and journals vary widely, it is the use of first vs. third person constructions. 若某期刊包含了各学科且期刊风格多样,那么论文既可用第一人称也可用第三人称。Some disciplines and their journals have moved away from a very strict adherence to

2、the third person construction,and permit limited use of the first person in published papers. 某些学科及其期刊不再严格使用第一人称,即允许在发表的论文中少量的使用第一人称。Other disciplines,especially the biomedical fields, still prefer the third person constrcution.其它的一些学科,尤其是生物医学领域,仍坚持使用第三人称。Limit our use of first person construction 我

3、们要限制性的使用第一人称。(“i.e.,”I (or we) undertook this study): usually it is most acceptable in the Introduction and Discussion sections, and then only to a limited extent.(即,我(或我们)从事此研究):通常在引言及讨论部分更易被接受,且也是在一定程度上的。Use first person in the methods sparingly, and avoid its use in the results.在方法这节里也可少量的使用第一人称,

4、而在结果这节中避免使用。Use Active Verbs:Use active verbs whenever Possible;writing that overly uses passive verbs(is,was,has,have,had)is deadly to read and almost always results in more words than necessary to say the same thing.使用主动动词:尽可能的使用主动动词;过量的使用被动动词会是论文晦涩,而且几乎往往叙述同一件事用了更多的词。 The clarity and effectivenes

5、s of your writing will improve dramatically as you increase the use of the active voice.当你加大使用主动语态的频率时,所写论文将更清晰、更简洁。 Other specific comments on style are also included for each section of the paper.关于论文文体方面的其它具体的评述也都包含在它的每节中。Remember:precise word use,past tense,active voice,brevity.记住:用词准确,用过去时,用主动语

6、态且用词要简洁。References to the research findings of others are an integral component of any research paper. 参考其他人的研究结果在任何科研论文中都必不可少。The usual practice is to summarize the finding or other information in your own words and then cite the sourse.通常的做法是用你自己的话概括他的研究结果及其他信息并说明出处。Any ideas or other information

7、that are not your own must be substantiated by a reference that is cited in the text.任何不是你自己的想法和内容都必须用附在文中的参考文献所证明。As a rule,in research papers,direct quotation and footnoting are not practiced-simply restate the authors ideas or findings in your own words and provide a citation.通常,在科研论文中,直接引证和脚注都不可

8、取用你自己的话简要的复述引文的观点和研究结果并提供出处。Why a Scientific Format?为什么论文要有精确的格式?The scientific format may seem confusing for the beginning science writer due to its rigid structure which is so different from writing in the humanities. 由于科技论文具有严格的结构,这似乎使初涉科技论文写作的人茫然,而文学写作则不然。One reason for using this format is that

9、 it is a means of efficiently communicating scientific findings to the broad community of scientists in a uniform manner. 原因之一是使用这种严格的格式可有效的用统一的方法将科研成果告知广泛的科研工作者。Another reason,perhaps more important than the first, is that this format allows the paper to be read at several different levels.另一个原因(也许

10、比第一个原因更重要)是该标准格式可使科研工作者不同程度的阅读你的论文。For example,many people skim Titles to find out what information is available on a subject.Others may read only titles and Abstracts. Those wanting to go deeper may look at the Tables and Figures in the Results,and so on. 例如:许多人只是浏览一下题目以便于发现该主题是否可用。而另一些人仅仅阅读题目和摘要。而

11、那些想要深入阅读的人会看结果这一节中的表格和图表,等等。The take home point here is that the scientific format helps to insure that at whatever level a person reads your paper(beyond title skimming), they will likely get the key results and conclusions.好好想想清楚,精确的格式有助于确保某人在什么程度上阅读你的论文(不仅仅是浏览题目),他们很有可能想得到关键结果和结论。The Sections of

12、the Paper论文的章节Most journal-style scientific papers are subdivided into the following sections:大多数期刊型的科技论文分为以下几节:Title,Authors and Affiliation,Abstract,Introduction,Methods,Results,Discussion,Acknowledgments,and Literatrue Cited, which parallel the experimental process. 题目,作者及作者来源,摘要,引言,方法,结果,讨论,致谢及所

13、引用的文献,各节内容是相互并列的。This is the system we will use.This website describes the style,content,and format associated with each section.这是我们将使用的体系。网站上会有每节的风格、内容及格式的叙述。The sections appear in a journal style paper in the following prescribed order:各节是按以下顺序出现在期刊论文中:Experimental process Section of PaperWhat di

14、d I do in a nutshell? Abstract概括的说我做了什么? 摘要What is the problem? Introduction需要处理的问题(难题)是什么? 引言How did I solve the problem? Materials and Methods我如何解决这个问题 材料和方法What did I find out? Results我发现(找出)了什么结果? 结果What does it mean? Discussion此结果意味着什么? 讨论Who helped me out?谁帮助了我 Acknowledgments(optional) 致谢(随意)

15、Whose work did I refer to? Literature CitedExtra information 额外的信息 Appendices(optional)附录Section Headings: 各节的标题:Main Section Headings:Each main section of the paper begins with a heading which should be capitalized,centered at the beginning of the section,and double -spaced from the lines above and

16、 below.Do not underline the heading or put a colon at the end.各主要节的标题:论文的每节都由一个标题开始,该标题应大写,且集中在每节开端,与上下行空两行。在标题下不要用下划线,也不要在末端用冒号。Title,AuthorsNames,and Institutional Affiliations1. Function:Your paper should begin with a Title that succinctly describes the contents of the paper.Use descriptive words

17、 that you would associate strongly with the content of your paper: the molecule studied,the organism used or studied,the treatment, the location of a field site,the response measured,etc.A majority of readers will find your paper via electronic database searches and those search engines key on words

18、 found in the title.2. Format:The title should be centered at the top of page 1(DO NOT use a title page-it is a waste of paper for our purposes);the title is NOT underlined or italicized. The authorsnames and institutional affiliation are double-spaced from and centered below the title.When more tha

19、n two authors,the names are separated by commas except for the last which is separated from the previous name by the word “and”.3. Strategy for Writing TitleThe title is not a section, but it is necessary and important. The title should be short and unambiguous,yet be an adequate description of the

20、work.A general rule-of-thumb is that the title should contain the key words describing the work presented. Remember that the title becomes the basis for most on-line computer searches-if your title is insufficient,few peple will find or read your paper.ABSTRACT1. FUNCTION:An abstract summarizes,in o

21、ne paragraph (usually),the major aspects of the entire paper in the following prescribed sequence:the question(s) you investigated(or purpose),(from Introduction )state the purpose very clearly in the first or second sentence.the experimental design and methods used,(from Methods)clearly express the

22、 design of the study.Name or briefly describe the basic methodology used without going into excessive detail-be sure to indicate the key techniques used.the major findings including key quantitative results,or trends(from Results)report those results which answer the questions you were asking identi

23、fy trends,relative change or differences,etc.a brief summary of your interpetations and conclusions,(from Discussion ) clearly state the implications of the answers your results gave you.Whereas the Title can only make the simplest statement about the content of your article,the Abstract allows you

24、to elaborate more on each major aspect of the paper.The length of your Abstract should be kept to about 200-300 words maximum(a typical standard length for juounals.)Limit your statements concerning each segment of the paper(i.e.purpose,methods,results,etc.)to two or three sentences,if possible.The

25、Abstract helps readers decide whether they want to read the rest of the paper,or it may be the only part they can obtain via electronic literature searches or in published abstracts.Therefore,enough key information(e.g.,summary results,observations,trends,etc)must be included to make the Abstract us

26、eful to someone who may to reference your work.How do you know when you have enough information in your Abstract?A simple rule-of-thumb is to that you are another researcher doing an study similar to the one you are reporting.If your Abstract was the only part of the paper you could access,would you

27、 be happy with the information presented there?2. Style:The Abstract is ONLY text.Use the active voice when possible,but much of it may require passive constructions.Write your Abstract using concise,but complete,sentences,and get to the point quickly.Use past tense.Maximum length should be 200-300

28、words,usually in a single paragraph.The Abstract SHOULD NOT contain:lengthy background information,references to other literature,elliptical(i.e.,ending with)or incomplete sentences,abbreviations or terms that may be confusing to readers,any sort of illustration,figure,or table,or references to them

29、.3 Strategy:Although it is the first section of your paper,the Abstract,by definiton,must be written last since it will summarize the paper.To begin composing your Abstract,take whole sentences or key phrases from each section and put them in a sequence which summarizes the paper.Then set about revi

30、sing or adding words to make it all cohesive and clear.As you become more proficient you will most likely compose the Abstract from scratch.Check your work: Once you have the completed abstract,check to make sure that the information in the abstract completely agrees with what is written in the paper.Confirm that all the information appearing the abstract actually appears in the body of the paper.

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