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A Taste of Phobia《恐惧症的滋味》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

1、A Taste of Phobia恐惧症的滋味完整中英文对照剧本What?什么 No no no不 不 不Fuck!操 Ah!啊 Run.快跑Ahh!啊 Let me go please. Please, let me go!放开我 求求你 放开我 No no no!不 不 不 Youre a real weirdo, you know that?你真是个怪人 你知道吗 Seriously Wax?真的 蜡像 Youre fucked up dude, youre fucked up!你完了 伙计 你完了 No, no, its a pretty good place except for t

2、he drains, they keep clogging.不 不 这是个很好的地方 除了下水道 它们总是堵塞Yeah. Of course I told the landlord. He says its never happened before, says是的 我当然告诉了房♥东 他说以前从来没有发生过这种事its my fault somehow. I guess its my hair, but what am I supposed不管怎么说都是我的错 我猜是我的头发 但是我又能怎么样呢to do, just shave it off?把它剃掉吗 Yeah well.

3、Ok, man, I gotta go, I think the plumber is finally here.好吧. 好吧 我得挂了 我想水管工终于来了Hello?喂 Eh, Ive felt better.我感觉好多了Oh Lorna, not you too I guess this bugs really getting around.哦 洛娜 你不会也是吧 我想这只虫子真的到处都是No, no, absolutely not.不 不 绝对不是You should know better than anyone that Ive never even taken a single p

4、ill你应该比任何人都清楚 我从来没有吃过一片药or a single drop of medicine.或一滴药Those pharmaceutical companies dont care about you.那些制药公♥司♥根本不在乎你They just want to make easy money by selling poison the public.他们只是想通过向公众出♥售♥毒品来轻松赚钱Ill be fine if I can just get some sleep.如果我能睡会儿就没事了Okay.好吧I hope

5、you feel better too.我希望你也能感觉好些Ciao.再见John.约翰John.约翰John.约翰John.约翰John.约翰I didnt want to wake you. Please do me a favor and take the medicine. Love, Lorna我不想吵醒你 请帮我个忙 把药吃了 爱你的 洛娜.authorities have not ruled out terrorism.当局还没有排除恐♥怖♥主♥义♥的可能In other breaking news. The FDA has

6、 announced a nationwide recall of the cold其他突发新闻. FDA 宣布在全国范围内召回感冒药and flu medicine Flemucosol, after the drug has been linked to a number of deaths和流感药物 Flemucosol 之后 该药物已经导致多人死亡nationwide. The FDA strongly urges that if you have this美国食品药品监督管理局强烈建议 如果你家里有这种药品drug in your home to discontinue its us

7、e immediately.请立即停止使用It is believed that a large quantity of the drug, in its liquid form, has been据信 大量的液体形式的药物contaminated at the manufacturing facility. The contaminant and the source are已经在生产设施中被污染 污染物和来源not known at this.目前还不知道.Im telling you, this is gonna be my masterpiece.我告诉你 这将是我的杰作Are you

8、 listening Today were shooting the party scene.你在听吗 今天我们要拍派对场景Where Marcello rides that girl. you know Theyre celebrating the divorce of someMarcello 骑那个女孩的地方. 你知道吗 他们在庆祝woman, and he says to her Its like youre a virgin again.一个女人的离婚 他对她说: “就像你又是一个处♥女♥了 ”Why does he say that?他为什么这么说 Fu

9、ck do I know Its something the character says that in the movie.我他妈的怎么知道 这是电影里角色说的话Wait: youve seen the movie, right?等等: 你看过那部电影 对吗 La Dolce Vita?甜蜜的生活 Yeah. I just dont like the line.是啊 我只是不喜欢这句台词Why would you want to be fuckin virgin man Huh Being a virgin fuckin sucks ass.你为什么想当处♥男♥

10、 当处♥男♥真♥他♥妈♥的糟糕I dont fucking get it.我他妈的不明白Its symbolism or some shit, I dont know!这是一种象征意义或者什么狗屁 我不知道 Were doing porn, dont ask too many questions.我们在拍色情片 别问太多问题I have a ton of ideas. For the fountain of Trevi scene I want the我有很多想法 对于特雷维的射♥精♥那场戏 我想

11、girl to yell Marcello! Cum here! pointing at her tits.让女孩大喊“马切洛 在这里射♥精♥” 手指着她的乳♥房♥♥You know Like c-u-m.就像“ c-u-m”一样Like orgasm. And the final scene.就像高♥潮♥一样 最后一幕.When the girl is waving at Marcello in the distance, on the beach.当那个女孩在远处的沙滩上向马塞洛招手的时候.S

12、he goes like this.她是这样的.Back to business: Ive got a surprise for you.言归正传: 我有个惊喜给你.Irina!伊丽娜 Irina! Come here!伊琳娜! 过来 Salvatore, meet your partner for today. The beautiful and innocent Irina.Salvatore 见见你今天的搭档美丽无邪的 IrinaIll leave you alone.我不打扰你了Hi.嗨Im Irina.我是伊丽娜Im gonna do the scene with you.我要和你一

13、起演这场戏I am. a big fan of. You. Your movies.我是你的超级粉丝 你的电影And your cock. And your eyes.还有你的老二 你的眼睛Youre not so innocent then.那你就不那么天真了I just saw a lot of movies. I wanted to talk to you before the scene我只是看了很多电影. . 我想在拍摄前和你谈谈because. Im not sure about some things.因为. 有些事我不太确定.Ive never done this before

14、.我以前从没这么做过Sorry this is your first porno Im so honored baby.抱歉这是你的第一部 a 片 我太荣幸了 宝贝Dont worry cause every girl Ive worked with said I was the best partner.不要担心 因为每个和我一起工作的女孩都说我是最好的搭档Actually.事实上.Actually, this is my first. my first time. Ever.事实上 这是我第一次. 第一次I dont understand.我不明白I just never found th

15、e right guy. and then a couple of years ago我只是从来没有找到合适的人. 然后几年前我在一I saw you in a movie.部电影里看到你.and I thought: I want that.我想: 我想要那个You were so handsome, so confident. and your body was. just. perfect.你是那么的英俊 那么的自信. 而你的身体是. 那么的. 完美So I figured: why not just wait?所以我想: 为什么不等等呢 Ill keep my virginity un

16、til I have chance to meet him!我要保留我的贞操直到我有机会见到他 I wrote an email to Bogdan: I knew he was your director我给 Bogdan 写了封邮件: 我知道他是你的导演because I looked up the credits of 8 1/2 inches, Doggystyle Afternoon.因为我查了一下8 1/2的片头you must think Im a giant nerd!你一定认为我是个大呆子 No不Im just trying to tell you. Im kind of i

17、n love with y.我只是想告诉你. 我有点爱上你了.Ok, ok, thank you. I need some to concentrate.好的 好的 谢谢 我需要一些来集中注意力Leave please. Leave!请离开 请离开 Jesus! Jesus. I need to talk to you.上帝啊! 上帝啊 我得和你谈谈What?什么 I cant do the next scene. I need you to fuck Irina.我不能再拍下一场了 我要你和伊琳娜上♥床♥The new girl Why?新来的女孩 为什么 Com

18、e up here!过来 I cant!我做不到 I cant either!我也不能 I just finished my scene.我刚拍完我的戏Bogdan made me do the money shot four fucking times becauseBogdan 让我拍了他妈的四次he didnt like the lighting.他不喜欢灯光Im empty.我是空的Man, I really cant, ok She scares the shit out of me.伙计 我真的不行 好吗 她把我吓得屁滚尿流Shes a fucking virgin! I cant

19、 please!她他妈的是个处♥女♥! 我不能让她高兴 Listen. I really dont know what youre talking about.听着 我真的不知道你在说什么But if you dont do the scene we dont get paid.但是如果你不演这个场景 我们就拿不到钱Weve got to pay the rent.我们得付房♥租Just man the fuck up.你♥他♥妈♥的爷们点And fuck the virgin.去他妈的处♥女&h

20、earts;You look good, man.你看起来不错 伙计Man up!像个男人 And heres our star!这就是我们的明星 Irina, for this scene I need on all fours.伊丽娜 这个场景我需要四肢着地Sal, I want you to climb on top of her.萨尔 我要你爬到她身上.Come, Marcello.过来 马塞洛.and say: Have you ever been with a man?说: “你有没有和男人在一起过”And then, you know.然后 你知道.whip out your d

21、ick and fuck her.拿出你的老二和她做♥爱♥Come on!快点 We dont have all day!我们没有一整天的时间 Come on, chop chop!快点 快点 Action!开拍 Come, Marcello.过来 马塞洛.Have you ever been with a man?你和男人在一起过吗 Good boy好孩子Just fuckin do it.他妈的照做就是了Fuck the virgin, weve got to pay the rent.去他妈的处♥女♥ 我们得付房♥租.

22、Are you awake?你醒着吗 Sal! What the fuck?萨尔! 搞什么鬼 Alright, just. try and spank her.好吧 试着打她屁♥股♥Spank her a little.打她一下What are you doing?你在干什么 Just, just get away from me.离我远点Just leave me alone you vile piece of shit.离我远点 你这个卑鄙的混♥蛋♥Just, just fucking leave me alone.只是 只是他妈的离

23、我远点Stop tormenting me like this, stop tormenting me like this!别再这样折磨我了 别再这样折磨我了 Get off me you.放开我你.Ahh!啊 Excuse me!对不起 Can we help you?有什么需要帮忙的吗 I think I took a wrong turn a few miles back我想我在几英里外拐错弯了I need a gas station我需要一个加油站Um, Last Chance Gas was 10 miles back, in Russellville.“最后的加油站”在10英里外的

24、拉塞尔维尔10 miles?10英里 Oh, no哦 不Im not sure I can make it that far.我不确定我能走那么远I can take you.我可以带你去Oh, you will?你会吗 Thank you so much!非常感谢 I am really lost and I really appreciate it.我真的很迷茫 我真的很感激Are you coming?你来吗 Thanks again, I really appreciate it.再次感谢 我真的很感激I dont know what I wouldve done.我不知道我会怎么做W

25、as that the highway we just passed?那是我们刚刚经过的公路吗 Russellvilles the next turn, its closer.拉塞尔维尔是下一个转弯 更近了So what do you want to do with him?那你打算怎么处置他 Well, looks like we got ourselves one of them terrorists.看来我们抓到了一个“恐♥怖♥分♥子♥”.Hi, my name is Adrian.你好 我叫艾德里安I am 40 years ol

26、d.我今年40岁Money has always been my passion金钱一直是我的counting it激♥情♥所在investing it我数着它making it投资赚钱And Im pretty good at it too.我也很擅长这个Thats why I moved here.所以我才搬来这里A very important bank wanted me to be their broker.一家非常重要的银行想让我做他们的经纪人What about you?你呢 Well, my name is Laniakea.嗯 我的名字是 Lani

27、akeaHeh, what?什么 Yeah, I know that face. Everybody messes it up. Its Laniakea!是的 我认识那张脸 每个人都会搞砸的 那是 Laniakea Lanaikea!Lanaikea Lanaikea?Lanaikea Good job!干得好 See Maybe Im not like all the others.看到没 也许我不像其他人Maybe youre not.也许你不是.Im half hawaiian and my father used to be a hippy, so.我有一半夏威夷血统我父亲以前是嬉皮

28、士所以.Thats how I ended up with this funny name I guess.我想这就是为什么我有了这个有趣的名字I like it.我喜欢It means Immeasurable Heaven它的意思是“无量的天堂”What?什么 Its a beautiful meaning.这是一个美丽的含义.A beautiful meaning.一个美丽的意义You still havent told me what it is that you do.你还没告诉我你是做什么的Oh you mean work?哦 你是说工作 Yeah you know, that t

29、hing you do every day in order to make money是的 你知道 就是你每天为了赚钱而做的事So you really dont know who I am?你真的不知道我是谁 Youre not one of my 80,000 YouTube fans?你不是我在 YouTube 上的8万粉丝之一吗 80,000 Wow!8万 哇 Youre not one of those webcam girls who show off their clothes and make up are you?你不是那种喜欢炫耀自己的衣服和化妆的网络摄像头女孩吧 Ahaha, do I look like a fashion blogger to you?哈哈 我看起来像时尚博主吗 You know what, maybe you should check out my channel first, and then也许你该先看看我的频道decide if you still want to see me.再决定你是否还想见我.Well, thats it guys. I hope you liked this song好了伙计们希望你们喜欢这首歌♥and dont forget to subscribe to my YouT

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