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专升本辅导8 分词.docx

1、专升本辅导8 分词辅导8 分词-现在分词,过去分词分词作定语1. 现在分词的意义1)表主动、一般的动作a) a promising young man b) an understanding girl c) a puzzling problem2) 表主动、正在进行a) falling leaves b) the barking dogc) The man standing at the gate is my English teacher.2. 过去分词的意义1)表被动、一般的意义a) a respected writer b) trained employees c) boiled wat

2、er 2) 表被动、完成a) fallen leaves b) a developed country3三种表示被动的结构*To be done, being done, donea) The question being discussed is very important.b) Are you going to attend the meeting to be held next month?c) Did you attend the meeting held last month in Shanghai?分词作状语1. 主语一致a) Looking out of the window,

3、 there are lots of people in the street. *b) After doing my homework, the dog was fed.*2. 独立主格结构a) It being so nice, we go out for a walk.b) Weather permitting, well be going fishing tomorrow.c) Nobody having any more to say, the meeting was closed.3. 固定表达方式1). adv. + speaking: generally / strictly/

4、 broadly speaking2). 分词+ 介词: judging from, talking of, a) Allowing for her inexperience, she has done a good job.b) Taking everything into consideration, they ought to win this game.3). 分词+that-clausea). seeing that, considering that, allowing that4. 分词短语作状语在句中的不同意义1)表时间,一般置于句首a) Having watered the

5、garden, he began to mow the lawn.b) Reading the letter, she burst out crying.2)表原因,位置自由a) Not knowing what to do next, I want to ask for your advice.b) Clint, horrified at what he had done, could at first say nothing.3)表条件,置于句首a) Given more time, I would be able to complete it.4) 表让步,通常放在句首a) Having

6、 lived in Canada for three years, he still cant speak English well.b) Though understanding no Japanese, Charles was able to communicate with them.5)表结果,置于句末。否则意义不同a) Finding the door locked, I went home.b) I went home, finding the door locked.6) 表伴随状况、补充说明或方式,位置自由a) Smiling, he answered.b) He came r

7、unning breathless and told me the results.c) The old man enjoyed sitting in the sun listening to radio.分词的完成式构成:having done, having been done意义与用法:主要是为了强调分词动作与谓语动作之间有很长的时间间隔,或是因为分词动作本身经历了很长时间的延续。1. 分词动作与谓语动作之间有一段间隔,a) Having failed twice, he didnt want to try again.b) Having been there many times, h

8、e offered to be our guide.c) Locking the door, he went home.2. 分词动作本身要持续一段时间a) Having been his own boss for such a long time, he found it hard to accept orders from another.3. 使用分词的完成式可以避免造成句子意思混淆不清。a) Having sung a song, he sat down.-Singing a song, he sat down.b) Putting down my newspaper, I walke

9、d over to the windows and saw its raining outside.练习I. 用括号中动词的适当形式填空 1. My two _grown_ (grow) children have both finished college.2. _ (grow) children need good nourishment.3. The _ (fall) snow was frozen hard.4. The _ (fall) snowflakes in the sky are beautiful.5. I love the noise of _ (fall) rain.6

10、. More traffic will be able to pass on the _ (widen) road.7. Clint cant bear the smell of _ (burn) bread.8. Stay away from the _(burn) coal.9. After jumping into the water, the lifeguard rescued the _ (drown) child.10. The mother of the _ (drown) child was grieved to death.11. Dick jumped out of the

11、 way of the _ (approach) train.12. The manager needs another copy of the _(sign) contract.13. The _ (return) letter had no stamps on it. 14. Ive heard him _ (criticize) many times.15. One should always be careful with _ (load) guns.16. The composer was very happy to hear his works _ (play) by the fa

12、mous orchestra.17. Do you know the girl _ (play) the violin?18. Todays farmers have increased milk production greatly through _ (improve) methods of breeding, feeding and managing dairy cattle.2. Multiple Choice (分词的逻辑主语)19. Before singing the school song, _. A. a poem was recited B. recited a poem

13、C. they recited a poem D. they have recited a poem20. Working like a telescope, _ the size of objects at great distances. A. which magnifies a telephoto lens B. a telephoto lens magnifies C. a telephoto lens which magnifies D. and magnifying a telephoto lens21. Jumping into the water, _. A. the drow

14、ning child was rescued B. the drowned child was rescued C. the lifeguard rescued the drowning child D. the lifeguard rescued the drowned child22. After jumping out of a boat, _. A. the shark bites the man B. the shark bit the man C. the man was bitten by a shark D. the man is bitten by a shark23. _,

15、 the dog was fed. A. After doing my homework B. To have done my homework C. After I did my homework D. My homework was done24. _, we went swimming. A. Being a hot day B. Due to a hot day C. It was a hot day D. The day being hot25. _, all the quarrels came to an end. A. The lost money was found B. Fi

16、nding the lost money C. Because the lost money found D. With the lost money found26. _ James Bland, “Carry Me Back to Old Virgininy” was adopted as the state song of Virginia in 1940. A. Was written by B. Writing by C. He wrote the D. Written by27. Playing the trumpet with dazzling originality, _ do

17、minated jazz for 20 years. A. Louis Armstrong B. the influence of Louis Armstrong C. the music of Louis Armstrong D. Louis Armstrongs talent28. _ in a recent science competition, the three students were awarded scholarships totaling $21,000. A. To be judged the best B. Having judged the best C. Judg

18、ed the best D. Judging the best29. _ to steel, chromium increases the metals hardness. A. Added B. In addition C. Adding D. Adds30. Bob was lying on the beach, his hands _ under his head. A. were crossing B. were crossed C. crossing D. crossed31. Many strange new means of transport have been develop

19、ed in our century, the strangest of them _ perhaps the hovercraft. A. is B. being C. will D. has been32. No one else _ willing to go, he offered to take the message. A. was B. had been C. were D. being33. _, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose com

20、mand of language is poor. A. Other things being equal B. Were other things equal C. To be equal to other things D. Other things to be equal34. Maggie ran back to the kitchen, eggs _ carefully in her hands. A. to be held B. held C. were held D. holding35. Agriculture is the countrys chief source of w

21、ealth, wheat _ by far the biggest cereal crop. A. is B. being C. has been D. to be36. All things _, the planned trip will have to be called off. A. considered B. be considered C. considered D. having consideredIII. 分词的完成式)37. A new technique _, the yields as whole increased by 20 percent. A. working

22、 out B. having been worked out C. having worked out D. to have been worked out38. _ that everything was in place, he locked up the shop and went home. A. Checking B. Having checked C. Being checked D. Having been checked39. The dying soldier had the message _ straight to the commander. A. sent B. to

23、 be sent C. be sent D. being sent40. _ the earth to be flat, many feared that Columbus would fall off the edge of the earth. A. Having believed B. Believing C. Believed D. Being believed41. _ many times in a row, the opponent decided to give up fighting. A. Having defeated B. Having been defeated C.

24、 For having been defeated D. As having been defeated42. With production _ up steadily, the factory needs an ever-increasing supply of raw materials. A. having gone B. going C. to go D. having been going43. The supermarket is very crowded on Sundays, with people _. A. going in and out B. to go in and

25、 out C. gone in and out D. having gone in and out44. The fog _ dense, all the planes were suspended. A. is B. was C. being D. having been45. The decision _, what is to be done now is how to carry it out. A. been made B. being made C. having been made D. being making46. There seemed little hope that

26、the explorer, _ in the tropical forest, would find his way through it. A. to be deserted B. having deserted C. to have been deserted D. having been deserted47. The destructive fire _, the firefighters recommended the occupants getting an alarm device. A. having been put out B. being put out C. had b

27、een put out D. was put outIV. 分词作补语48. You will see this product _ wherever you go. A. to be advertised B. advertised C. advertise D. advertising49. The manager promised to keep me _ of how our business was going on. A. to be informed B. on informing C. informed D. informing50. Corn originated in th

28、e New World and thus was not known in Europe until Columbus found it _ in Cuba. A. being cultivated B. having cultivated C. been cultivated D. cultivating51. When I caught him _me I stopped buying things there and started dealing with another shop. A. cheat B. cheating C. to cheat D. to be cheating5

29、2. He was caught _ his classmates money the other day. A. to steal B. stealing C. to have stolen D. having stolen53. Mrs. Douglas unknowingly left a package _ on the shop counter. A. laying B. to lie C. laid D. lying54. His remarks left me _ about his real purpose. A. wondered B. wonder C. to wonder

30、 D. wondering55. Next time I catch you _, Ill turn you in to the police. A. stealing from others pockets B. steal from others pockets C. stealing others pockets D. to steal from others pockets56. Theyll have you _ if you dont pay your taxes. A. to be arrested B. arrested C. arrest D. being arrested5

31、7. “There is something wrong with the table.” “Yes, I can _.” A. feel it that its moving B. feel it moves C. feel it moving D. feel it to move58. The hall was too noisy for the speaker to make himself _. A. hear B. hearing C. being heard D. heardVIII. 综合练习82. You would be _ if you thought that the problem was so cut and dried; in reality, it is much more complicated. A. narrow-m

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