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2、wledge学问渊博的knowledgeable3wise(反义词)silly/stupid(副词)wisely4.die死的dead死亡death垂死的dying5busy生意;商业business6warm温暖warmth7express表情expression重点短语1.注意;关注pay attention to2把和连接connectwith3增加(体重)put on4布置;摆开 lay out5最终成为end up6记笔记 take notes7.查字典look up8共同的in 9处于困境中in need10叫醒wake up11天生具有be born with12记下来write

3、 down重点句型1.What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?大声读书练习发音怎么样?2I was afraid to ask questions because of my poor pronunciation.我害怕问问题因为我的语音差。3I learn by studying with a group.我通过小组学习。4Everyone is born with the ability to learn.每个人天生就有学习能力。5He succeeded by trying many times and learning fr

4、om mistakes.他通过许多次尝试,从错误中学习而成功。6He treats everyone with kindness and warmth他用热情、善良对待每一个人。7What _fun the Water Festival is!泼水节是多么有趣!一、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1Speak aloud please.I cant hear you.2He speaks so quickly that I cant follow him when we have a conversation3Julie is good at English.Her pronunciation

5、is wonderful.4Why they moved to another city is a secretFew people know.5We can know how they feel from the expression on their faces.6Its too cold in the room.They went out of the room to enjoy the warmth of the sun.7I have to punish these children because they broke the rules.8Mr.Wang isnt at home

6、 these days.He has gone to Beijing on business9Judy bought her mother some beautiful flowers as her birthday present10He is very patient because he often explains the question again and again.二、从方框中选择短语并用其适当形式填空。be born with,depend on,connectwithbe afraid of,look for,end up,lay outdress up,treatwith

7、,care about11Jack does badly in English,he is_looking_for some good ways to learn English these days.12Good learners often connect what they have to learn with something interesting.13Dont be_afraid_of making mistakes,you can always learn something from mistakes.14Whether you can learn English well

8、depends_on your learning methods and habits.15Its said that the little boy was_born_with magic power.16If nobody helps him,hell end_up being alone on the island.17My mother is so kind that she treats everyone with kindness and warmth.18The young teacher is very patient.She cares_about thirty kids ev

9、ery day.19I think its fun to_dress_up as cartoon characters!20My mother alwayslaid_out many fruits and mooncakes on Midautumn night.一、I study by working with a group.我通过参加小组学习。【考点精讲】by作介词时,后接动词的ing形式,表示方法、手段,意思是“ 通过方式(途径) ”。eg:Mr.Green makes a living by teaching.格林先生以教书为生。【知识拓展】by的其他用法:(1)“经过(某人/某物)

10、”。eg:He went by the supermarket on his way to school.在去上学的路上,他经过那家超市。(2)“在旁边;在附近”。eg:Li Lei sits by my side in the classroom.在教室里,李雷坐在我的旁边。(3)“在之前;不迟于”。eg:I can finish doing my homework by six oclock.我能在6点之前做完作业。(4)表示交通方式,意为“乘;坐”。eg:I usually go to school by bike.我通常骑自行车去上学。(5)“被;由”,后接动作的执行者,常用于被动语态

11、。eg:The window was broken by Sally.窗户是被萨利弄坏的。(6)固定短语:by the way“顺便说一下”;by accident“偶然,碰巧”;by mistake“由于差错,由于疏忽”。eg:By the way,I forgot tell you the news.哦!对了,我忘记告诉你那个消息了。You can improve your English _ practicing more.(2013,枣庄)Aby Bwith Cof Din【解析】A。考查介词的用法。句意为“你可以通过多练习来提高你的英语”。by意为“通过”,符合语境。故选A。【即时演

12、练】.单项选择。1I often go to school _A_(2014,德阳)Aby bus Bby a busCby the bus2How did your uncle learn to play the guitar?By _D_(2011,台州)Amyself Byourself Cherself Dhimself3The child has learned more than 1,000 English words by _A_ wordcards.(2014,枣庄)Amaking BmakeCmade Dmakes4_B_ do you study for a test?I

13、study by working with a group.(2014,襄樊)AWhere BHow CWhen DWhy5The two kids practice spoken English _A_ joining the English club.(2012,孝感)Aby Bin Con Dwith6The man makes a living _C_ teaching.(2013,长沙)AwithoutBwithCby二、But because I wanted to understand the story.I looked them up in a dictionary.但是因为

14、我想理解这个故事。我就在字典里查它们。【考点精讲】(1)look up“在(书或资料等中)查找”,it/them作宾语应放在look和up中间,另外它还有“向上看”之意。eg:If you dont know the meaning of a word,you can look it up in a dictionary.如果你不知道一个单词的意思,你可以从字典中查找它。【拓展】与look相关的短语还有:look at 朝看;look for寻找;look like看起来像;look after 照顾;照看I dont know Sams telephone number.Will you p

15、lease _ in your address book for me?(2011,)Alook up it Blook it upClook for it Dlook at it【解析】B。look for“寻找”;look at“看”,都不合题意;look up“查找”,宾格代词应位于look与up之间。故选B。【即时演练】.单项选择。1Do you know how to pronounce this word?Yes.I _A_ in the dictionary yesterday.Alooked it up Blook forCgave it away Dpicked it up2

16、You dont have to worry about me.Im old enough to _A_ myself.(2012,重庆)Alook after Blook forClook up Dlook at3If you meet new words,you can _A_ in the dictionary.Alook them up Blook them forClook after them Dlook up them.根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。4你能教我如何查生单词吗?Could you teach me how to look up new words?三、He warns

17、 Scrooge to change his ways if he doesnt want to end up like him.如果斯克鲁奇不想像他那样结束,他提醒斯克鲁奇改变方式。【考点精讲】warn及物动词,意为“警告;告诫;提醒”。其用法如下:(1)warnof 意为“提醒注意”,后直接跟名词或代词。eg:I warned them of danger.我提醒他们有危险。(2)warn sb.against意为“警告某人别”或“警告某人提防”。eg:He warned me against walking alone at night.他告诫我夜间不要单独行走。(3)warn后跟复合结

18、构,即warn do sth.或warn sb.not to do sth.。eg:The teacher warned her not to be late again.老师警告她不要再迟到了。He warned Bill to keep away from the fire.他警告比尔离火远点。The policeman _ the driver not to drive at high speed any more.Ahoped Bminded Cwarned Dmade【解析】C。由句意“警察警告司机不要再高速驾驶汽车。”可知只有C项最符合。【即时演练】.单项选择。1The

19、se natural disasters have _B_ us that everyone should start to protect the environment immediately.Aasked Bwarned Chated Dsupposed2The patient was warned _C_ oily food after the operation.Ato eat not Beating notCnot to eat Dnot eating3Miss Li warns us _C_ loudly in the classroom.Anot speak Bnot spea

20、kingCnot to speak Ddont speak4Bruce had a car accident.But I _D_ him to take care of himself while crossing the road.Ahave warned Bwould warnCwarned Dhad warned.用所给词的适当形式填空。5The teachers always warn the students not_to_be (not be) late again.6I warned him against smoking (smoke)on the bus,but he did

21、nt listen to me. 四、【辨析】death/die/dead/dying【考点精讲】death作名词,意为“死;死亡”。eg:It was a matter of life and death to them.对他们来说这是生死攸关的事情。die作不及物动词,强调“死”的动作,它是一个终止性动词,一般和过去时连用,不能和延续性时间状语连用。eg:His father died ten years ago.他的爸爸十年前死了。dead是形容词,意思是“死的”,强调“死”的状态,一般作表语和定语。表达“死了多长时间”,则用“have/has been deadfor时间段”或“die

22、d时间段ago”。eg:The poor man has been dead for five years.那个可怜的男人已经死了五年了。dying是die的现在分词形式,也可作形容词,意思是“快死的”,可作表语和定语。eg:The doctor tried to save the dying boy.这个医生尽力去抢救这个生命垂危的孩子。His grandpa died 3 years ago.(改为同义句)(2013,天水)It _ 3 years _ his grandpa died.【解析】is;since。句意:他爷爷3年前去世的。【即时演练】.单项选择。1The lamb _D_

23、for quite some time.(2012,雅安)Ahas died BdieChas dead Dhas been dead2On April 14,2010,a serious earthquake happened in Yushu.More than 2,000 people _C_ in it.Adead Bdeath Cdied Ddie3When did the old man die?In 2007.He _C_ for nearly seven years.Adied Bhas diedChas been dead Ddeath.根据句意及汉语提示写出空缺处单词的正确

24、形式。4About 50 passengers were burned to death(死亡) on BRT in Xiamen on June 7th 2013.(2013,乌鲁木齐)5Pop star Whitney Houston was found dead(死亡) on the eve of the Grammy Awards.(2013,连云港)五、【辨析】lay/lie【考点精讲】lay有两个常见意思:一是表示“放”、“摆”(及物),二是表示“下(蛋)”(及物或不及物)。eg:Lay your coat on the bed.把你的外衣放在床上。Are your hens la

25、ying yet?你的母鸡下蛋了吗?Will you please lay the table for dinner?请你摆好餐具准备吃饭好吗?lie有三个主要意思:一是表示“躺”或“平放”,二是表示“位于”,三是表示“说谎”。用于以上三义时,均为不及物动词。eg:Dont lie in bed all morning.别一个上午都躺在床上。The book lay open on the desk.那本书摊开着放在桌上。The small town lies among the mountains.小镇位于群山之中。这两个词经常被混淆的有时不是其意思,而是其词形。注意下表所示:意思现在分词过

26、去式过去分词lie躺,平放,位于(vi.)lyinglaylainlie说谎(vi.)lyingliedliedlay放(vt.),下蛋(vi.&vt.)layinglaidlaidWhen she came several days later,she found that all things still _ where she had _ them.Alay;laid Blaid;laidClay;lain Dlying;lain【解析】A。第一空填lay,它是lie(位于,在)的过去式lay;第二空laid,它是lay(放,置)的过去分词,句意为“她发现所有东西还在她当时放它们的地方”

27、。故选A。【即时演练】.单项选择。1The hens _B_ 50 eggs last week,but this week they arent _Alay;lying Blaid;layingClay;laying Dlied;lying2The girl _B_ on the ground _ to me that she had the purse.Alying;lay;laid Blying;lied;laidClie;lied;lay Dlay;lied;lain3Those days I couldnt sleep well.When I _B_ in bed,I often h

28、eard a lot of noise,because they are _ a new road to the city.Alie;lying Blay;layingClaid;lying Dlaid;laying4The book _B_ where I _ them a few days before.Alay;lay Blay;had laidClied;had laid Dwas still lying;had laid.用lay,lie填空。5He lied to his mother that he laid the book on the desk.6We all know h

29、is failure lies in his laziness.7The hen laid an egg in the tenth house which lies on the hill.8The eggs laid by the hen lay there for two weeks.写作专题图表作文一、要点入门图表作文就是用文字结合表格、数字或图像作为提示信息的一种写作形式。写作时要把握以下几点:1要认真解读图表,切忽疏漏重要的数据信息和细节提示,不必每个数据都涉及,但重要数据必须提到。2对图表中的内容分析、数据说明一定要简明扼要,尽量使用简单句。3结论要通过归纳图表信息而得出,切忌主观判断,更不能主观臆造。 二、典型例题新学期开始,你就读的国际学校的学生社团又开始招募了。假设你是社团负责人,请根据以下内容和提示要求写一篇英语短文,为新同学介绍下列社团的情况(包括名称、活动内容及其目的)。(2013,广州)要求:80词左右(文章开头已给出,不计入词数)【思路点拨】该篇写作话题紧扣学生校园生活,让考生有话可写。前三个社团,可根据提示信息介绍即可。第四张图象要求补充一个社团,一定不要忽略,这是最重要的一个得分点,可以

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