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译林版英语五年级上册Unit5 教案.docx

1、译林版英语五年级上册Unit5 教案 Unit 5 What do they do ?1、教学目标:1.掌握句型What do you do ? What does .do ? 及回答Im /Hes /Shes a . 能用此句型提问并作答,对此达到熟练运用。2.能够运用所学句型谈论关于职业的话题。3.会听说读写单词:cook , doctor , driver , nurse , teacher, worker并能对动词help,make,take,teach在第一人称和第三人称中进行正确运用。4.知道字母y在单词中的发音。 2、教材学情分析: 本课时将围绕着“What do they do

2、 ?”这一话题来展开对话练习,在Story time中 ,通过Su Hai和Mike谈论自己家人的职业。从而引入本单元的新词“a cook , a doctor , a driver, a nurse, a policeman, a teacher , a worker”的教学。在课文中还引入本单元的重点句型“What do you do ?”What does your father/mother do ?”Im/ Hes /Shes a .”以及动词用法,并在交际活动中学会运用。课文结束之后,通过Ask and answer的学习,让学生对本单元的重点句型做一个系统的学习,这一部分结束后,

3、在Think and write中,通过学生对课文的回忆进行填空,通过填空的方式让学生加深对课文的理解,可以通过对话让学生先进行描述,从而锻炼学生的口语表达能力。3、教学重难点:1.掌握职业类单词:cook ,doctor,nurse,policeman,teacher,worker2.掌握句型:What do you do ? What does .do ?及其对应的回答。3.掌握字母y在一些单词中的发音。4.掌握动词在第一人称和第三人称中的正确用法。4.教具准备: 磁带,录音机,PPT, 卡片,图片等5、课时安排:1. Lesson 1: Story time2. Lesson 2: Gr

4、ammar time and Fun time3. Lesson 3: Sound time 、Culture time and Cartoon time .4. Lesson 4: Checkout time and Ticking time.第一课时教学目标:1.能正确理解并掌握课文内容,能准确朗读课文,并简单表述课文内容。2.能听说读职业类单词:cook , doctor , driver, nurse, policeman, teacher, worker和句型What do you do ? What ? Im a . Hes /Shes a .3.第三人称和第一人称

5、句子中动词的正确使用4.在掌握重点句型的基础上,通过本课学习培养学生的语言实际运用能力。重难点:1.理解并会读课文2.能简单复述课文相关内容课前准备:课件,录音机,教学挂图,卡片教学过程:教学设计(主备)复备Step1 warming up 1、Listen to an English songJobs song 2、Free talk Whats the weather like today? What day is it today? Lets talk about your fathermatherfriend. Heshe is.Heshe has .heshe likes(一到两位同

6、学) T:what does his friend like doing? T: Does hisher friend have big eyesears.?(训练学生聆听的能力)Step 2 Presatation1、 T:I have a friend too.(show a picture of my friend).T:She is a teacher.she has big eyes and long hair.Look,is she an English teacher?Ss:No,she isnt.She is a Chinese teacher.Teach: Chinese t

7、eacher teaches EnglishT: Who is your MathsChinese teacher?What does heshe teach?2、 Teach:write writerT: Miss Sun and I are good friends.we both like reading and writing.she often write a lot of she wants to be a writer.T:Do you like writing?Do you want to be a writer?Which writer do you l

8、ike best?T:If you want to writer better,you must read more!Books are our friends,right?3、 Learn the text1、 Today there are many people in our classroom?what do they do?Ss:They are teachersT:what do you do? Ss: we are students.T:“Teacher”“student”are jobs.So today we will talk about jobs2、 T:look,the

9、y are our old friends.they are talking about jobs? Who are they talking about?And how to ask?(show a picture of part A)3、Watch and say(播放story time)Q1: what does Mikes father do?Q2:what does Mikes mother do?Q3:what does SuHais father do?Q4:what does SuHais mother do? 4、read and match 对人物和职业连线 5、work

10、 in pairs What does Mikes father do?He is a . 6、Learn “what does he do?”and new words利用板书学习“do” “factory worker” “help sick people”7、Listen and repeat8、Try to remember9、happy reading10、Try to retell(利用板书)Step3 ConsolidationShow time (学生事先了朋友、家人、亲戚的照片)课件出示关键句示范,学生准备并表演对话Step4 Homework1、 Read storytim

11、e2、 Retell story time to your partner or your family板书设计: Unit 5 What do they do ? Mikes father teacher teach English Mikes mother writer write storiesSu Hais father doctor help sick peopleSu Hais mother factory worker make sweets第二课时教学目标:1.能正确地理解掌握句型What do you do ? What ? Im /Hes /Shes a .

12、以及描述职业特征的句子I teach English. Helps sick people. She makes sweets.并能运用到实际中去。2.能正确听说读写单词cook , doctor , driver,nurse,policeman, teacher, worker, writer.3.能在掌握重点句型的基础上,通过本课学习培养学生的语言实际运用能力。并谈论自己以及别人的职业。重难点:1.复习本节课的新单词及短语,能够将词汇灵活地运用到实际的语言表达中。2.用所学知识谈论自己和家人朋友的职业。课前准备:课件,录音机,教学挂图,卡片教学过程:教学设计(主备)复备Step1. War

13、ming upTalk about Mikes familys job.Talk about Su Hais familys job.Step2. Presentations1. What do you do ? Im a . What does .do ? Hes/Shes a. What do they do ? Theyre.s. Way: a. Hello,. Im a teacher,I teach English. What do you do ? S:Im a student. b. Read and spell :teacher, teach English, student

14、c. Teacher asks the other student: What do you do ? S:Im a student,too. d. T_Ss: What do you do ? Ss: Were students. (板书:Were .s.) e. T:( asks the others )What does S1 do ? Shes a . What does S2 do ? Hes a . What do they do ? They are .s. f. 板书 (What does .do ? Hes . Shes .What do they do ? They are

15、 .s )2. Show some pictures ,ask and answer Way : a.Model: A:What does .do ? B:Shes a nurse. She helps sick people.b.Choose one picture to ask and answer C. Checkout one by one.Step 3. Exercise 1. 你是做什么的? 我是个工人。我制作蛋糕。2. 他是做什么的? 他是个厨师。他做美味的食物。3. 苏海和苏阳是做什么的。 他们是学生。他们每天上学。4. 你的表哥是做什么的? 他是个司机。 他开车很棒。5. 那

16、个女人是做什么的?她是个护士,她在这个医院工作。Step 3. Homework1. Read the sentences in Grammar time2. Write about your mother with 4-5 sentences.板书设计: Unit 5 What do they do ? What do .(you/复数)do ? What does .(三单) do ? 教后反思:第三课时教学目标:1. 进一步掌握y在单词fly,my,sky,why中的发音。2. 了解简单的美式英语与英式英语的区别。3. 读懂Cartoon time中的内容,掌握本单元的重点句型,并能运用

17、到日常生活中去。重难点:1.掌握字母y在单词fly,my,sky,try,why中的发音2.巩固本单元重点句型What do you do ? What does .do ?Im a . Shes /Hes a.以及动词的正确运用。课前准备:课件,录音机,教学挂图,卡片教学过程:教学设计(主备)复备Step 1 Free talk1.Greeting2.T:(指名学生) What does your father do?S: . . .T: Oh, he is . . . He . . . What does your father do?Can you introduce your fath

18、er?S: . . .Step 2 Cartoon time1. PPT出示第一幅图T: Look at the car, What do you want to say? S: . . .T: Yes, its very nice. Whose car is it? S: . . .T: Yes, its Bobbys fathers car? What does Bobbys father do?Now, lets watch cartoon and answer these questions:1) What does Bobbys father do?2) What does Bobb

19、ys friends father do?3) Is Bobby happy in picture4?2.学生看卡通片回答问题3.引导学生理解Bobby的情感变化:从骄傲到惊讶,再到最后的沮丧。4. 跟读故事教师播放录音,要求学生跟读对话,模仿语音语调。5. 角色表演组织学生分角色朗读对话,并鼓励他们尝试表演故事,体现故事的幽默。人都要问)b.Use “ What does . do? She/He is . . . ”学生组内调查2)T: Now, lets introduce your partners parent. You can say “ . . . father/ mother

20、is . . . He/She . . .”PPT出示:. . . father/ mother is . . . He/She . . .指名介绍; 学生写下自己介绍的内容。Step 3 Sound time1. 教师示范朗读单词fly, my, sky, try 和why, 然后引导学生总结字母y 在这几个单词中读/ai/ .2. 生跟录音读单词和歌谣。3. 分组进行歌谣朗读竞赛,比一比那一组读得又流利又正确。4. PPT出示含有字母y且读音为/ai/的新单词,鼓励他们读一读。如by, July, style, spy等。Step 4 Culture time1. PPT出示此部分,生跟P

21、PT读。2.PPT: 美国人为什么叫警察为cop?cop一词来源于copper(铜)。说,由于美国警察都穿有铜扣的大衣,戴铜制的徽章,所以人们就戏称警察为copper。久而久之,copper就变成了cop。3. PPT出示美国英语和英国英语表达同一事物和意思时用词不同的单词: 英国 美国秋天 autumn fall电影 film movie商店 shop store糖果 sweet candy板书设计: Unit 5 What do they do ? y / ai / : fly my sky why try Guess: dry July Unit 5 What do they do ?教

22、学目标:1.进一步掌握本单元的单词句型,达到能熟练运用的程度。2.运用What do you do ? What does .do ? Im /Hes /Shes a.句型进行说话和写话练习。3.通过有针对性的操练,训练重点句型和难点,学生能用所学句型进行情景对话和交流。重难点:熟练运用 句型What do you do ? What does .do ? Im a . Shes a . Hes a . I teach English. He helps sick people. She makes sweets.课前准备:课件,录音机,教学挂图,卡片教学过程:教学设计(主备)复备Step 1

23、 Free talk1. Greeting. 2. T: How many people are there in your family? S: . . .T: What do they do?S: . . .Work in pairs.Step 2 Do a survey1.T: Now, lets do a survey. Please open your books to page56.PPT:(1)Work in groups.(2)Ask your partner and write.2. 学生小组内调查。3. 指名汇报。4.T: Can you introduce your pa

24、rtners parents and relatives?S: . . .Step 3 Think and writeT: What do your parents and relatives do? Look at page57, think and write.生思考写下来。指名汇报。同桌互批,订正。Step 4 Consolidation1.听写单词:teacher,teach,write,work,doctor,help,worker,nurse.2.听写句型:What does he/she do? He/She is a teacher/ worker/factory/writer

25、 . . .3.Ticking time.4.Do some exercise book.Step 5 Do some exercise1.用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)desk , teach , swim , write , well (1)He _ English . He has a lot of students.(2)She is a writer. She _ stories.(3)Lets go _ this afternoon.(4)I like skiing . I can ski very _ .(5)How many _ are there in the class

26、room?2.根据汉语提示完成句子。(10分)(1)房子旁边有一棵大树。There is a _ tree _ the house.(2)玛丽很害怕。有三只熊在她面前。Mary is very _ . There are three bears _ _ _ her.(3)我的床很柔软,但是我姐姐的床很硬。My bed is very _ . But my sisters is very _ .(4)我能看见桌子上有三杯咖啡。I can see _ cups of coffee on the _.板书设计: 板书设计: Unit 5 What do they do ? What do you do ? Im /Were . What does .do ? Hes /Shes a . (三单人称)

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