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高考英语二轮复习 活页综合提升练二十完形填空+阅读理解.docx

1、高考英语二轮复习 活页综合提升练二十完形填空+阅读理解2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 活页综合提升练(二十)完形填空+阅读理解.完形填空When my parents were alive,they were not very rich.Yet they helped their two older 1 time after time.When Daddy passed away,his notebook showed debts 2 from several of his children.I was not among them.I 3 borrowed money and when

2、 I did,I set a repayment plan and 4 to it.It was a matter of 5 with me.I couldnt stand owing my parentsor anyone elsemoney because I watched them 6 to help out my older sisters when they were in financial difficulties themselves.These days,after the death of my parents,I am one of those people who c

3、an be 7 to for help when they need it.Just as I cant stand 8 other people money,I cant stand saying no to whoever needs help.I dont 9 helping others,but I would be more than glad if they would make a(n) 10 to handle things themselves, perhaps by doing some 11 planninglike planning not to spend money

4、 they dont have!Being ready to help others is a 12,but sometimes the result will be 13 to what you expect.I 14 remember as a child what my father always said,“If at first you dont succeed,try,try again! Helping my children too often has 15 them from learning to keep trying.Use your 16: who among my

5、children will 17 to walk if I supply the money to buy a car? Helped often,my children lost gradually the ability to 18 problems themselves.”In most 19,when people find you can 20 they will ask you more and more.Thats human,you know. 1.A.sons B.daughters C.brothers D.sisters2.A.absent B.apart C.due D

6、.different3.A.always B.seldom C.often D.never4.A.stuck B.attached C.agreed D.belonged5.A.pleasure B.courage C.pride D.sorrow6.A.struggle B.happen C.intend D.move7.A.referred B.turned C.seen D.attended8.A.cheating B.donating C.lending D.owing9.A.enjoy B.mind D.miss10.Ament B.mess C.excuse D.ef

7、 B.flexible C.typical D.particular12.A.deed C.virtue D.task13.A.contrary B.essential C.potential D.necessary14.A.can B.may C.shall D.must15.A.banned B.protected C.prevented D.freed16.A.hand B.leg C.body D.head17.A.wait B.urge C.threat D.choose18.A.solve B.assess D.ana

8、lyse19.A.affairs B.choices C.cases D.events20.A.obtain B.attain C.provide D.prefer.阅读理解【新闻报道类】When your skin gets burned,its not only painful; its bad for your body.Burned skin cannot keep the bacteria out,so infections (感染)are mon.Doctors often wrap burns in bandages for protection,but a recent stu

9、dy shows that a new kind of bandage can actually fight infection.Toby Jenkins,a scientist in England,worked on the study.Jenkins and his colleagues developed a material that contains tiny capsules (胶囊).To a bacterium,these capsules look like cells just waiting to be damaged.The bacteria attack the c

10、ells by releasing poisons.But when the bacteria attack the capsules,the capsules fight backby releasing antibiotics (抗生素)that knock out any nearby bacteria.The material was tested on two types of harmful bacteria.When researchers placed pieces of the new material in a dish with the bacteria,the bact

11、eria barely grew at all,which is unusual.This observation led the researchers to believe that the material really works.The scientists want the bandages to work specifically against dangerous bacteria,so they also tested the material on a harmless type of E.coli bacteria.When the material was placed

12、 in a dish with E.coli,the bacteria grew quicklyshowing that it didnt fool the harmless bacteria.This early experiment shows that the material can selectively kill dangerous bacteria,but its too early to start using the material in hospitals.“This is a nice approach and theyve shown in principle tha

13、t it works,” said Christopher Batich,a biomedical engineer in the US,who did not work on the study.While hes excited about the results,he added that the real world is more plicated than this experiment.“Youd have to work with real bacteria and real wounds to see if it makes a difference,” he said.Je

14、nkins and his colleagues are back at work improving the material.In the not-so-distant future,this kind of antibacterial bandage may move from the laboratory to the hospital bedand give burned victims a fighting chance against infection.1.According to the passage,the capsules appearance .A.can fool

15、the harmless bacteria only B.shows what the cells look like in our bodyC.can cause the harmful bacterias aggressive behavior D.can make the harmful bacteria kill themselves2.It can be inferred from the passage that E.coli bacteria probably .A.made no attacks on the cell-like capsules B.fought agains

16、t some harmful bacteriaC.protected burned victims from infection D.released antibiotics themselves3.According to the passage,Mr.Batich may agree that .A.the experiment was a piece of good news for any patientB.the new kind of bandage needs further testing in practiceC.Jenkins and his colleagues are

17、all outstandingD.the new kind of bandage will be used in hospitals soon4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?()A.Once your skin gets burned,your body will get infected.B.The capsules can kill harmful bacteria with poisons.C.E.coli bacteria are less harmful than the other two type

18、s of bacteria.D.Burned patients will benefit from the new kind of bandage.(B)(xx石家庄高三二模)【建议说明类】Q:I currently entered college in New York.Since English is not my first language,I sometimes ask a friend to read my essays to help fix the grammar and language.I believe Im being graded mainly on my ideas

19、,and my friend helps me get my ideas across better in English.Is this OK?MarianaA:Its good that you want to succeed in your written work at college.Making use of available resources to help you succeed is a smart strategy(策略).But while you may believe that your instructors dont care as much about ho

20、w you write as they do about your ideas,thats not a fair assumption.Certainly,your ideas are important.No matter how polished your writing is,it will not disguise a poorly expressed idea in a paper.But as a college student,being able to organize your thoughts clearlywhether youre speaking in class o

21、r writing a paperis critical to show that youve mastered the material in each course.This does not mean you shouldnt ask others to review your written work before handing it in.Thats OK.You should not,however,allow a friend or anyone else to rewrite parts of your papers for you.Instead,ask them to s

22、imply let you know about any parts of the paper that are unclear and need work.Many colleges have writing centers where tutors will work with you on your writingwithout doing the work for you.Regardless of whether you consult with a friend or a tutor,the right thing is for you to talk to your instru

23、ctors to ask their advice and let them know you plan to seek assistance with your writing.If you ask them in advance for guidance on whats appropriate and whats not for the written work they assign,that will allow you to be as transparent as possible about how you plete your assignments.Professor By

24、ron5.What problem does Mariana meet?()A.She has trouble learning English grammar. B.She wonders if her method on writing is suitable.C.She doesnt get on well with her classmates. D.She isnt able to express herself in English.6.According to Prof.Byron,whats the most important in writing a paper?()A.P

25、rofessional advice. B.Polishing carefully. C.Organizing thoughts. D.Familiar materials.7.When asking someone for help on your paper,you should ask him hand in the paper after reading it write the difficult part for make a writing plan for you tell you the part to be improved8

26、.What does the underlined word refer to in the text?()A.Essays. B.Courses. C.Ideas. D.Resources.活页综合提升练(二十).完形填空语篇解读:作者对于父母帮助孩子有不同的看法。帮助本来是好事,但是有时候也会让人慢慢丧失独立。1.B根据第一段最后一句中的“my older sisters”可知,父母帮助他们的两个年长的女儿。所以答案为B项。2.C根据第3题所在句子中的“borrowed money”等信息说明,笔记本显示债务。absent意思是“缺席的”;apart意思是“分开”;due意思是“应支付的”

27、;different意思是“不同的”。根据句意可知,答案为C项。3.B根据上句“I was not among them”暗示,作者很少借钱。所以答案为B项。4.A联系下文的“I couldnt stand owing my parents.”可知,即使作者借钱,也会按照计划坚持还款。所以答案为A项。5.C根据生活常识可以推知,作者坚持还款并以此感到自豪。所以答案为C项。6.A作者不愿意借父母的钱是因为即使父母在经济困难时期,还要努力地帮助姐姐们。所以答案为A项。7.B由下文中的“I cant stand saying no to whoever needs help.”可知,父母去世以后,姐

28、姐们向作者求助。所以答案为B项。8.D联系上段最后一句可知,作者不想欠别人的钱。所以答案为D项。9.B由前句可知,作者不介意帮助其他人。所以答案为B项。10.D根据句中的“.like planning not to spend money they dont have!”可知,作者希望他们能依靠自己的努力处理好事情。所以答案为D项。11.A上文主要叙述了借钱的问题,由此可以推知此处指经济的计划。所以答案为A项。12.C根据生活常识,帮助别人是一种美德。所以答案为C项。13.A由上下文语境可知,帮助的结果有时候和你期待的情况是相反的。所以答案为A项。14.A作者能够记得孩提时父亲所说的话。所以答


30、思是“更喜欢”。根据句意可知,答案为C项。【疑难词汇解读】1.due adj.应支付的;应给予的Have they been paid the money due to them?他们是否已得到了应得的钱?2.struggle v.斗争;拼搏;奋斗;努力The two leaders are struggling for power.那两个领导人正在争夺权力。We must struggle against this prejudice for a more tolerant attitude to our beliefs.我们必须努力克服这种偏见,从而在信仰上采取更为宽容的态度。Im str

31、uggling to finish the huge helping you gave me.你给我添了这么多吃的,我得尽力把它吃完。Shes struggling to support a family alone.她在努力地独自养家。【长难句子分析】Just as I cant stand owing other people money,I cant stand saying no to whoever needs help.本句是一个主从复合句。句中连词as引导方式状语从句;连接代词whoever引导的宾语从句作介词to的宾语。正如我受不了欠别人钱一样,我也受不了拒绝任何需要帮助的人。.阅读理解(A)语篇解读:英国科学家研制出了一种可以帮助烧伤皮肤抗感染的材料。1.C细节理解题。根据第二段第三句“To a bacterium,these capsules look like cells just waiting to be damaged.The bacteria attack the cells by releasing poisons.”,结合第三段第一句“The material was tested on two types of harmful bacteria.”可知,答案为C项。2.A推理判断题。根据第四段第二句“When

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