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1、高三英语语法探究检测题5选修 Unit18 Beauty高考对接题.语法填空(2010佛山模拟)Most of us have been in both positions:the giver and the receiver.And while a certain amount of joy can be picked from being a receiver,1 enormous amount of joy comes 2 giving.I have been offered help and offered payment 3 certain things I do,and I alm

2、ost always turn down such offers.I know I shouldnt,but its a pride thing.I do expect payment when I do a regular job,4 I just wish to help when I do something for someone.However,when we turn down offers for help,we do not realize it.But it actually hurts those 5 offer to help,and we are denying tho

3、se people the chance 6(feel) the joy of giving.Most people on this earth will not offer genuine help if they cannot do so.And if they do,they are motivated only by the desire to share 7 they have with others.The next time you 8(offer)help,no matter what that offer may be,do not turn 9 down!Swallow y

4、our pride and allow that helpful person the 10(please)of giving!And when you can,pay it forward and bless back!1.解析:结合短语an(enormous)amount of可知,此处填an。答案:an2.解析:come from来自于。答案:from3.解析:for表原因,我得到别人的帮助,应该提供为此报酬。答案:for4.解析:前后形成转折关系。答案:but5.解析:此处who引导一个指人的定语从句。答案:who6.解析:the chance to do/of doing sth.,

5、结合语法填空的考查特点,只能填to feel。答案:to feel7.解析:what they have with others为名词性短语,what充当have的宾语。答案:what8.解析:此处表被动,下次你受人帮助的时候,不管是什么帮助,你都不要拒绝。答案:are offered9.解析:指前面提到的“帮助(offer)”。答案:it10.解析:前面有定冠词the,该填名词。答案:pleasure.完形填空I live in Albuquerque and I used to give much money to the homeless around,feeling sorry for

6、 their misfortune.But later I became a single mom with no home,a huge 1 and hardly any income.As a result,I stopped giving and became very 2.Things started to change.I became 3 enough to have a home,and 4 a backyard,and I started to pull myself out of debt.One day we saw a homeless person with the s

7、ign,“Will work for food.”I 5.My daughter asked why I no longer helped the people in 6.I replied,“Honey,they just use that money for 7 or other bad things.”She didnt respond.But when I said that,it didnt feel right.Three days later,I was driving to pick up my daughter from school.A man was standing o

8、n the corner and something deep inside 8 me to help him.So I stopped my car,and he ran over with 9.He said,“God bless you,I only need 77 cents.” I 10 into my ashtray and 11 enough,there sat three quarters and two pennies.Greatly shocked by this coincidence,I gave him all the money in the ashtray.He

9、12 with joy and tears in his eyes,“You just made it 13 for me to see my mom for Christmas!The bus 14 this great sale is leaving right away!”It was a moment Ill never forget.I think that man wont forget it either,but I was the one who got the best gift in lifegiving.It also reminds me that nothing is

10、 a coincidence,15 everything has meaning.1.A.debt B.responsibilityC.shadow D.pressure解析:由本句及下文“pull.out of debt”可知作者当时负债累累。答案:A2.A.awkward B.hopelessC.sensitive D.bitter解析:bitter意为“(生活)艰难”。答案:D3.A.fortunate B.wealthyC.generous D.successful解析:此处wealthy(富裕)与上文中bitter(艰难)相对应。答案:B4.A.even B.stillC.yet D

11、.only解析:此处even,表示递进关系,符合语境。答案 by B.pulled outC.passed away D.passed by解析:passed by表示作者未伸手助人,与后文中“it didnt feel right”相衔接。答案:D6.A.emergency B.dangerC.need D.panic解析:in need (of)需要,固定搭配。A、B、D项词义均不符合语境。答案 B.alcoholC.medicine D.entertainment解析:由下文“for other bad things”可知此处应是作者认为他人“行乞”

12、为“不良”之事。答案:B8.A.required B.challengedC.permitted D.drove解析:drive do.意为“驱使某人做事”,符合语境。答案:D9.A.courage D.anxiety解析:由上文可知:作者的良心驱使着自己停车助人,而对方因渴求得到帮助自然表现出“热情”迎上来。答案:B10.A.reached B.checkedC.broke D.searched解析:reached into.“伸手到”,符合语境。答案:A11.A.amusingly B.strangelyC.exactly

13、lly解析:因求助者所要求的钱数与作者不经意摸出的钱数一致,故感到“不可思议”。答案:B12.A.poured out B.let outC.broke out D.burst out解析:burst out“大声叫喊”,符合语境。答案:D13.A.necessary B.difficultC.possible D.suitable解析:句意:你让我能够看我妈妈了。make.possible“使成为可能”。答案:C14.A.offering B.demandingC.delivering D.serving解析:offer“提供”符合语境。答案:A15.A.or

14、ever解析:前后两句之间为并列关系,故用and。答案:B.阅读理解AI have a hunting dog.He loves to catch a Frisbee(飞盘)and is my sons best friend.The dog has proven himself to be a loving family pet.The only problem I have ever had with the dog was that he liked climbing over the fence around the yard.To solve the problem,I fixed

15、an “invisible fence” that gives off a small charge of electricity when he gets too close to the fence.He was trained to risk being shocked to get a Frisbee immediately,if it goes to the fence.Until recently,I have spent much time throwing the Frisbee with the dog.He will go to catch it as soon as it

16、 is thrown.The problem lately has been that I have injured my right hand and I have difficulty throwing it with my left hand.One day after a few bad throws he ended up getting zapped by the “invisible fence”.He brought the flying disk to my wife instead of me.As she would get ready to throw,her thro

17、ws were always flying down the center of the yard.“Oh,come on my boy,”I said.“Give me another chance.”Amazingly the dog dropped the Frisbee at my feet.I picked it up with my left hand,proud that the friend hadnt lost faith in his master.I took it off into the sky with all my strength and with grace.

18、No sooner had I finished the perfect throw than the dog went for it.Getting zapped again!He ran towards us.He looked up at me as if tears came into his eyes.He passed me by slowly to drop the Frisbee at my wifes feet.He never came to me no matter how many times I called him back.1.The author fixed a

19、n “invisible fence” in order to .A.keep his dog from climbing over the fenceB.prevent the Frisbee from flying out of the yardC.stop the dog destroying the flowers in the yardD.prevent thieves from coming into his house解析:细节理解题。根据第二段一、二句“The only problem.he liked climbing over the fence.To solve the

20、problem,I fixed an “invisible fence.”选A。答案:A2.The underlined words“getting zapped” in the third paragraph probably mean “”.A.being angry with somethingB.being given an electric shockC.being tired of something badD.being hurt suddenly解析:词义猜测题。因为看不见的篱笆放电,“he ended up getting zapped”,可猜出意为“受电击”。答案:B3.W

21、e can infer that when the author finished the perfect throw,the Frisbee fell down .A.out of the fence of the the center of the yardC.not far from his wifes feetD.out of the “invisible fence”解析:细节理解题。从“.the dog went for it.”和“Getting zapped again!”可推测出飞盘肯定飞过了“无形的篱笆”。答案:D4.From the text we ca

22、n draw a conclusion that the dog is very and loyal B.friendly but lazyC.brave and smart D.loyal but sensible解析:推理判断题。从第一段可知那狗很忠诚;从“.drop the Frisbee at my wifes feet.never came to me no matter how many times I called him back.”知道 那狗机灵或聪明,因为它明白只有作者的妻子掷飞盘,它才能避免遭受电击。答案:A5.Which of the followin

23、g is TRUE according to the passage?A.The author trained the dog for a very short while.B.The authors son didnt like the family pet dog.C.The authors wife always threw the Frisbee down the right place.D.The dog didnt believe that his master was kind.解析:细节理解题。从第三段最后一句“.her throws were always flying do

24、wn the center of the yard.”可知选项C正确。答案:CBIn the English language there are striking similarities to many of the characteristics present in Spanish,French,and German.So what are the things that make English so difficult for foreign people to learn?English doesnt necessarily have more regular consonant

25、(辅音)or vowel(元音)sounds than other languages,but how the stress is placed on some of those consonants or vowels makes it such a difficult language for learners.There are hard and soft consonants like“c”taking on a “k”sound or an“s”sound depending upon the situation.There are silent letters in some wo

26、rds and then some consonants that take on an entirely different sound(like “th”)when combined.The changes in the pronunciation of words make English much more difficult to learn.Another thing that makes English difficult to learn has to do with verb tense.Some languages have very limited changes in

27、verb tense,sometimes just present and past,which makes it relatively simple to grasp.English,on the other hand,is a bit more difficult in this area.For example,in different situations it may be proper to use any of the following tenses:present,past,future,past perfect or present perfect.The verb “ch

28、oose”can be used in the following forms depending on tense:choose,chose or chosen.This can be very difficult for a foreigner to grasp.Slang is more widely used in American English than proper grammar.In the US just knowing the language as its generally taught isnt enough.In every single region or ev

29、en close neighborhoods,the same slang terms make an almost entirely different language.In some areas there are repeatedly used terms that wouldnt even be found in the Websters Dictionary.They are created by locals and only locals understand them.This can make it very difficult for someone not famili

30、ar with the language to get used to it,especially if they dont remain in one area for a very long period.语篇解读:本文从三个方面介绍了英语难学的原因,了解这些原因将有助于我们理解英语的特征,从而更顺利地掌握这门语言。6.The purpose of this passage is to .A.give advice on how to learn English wellB.tell us why English is very difficult to learnC.encourage

31、us to speak formal EnglishD.tell us how to deal with slang terms in English解析:主旨大意题。本文第一段概括说明英语很难学,第二、三和四段从三个方面介绍了英语难学的原因,故答案为B。答案:B7.According to the passage,the letter “c” in English always stressedB.never takes on an“s”soundC.has at least two often silent解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“There are hard and soft consonants like “c”taking on a “k”sound or an “s” sound depending upon the situation.”可知,答案为C。答案:C8.Compared with some other languages, .A.English has more changes in verb tenseB

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