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1、美国队长2300:00:48,799 - 00:00:50,176小心左边On your left.400:01:00,895 - 00:01:02,104小心左边On your left.500:01:02,188 - 00:01:04,231好吧 小心左边 知道了Uh-huh. On my left. Got it.600:01:09,987 - 00:01:11,363别说了 别再说了Dont say it. Dont you say it.700:01:11,447 - 00:01:12,990- 小心左边 - 该死!- On your left. - Come on!800:01:1

2、3,991 - 00:01:15,826噢!Oh!900:01:21,832 - 00:01:23,417要叫医生来吗?Need a medic?1000:01:26,128 - 00:01:27,838我得换一对新的肺I need a new set of lungs.1100:01:27,922 - 00:01:31,258哥们 你三十分钟就跑了十三英里诶Dude, you just ran, like, 13 miles in 30 minutes.1200:01:31,342 - 00:01:32,343我想我起步晚了I guess I got a late start.1300:01

3、:32,593 - 00:01:35,054开玩笑吧? 你真应该感到羞愧Really? You should be ashamed of yourself.1400:01:35,304 - 00:01:37,765你该再去跑一圈的You should take another lap.1500:01:37,973 - 00:01:40,017你刚刚跑了吗? 我当你跑了吧Did you just take it? I assume you just took it.1600:01:40,476 - 00:01:41,769你是哪个部队的?What unit you with?1700:01:41

4、,977 - 00:01:43,312五十八军伞降救援队58th Pararescue.1800:01:43,521 - 00:01:45,022但现在 我在退伍军人服务处工作But now Im working down at the VA.1900:01:45,773 - 00:01:47,358- 我是山姆威尔逊 - 我是史蒂夫罗杰斯- Sam Wilson. - Steve Rogers.2000:01:47,525 - 00:01:49,693我大概猜到了I kind of put that together. 2100:01:50,820 - 00:01:53,322解冻之后回家一

5、定把你吓坏了吧Must have freaked you out, coming home after the whole defrosting thing.2200:01:53,447 - 00:01:55,866是得习惯一阵子It takes some getting used to.2300:01:56,033 - 00:01:57,451很高兴认识你 山姆Its good to meet you, Sam.2400:01:57,868 - 00:01:58,869是床的问题吧 对吗?Its your bed, right?2500:02:00,121 - 00:02:01,038什么?

6、Whats that?2600:02:01,205 - 00:02:02,623你觉得床太软了Your bed, its too soft.2700:02:02,873 - 00:02:04,458在军队的时候 我会睡在地上When I was over there, Id sleep on the ground,2800:02:04,667 - 00:02:06,544拿石头当枕头 像个原始人use rock for pillows, like a caveman.2900:02:06,877 - 00:02:09,880现在我回家了 躺在床上 那感觉就像.Now Im home, lyin

7、g in my bed, and its like.3000:02:10,005 - 00:02:11,257躺在棉花糖上Lying on a marshmallow.3100:02:11,340 - 00:02:13,008感觉像是要陷到地上一样Feel like Im gonna sink right to the floor.3200:02:14,385 - 00:02:15,636参军多久?How long?3300:02:15,719 - 00:02:17,012两次海外部署Two tours.3400:02:18,055 - 00:02:19,473你一定很怀念以前的美好时光 对吧

8、?You must miss the good old days, huh?3500:02:20,432 - 00:02:22,893其实事情没有那么糟糕Well, things arent so bad.3600:02:23,102 - 00:02:25,479吃的好了很多 我们曾经什么都拿来煮Foods a lot better. We used to boil everything.3700:02:25,563 - 00:02:26,856没有小儿麻痹症是件好事No polio is good.3800:02:26,939 - 00:02:28,190互联网太有用了Internet, s

9、o helpful.3900:02:28,399 - 00:02:29,775我一直在读网上的东西 想要跟上时代Ive been reading that a lot, trying to catch up.4000:02:31,944 - 00:02:35,906马文盖伊1972年的专辑黑手煞星Marvin Gaye, 1972, Trouble Man soundtrack.4100:02:36,115 - 00:02:38,576你错过的一切在那张专辑里都有Everything you missed jammed into one album.4200:02:38,742 - 00:02

10、:40,703我会记在备忘录里的Ill put it on the list.4300:02:41,742 - 00:02:44,003我爱露西(电视剧) 登月 柏林墙(建立和拆毁) 史蒂夫乔布斯(苹果) 迪斯科 泰国菜 星球大战/星际迷航 涅槃乐队 洛奇(洛奇2) 黑手煞星(专辑)4400:02:47,742 - 00:02:48,223有任务 立即动身 路边见4500:02:48,377 - 00:02:51,046好吧 山姆 我有任务了 谢谢你陪我一起跑步All right, Sam, duty calls. Thanks for the run.4600:02:51,297 - 00:

11、02:52,590如果你觉得那也算跑步的话If thats what you want to call running.4700:02:52,798 - 00:02:53,799有那么糟糕吗?Oh, thats how it is?4800:02:53,883 - 00:02:54,925- 就有那么糟糕 - 好吧- Oh, thats how it is. - Okay. 4900:02:56,594 - 00:02:58,929有空路过退伍军人服务处的话Any time you want to stop by the VA, make me look awesome5000:02:59,0

12、96 - 00:03:02,433提前跟我说一声 帮我在前台姑娘面前长长脸in front of the girl at the front desk, just let me know.5100:03:02,600 - 00:03:04,226- 我会记住的 - 好- Ill keep it in mind. - Yeah.5200:03:08,230 - 00:03:09,773嘿 伙计们Hey, fellas.5300:03:09,982 - 00:03:11,734你们有谁知道史密森尼博物馆在哪里吗?Either one of you know where the Smithsonia

13、n is?5400:03:11,942 - 00:03:13,152我来接一块化石Im here to pick up a fossil.5500:03:13,611 - 00:03:14,612真好笑Thats hilarious.5600:03:19,158 - 00:03:20,618- 你好吗? - 嘿- How you doing? - Hey.5700:03:22,077 - 00:03:23,370不是什么地方都能跑着去的Cant run everywhere.5800:03:23,454 - 00:03:24,455的确不能No, you cant.5900:03:30,560

14、 - 00:03:33,600an8印度洋 北纬16度55分12.06秒 东经73度56分7.09秒6000:03:32,296 - 00:03:34,423目标是一个移动卫星发射平台Target is a mobile satellite launch platform,6100:03:34,506 - 00:03:35,633利莫里亚之星号the Lemurian Star.6200:03:35,966 - 00:03:38,09393分钟前海盗劫持的时候 他们正在发射卫星的They were sending up their last payload when pirates took

15、them,6300:03:38,719 - 00:03:40,012最后一个有效载荷93 minutes ago.6400:03:40,221 - 00:03:41,972- 提什么要求了吗? - 十五亿- Any demands? - Billion and a half.6500:03:42,139 - 00:03:43,807- 怎么这么多? - 因为那是神盾局的船- Why so steep? - Because its S.H.I.E.L.D.s.6600:03:46,310 - 00:03:47,978所以并不是偏离航向 而是非法入侵So its not off-course. I

16、ts trespassing.6700:03:48,145 - 00:03:49,647我肯定这是事出有因Im sure they have a good reason.6800:03:49,813 - 00:03:51,523我有点厌倦帮弗瑞擦屁股了You know, Im getting a little tired of being Furys janitor.6900:03:51,732 - 00:03:53,567放轻松 没有那么复杂Relax. Its not that complicated.7000:03:53,776 - 00:03:54,860有多少海盗?How many

17、pirates?7100:03:54,944 - 00:03:57,488二十五个 都是顶级外国雇佣兵25. Top mercs led by this guy.7200:03:58,280 - 00:04:01,742首领是前法国对外安全局行动部官员乔治巴曹克Georges Batroc. Ex-DGSE, Action Division.7300:04:01,951 - 00:04:03,827他是国际刑警红色通告上的头号通缉犯Hes at the top of Interpols Red Notice.7400:04:04,495 - 00:04:07,665法国人遣散他之前 他执行过三

18、十六次暗杀任务Before the French demobilised him, he had 36 kill missions.7500:04:07,915 - 00:04:09,500他总是可以造成最大伤亡This guys got a rep for maximum casualties.7600:04:09,708 - 00:04:10,960人质呢?Hostages?7700:04:11,043 - 00:04:13,921大部分是技术人员 有一个官员 加斯帕西特维尔Oh, mostly techs. One officer. Jasper Sitwell.7800:04:14,5

19、88 - 00:04:15,839他们在船上的厨房里Theyre in the galley.7900:04:16,006 - 00:04:17,466西特维尔在发射船上做什么?Whats Sitwell doing on a launch ship?8000:04:17,675 - 00:04:19,510好吧 我来扫荡甲板 找到巴曹克All right, Im gonna sweep the deck and find Batroc.8100:04:19,718 - 00:04:21,178娜塔莎 你负责关了引擎 等待命令Nat, you kill the engines and wait

20、 for instructions.8200:04:21,679 - 00:04:24,181朗姆洛 你负责扫荡船尾 找到人质Rumlow, you sweep aft, find the hostages,8300:04:24,348 - 00:04:26,141把他们弄上救生艇 带他们逃出去 我们行动吧get them to the life-pods, get them out. Lets move.8400:04:26,225 - 00:04:27,351突击队 你们听到队长说的了吧 准备行动S.T.R.I.K.E., you heard the Cap. Gear up.8500:0

21、4:41,490 - 00:04:42,574确认七频道的安全Secure channel seven.8600:04:42,658 - 00:04:43,784七频道安全Seven secure.8700:04:43,867 - 00:04:45,411你周六晚上找乐子了吗?Did you do anything fun Saturday night?8800:04:45,661 - 00:04:49,039以前跟我一起玩的人都死了Well, all the guys from my barbershop quartet are dead,8900:04:49,206 - 00:04:50,

22、749所以没找什么乐子so, no, not really.9000:04:50,833 - 00:04:53,043现在进入跳伞区域 队长Coming up on the drop zone, Cap.9100:04:53,252 - 00:04:56,255你要是约数据部的克里斯汀出去 她肯定答应You know, if you ask Kristen out, from Statistics, shed probably say yes.9200:04:57,172 - 00:04:58,132这就是我不约的原因啊Thats why I dont ask.9300:05:00,050 -

23、 00:05:01,635太害羞还是太害怕?Too shy, or too scared?9400:05:02,428 - 00:05:03,762是太忙了!Too busy!9500:05:05,222 - 00:05:06,807他带降落伞了吗?Was he wearing a parachute?9600:05:07,016 - 00:05:08,058没有No.9700:05:08,684 - 00:05:09,727他没带No, he wasnt.9800:06:10,746 - 00:06:11,955啊!Ahh!9900:06:18,545 - 00:06:19,630啊!Ahh

24、!10000:06:24,176 - 00:06:25,177嘿!Hey!10100:07:04,049 - 00:07:05,050别动Dont move.10200:07:09,221 - 00:07:10,222谢了Thanks.10300:07:10,472 - 00:07:12,474不客气 你看上去没我可不行Yeah. You seemed pretty helpless without me.10400:07:17,146 - 00:07:18,814那个住在你家对面的护士怎么样?What about the nurse that lives across the hall fr

25、om you?10500:07:18,897 - 00:07:19,940她看上去人挺好的She seems kind of nice.10600:07:20,023 - 00:07:21,650先把引擎室搞定了 再给我找约会对象Secure the engine room, then find me a date.10700:07:21,859 - 00:07:23,444我在一心二用嘛Im multi-tasking.10800:07:24,820 - 00:07:25,863我跟巴曹克说过.I told Batroc.10900:07:26,238 - 00:07:27,489如果我们想

26、要神盾局付赎金.if we want to make S.H.I.E.L.D. pay us.11000:07:27,739 - 00:07:29,783就得给他们送几具尸体!we should send them bodies now!11100:07:31,660 - 00:07:33,704我准备杀一个.I have a bullet for someone.11200:07:34,538 - 00:07:36,039你想吃颗子弹吗?You want a bullet in your head?11300:07:36,331 - 00:07:37,875把脚收好! 你想吃颗子弹吗?Mov

27、e that foot! You want a bullet in the head?11400:07:38,542 - 00:07:39,877想吗?Huh?11500:07:47,885 - 00:07:49,720我不喜欢等I dont like waiting.11600:07:50,846 - 00:07:52,014打电话给杜兰德Call Durand.11700:07:52,681 - 00:07:55,309赎金到的时候 我要这艘船随时能走I want this ship ready to move when the ransom comes.11800:08:03,066 -

28、 00:08:04,067发动引擎Start the engines.11900:08:04,401 - 00:08:05,486好Okay.12000:08:06,778 - 00:08:07,821嘿 水手Hey, sailor.12100:08:27,633 - 00:08:28,634闭嘴Shut up.12200:08:29,968 - 00:08:32,262你想当英雄? 是这样吗?You want to be a hero? Is that it?12300:08:38,769 - 00:08:40,979好了 我已经等得够久了.All right, Ive waited long enough.12400:08:44,274 - 00:08:45,567嘿!Hey!12500:08:45,651 - 00:08:46,652去找巴曹克.Find Batroc.12600:08:46,735 - 00:08:47,736要是两分钟内不回话.if I dont hear anything in two minutes.12700:08:47,903 - 00:08:49,071我就开始杀人了!I start killing them!12800:08:49,279 - 00:08:50,280我

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