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届一轮复习人教版必修四Unit1Women of achievement单元学案32页word版.docx

1、届一轮复习人教版必修四Unit1Women of achievement单元学案32页word版2019届一轮复习人教版必修四Unit1Women of achievement单元学案一 单元基础词汇语法回顾.单词拼写1Devoted to the cause of education all her life,she was r_ by all the people in her country.答案:respected2His first song was _ by the memory of his mother.答案:inspired3The old man came in,with

2、two young men _ his body.答案:supporting4Swimming across the lake for the first time is a great a_.答案:achievement5Theres a c_ between smoking and heart disease.答案:connection6Jane devoted herself to social _(福利)work.答案:welfare7They work in an art _(学院)答案:institute8He is a _(专家) in history.答案:specialist

3、9Do you know about the _(组织)?答案:organization10They started a _(运动)to stop people smoking.答案:campaign.句型转换1She met an old friend of hers yesterday by chance while she was shopping at the department store.She _ _ an old friend of hers yesterday while she was shopping at the department store.答案:Came ac

4、ross2Please look up the word in the dictionary if you dont know how to pronounce it.Please _ _ the dictionary if you dont know how to pronounce the word.答案:refer to 3The meal over,the managers went back to the meeting room to go on with their discussion.The meal over,the managers went back to the me

5、eting room to _ _ _ _ _.答案:carry on with their discussion.完成句子1I wont take my kid to the party unless she _(答应守规矩)答案:promises to behave herself2No matter which country you travel to,you should _(遵守法律)of the land.答案:observe/obey the law 3I _(原打算赶上) the early train,but I didnt get up in time.答案:had in

6、tended to catch4First,_(他们主张) the main reason why students go to school is to learn more subjects and skills.答案:they argue that 5The headmaster will _(发表演说) to the visiting foreign guests this afternoon.答案:deliver a speech6_(我突然想起) that I should turn to my teacher for help.答案:It hit/struck/occurred

7、to me7You will be successful in the interview _(一旦你有信心)答案:once you have confidence.完形填空(2015北京西城区高三二模)That morning,I stepped into the classroom,ready to share my knowledge and experience with seventyfive students who would be my English Literature class.Having taught in _1_ for seventeen years,I had

8、 no _2_ about my ability to hold their attention and to impress on them my _3_ for the literature of my mother tongue.As I entered the room,I was _4_ When the monitor shouted:“Stand up !”The entire class rose,and I was somewhat _5_ about how to get them to sit down again.Once that awkwardness was ov

9、er,I quickly _6_ my calmness and began what I thought was an informed lecture,sure to gain their respectperhaps _7_ their admiration.I went back to my office with the rosy glow which came from a sense of achievement.I asked my students to keep _8_ as homework.However,as I read them,the rosy glow was

10、 gradually _9_ by a strong sense of sadness.The first diary said,“Our literature teacher didnt teach us anything today._10_ her next lecture will be better.”Greatly surprised,I read diary after diary,each expressing a _11_ theme.“Didnt I teach them anything?I described the entire philosophical frame

11、work of Western thought and lald the historical _12_ for all the works well study in class,”I complained.“How _13_ they say I didnt teach them anything?”It was a long term,and it _14_ became clear that my ideas about _15_ were not the same as those of my students.I thought a teachers job was to rais

12、e _16_ questions and provide enough background so that students could _17_ their own conclusions.My students thought a teachers job was to provide _18_ information as directly and clearly as possible.What a difference!_19_,I benefited a lot,for my experience with my Chinese students has made me a _2

13、0_ American teacher,knowing how to teach in a different culture.【文章大意】作者是一位从教十七年的美国老师,教授英国文学,经验丰富。因此,当他面对七十五名中国学生时,他是自信的。但实践证明他错了,他没有注意到不同文化里教育方式的差异。1A.England BAmericaCChina DAustralia解析:文章最后的American teacher,提示此处B项符合语境。答案:B2A.worry BideaCdoubt Dskill解析:前面的“Having taught in _1_ for seventeen years”

14、表明作者从教时间长,因此有相当丰富的经验,他对自己的能力是“深信不疑的(had no doubt about.)”。答案:C3A.profession BadmirationCexplanation Dexpression解析:impress on sb.sth.意为“给某人留下印象”。作者作为教授英国文学的老师,当然是以“对英国文学的欣赏”给学生留下深刻的印象。答案:B4A.attracted BembarrassedCamused Dshocked解析:根据后面的“The entire class rose”及“Once that awkwardness was over”可知作者对中国学

15、生班长喊起立的上课礼节感到“震惊(shocked)”,没有思想准备。答案:D5A.puzzled BsureCworried Dcurious解析:看到他们这样严肃认真的样子,作者一时有点不知道如何反应,如何让他们落座。puzzled“困惑的”,be puzzled about.“对感到困惑”。答案:A6A.reminded BreturnedCregained Drecovered解析:文中的“Once that awkwardness was over”提醒读者他开始见到那情景有点局促不安,到很快又“重新获得”平静。regain意为“重新获得”。答案:C7A.more BevenCyet

16、Dstill解析:admiration是在respect基础上的递进,所以用even符合语境。答案:B8A.discussions BnotesCcompositions Ddiaries解析:让学生们写日记,作者从中看出他们的看法。keep diaries“记日记”,选D项。答案:D9A.replaced BfrightenedCtroubled Dmoved解析:读到学生的日记,原来萦绕在作者心头的自信感被一种强烈的悲伤而取代。be replaced by.意为“被取代”,所以A项正确。答案:A10A.Later BPerhapsCSomehow DIndeed解析:表示学生对作者的下一次

17、课的一种期望,但也不肯定。perhaps“也许”,符合语境。答案:B11A.common BstrongCsimilar Dstrange解析:每个同学都在日记中表达一个相似的想法,那就是他们没学到东西,或者一无所获。所以选C项。答案:C12A.happenings BcharactersCdevelopment Dbackground解析:前面讲“I described the entire philosophical framework of Western thought”描述了整个西方哲学思想的框架,后面跟着讲其历史背景,也就是说第一次课作者从宏观角度讲述了往后要学习的内容。所以D项正

18、确。答案:D13A.should BneedCwill Dmust解析:考查情态动词用法,should在此处作“竟然”讲,与前面学生和作者的相反反映是吻合的,所以选A项。答案:A14A.immediately BcertainlyCsimply Dgradually解析:问题的清晰化是要时间的,后面的become clear表明了一个过程。gradually“逐渐地”,符合语境。答案:D15A.admiration BquestionCeducation Dconclusion解析:由下文可知作者与中国学生对“教育”的观念是不同的。答案:C16A.difficult BinterestingC

19、essential Dgeneral解析:在作者看来,教师的工作就是提出有趣的问题并提供必要的背景知识,然后学生通过思考得出自己的结论。要启迪学生思考,问题应该要有吸引力,所以B项正确。答案:B17A.draw BfindCsearch Doffer解析:draw a conclusion“得出结论”,为固定搭配。答案:A18A.special BstandardCexact Dserious解析:而中国学生的观念是,老师应该直接将确切的知识教给他们,不是去自己摸索。后文的“as directly and clearly as possible”是提示 。答案:C19A.Therefore B

20、HoweverCThen DThough解析:虽然这中间作者很纠结,但也懂得了一些东西。这里有转折对比的意思。所以选B项。答案:B20A.richer BhappierCfriendlier Dbetter解析:作者与其中国学生的经历使作者成为一个更好的老师,一个知道在不同文化背景下如何教书的老师。D项是正确答案。答案:D 单元综合知识检测阅读理解 A(2018山东省威海市高三一模)What would it be like to take a walk on the surface of Mars? If you could design the tallest building in th

21、e world,what would it look like? Do you dream of being the next JK. Rowling?This summer,you can experience all of these.things,and more.All you need is an Internet connection and your imagination.A recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that kids spend an average of 1 hour and 29 minutes

22、 online each day.Many kids like to use that time to chat with friends,play games or check email.But next time you get on the Web,try exploring the world instead.“With the Internet,you can go back 11,000 years in time, or go 11,000 kilometers across the planet,”said Russell,Web search expert of Googl

23、e.“The whole scope of history and the world is open to you.”There is a wealth of information to be found online.For example,if your family is going on vacation somewhere,do a quick online search on the area before you even get in the car.“Whats the background of the place? Whats the history?” says R

24、ussell.“I like to tell my kids,Whenever you have a question,whenever you have a doubt,search it out.”Ready to launch a virtual(虚拟的)journey of your own? Here are a few starting points to get you thinking and to help you on your way.You can invite your parents along for the ride,too.Always ask for per

25、mission before downloading programs and software into your computer.And,check with a parent or adult before visiting any new Website.Navigate the world in 3D with Google Earth. Begin in outer space and zoom into the streets of any city,from Hong Kong to San Francisco.Or,visit ancient monuments and w

26、atch the changing rainforests over time.With the moon in Google Earth tool,you can walk in Neil Armstrongs famous footsteps.Take a guided tour of the moons surface with Armstrongs fellow shuttle mate astronaut Buzz Aldrin.【文章大意】本文为说明文,主要为孩子们上网提出建议。1According to Russell,the kids _.Aspend too much tim

27、e on the InternetBshould never chat and play games onlineCcan solve their problems through the InternetDshould study hard instead of chatting online解析:推理判断题。根据第三段Russell说的话可推断,Russell认为孩子们可以通过上网解决任何问题。答案:C2From the passage we know that _.Awe can find much information we need onlineBNeil Armstrong tr

28、aveled to the moon aloneCthe kids can download programs onto the computer freelyDthe kids can visit the new website freely without parents guidance解析:推理判断题。根据第一段最后两句“. you can experience all of these things,and more.All you need is an Internet connection and your imagination.”以及第三段中的“I like to tell

29、my kids,Whenever you have a question,whenever you have a doubt,search it out.”可推断,我们可以在网上查到很多我们需要的信息。答案:A3According to the passage,if you want to go to Tropical Rainforests,you can _.Atake the time shuttleBgo to the cinema to watch 3D filmsCfind a travel agency in GoogleDuse Google Earth解析:细节理解题。根据最

30、后一段前三句“Navigate the world in 3D. watch the changing rainforests over time.”可判断,可通过使用Google Earth航行在3D世界中。答案:D4The passage is mainly intended for _.Aparents BkidsCteachers Dadults解析:推理判断题。根据第二段前两句及全文的描述可推断,这篇文章主要是写给孩子们看的。答案:B5In which section of a website can we probably read this passage?ACulture. BHealthCInternet World. DTourism.解析:推理判断题。本文主要是有关上网方面的内容,故推断在网络世界中可以看到此文,与文学、健康或旅游无关。答案:C B(2018

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