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1、数词的分类及用法数词的分类及用法适用学科英语适用年级小学六年级适用区域四川课时时长(分钟)1课时/60分钟知识点基数词及其用法序数词及其用法教学目标知识:1掌握基数词的构成及用法2、掌握序数词的构成及用法方法:要牢记基数词和序数词的构成、用法,并能灵活运用。能力:1能正确使用基数词并掌握其用法2、能正确使用序数词并掌握其用法教学重点1、 基数词和序数词的构成2、 基数词和序数词的用法教学难点1、 基数词和序数词的区别2、 数词的用法教学过程一、复习预习教师引导学生复习之前所学简单数词, ,并通过所学内容分析和扩展导入本节课所要学习 的数次内容。、知识讲解 知识点 1:基数词的构成考查点】 1基

2、数词的的构成 1 10: one two three four five six seve n eight nine ten1119: 词尾力口 -teen : thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteennineteen 其中 eleven , twelve , thirteen , fifteen , eighteen 为特殊形式20 90: twenty , thirty , forty , fifty , sixty , seventy , eighty , ninety21 99: 在十位与个位之间加连字符构成 .21- t

3、wenty-one 99-ninety-nine101-999 : 百位数与十位数之间要加 and , 再加末尾两位数或个位数 .101-one hundred and one238 two hundred and thirty-eight320 three hundred and twenty1000以上的数:先将数字从右往左数 ,每三位数用一个逗号隔开 , 从右往左第一个逗号表示 “千”读 thousand 第二个逗号表示 “百万”读 million 第三个逗号表示 “十亿”读 billion 且 hundred, thousand, million 等用单数形式。 注意,百位数 hund

4、red 与十位数 ( 或 个位数)之间要用and连接。十位数与个位数之间要用连字符号“ -”如:52, 368 读作: fifty-two thousand, three hundred and sixty-eight.18,657,421eighteen million ,six hundred and fifty-seven thousand ,four hundred and twenty-one.2,648 two thousand six hundred and forty-eight16,250,064 sixteen million two hundred and fifty t

5、housand sixty-four5,237,166,234 five billion , two hundred and thirty-seven million , one hundred and sixty-six thousand , two hundred and thirty-four【易错点】 hundred, thousand, million, billion 其前跟数词时不能加 -s; 若要加 -s 必须 是 hundreds of, thousands of, millions of, billions of.There are two hundred people.T

6、here are hundreds of people.知识点 2:序数词的构成【考查点】 1.five fifth , eight 第一至第十: one first , two second , three third eighth ,nine ninth , twelve twelfth第十一至第十九:在基数词后加 -th 构成: eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth从第二十至第九十九:整数第几十的形式由其对应的基数词改变结尾字母 y为i,再加“et

7、h构成。twenty twentieth thirty thirtieth 表示第几十几时,用几十的基数词形式加上连字符“”和个位序数词形式一起表示。thirty-first 第三十一 fifty-sixth 第五十六seventy-third 第七十三 ninety-ninth 第九十第一百以上的多位序数词 :由基数词的形式变结尾部分为序数词形式来表示。one hundred and twenty-first 第一百二十一one thousand , three hundred and twentieth 第一千三百二十【考查点】 2序数词的缩写形式 有时,序数词可以用缩写形式来表示。主要缩

8、写形式有。first lst second 2nd third 3rdfourth 4th sixth 6th twentieth 20thtwenty-third 23rd其中 lst ,2nd, 3rd 为特殊形式,其它的都是阿拉伯数字后加上 th 。注意: 序数词一般以与之相应的基数词后加 -th 构成,少数几个需特别记忆。 为方便大家记 忆,请看下面口诀。基变序,有规律, first, second, third 要牢记 ;其它变化有公式,基数词尾加 -th;eight 去 t , nine 去 e , ve 则以 f 替 ;从 twenty, 到 ninety, 需变 y 为 ie;

9、若是遇到“几十几” ,只变个位就可以。【易错点】 1. 序数词前要加定冠词 the, 在句中作定语放在所修饰的名词前。December is the twelfth month of the year. 十二月是一年中的第 12 个月。【易错点】 2.序数词与冠词 a/an 连用:序数词前加不定冠词 a/an, 表示“又一”、 “再一” 的意思。知识点 3:数词的用法基数词位表达编号:编号可用序数词和基数词表示, 序数词位于名词之前,并加定冠词;于名词之后:Lesson5= the fifth lesson表达年,月,日月份的第一个字母要大写,有些月份名称有缩写形式。例如:一月 January

10、(Jan.), 二月 February(Feb.), 三月 March(Mar.), 四月(Apr.),五月 May,六 月 June,七月 July, 八月 August(Aug.),九月 September(Sep.), 十月 October(Oct.), 十 一月 November(Nov.), 十二月 December(Dec.)。对日期提问用 what s the today? 对星 期几提问 what day is it today?1.月 日,年 1999 年5月31日2日月,年读法:on May 31 st3在某年,某月,某世纪,某季节前用介词 in.在上午,下午,晚上用 in

11、: in the morning/ after noon/ eve ning在具体的某一天或具体某一天的上午,下午,晚上用 on: on Sun day; on Sun day eve ning.表达时刻:表达时刻用基数词而不用序数词。1表示几点钟:基数词 +o clock29:20 nine几点几分有两种表达方式: a:时在前、分在后,直接用基数词按顺序读出: twentyb: 分在前、时在后,半小时以内用past,意为过9:20twentyPast nine;超过半小时用to,意为差”但点数要加 1小时。10:50 ten to elevenc.表示半小时常用 half,表示一刻钟用qua

12、rter:9:30 half past nine 9:15 a quarter past nine表达年龄:对年龄提问用 how old1.直接用基数词表示:My son is twenty-one.2用”基数词+years+old ”表示。My son is twenty-one years old.3用at the age of + 基数词”My son is at the age of twenty-one.表达分数,小数,百分数:11/ 3 one third分数的分子用基数词,分母要用序数词:1/2 读作 one second1/4 读作 one fourth one quarter

13、3/4 读作 three fourths three quaters2分数在句中常与of+ n 起使用,作主语时,谓语动词根据其后名词确定单复数。One third of students like (like) the film.3百分数用基数词 +%”表示,读作 percent , 89%读作eighty-nine percent4读作:twen ty-seve n point eight three six.表达算式:5+6=11 Five and/ plus six is eleve n.11-5=6 Eleve n minus five is six.5X 6=30 Five tim

14、es six is thirty.倍数的表达方法:1倍数+as+形容词或副词原级+asThis ruler is three times as long as that one.2倍数+ 形容词或副词的比较级 +thanThis ruler is three times Ion ger tha n that one.3倍数 +the size/ le ngth/ weight+ of + 比较的对象This ruler is three times len gth of that one.二、例题精析【例题1】There are days in a year.A. three hun dred

15、s sixty-five B. three hun dreds and sixty-fiveC. three hun dred and sixty-five D. three hun dred and sixty five【答案】:Chundred解析】:句意为一年有 365 天,此题考查 100以上基数词的表达方法: 基数词后的不能加 -s; 十位和个位要用连接号“ - ”【例题 2】 people visit this museum every day.D. Hundreds ofA. Hundred B. Hundreds C. Hundred of答案】: C【解析】:句意为“每天都有

16、成百上千的人参观博物馆”,后加-s, hundreds of 表示成百上千的。hundred和of连用,必须在其【例题3】Have you found the six coins you lost yesterday?I have found , but I cant find A. five, the sixth B. five,sixth C. sixthfifths, six D.fifth,【答案】:A【解析】:句意为“你找到昨天丢的六个硬币了吗?“我已经找到五个了, 但是没有找到第theD.六个”第一空应选择基数词,第二空应选择序数词,序数词前应加定冠词【例题4】My daughte

17、r likes to ask questio ns about anything she sees.A. six-years-old B. six years old C. six-year-oldsix-year old【答案】:C【解析】:句意为“我六岁的女儿喜欢问问题关于她任何她见到的东西”此处应该选一个形 容词。四、课堂运用【基础】1.0h, its . . Lets go to school together.A. the quarter to eight B. a quarter to eight C. seven forty-five minutes pastseve nusua

18、lly beg ins on .A. the first of September B. the first, September C. September One D.September, the firstm afraid of the story is not so in terest ing.A. the part two B. sec ond part C. the sec ond part D. partsecond4. Which room are you stay ing in?A. The Room 301 B. 301 Room C. Room 301st D. Room

19、301【巩固】5. How many typewriters do you n eed?I need .A. three ones B. three C. the three D. them three6.About said that they enjoyed those books very much.A. four fifths stude nts B. four fifth of the stude ntsC. four fifths of stude nts D. four fifths of the stude ntsll spe nd the summer holidays in

20、 the mountain miles away.D.A. several hun dreds B. hun dreds of C. several hun dred ofhun dred of【拔高】Sun day will be Jan es .A. thirty-ninth B. thirtieth-ninth C. thirtieth-nine D.thirty-nineYellow River is _ longest river in Ch ina.A. two B. the two C. the sec ond D. sec ondhave two computer rooms.

21、 Still we are going to build one.A. the third B. a third C. three D. the three答案及解析1.B 此题考查时间的表达法,超过半小时,用分钟数 +to+ 小时数加 12.D 此题考查日期的表达法,用月份名词加序数词。3.C 句意为“我担心这个故事的第二部分没有那么有趣”可知此处该选一个序数词,而序 数词前应加定冠词 the.4.D 此题考查编号的表达法,房间号应在房间后加基数词。5.B 句意为“你需要多少打印机?” “我需要 3个”此处基数词表示数量。6.A 此处考查序数词,当分子大于一时,分母在序数词后加 -s7.B

22、此处考查 hundred 的用法,当其前有数字时,不能加 -s ;当其要加 -s 时,应与 of 连 用。8.A句意为“下周星期天是简的 39岁生日”此处考查序数词,第几十几的表达方法为在将 个位数变为序数词即可,十位数不变。9.C句意为“黄河是中国第二长河”此处应选择序数词,序数词前应加定冠词 the.10.A句意为“我们有两个电脑房间。我们正打算建第三个。因此选择序数词 the,在其前加定冠词the.课程小结本节课学习的是数词。主要围绕 10以上数次的构成和用法进行讲解。数词的易错点是考试中的考点。同学们要引起重视。课后作业【基础】the age of , he had his own l

23、ab.A. thirty B. thirtieth C. the thirtieth D. the thirtytimes five is .A. five B. zero C. ten D. twenty-fivesister is a student of .A. the First Class B. Class One C. One Class D. Class First4.Their house is about _ as big as ours.A. times three B. three time C. time three D. three times【巩固】5.- When

24、 is your father s birthday?-It s on July the .6.of his time spent in studying.A. Three fourth fourthsC. Third fourth D. Third fourth7.Now, everybody,please turn to Page and look at the picture.; five ;fifth ; fifth ; five8.Ive asked her twice. Shall I ask her ?A. a third time B. three times C. third

25、 time D. the third time【拔高】9. the stude nts usually like play ing computer games.perce nts of perce nt perce nt of perce nts10.I visit my grandmother Sun day evening.答案及解析1.A考查年龄的表达法,at the age of 后应加基数词。2.D考查乘法的表达法,3.B考查班级的表达法,应在 class后加基数词。4.+timesB句意为”他们的房子大约是我们的三倍大“ 此题考查倍数的表达法,基数词5.B此题考查日期的表达法,应用序数词。6.B此题考查分数的用法,当分子大于一时,分母要加 -s.7.B此题考查编号和序数词,编号应用基数词,第二空意思为看着第五幅图片。应用序数8.D此题考查序数词,句意为”我问过她两次了,我可以问她第三次吗?9.A此题考查百分数的表达方法,基数词 +percent+of+名词,当基数词大于 1时,应在percent 后力口 -s.10.C此题考查表时间的介词用法,在具体的某一天,应用介词 on.

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