1、大英二第六章全全新版 Book II unit 6(2012-02-23 12:46:23) 转载标签: 杂谈分类: 大英二 Unit 6 I. Pre-readingFeminism=the belief that women and men are equal in abilities and should have equal rights and opportunitiesThe subject of intense debateWomens liberation movementReject their traditional supporting roleDemand equal
2、status and equal rights with menIn areas such as employment and payReduce gender gap between the sexesTraditional views of a womans roleBrooklyn BridgeConnect the densely populated boroughs of Brooklyn and ManhattanThe bridge is opened for useThe longest suspension bridge in the worldThe main suspen
3、sion span 最大悬吊跨度The average height above the riverThe overall length使这座桥得以建成:made this bridge possibleDevice numerous techniqueThe use of caissonsThe use of steel wire for the cables 用钢丝作绳索To allow tall-masted(桅杆高的) sailing ship to pass under the bridge,Positioned the road deck(桥面道路)36.6m above the
4、waterStone towers(石头桥柱), which rose to a height of 84.3m, Made this high roadway possibleMade the bridge the tallest structure in New York at its completionConstituted a remarkable achievementBest demonstrate the scale of building made possible by the rapid expansion of American industry and by Amer
5、ican ambitionSelling the Brooklyn Bridge to somebody means tricking somebody in a deal OklahomaA transitional state 过渡州It varies from the wooded mountains of the more humid east to the sparse and dry country of the western plainsThe changing landscape of Oklahoma is reflected in its economic activit
6、ies, which range from the raising of wheat in western and central areas to the lumbering that is carried on in the Ouachita Mountains in the southeastern part of the state.The name Oklahoma was devised by combining the Choctaw words fro “red” and “people”Put aside for settlement of Native AmericansK
7、nown as Indian TerritoryResulting from the combination of Indian and Oklahoma territories由于是印第安和Oklahoma 合并而成, the state retains marked features of its Native American heritage in the makeup of its population and the Indian place-names in the state. 无论是人口构成还是地名,该州都保留着当地美洲人传统的显著特色Oklahoma UniversityA
8、 public coeducational institution of higher education 公共混合高等学府U.S. degreesTo be granted bachelor of arts 被授予文学学士学位To be granted bachelor of science 被授予理学学士学位Require the writing of a thesis or dissertationThe masters degreeThe doctorateThe passing of oral and written examinationsU.S. institutions of
9、higher learning 美国高等学府John MiltonRich, dense verseA powerful influence on succeeding English poetsHis prose was devoted to the defense of civil and religious libertyThe greatest English poet after ShakespeareThe epic poem Paradise LostIt dramatizes the Biblical account of humanitys banishment from P
10、aradise.A sequel to Paradise Lost, called Paradise Regainedin which Jesus triumphantly resists Satan and regains the Paradise lost by Adam and EveOn His BlindnessWhen I consider how my light is spentHere half my days in this dark world and wide,And that one talent which is death to hideLodged with m
11、e useless, though my soul more bentTo serve therewith my Maker, and presentMy true account, lest he returning chide,“Doth God exact day-labor, light denied?”I fondly ask. But patience, to preventThat murmur, soon replies: “God doth not needEither mans work or his gifts: who bestBear his mild yoke, t
12、hey serve him best. His stateIs kingly; thousands at his bidding speedAnd post oer land and ocean without rest:They also serve who only stand and wait.米里顿(弥尔顿):目盲自吟世茫茫兮,我目已盲。静言思之,尚未半生。天赋两目,如托千金。今我藏之,其实难任。嗟我目兮,于我无用。虽则无用,我心郑重。忠以计会,虔以事主。恐主归时,纵刑无补。嗟彼上帝,既闭吾瞳。愚心自忖,岂责我工。忍耐之心,可生奥义。苍苍上帝,不较所赐。不较所赐,岂较作事。惟我与轭e,
13、 负之靡暨。上帝惟皇,在彼苍苍。一呼其令,万臣锵锵。驶行水陆,莫敢逞适。彼待立者,都为其役。华丽的迷迭香弥尔顿,16081674,剑桥基督学院的“贵妇人”,英国文学三巨匠之一。一头柔软的卷发,秀气稚浅的面庞上嵌着两颗失明二十年却依然晶莹剔透的眼睛,希腊式的轮廓,我的迷迭香。不知原因地喜爱在他的诗集里夹进迷迭香的叶片、花朵,于是整本书洋溢着清新的芳香。迷迭香,别名艾菊,海洋之露,传说有神赐予的力量,涤净空气,同时具有回忆与思念的意义。弥尔顿,也是这样用他清新的文笔海浪般卷走了伊丽莎白时期的所有扭捏作态的雕虫小技,带来无比清新的直白,一气呵成的二十五首商籁体杰作英文和意大利文。如同任何一位伟大的诗
15、这些灵动的布局:正当我沉浸在描述的景象时,不知不觉,已达到了下一个场景,进入另一片原野。弥尔顿的迷迭香,夜莺的歌声(“在杜鹃张开笨拙的嘴演奏之前”),同样的让他的同工们无限爱戴。我只举两例。华滋华斯,几度写颂诗赞扬他和他的“好监工”: 回来吧,用你的笔拯救我们(华滋华斯颂诗)。尽管弥尔顿不是桂冠诗人,却获得这位桂冠诗人的尊崇。另一例,威廉布莱克,超验的领袖,象征主义的诗人与画家,用他的画笔画出了弥尔顿失乐园中的世界。弥尔顿曾写:“我的如水年华匆匆失去,暮春时节仍不见花蕾”,(满二十三周岁)但他的生命之花的芬芳已弥漫欧洲文学,弥漫于他去世后的这四百年。他的无韵史诗从失乐园到斗士参孙曾被人误解为没
16、有足够的才思,但它们体现的是天才的清新,一如迷迭香,给世人以无尽的清香与绵思。(2006,8,8,初二假期小天才班语文考试,半命题作文,就“生生命的芳香“这一话题写一篇作文)II. Global readingPart divisionPart I: Despite her friends advice, the author, unable to resist the temptation, falls for superwomen stories again.Part II: Her encounter with a superwoman and its impact on her.Par
17、t III: She tells about what prevents her from becoming a superwoman herself.Part IV: She analyzes why she is still fascinated by modern superwoman tales.V. She comes to the conclusion that to her, admiring a heroine is something worth doing.III. Detailed ReadingPhrases by your teacherPart I收到一份校友简报任
18、县高中校长助理完成博士论文及两本书的最后定稿有时间与女儿们打球、骑马四个字令我愧疚不安如果我对报道里的一切信以为真她在布鲁可林有座桥要出售给我该玩笑一针见血/正中要害Received an alumni bulletinTo be assistant principle at County High SchoolTo be finishing her doctoral dissertation and final drafts of two booksTo have time for tennis and horse riding with her daughtersFour words un
19、did meIf I believed everything in the report,She has a bridge in Brooklyn Id like to sell meThe joke hit home打定主意凯特那些不可思议的成就对此类故事持恰当的怀疑态度把一整盒饼干吃个精光由于一时的软弱发现自己的决心也有动摇之时To resolve to do somethingKates incredible accomplishmentsTo be suitably skeptical of such storiesDevour a whole box of cookiesIn a m
20、oment of weaknessTo find my resolve slipping occasionally意志软弱时在报刊上到处搜寻贪婪地阅读一篇又一篇地成功故事读完法学院,经营一家公司一位开业儿科一医生,自己有十个子女一位电视主持人,两个学龄前儿童地母亲攻读硕士学位In weak momentsComb the pages of newspapers and magazinesTo consume success stories by the poundsFinish law school and manage a companyA practicing pediatrician w
21、ith ten children of her ownA television anchorwoman, mother of two preschoolersStudy for a masters degreePart II与一位女强人对面相逢因工作来到她办公室一个全国性公司女总裁地办公室如同其他女强人据说她的公寓一尘不染她的生活安排得如同瑞士表般精确Meet a superwoman face to faceMy work took me to her officeThe office of a woman executive of a national corporationLike he
22、r super sistersAccording to reports, she has a spotless apartmentHer life runs as precisely as a Swiss watch我的计划安排很少成功既令我惊讶不已,又使我深感内疚一百罐草莓酱上面扎着鲜艳得红格绸缎送给员工及来访得客户我不由得惊问My own schedule rarely worksTo fill me with equal amounts of wonder and guiltA hundred jars of strawberry jamGaily tied with red-check
23、ed ribbonsDistribute to her staff and visiting clientsI wondered aloud完成如此令人钦佩得假日工程我真不该多此一问答案相当耳熟:业余时间坐火车回家途中我把那罐草莓酱放在膝头它一路都在责备我出人头地,大有作为To complete such an impressive holiday projectI should have known better than to askThe answer had a familiar ring: in her spare timeOn the train ride homeI sat wi
24、th a jar of strawberry jam in my lapIt reproached me the entire tripMovers and shakers完成博士后物理学研究研究钢琴与号得声调和谐方面得新理论烘烤蛋糕,跟儿子一起打棒球实际情形是生性做不到事事有条不紊计划总是出问题To complete postdoctoral studies in physicsDevelop new theories of tonal harmony for piano and hornBake cakes and play baseball with my sonsThe truth o
25、f the matter isBy nature completely unable to get my act togetherThe plan always goes wrong制定像作战计划一样精确得时间表将下午若干小时用于写作一部伟大得美国小说得一种怪病不停地让我端汤倒茶送果汁每件事都耗费原计划三倍的时间To create schedule of military precisionIn which several afternoon hours are given to the writing of the Great American NovelDevelop a strange
26、illnessIllness that requires him to spend the remainder of the day in bedTo call me at frequent intervals to bring soup, juice, and teaEvery item takes three times the number of minutes set aside我的订货没按时准备好开出一张“火星银行”的支票付款可以决定可否接受“站着等待的人们也在效劳”但他忘了补充一句,她们这样站着等候成不了女强人My order is not ready as promisedTo
27、pay with a check drawn on a Martian bankcan OK the matter“They also serve who only stand and wait”But he forgot to add that they dont get to be superwoman that way.每天与时间赛跑令人精疲力竭有些许闲暇往往累得要垮掉瘫倒在椅子里,呆呆地凝视前方To race the clock every dayTo be an exhausting effortHave a few free momentsTo tend to collapseTo
28、 sink into a chair and stare into spare拥有那些超级女英雄的组织才能与旺盛精力我白白浪费了许多闲暇时光不无忧虑地去想着别人在业余时间会成就什么事业害得我们终日等待有时我想,这些现代神话故事给女人带来的问题并不少于害得我们终日等待王子前来相救的神话故事。To possess the organizational skills and energy of my super heroinesI waste a good deal of my spare time just worrying about what other women are accomplis
29、hing in theirs.To have me biding my timeSometimes I think that these modern fairytales create as many problems for women as the old stories that had us bidding our time for the day our prince would come.仍然令我心醉神迷尽管她提醒我不要上当尽管我长了不少见识不仅愿意,而且还真的渴望买下她说的那座桥我想那是与那个吸引力有关乐观的生活态度的吸引Continue to charm meDespite
30、her warning against being taken inDespite everything I have learnedTo be not only willing, but also positively eager to buy that bridge she mentionedI suppose it has something to do with the appealThe appeal of an optimistic approach to life意志坚定的人确实成就了非凡的业绩不肯相信。的人“你不能”不能对我的梦想下定论实现我的心愿小意思、不费吹灰之力男人们一般
31、都确信,实现自己的心愿不费吹灰之力Extraordinary deeds are accomplished by determined individualsIndividuals who refuse to believe“you cant” is not the final words on my dreamsto achieve/have my hearts desirea piece of cakemen have generally been assured that achieving their hearts desire would be a piece of cake.女人嘛,熊掌与鱼不可兼得不要好高骛远那一套没有这种梦想得生活没有这种梦想得平淡无味的生活就像日常饮食中缺少美味佳肴业已成熟,不会干这种傻事当我对自己失去信心时正是她们激励我向前进,轻
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