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童话故事7篇 中英互译 睡前小故事.docx

1、童话故事7篇 中英互译 睡前小故事童话故事7篇 中英互译 睡前小故事小花猫种鱼 The little cat liked eating fish very much, and she never satisfied. She always thought that if I could turn one fish into a lot of fish, it would be great! 小花猫最喜欢吃鱼,怎么吃都吃不够.她总是想:要是能把一条鱼变成许多许多条,那该多好啊! One day, she heard that the little rooster planted a few su

2、nflower seed in spring, and when autumn arrived, he received thousands of sunflower seed. After hearing the news, the little cat was delighted. The little cat hurried to find the rooster and asked him to teach her the good way to create this miracle. 有一天,她听说小公鸡在春天种下几粒葵花籽,到了秋天居然收获了几千粒葵花子.听到这个消息后,小花猫高

3、兴极了.小花猫赶紧去找小公鸡,打算向他请教一下创造这个奇迹的好办法. Everything can be grown in the soil, and if you plant it in the spring, you fertilize it on time and you can harvest a lot in the fall. the rooster told the little cat. 小公鸡告诉小花猫说: 万物都可以在土中生长的,如果春天播种,按时浇水施肥,秋天就可以收获很多啦. In the spring of the following year, the little

4、 cat dug a big hole in her own yard and planted a big, fat fish. Every day, she water and fertilize it. She was always thinking: I ve got a lot of fish, I m gonna make a lot of fish. 第二年的春天,小花猫在自家的院子里挖了一个大坑,它种下了一条又肥又大的鱼.小花猫每天都乐滋滋地给它浇水施肥.她心里想啊:我这么用心,我种的鱼,一定能结出好多的鱼来. In the fall, the little cat prepar

5、ed a large number of baskets, and came rushing to harvest fish. But she had been digging on the ground for half a day, and there s nothing to dig out e_cept a few fish sticks. The little cat threw a shovel to the ground and said angrily: Well, the little rooster is bad, he s lying to me! 秋天到了,小花猫准备了

6、很多很多的大箩筐,它兴冲冲地来收获鱼了.可是,她在地上挖了好半天,除了几根鱼刺之外,什么也没有挖到.小花猫把铁锹往地上一扔,它生气地说: 哼,小公鸡真坏,他在骗我! At this point, uncle goat passed by. Knowing about the cat species, he laughed and said: Fish are living in the water. How did you grow fish in the ground? If you want eat more fish, you should go fishing by the river

7、. 这时,山羊伯伯从这里路过,知道小猫种鱼的事情后,笑着说道: 鱼是在水里生活的,种在土里怎么可能变多呢,想吃鱼就去河边钓鱼吧. The Little Bear In The Cave 山洞里的小熊 Little bear lived in a mountain cave. Grandfather bear said to Little Bear: Go and build a wooden house to live in! 小熊一家住在山洞里.熊爷爷对小熊说, 你去造间木头房子住吧! In spring, little bear went into the forest. The tree

8、s were full of green leaves, and he couldn t bear to cut them down. 春天,小熊走进树林.树上长满了绿叶,他舍不得砍. In summer, little bear again went into the forest. The trees were full of fresh flowers, and he couldn t bear to cut them down. 夏天,小熊又走进了树林.树上开满了鲜花,小熊舍不得砍. In autumn, little bear went into the forest. The tr

9、ees were full of hanging fruit, and he couldn t bear to cut them down. 秋天,小熊走进树林,树上挂满了果实.小熊舍不得砍. In winter, little bear went into the forest. Many little birds were living in the trees, and he couldn t bear to cut them down. 冬天,小熊走进了树林.树上站着许多小鸟,小熊舍不得砍. Years passed, and little bear still hadn t made

10、 a home out of the trees. He was still living happily in his mountain cave. 一年又一年,小熊没有砍树造房子,还是高高兴兴地住在山洞里 The little forest animals thanked little bear very much, and they gave him a bunch of beautiful fresh flowers. 树林里的小动物非常感谢小熊,他们送给小熊一束束美丽的鲜花. The Warehouse Is On Fire 仓库着火了 Mrs. Boot is a farmer.

11、She has two children, called Poppy and Sam, and a dog called Rusty. 布特夫人是个农场主,她有两个孩子,波比和萨姆,还有一只叫做Rusty的小狗. There is a man called Ted who works on Apple Tree Farm. He looks after the tractor and all the other farm machines. 苹果农场有个叫做泰德的男人.他要照看拖拉机和所有的农场机器. Poppy and Sam like helping Ted with jobs on th

12、e farm. One day, he was fi_ing the fence around the sheep field. 波比和萨姆喜欢帮助泰德做农场的工作.一天,他正在修理牧羊场地的围栏. Suddenly, Sam smelt smoke. Ted, said Sam, I think something s burning. Ted stopped working and they all sniffed hard. 突然,萨姆闻到一股烟味. 泰德, 萨姆说, 我觉得有东西着火了. 泰德停下工作,然后他们使劲地闻. The barn was on fire. Look, said

13、 Poppy, There s smoke coming from the hay barn. It must be on fire. What shall we do? 是谷仓着火了. 看, 波比说道, 那个干草谷仓上方有烟.那一定着火了,我们该怎么办? Call a fire engine. Said Ted, Come on, run to the house. We must call a fire engine. Run as fast as you can. 去叫消防车. 泰德说道, 快,跑回房里,我们要叫消防车.快跑! Poppy and Sam ran to the house

14、. Help! shouted Poppy. Call a fire engine. Quickly! The hay barn is on fire. 波比和萨姆向房子跑去. 帮帮忙! 波比喊道. 给消防车打电话.快! 放干草的谷仓着火了. Mrs. Boot dialed the number. It s Apple Tree Farm, she said, A fire engine please, as fast as you can. Thank you very much. 布特夫人拨通了电话. 这里是苹果农场, 她说道, 需要一辆消防车,快一点,谢谢. Now, Poppy, s

15、aid Mrs. Boot, I want you and Sam to stay indoors. And don t let Rusty out. 现在,波比, 布特夫人说道, 我要你和萨姆呆在屋子里.不要让Rusty跑出去. Poppy and Sam watched from the door. Soon they heard the siren. The fire engine roared up the road and into the farmyard. 波比和萨姆往外看.很快他们听到了汽笛声.消防车开到农场里. The fireman jumped down from the

16、 engine. They lifted down lots of hose and unrolled them.The got the water from the pond. 消防员从车下出来.他们抬出了好多管子并把管子旋转着打开.他们从池塘里抽水. The fireman squirted water into the barn. Poppy and Sam watched them from the window. It is still burning on the other side. said Poppy. 消防员讲水喷射到谷仓上.波比和萨姆往外看. 另一面还在着火. 波比说.

17、 One fireman ran behind the barn. What a surprise! Two campers were cooking on a big wood fire. 一个消防员跑到谷仓后面.真没想到!两个野营的人在用燃烧的木头做饭. The fire was out finally. We are sorry. said the campers. Sam said, But I m glad the barn is alright. 最终火被扑灭了. 对不起, 露营者说道.萨姆说道, 不过我很开心谷仓没事. Zhou Chu Get Rid Of Three Evil

18、 周处除三害 In the Jin Dynasty, there lived a man named Zhou Chu in Yi_ing. 晋朝时,义兴地方有个人,名叫周处. Tough and fierce and fond of fighting in his youth, Zhou Chu was a big scourge in the county. 少年时候,他强悍好斗是乡里的一大祸患. At the time, there was a ferocious dragon in the river and a fierce tiger in the mountain in Yi_i

19、ng, which often injured and devoured people. 当时,义兴河里有一条凶恶的蛟龙,山上有一头猛虎,经常残害百姓. Therefore, the people classed them together with Zhou Chu as the three evils .Among them, Zhou Chu did the most harm. 因此,人们把它们和周处并称为 三害 .其中,周处为害最大. Later, someone instigated Zhou Chu to go to the mountain to kill the fierce

20、 tiger, and to the river to behead the ferocious dragon, in the hope of getting rid of two evils, leaving only one. 后来,有人鼓动周处进山杀猛虎,入河斩蛟龙,希望能除去两害,只留一害. Zhou Chu went to the mountain alone, and sure enough, he killed the tiger. Then he jumped into the river and fought with the dragon. 周处只身进山,果然杀掉了猛虎,接

21、着又跃人河中与蛟龙搏斗. The evil dragon turned up and down, and went down for tens of li with Zhou Chu chasing closely after it. 恶蛟上下翻腾,直下几十里,周处紧追不舍. After three days and nights, the people all thought that Zhou Chu had died. 过了三天三夜,百姓们都以为周处死了. They were jubilant and congratulated one another. 他们喜出望外,互相庆贺. To

22、their surprise, Zhou Chu had actually killed the dragon, went out of the water and returned. 不料周处竟然杀死了蛟龙,出水而归. Upon hearing that his county folk celebrated his death, Zhou Chu came to realize that he was considered one of the evils of Yi_ing. 他听说乡邻们为他死去而庆贺,这才知道自己也被人当做义兴一害. He thus made his decision

23、to mend his ways. 他萌发了悔改的决心. Thereupon, he went to Wu prefecture to seek the advice of the two noted brothers, Lu Ji and Lu Yun. 于是,他前往吴郡,求教名士陆机.陆云两兄弟. When Zhou Chu came to the Lu s home, Lu Ji was out and he met Lu Yun. 周处到了陆家,正值陆机外出,见到了陆云. He told Lu Yun the truth and e_pressed his wish to correc

24、t his faults and make a fresh start, but he was afraid that he was too old to accomplish anything. 他如实相告,表示要改过自新,又怕年纪已大,终究一事无成. Lu Yun encouraged him by saying: The ancients would be gratified even if they came to thoroughly understand the truth in the early morning but died at night, let alone you

25、with a promising future. 陆云勉励他说: 古人清晨通晓事理,即使夜晚死去都感到欣慰,何况你的前程远大. Besides, so far as a man is concerned, the fearful thing is to have no aspiration. 而且,对于一个人来说,最可怕的是胸无大志. Why worry that you will achieve neither merit nor fame? 所以,你又何必担心功不成名不就呢? Since then, Zhou Chu quickly and completely corrected his

26、 faults and made efforts for progress. 从此,周处果然幡然改过,努力上进. Pig Out 小猪去野餐 Mama pig looked out the window. The sun was up. The birds were singing. Let s go on a picnic! said Mama pig. 猪妈妈往窗外看了看.太阳升起来啦,小鸟在欢快地唱着歌. 我们出去野餐吧! 猪妈妈说. Yes! said Papa pig. Yes! said the little pigs. We will get the picnic basket.

27、 The little pigs found the basket. 好呀! 猪爸爸说. 好呀! 小猪们回应道. 我们去取野餐篮子. 小猪们找到了篮子. They carried the basket into the kitchen. Then they put in lots of bread and butter, eggs and cheese, apples and grapes and bananas. But was the basket full? NO! 他们把篮子拎到了厨房.然后他们往篮子里放了好多好多的面包和黄油.鸡蛋和奶酪.苹果和葡萄还有香蕉.但是,篮子满了么?没有!

28、So they put in popcorn and nuts, honey and jam, cookies and cake. But was the basket full? No! 然后他们又放进去爆米花,还有坚果.蜂蜜和果酱.饼干和蛋糕. 但是篮子满了么?没有! I know what we need, said Mama pig. And she went to the phone. 我知道我们还需要什么啦. 猪妈妈说.然后她拿起了电话. Soon a van came to the house. What was in the van? Pizza! Lots of pizza!

29、 不一会,一辆小货车开到了他们的房前.车里有什么呢?披萨!好多好多的披萨! Now the basket was full. Off we go! said Mama Pig. But the pig family did not go anywhere. The basket was too heavy! 现在,篮子终于装满啦. 我们出发吧! 猪妈妈说道.但是小猪一家哪里也去不了了.篮子实在是太重了! Oh, no! said the little pigs We cannot have a picnic. What will we do now? 哦!不要啊! 小猪们说 我们不能去野餐了,

30、那我们现在能做什么呢? I know, said Mama pig. We will have a pizza party! 我知道啦, 猪妈妈说 我们要开一个披萨宴会! The pig family ate all the pizza. And what did they do with the bread and butter, and cookies and cake, and all the other food? 小猪一家吃光了所有的披萨.那么,面包和黄油,饼干和蛋糕这些别的食物怎么办了呢? They ate it, of course! 当然,都被小猪一家吃光啦! The wolf

31、 was coming 狼来了 Once upon a time, there was a sheep herder who went to the mountain every day to herd sheep. 从前,有个放羊娃,每天都去山上放羊. One day, he was bored, and he thought about making fun of everyone. The wolves are coming! he shouted to the farmers under the mountain. There s the wolf! Help! 一天,他觉得十分无聊,就想了个捉弄大家寻开心的主意.他向着山下正在种田的农夫们大声喊: 狼来了

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