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语法全总结 GMAT.docx

1、语法全总结 GMATGMAT 个人语法笔记说明本笔记全面覆盖PREP2008 所有知识点, Manhattan 所有语法点,新东方丽丽所讲的我个人觉得靠谱的语法点,管卫东语法点以及平时真题时遇到的语法点,有很强的覆盖性! 编撰此笔记旨在方便各位CDer在需要时查询各个知识点并快速定位到相应解释!时间紧迫的复习者也可直接看此笔记作为复习!需要提醒各位,GMAC最近加大了逻辑和语义的考察力度,在做题中一定要加强逻辑和语义的判断!语法只能作为提速和初步判断的工具!切记!感谢Chasedream和各位大牛的鼎力支持!制作时间:2011年9月18日 制作人ID: Tonytong Like 用法总结一

2、Like 用法三原则原则一:like比较的是名词和名词。要找准比较对象。原则二:Just like 是wordy, like就可以了。Like*, *also 也是redundant。原则三:要把like的句子改写成as(连词)引导的从句的话,要补上从句的谓语动词(或助动词),并且该动词和主句的动词应该没有逻辑上的矛盾。二. Like九条及例题woodorstone总结得挺好。我自己也总结了9条,改了改发出来,一家之言,仅供参考。例子太长,没贴,可根据文中题号,到大全987和og里找到。1. as作连词,like作介词时,才可表示”象.一样”2. like 和 as 的优缺点like优点是,直

3、接接名词,简洁,比as灵活,象得没as那么象。但有时太灵活以至导致歧义(e.g.,og060.A)。相比之下as的优点是准确,缺点是过于死板,以致于有时导致逻辑上不通。(e.g.,og119.C)3. like 常用于比较名词,作独立成分,大部分时候出现在句首。(e.g.,og091)但like+n.也可作表语 (looks like, reads like (e.g.,大全568),或普通状语 (说普通是区分独立成分)(v.+like+n.,e.g., og119)。平时我们说“work like a dog”,即属此类。4.当like+n.作状语时,象所有的介词短语作状语一样,要考虑它在句

4、中的位置和用来修饰什么,不可导致歧义。5. 当like+n.作状语时,感觉GMAT接受v.+like+n.,很少用v.+n.+like+n.,除非是固定用法(如 (大全310)。例如下面的句子,GMAT会认为confusing: Tom drives his car like a tank. (drive like a tank, or car like a tank?)6. like, as, 和 as if。当用as和like都感觉不舒服时,用as if虚拟语气,尤其用于和假设的事物或事实比较。如上面的句子用as不行,因为Tom drives his car as

5、he drives a tank。显然不妥,因为Tom未必开坦克。但可以这么说:Tom drives his car as if it were a tank。(大全310)7. n1, like n2 和 n1, such as n2。表“比如.”,只能用such as;而表“象.”时,用like。或说,当n2是n1的子集时,用such as;当n1和n2为平行可比物时,用like。记住such as一般对,也小心“大全229”那样的陷阱。8. like this/these 和 sth. of this kind,改成such+n. (e.g.,大全792)9. like和unlike。u

6、nlike只作独立成分和表语,没见过unlike作普通状语。He works unlike a dog (别扭)。注意 is not unlike 表强调,不要改成is like。 (e.g., og051)例:og091:like独立成分,平行比较og060,大全844,大全045:like 歧义og119/og189:v.+like 普通状语,as过于死板大全310/大全973: as if,treat.like大全568:系表结构,read like.大全792:like these = such+n.大全229:表“象.”,用like,不用such asog208:表“比如.”,只能用

7、such as,不用like三OG对like的讲解1.Like many self-taught artists, Perle Hessing did not begin to paint until she was well into middle age.(A) Like(B) As have(C) Just as with(D) Just like(A)(E) As didChoice A, the best answer, is concise and grammatically correct, using the comparative preposition like to ex

8、press the comparison between many self-taught artists and Perle Hessing. Choices B and E, which replace As prepositional phrase with clauses introduced by as, use auxiliary verbs that cannot properly be completed by any part of the verb phrase in the main clause: neither have. did not begin nor did.

9、 did not begin is logically or grammatically sound. In C and D, Just as with and Just like are both unnecessary wordy.2. Like Auden, the language of James Merrill is chatty, arch, and conversationalgiven to complex syntactic flights as well as to prosaic free-verse strolls.(A) Like Auden, the langua

10、ge of James Merrill(B) Like Auden, James Merrills language(C) Like Audens, James Merrills language(D) As with Auden, James Merrills language(C)(E) As is Audens the language of James MerrillAt issue is a comparison of Audens language with Merrills language. Only C, the best choice, uses the elliptica

11、l like Audens (language being understood), to compare Audens language with Merrills language. A, B, and D compare Auden (the person) with Merrills language. Choice E is awkward and unidiomatic.3. Like their male counterparts, women scientists are above average in terms of intelligence and creativity

12、, but unlike men of science, their female counterparts have had to work against the grain of occupational stereotyping to enter a “mans world.”(A) their female counterparts have had to work(B) their problem is working(C) one thing they have had to do is work(D) the handicap women of science have had

13、 is to work(E)(E) women of science have had to workE is the best choice. The meaning is clear despite the relative complexity of the sentence, the comparison of women with men is logical, and parallelism is maintained throughout. In A, the construction unlike men of science, their female counterpart

14、s violates rules of parallelism and syntax. It would best be rendered as unlike men of science, women of science. Choice B incorrectly suggests that a comparison is being made between men of science and a. problem faced by female scientists. In C, the lengthy separation between women and they makes

15、the pronoun reference vague, and the comparison between men of science and one thing (rather than women of science) is faulty. The phrasing is unnecessarily wordy as well. Choice D introduces unnecessary redundancy and awkwardness with the construction the handicap women. have had is to work. Choice

16、 D also incorrectly compares male scientists with a handicap faced by female scientists.4.Like Rousseau, Tolstoi rebelled against the unnatural complexity of human relations in modern society.(A) Like Rousseau, Tolstoi rebelled(B) Like Rousseau, Tolstois rebellion was(C) As Rousseau, Tolstoi rebelle

17、d(D) As did Rousseau, Tolstois rebellion was(A)(E) Tolstois rebellion, as Rousseaus, wasIn choice A, the best answer, a clear and logical comparison is made between Rousseau and Tolstoi. Choice B illogically compares a person, Rousseau, to an event, Tolstois rebellion. Also, Tolstois rebellion was a

18、gainst is less direct than Tolstoi rebelled against. Inserting did after As would make C grammatical. Because As is a conjunction, it must introduce a clause; hence the noun Rousseau must have a verb. Choice D compares an implied action (As did Rousseau) with a noun (Tolstois rebellion). Choice E is

19、 awkwardly formed, and like is needed in place of as to compare two nouns (rebellion is understood after Rousseaus). Also, Tolstois rebellion. was against is less direct than Tolstoi rebelled against.5. Like the one reputed to live in Loch Ness, also an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river,

20、 inhabitants of the area around Lake Champlain claim sightings of a long and narrow “sea monster.”(A) Like the one reputed to live in Loch Ness, also an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river, inhabitants of the area around Lake Champlain claim sightings of a long and narrow “sea monster.(B)

21、Inhabitants of the area around Lake Champlain claim sightings of a long and narrow “sea monster” similar to the one reputed to live in Loch Ness, which, like Lake Champlain, is an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river. (C) Inhabitants of the area around Lake Champlain claim sightings of a lo

22、ng and narrow “sea monster” similar to Loch Nesss, which, like Lake Champlain, is an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river.(D) Like Loch Ness reputed monster, inhabitants of the area around Lake Champlain, also an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river, claim sightings of a long and n

23、arrow “sea monster.”(B)(E) Similar to that reputed to live in Loch Ness, inhabitants of the area around Lake Champlain, also an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river, claim sightings of a long and narrow “sea monster.”Choice A, D and E illogically compare the monster reputed to live in Loch

24、Ness to the inhabitants of the area around Lake Champlain, not to the monster that some local inhabitants claim to have sighted. Furthermore, in E the phrase Similar to that reputed to live in Loch Ness is needlessly wordy and indirect. C is faulty because the pronoun which would refer to Loch Ness,

25、 not to the “sea monster” similar to Loch Nesss. B, the best choice, uses which correctly and makes a logical comparison. The question is a little easier than middle difficulty.6.Like Byron at Missolonghi, Jack London was slowly killed by the mistakes of the medical men who treated him.(A) Like Byro

26、n(B) Like Byrons death(C) Just as Byron died(D) Similar to Byron(A)(E) As did ByronChoice A correctly compares two persons, Byron and Jack London. Choice B illogically compares Byrons death to London. Choice C does not compare one person to another and could be read as saying Just at the time that B

27、yron died. Choice D misstates the idea: the point is not that London was similar to Byron but that he was like Byron in the manner of his death. In choice E, did cannot grammatically be substituted for was in the phrase was slowly killed. This question is a little more difficult than the average.7.

28、Like Haydn, Schubert wrote a great deal for the stage, but he is remembered principally for his chamber and concert-hall music.(A) Like Haydn, Schubert(B) Like Haydn, Schubert also(C) As has Haydn, Schubert(D) As did Haydn, Schubert also(A)(E) As Haydn did, Schubert alsoChoice A is correct. In B, al

29、so is redundant after Like, which establishes the similarity between Haydn and Schubert. As in choices C, D, and E is not idiomatic in a comparison of persons; has in C wrongly suggests that the action was recently completed; and also in D and E is superfluous. This question is a little more difficu

30、lt than the average.三大全like 题目练习1.Like Byron at Missolonghi, Jack London was slowly killed by the mistakes of the medical men who treated him.(A) Like Byron(B) Like Byrons death(C) Just as Byron died(D) Similar to Byron(A)(E) As did Byron2. Like Edvard Grieg, whom the Scandinavians long refused to r

31、ecognize, the Italians disregard for Verdi persisted for a decade after his critical acclaim in France and Austria.(A) Like Edvard Grieg, whom the Scandinavians long refused to recognize,(B) Like Edvard Grieg, who the Scandinavians long refused to recognize,(C) Just as Edvard Grieg was long refused

32、recognition by the Scandinavians,(D) Just as the Scandinavians long refused to recognize Edvard Grieg, so(E)(E) Like the Scandinavians long refusal to recognize Edvard Grieg,3.Like Haydn, Schubert wrote a great deal for the stage, but he is remembered principally for his chamber and concert-hall music.(A) Like Haydn, Schubert(B) Like Haydn, Schuber

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