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1、考研写作模板.$.考研最后冲刺模板作文.$.第一部份、大作文模板:模版一第一段:1)As can be seen from the picture (As illustrated in the picture), 第一句话描述图画.2)第二句描述图画.3)It goes without saying that the picture reflects a common and serious problem in China主谓宾结构的简单句。第二段:1)The picture is based on the realities of society. 2)An appropriate cas

2、e in point is that举 例. 3)Due to the overwhelming economic globalization and improvement of living standard/science and technology / Internet, 现 象. 4)In addition, the climate has swept the whole society and exerted a great influence on.5)And the current social phenomenon should arouse the great conce

3、rn of our whole society. 第三段:1)Accordingly, it is imperative that we should adopt drastic measures. 2)For one thing, we should appeal to the authorities to措 施 一 3)For another, we should enhance s awareness that措 施 二. 4)All in all, the changes must begin with ourselves because we ought to address the

4、 problem within ourselves before looking to others to change. 5)As a great man in the 19th century said, “In changing ourselves we change the world.” I am convinced that the prospects, though still distant, are brighter.第一段:如图所示,. 毫无疑问,这幅图反映了在中国一个普遍而严肃的问题第二段:这幅画基于社会现实。一个典型的例子是因为势不可挡的经济全世界化和生活水平的提高,另

5、外,这种风气已经席卷了整个社会,并对产生了庞大的影响。目前的社会现象应该引发全社会的关注。第三段:因此,咱们必需紧急采取严厉办法。一方面,咱们应该呼吁政府 另一方面,咱们应该增强人们的意识去总之,这种转变必需从咱们自身开始,因为在期待他人改变之前必需先改变自己。正如19世纪一名巨人所说“改变自己才能改变是世界”。我坚信,前途虽然遥远,可是仍然光明。 模版二第一段:1) As can be seen from the picture (As illustrated in the picture), 第一句话描述图画.2) 第二句描述图画.3) It goes without saying tha

6、t the picture reflects a common problem in China主谓宾结构的简单句。第二段:1) The picture is based on the realities of society. 2) An appropriate case in point is that举 例. 3) Due to the overwhelming economic globalization and improvement of living standard/science and technology / Internet, 现 象. 4) In addition,

7、the climate has swept the whole society and exerted a great influence on.5) And the current social phenomenon should arouse the great concern of our whole society. 第三段:1) To sum up, has both advantages and disadvantages. 2)Whatever effects it has, one point is certainitself is neither negative nor p

8、ositive. 3)It is the influence to which it is put that determines its value to society. 4)What we should do is to absorb the essence and resist the negative part within this issue. 5)As a great man in the 19th century said, “In improving ourselves we develop the world.” I am convinced that the prosp

9、ects, though still distant, are brighter.译文:第一段:如图所示,. 毫无疑问,这幅图反映了在中国一个普遍的问题第二段:这幅画基于社会现实。一个典型的例子是因为势不可挡的经济全世界化和生活水平的提高,另外,这种风气已经席卷了整个社会,并对产生了庞大的影响。目前的社会现象应该引发全社会的关注。第三段:总之,既有利又有弊。无论它有什么作用,有一点是肯定的它本身没有踊跃消极可言。是它的影响决定了其社会价值。咱们要做的是取其精华,去其糟粕。正如19世纪的一名巨人所说:“只有提高自己才能进展世界”我坚信前途虽然遥远,但仍然光明。模版三(踊跃现象)第一段:4)As

10、can be seen from the picture (As illustrated in the picture), 第一句话描述图画.5)第二句描述图画.6)It goes without saying that the picture reflects a common and encouraging phenomenon in China主谓宾结构的简单句, 写关键词。第二段:6)The picture is based on the realities of society. 7)An appropriate case in point is that举 例. 8)Due to

11、the overwhelming economic globalization and improvement of living standard/science and technology / Internet, 现 象 写关键词. 9)In addition, the climate has swept the whole society and exerted an active influence on.10)And the current social phenomenon should arouse the great concern of our whole society.

12、 第三段:6)To sum up, this cartoon has significant educational value to todays(人群) college students/ every person.7)Therefore, we should appeal to the authorities to popularize the positive spirit. 8)And then, we ought to establish a firm faith and get ready to devote ourselves to写关键词(名词或doing). 9)The c

13、hanges must begin with ourselves because we ought to address the problem within ourselves before looking to others to change. 结尾备用句:10)All in all, there is a good reason for us to believe a promising future.11)重复关键词为了不让让阅卷老师看出这是模版,四次出现关键词。二、小 作 文 模板Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing this letter to 邀请in

14、vite you to 会议、活动名称.感激appreciate your timely assistance. 道歉apologize to you for my terrible mistake. 投诉complain about 投诉内容 咨询inquire about the details on _ 申请apply for admission on your prestigious university 求职apply for the post mentioned in your advertisement in yesterdays newspaper. I believe I a

15、m qualified for the job due to my rich experience in the field and my pleasant personality. 题目要求一、二、3、 I am very grateful if you could kindly take this matter into consideration. (感激和投诉不用写此句。) I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience. (每种必写) Sincerely yours, Li Ming-邀请信:Dear ,

16、I am writing this letter to invite you to 会议、活动名称During the period, we look forward to 安排1(时刻、地址). Furthermore, we can 安排2(时刻、地址). Please inform us at your earliest convenience of your schedule so that we can prepare for it. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Sincerely yours, Li Ming地址时刻 in

17、 the Lecture Hall of the Eastern Campus on Saturday, January 20 Meeting Room of the Campus / classroom/ Multifunctional Hall/ auditorium in our college申请信自我介绍Please allow me to make a self-introduction. I graduated fromdepartment of university. I would like to study as a graduate student. In additio

18、n, I have passed 考试. My English proficiency and my knowledge of 专业 aid in the matter of application.求职信自我介绍Please allow me to make a self-introduction. To begin with, I graduated fromuniversity majored in . In addition, I have rich working experience in the position of 工作名称. All in all, I believe I

19、am qualified for the job due to my rich experience in the field and my pleasant personality. 投诉产品:价钱和质量to my disappointment/ the quality is far from satisfactory/ I do hope you may look into this matter as soon as possible and make every effort to prevent its recurrence. 感激信:I would like this letter

20、 as an expression of heartfelt(衷心的) to you. 我想以此信对你表示衷心的感激。道歉信:I am sorry that I cannot in time. Is it possible that you could allow me another day/ week/ month? (Is it possible that you could give me some advice ?)If so, I will put everything else aside to as soon as I can. 图表种类模板:1)曲线图_2)柱状图_3)饼形图

21、_4)数据表_ line/curve bar/column pie table (of figures) 数字,数据: figuredatastatisticsinformation 经典用词:注意三种词性动词、副词、介词动词:I. 表示上升:一般上升:increase,rise,grow,climb 大幅上升:leap,soar,rocket,shot upII表示下降:一般下降:decrease,fall,decline, 大幅下降:slump,plummetIII达到极点:peak,climax,culminateIV. 跌到低谷:fall to the bottom pointV恒定:

22、stabilize, remain constant,level offVI. 波动:fluctuate/ rise and fall/ go up and down副词:VI表“急剧”的副词:sharply,rapidly,dramaticallyVII表 “缓慢”的副词:slightly,slowly,minimallyVIII表“适中”的副词:moderately,steadily,graduallyVIIII表“大约”的副词:about,around,nearly,roughly,approximately由组成:consist of/be made up of /be compose

23、d of占比例:account for /make up 位居第一:rank the first 第二大部份rank the second/the second largest section 与.相较:compared with 差不多:About/around/roughly 正好:Exactly/precisely递增:on the rise/increase 递减:on the decline/decrease IX和数据连用的介词:表示转变进程中的起点和终点fromto例: Car production increased from about 7 cars per month to

24、 about 50 per month.表示数据位于某一点at例:The number of cars fluctuated at around 80 cars per month.与动词连用, 表示增减的幅度by例: Production decreased rapidly by about 60 cars per month.时刻描述I在某个年份或月份In 1960 almost 500 million hectares of grain were harvested in Asia and Africa.II在某个时刻进程中During the 1950s the USSR initia

25、ted a Virgin Lands Program which greatly increased the area harvested to about 600 million hectares.III从某一点到另一点From 1980 to 1996 there was a gradual decrease in the amount of land used for grain cultivation.From this point until the mid-1970s the area harvested increased slowly with some fluctuation

26、s.IV在某个时刻点周围Then around 1998 the price of grain doubled.V在某个时刻点以后After this the area harvested began to rise.From this point onwards the grain area declined sharply to just under 300 million hectares.数据转变常常利用表达:一、高居榜首:topped the list别离是第二和第三:respectively rank the second and the third. 二、远远超过了 20万人:

27、far beyond million 3、一直维持在10以上。 remains higher than 10 per cent. 4、到 2002 年逐渐趋于稳固,以后有所减少。 It reached the plateau in 2002, and then was on the decline afterwards.五、占了45 %:account for 45% 六、降到了低谷:fell to the bottom. 7、如图表数据显示:According to the figures given in the chart, 八、无规律地波动:fluctuated irregularly

28、 九、那个费用饼状图由三个部份组成,其中学费占28%。 The pie chart concerning fees consists of three sections. Advertisement fees account for 28%. 10、与 1998 年相较,2003 年电的利用量增加了23% Compared with l998, the usage of electricity increased by 23%, Directions: study the graph carefully and write an essay in about 160-200 words. Yo

29、ur essay should cover all the information provided and meet the requirements below: 一、interpret the following graph; 二、possible reasons for the phenomenon 3、your commentsYou should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)第一段: 描述图表According to the pie chart above, letter writing declined from 50 p

30、er cent to 10 per cent from 1990 to 2000. By contrast, we see that the use of phone and the Internet both risen dramatically during the same users of telephone rose from 35 per cent to 60 per cent. Similarly, the use of Internet doubles to 30 per cent.第二段:阐释原因The reasons for the decline in letter wr

31、iters and the increase in the phone and Internet users are as follows. First of all, the traditional letter has disadvantages such as slow speed and unsafe delivery. In addition , calling is quick and convenient; it enables us to hear each others voice. Furthermore, with more youngsters on the online, sending e-mails or chatting has become an instant, convenient and cheapest way to communicate.第三段:发表评论(支持书信) Personally

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