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1、人教版高一英语课文翻译 副本2人教版高一英语课文翻译ging, nor是有关do I like computers. I think that rock music is terrible.不喜欢电脑,我认ike dancing and computers. I also like安妮:你们好,我是安妮。我16岁,我喜欢跳舞和电脑。我也喜欢rock music. I hate hiking and Im not /into/ classical music. I dont摇滚音乐。我不喜徒步旅行,我对古典音乐无兴趣。我不enjoy reading too much. 太喜欢读书。STEVE:I

2、m 14 years old and I love skiing. Other favourite hobbies are史蒂夫:我14岁,我喜欢滑雪。其他的嗜好是reading and singing. I dont like hiking. I think that rock music is读书和唱歌。我不喜欢徒步旅行。我认为摇滚音乐too loud, and I think that football is boring. 太吵闹,并且我认为足球很惹人烦。PETER:Im from Australia. Im 15 and Im fond of singing. I sing a lo

3、t,彼得:我来自澳大利亚,我15岁,我喜欢唱歌,我不停地唱歌。and when Im not singing, I listen to rock music or use my当我不唱歌的时候,我听摇滚音乐或玩computer. I dont like football and I think that classical music电脑。我不喜欢足球,我认为古典音乐is terrible. I hate dancing!很糟糕,我不喜欢跳舞。SARAH:My name is Sarah and Im 14 years old. My interests are reading萨拉:我叫萨拉,

4、我14岁。我的爱好是读novels, playing football and singing songs. I think that rock小说、踢足球、唱歌。我认为摇滚music is terrible, and I dont like dancing. I dont enjoy 音乐很糟糕。我不喜欢跳舞,也不喜欢computers either. 电脑。JOE:Hi there. Im Joe. I really like computers. I surf the Internet乔:你好,我叫乔。我的确喜欢电脑。我一直上网,all the time and I like playi

5、ng computer games. I dont enjoy 我喜欢玩电脑游戏,我不喜欢football and I hate hiking. Rock music is OK, and so is skiing.足球,不喜欢徒步旅行。摇滚音乐很好,滑雪也不错。 READING 课文翻译 CHUCK S FRIEND 查克的朋友In the movie Cast Away, Tom Hanks plays a man named Chuck Noland.在电影荒岛余生中,汤姆汉克斯扮演主人公查克诺兰。Chuck is a businessman who is always so busy

6、that he has little time for his查克是一个生意人。他非常忙,没有时间friends. He is a successful manager in a company that sends mail all over the会朋友。他是一位成功的经理,他的公司向全世界各地发送邮件。world. One day Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly一天,查克乘坐的航班在飞越太平洋时,his plane crashes. Chuck survives the crashes and lan

7、ds on a deserted island.突然飞机坠毁。在这次坠毁事故中,查克幸免于难,掉到在一个荒岛上。On the island, Chuck has to learn to survive all alone. He has to learn 在这个岛上,查克不得不学习独自一人生存。他必须学会how to collect water, hunt for food, and make fire. Perhaps the most difficult 怎样取水,怎样猎取食物以及怎样生火。或许最困难的challenge is how to survive without friends.

8、 Insgroupsto survive, Chuck deve 挑战是如何在没有朋友的情况下生存。为了生存,查克与lops a friendship with an unusual frienda volleyball he calls Wilson.一个不寻常的朋友一个他称之为威尔逊的排球,建立了友谊。Chuck learns a lot about himself when he is alone on the island. He reali- 当查克独自一人在那个岛上的时候,他对自己了进行了很多反思。ses that he hasnt been a very good friend

9、because he has always been think- 他意识到他不是一个很好的朋友,因为他总是ing about himself. During his five years on the island, Chuck learns how to be 想着自己。在岛上生活的五年期间,他学会了a good friend to Wilson. Even though Wilson is just a volleyball, he becomes怎样和威尔逊做好朋友。尽管威尔逊仅仅是一只排球,他还是fond of him. He talks to him and treats him

10、as a friend. Chuck learns that很快就喜欢上了它。他和威尔逊谈话,把他看做朋友。查克懂得了we need friends to share happiness and sorrow, and that it is important to have 我们需要朋友来同甘共苦,而且照someone to care about. He also learns that he should have cared more about顾别人是很重要的。他也意识到他本应该多关心his friends. When he makes friends with Wilson, he

11、understands that friend- 朋友。当他和威尔逊结交朋友时,他明白ship is about feelings and that we must give as much as we take. 友谊之情是双向的,我们付出的必须和得到的一样多。A volleyball is certainly an unusual friend. Most of our friends are human排球当然是一个不寻常的朋友。我们的大多数朋友都是beings, but we also make friends with animals and even things. For exa

12、mple,人,但我们也和动物甚至和一些东西交朋友。例如,many of us have pets, and we all have favourite objects such as a lucky pen 很多人有宠物,我们还有一些喜欢的东西,诸如一支幸运的钢笔or a diary. The lesson we can learn from Chuck and all the others who have或一个日记本。我们从查克和那些拥有不寻常的朋友的人身上unusual friends is that friends are teachers. Friendship helps us u

13、nderstand 得到的教训是朋友是老师。友谊使我们who we are, why we need each other and what we can do for 明白我们是怎样的人,为什么我们需要对方,我们彼此能为对方each other. 做点什么。INTEGRATING SKILLS课文翻译Reading and writingDo you know that you can use the Internet to make friends? You may你知道可以用因特网交朋友吗?你或许know that a pen friend, or pen pal, is someone

14、 you write letters to. But what知道可以写信交笔友。但是is an e pal, or key pal? Yes, you guessed it! An e pal is someone you write 你知道什么是e朋友或者是key朋友吗?嗨!你猜对了!e朋友是你e-mail to. E mail is faster and cheaper than letters, so you can write to your写电子邮件交的朋友。电子邮件比信件快捷,便宜,因此你可以e-pals every day and you dont have to wait f

15、or a letter to arrive. Just write 每天给你的e朋友写信而不必等待来信。你需要做的仅仅是your message and click it away! Read the following e pal ads. Write an e mail写完信后,敲击键盘,一切就办妥了。读下面的交友启事。给其中的一位to one of them. 写一封电子邮件。Hello everyone, Im Jane. I live in South Carolina. I like painting. Im 大家好,我是简。我住在南卡罗莱纳。我喜欢画画。15 and Im a s

16、tudent. I like talking and joking around and I like to listen to我15岁,是一名学生。我喜欢聊天,开玩笑,听rock music. I am looking for e pals from any country. 摇滚。我想找一个e朋友,无论是那个国家的都行。Hi. My name is Jack. I am tall and I have blue eyes. I like sports. I play 嗨,我的名字是杰克。我是个高个,有一双蓝眼睛。我喜欢运soccer. I love to make people laugh

17、. I love singing and dancing. I am honest 动,我爱踢足球。我喜欢逗别人笑。我非常喜爱唱歌跳舞。我很诚实,and I like to have fun. I like talking to people. If youre interested in being 是个乐天派。我喜欢和人谈话。如果你有兴趣和我成为friends, drop me a line. 朋友,就给我写信吧。天使精灵的家园第二课:世界各地的英语课文翻译NANCY:Oh, there you are. Now then, did you have a good flight?南希:噢,

18、你在这儿。你旅行愉快吗?JOE:Sure, we flew all the way direct from Seattle to London.乔:还可以,我们从西雅图一直飞到了伦敦。NANCY: You must be very tired. Did you sleep at all on the plane?南希:你一定很劳累。你在飞机上睡觉了吗?JOE:No, not really. Im very tired. Could I use your bathroom?乔:没有,的确没睡。我很累。好了,我可以用你的浴室吗?NANCY:Why, of course. You dont need

19、 to ask, just make yourself at home.南希:当然可以。你不用问。请随便。Let me give you a clean towel.我给你一条干净的毛巾。JOE:A clean towel?乔:一条干净的毛巾?NANCY:Yes. Here you are. The bathroom is upstairs. Its the second door 南希:是的,给你。浴室在楼上,左边第on the left.二个门。JOE:Thanks Nancy. If youll excuse me now.乔:谢谢你,南希。打扰了。(after a while)(过了一

20、会儿)NANCY:Have you found it?南希:你找到了吗?JOE: Well, eh yes, I mean no. I mean, I found the bathroom, but I didn t乔:噢,是的,没有。我的意思是我找到了浴室,但没找到find what I was looking for!我想找的地方! SPEAKING课文翻译EMILY:Karen, can you tell me how to pronounce“kilometre”?埃米莉:卡伦,请你告诉我怎样读“kilometre”这个词好吗?KAREN:Sure. British people sa

21、y /kil u mi:t / and Americans say卡伦:当然可以。英国人读/kl u mi:t /,美国人读/kil mit / ./kil mit /。TEACHER:Karen and Emily, is there anything that isnt clear to you?老师:卡伦,埃米莉,你们还有什么不清楚的吗?KAREN:Emily asked me a question, but I already answered her.卡伦:埃米莉问了我一个问题,可我已经回答了她。TEACHER:What was her question?老师:她的问题是什么?KAR

22、EN:She asked me how to pronounce“kilometre”.卡伦:她问我怎么读“kilometre”这个词。MS SMITH: Harry, take these two pizzas to Mr Thompson on Broad Street,史密斯夫人:哈里,把这个比萨饼送给托马逊先生,他在百老汇大街Number 12.12号。HARRY:Can you spell that name, please?哈里:你会拼写那个名字吗?MS SMITH:T h-o-m-p-s-o-n. On Broad Street, Number 12.史密斯夫人:T-h-o-m-

23、p-s-o-n。在百老汇大街12号。HARRY:Can you repeat the address, please?哈里:你把地址再重复一下好吗?MS SMITH:Broad Street, Number 12.史密斯夫人:百老汇大街12号。HARRY:Got it.哈里:明白。MS SMITH:Take Daves motorbike. Here are the keys. And hurry up!史密斯夫人:骑上戴夫的摩托车,钥匙在这里。赶快点!HARRY:Anything else?哈里:还有别的事吗?MS SMITH:Dont forget to buy me some ketch

24、up on your way back.史密斯夫人:在回来的路上别忘了给我买点番茄酱。 READING课文翻译ENGLISH AROUND THE WORLD世界各地的英语English is a language spoken all around the world. There are more英语是世界各地都讲的一种语言。不止than 42 countriesswheresthe majority of the people speak English. Most native42个国家的人讲英语。在英国、speakers of English are found in the Uni

25、ted Kingdom, the United States of美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、南非、爱尔兰、新西兰,America, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Ireland and New Zealand. In total,大多数人以英语为母语,for more than 375 million people English is their mother tongue. An equal总共有三亿七千万多人的母语是英语。还有同number of people learn English as a second language. These peopl

26、e will per- 样多的人把英语作为第二种语言,这些人haps speak the language of their own country at home with their family, but the在家有可能和他们的家人讲本国语,但是官方、language of the government, schools, newspapers and TV is English. This学校、报纸、电视都用英语。这种情况situation is found in countries such as India, Pakistan, Nigeria and the Philip 在很

27、多国家都存在,如印度、巴基斯坦、尼日利亚和菲律宾。pines. However, the number of people who learn English as a foreign language然而,把英语当作外语学习的人is more than 750 million. Everywhere in the world children go to school to有七亿五千多万人。世界各地的孩子上学learn English. Most people learn English for five or six years at high school. In学英语。大多数人在中学学

28、5到6年的英语。在China students learn English at school as a foreign language, except for those中国,学生把英语作为一种外语学习。但香港的in Hong Kong,where many people speak English as a first or a second language.学生不同,在那儿有许多人把英语当作第一或第二语言。In only fifty years, English has developed /into/ the language most widely仅仅50年中,英语已经发展成为世

29、界上讲得最多,使用spoken and used in the world. English is the working language of most interna- 得最广泛的语言。英语是大多数国际组织、国际tional organisations, international trade and tourism. Businessmen and tourists贸易、国际旅游的工作语言。商人和旅游者经常来中国,他们often come to China without being able to speak Chinese. Chinese businessmen,通常用不着会讲汉

30、语。中国的商人、taxi drivers and students talk with them using English. English is also the出租车司机和学生用英语和他们交谈。英语像language of global culture,such as popular music and the Internet. You can流行音乐,因特网一样,也是全球性文化。你可以listen to English songs on the radio or use English to communicate with people通过无线电听英语歌曲也可以用英语和世界各地around the world through the Internet. With so many people communicating in的人在因特网上交流。每天有这么多人English every day, it will become more and more important to have

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