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1、还原性阅读阅读还原题导向性突破训练近年中考英语越来越强调考查学生的综合语言技能,在题型上进行创新。乐山市中考英语的最后一篇阅读还原题就是一例。许多考生由于缺少针对性训练,或训练目标不明确,找不到解题的突破方向,一看到这类题就头疼。于是,阅读还原题成了出题者眼中的“拉分题”。 其实,只要了解题材和文章结构,弄清此类题的出题方向和解题技巧,“拉分题”也会成为“送分题”。阅读还原题的选材广泛,包括文化、生活、叙事、人物等题材。阅读还原的篇目一般为250词以内,通常从原文中挖出五个句子,要求还原到文中适当的地方。着重考查分析理解和布局某篇的能力。要求读懂全文、理清思路、把握脉络,对号入座,使文章自然流

2、畅。解题技巧1.通读全文,明确大意。同学们要着眼全文,理解其内容、结构和逻辑关系。2.阅读选项,心中有数。在读完短文后,要迅速阅读文后所给句子,明确各句意思,做到心中有数,为下一步的阅读做好铺垫。3.细读全文,找准信息。读完备选句后,我们要细读全文,对空格前后句子要反复读,找出关键词,根据文章结构、逻辑关系作出正确选择。4.全文复读,融会贯通。在填好答案后,从头至尾再把文章读一遍,从语意、语境的角度核查所选句子是否正确。练习 A【2011四川宜宾】请根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出恰当的选项补全短文,使短文意思通顺、结构完整。并将其序号A、B、C、D、E填写到相应番号之后的横线上。 My m

3、other is a kind and nice woman. 61 One Sunday night, when I was watching the film Harry Potter very happily Mother asked me to go to bed. 62 that I didnt move. But for a while, I noticed that she didnt say anything. 63 I was so sad and that I went into my room and cried. I thought “I have only two n

4、ights in a week to enjoy the TV. 64 ” The next day she cooked and talked with me as usual. I pretended not to hear, but she didnt mind and told me why she didnt allow me to watch TV 65 Then I understood her. I love my mother.A. But she is very strict with me.B. because she wanted me to have a good r

5、est.C. Then she got angry and turned off the TV.D. I loved the film so muchE. Why doesnt mother allow me to watch TV?B(2013乐山中考)A. The other part of a typhoon(台风)is the wall of clouds around the eye.B. The warmer the air gets, the quicker the wind moves.C. Listen to the radio or TV for more informat

6、ion.D. A typhoon is a kind of very violent(强烈)storm.E. But they also can be very dangerous. 66 They develop in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean(太平洋). Most of them happen in July, August and September.When lots of sea water gets hot in the sun, it evaporates(蒸发)into the air. This makes the

7、air hotter, too. Once the air gets warmer, it starts to move very quickly, making wind. The wind goes in circles, and it keeps rising in the sky. 67 And when the wind moves faster than 30 minutes a second, a typhoon begins.A typhoon has two parts. One is called the“eye”. This is right in the middle

8、of a typhoon and is calm(平静的). In the eye, the wind does not move so fast. 68 This is where the strongest winds and hardest rains are found.Typhoons bring water to people. 69 They blow away houses and cars and even kill people.How to stay safe when a typhoon hits?If you have to get out, take a train

9、. Its safer than taking planes and cars.Close the windows and stay away from them.Stay as far away as possible from building sites. 70 Before the typhoon arrives, try to bring all of your things inside, such as plants and your bikes. C(2013乐山中考)A. They need to be left on their own, without adults tr

10、oubling them.B. Others have learned how to work in a team.C. “Survival Holidays” is for children to go into the lonely place for exciting activities.D. “Survival Holidays” gives them an important change.E. Many people think the survival activities are good for children.Have you heard about “Survival

11、 (生存) Holidays”? 66 Now about 1,100 companies are allowed to take children into the great outdoors without their parents.Why do people like “Survival Holidays”? It is because they think being close to nature is good for children. Many children in big cities spend all time watching TV and playing com

12、puter games. 67 Is “Survival Holidays” a wonderful idea? Maybe it is. Children need more free time to play. 68 Parents care too much about their children. They like to see the children being busy with activities under the control of adults (大人), but children dont know what to do when they are in dan

13、ger. Even something like crossing a small river or falling down seems very terrible to them. 69 Even years later, they will still remember what they have learned. Some have learned to stay cool in different times. Some have learned how to keep safe. 70 All these skills will help them a lot in their

14、lives.D(2012乐山中考)A. Scientists are still working on testing them.B. So some clever farmers have solved (解决) the watermelon problem.C. Doctors might be able to use vegetables to fight cancer now.D. Since 1990s, many Chinese farmers have had amazing rice harvests (收成).E. Well, today the poem needs to

15、change to“Roses are red, roses are blue”!Most people may not think that there are any problems with watermelons (西瓜), but some Japanese sellers do. There is often wasted space when they store watermelon because round watermelons do not sit nicely on shelves. 66 They make their watermelons grow in sq

16、uare (正方形的) glass boxes so the watermelons become square. The only problem now is the price which is about 80 dollars each.Many people know the saying“Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet and so are you.” 67 Australian scientists have just recently discovered that when they put a chemical

17、 from a blue flower into a rose, they can create a nearly 100% blue rose. Some of scientists inventions are beautiful, not just useful. 68 For many years Chinese scientists have been working on developing new kinds of stronger rice and now they have produced a new kind called super rice. Super rice

18、not only can protect itself against insects (害虫) and diseases, but it also produces more than any other kind of rice. Today farmers can grow almost one and a half times more rice than they could grow in the past. 69 US scientists have discovered a way to put a chemical into tomato plants while they

19、are growing. When cancer patients eat the tomatoes, the tomatoes will fight the cancer in their bodies. These cancer-fighting vegetables are not yet for sale. 70 If study finds no problems with tomatoes, then patients can begin to use this easy and delicious new treatment.E(2015夹江二调)A. I hate you.B.

20、 Forgetting your password is sometimes a big headache for you.C. Simple passwords are easy to be stolen.D. It found that 16 percent took a first name as a password.E. We use passwords everywhere in our life.A password is like a key to your home. If someone steals it, hell get chances to steal someth

21、ing else. 67 _ .We are so used to passwords that we dont pay any attention to them until we lose or forget one. A study of 28,000 passwords recently stolen from a popular website showed that people often do the easy thing. _68_Another 14 percent used the easiest keyboard combinations such as “123456

22、78” or QWERTY. Five percent of the stolen passwords were names of television shows or stars popular with young people. Three percent of the passwords expressed feelings like “I dont care,” “Whatever,” “Iloveyou,” or their opposite, “ _69_”Robert Graham, who did the study, advises people to choose a

23、password that is longer than eight characters with one capital letter(大写字母) and one symbol.Of course, safe passwords dont mean those hard to remember. _70_ Maybe, the perfect password is easy for you and hard for others. F(2014峨边二调)AWhat might the future be like?BOil is running out faster than expec

24、ted.CComputers will be important and popular among the students.DBut in 28 years, Spring Festival travel may not be a problem at all.ENewspaper will come to an end in 2043. 66 Here are some predictions: things to come, things to go.The Spring Festival, the most important Chinese holiday when everyon

25、e returns home, has caused headaches for millions of Chinese. More than 2 billion people travel at the same time, making getting travel tickets and the journey difficult. 67 China plans to build more than 120,000 kilometers of railway and a fast transportation network that will serve 90% of the popu

26、lation by 2020. And because most of China will be cities, people will not have to go to other places to find a job, so it will no longer be a problem. 68 In the future, digital newspapers will be sent to personal web tools through Internet. Readers can discuss topics with journalists and editors. In

27、formation will move faster. 69 But scientists have found something else for oil as fuel. Coal, natural gas, solar power, nuclear power and even water can take the place of oil as sources of energy.Schools will go electronic. 70 Everything will be in the computer and students will not need to bring b

28、ooks to school. They will find information on the Internet. A computer will be the students library, schoolbag and connection to the outside world. There will be robot teachers. They will check homework on computers and communicate with the students parents through e-mail. And school buses will be l

29、ike spaceships, comfortable and safe.G(2014夹江二调)A. How many hours a day are you online? B. If you have IAD,what can you do?C. People with IAD are online a lot.D. In this way,you can have a good social life with other friends.E. Doctors say this is a new sickness.Computers are good tools(工具).The Inte

30、rnet is also good. But some people spend too much time online. They cant stop. 66 They call this sickness Internet Addiction Disorder (互联网成瘾症)(IAD). 67 They spend hours talking to their friends or playing online games. Many people with IAD spend more time on the Internet than with family or friends.

31、 Some people with IAD even quit(辞掉)their jobs!Do you have IAD? Think about these questions: 68 Is it a lot or a little? When you are not online,are you thinking about playing a computer game or checking your messages? When you are online,do you forget the time? Do you get angry when you cant play a

32、game? 69 Dr. Ivan Goldberg and Dr. Kimberly S. Young have some ideas. First,ask yourself “Why am I online a lot?” Then try to take a break. For example,use the computer or play games twice a week,not every day. 70 H(2014犍为二调)A. If you are robbed (抢劫) B. If you are in a traffic accident C. When there is a fire D. If it is raining hard and there is lightningE. If someone is drowningAccording to a new survey, students s

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