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1、高一英语第4周教学设计Module2课题必修1Module2 Vocabulary &Reading课时1.5考点、知识点1.Module2的单词和短语;2.课文文意的理解;学习目标1.学习和识记本模块的生词和短语;2.结合词汇的学习,理解课文文意;3.加强阅读理解技能训练;重、难点1.重点:本模块生词和短语的识记和运用;2.难点:在文章文意理解的过程中,训练阅读理解技能;学习环节和内容学生活动建议教师活动建议调整记录一预习重点单词1_确定;确信;查明2_因此3_取得进步4_结果5_事实上6_睡着7_讲笑话;开玩笑8_在方面有问题9_对严格要求10_ (在某方面)做得好11_犯错误12_按时1

2、.make that3.make a result fact6.fall asleep7.tell jokes8.have problems strict well in11.make mistakes 12.on time二Introduction1)Brainstorming: Try to bring out as many adjectives used to describe a person as possible.2) Help the Ss to use the adjectives t

3、o describe their favorite teachers, and then get the meaning of the positive adjectives or negative adjectives.三课文理解Please find two things the English teacher thinks are important to do in class. (no more than six words)1._.2._.1.Fast reading for the general ideasNow read the text fast again and try

4、 to get the main idea of each paragraph.Paragraph= 1 * ROMANI Mrs. Li is patient and tolerant, so she is liked by her students.Paragraph= 2 * ROMANII Mrs. Chen is too strict, but because her teaching is very organized and clear, some students do like her.Paragraph= 3 * ROMANIII Mr. Wu is amusing, en

5、ergetic and he enjoys teaching, so he is very popular.3. Careful reading for detailsThis time, read the text carefully and fill in the form.My New TeachersNameCharactersTeaching featuresHow much liked by the students?Mrs. LiMrs. ChenMr. WuKeys:My New TeachersNameCharactersTeaching feathersHow much l

6、iked by the studentsMrs. Linervous, shy, kind, patientclearly, slowly, smiles a lotLiked by the whole classMrs. Chenstrict, seriouswell organized, clear, exactlyliked by some of her studentsMr. Wuenjoys teaching, energeticloudly, fast, waves a lot, amusingliked by all the students4. Listen to the ta

7、pe of the text and fill in the gaps.1) They sayare very important.2) Ive always hatedmistakes or pronouncing a wordwhen I speak English, but Mrs. Li just smiles, so that you dont feelstupid.3) She is very strict we dontto say a word unless she asks us to.4) He is about 28, I think, and is rather.5)

8、He talks loudly and fast, andhis hands about a lot when he gets excited.6) Even things like compositions and summaries arewith Mr. Wu.(Keys:first impressions, making, incorrectly, completely, dare, good-looking, waves, fun)Homework1.Work in pairs, and discuss the questions.1)Which paragraphs tell us

9、 what the teachers look like?2)What subjects does each teacher teach?3)Who is the most popular teacher?4)Who is the kindest teacher?5)Which teacher are students most afraid of?6)Which teachers explain things clearly?2.Work in pairs, and read the text again. Which teacher do you like best? And why?3.

10、Learn the new words again, using the dictionary if necessary.学生自主学习,拼读模块单词,然后跟读,齐读阅读通过对新单词的理解和运用,学生结合自己的情况选择相应的选项运用略读策略找出文中每段大意。逐步构建文章的整体框架。归纳总结main idea纠正学生的不规范发音,点拨重要词汇指导学生阅读的方法:略读、扫读课题必修1 Module2(第2课时)Language points课时1考点、知识点文章中出现的重点单词和语言知识点(appreciate, hate, admit, respect等)学习目标1.掌握阅读文章中出现的重点短语和

11、语言点的用法。2.学会分析句子和归纳总结知识点。重、难点1.重点:重点短语和语言点的理解和运用;2.难点:句子的分析和知识点的归纳;学习环节和内容学生活动建议教师活动建议调整记录1.Lead in the study of the adjectives: Ask each of the groups to write down their positive adjectives and negative adjectives and check the answers themselves.2.重点单词讲解【词条1】hate【点拨】hate多作动词,意为讨厌,不喜欢。如:I hate that

12、 kind of animals with long tails (尾巴).People hate being cheated.【上层楼】1. hate作动词多用于hate (doing) sth.或hate to do sth.。如:Although my grandfather is old, he hates sitting still and doing nothing.Carrie hated the plan. It made her too tired.注意:hate后跟动名词时多指习惯性的行为或正在进行的动作;后跟不定式多指一次性的行为或未进行的动作。试比较:The boy h

13、ates getting up early every morning.The boy hated to get up early the next day.2. hate也可作名词,意为仇恨,憎恨。如:She looked at the man with eyes full of hate.3. hateful adj. 可恨的,可恶的。如:The author takes those people as hateful enemies (敌人).【词条2】appreciate【点拨】appreciate为动词,意为欣赏,赞美。如:The manager appreciated the ne

14、w workers enthusiasm very much.Her parents dont appreciate her boyfriend.【上层楼】1. appreciate还可表示感谢,感激,用于appreciate (doing) sth.或appreciate + that从句。如:I really appreciated your coming to my birthday party.It was a big surprise for me.Your early reply would be highly appreciated.您如果能早日回复,我会非常感激的。Id app

15、reciate that someone give me a hand.如果有人帮忙我会非常感谢的。2. appreciate表示感谢,也常用于固定句式I would appreciate it if .,意为如果我将不胜感激。如:I would appreciate it if you give me the chance.Id appreciate it a lot if you lend me the book.3. appreciation n.感激,感谢;赏识;appreciative adj.感激的,表示赞赏的。如:The award is given in appreciatio

16、n of her great contributions (贡献) to the world peace.The girl gave me an appreciative smile in return.【词条3】admit【点拨】admit为动词,意为承认,认可。如:Lily admitted that she had difficulty in understanding the long article.He was unwilling to admit to his mistakes.【上层楼】1. admit作承认解时常用于admit to (doing) sth.或admit (t

17、o sb.)that从句。如:She admits to being strict with her children.I admit that it is stupid to say such words.2. admit还可表示允许参加,允许进入。如:Latecomers will not be admitted into the hall.Children under six would not be admitted into primary school.3. admission n.承认;许可;准许进入;admissible adj.可接受的。如:Only quite a few

18、can gain admission to the world-known universities.No admission to the park between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m.I think your request is admissible.【词条4】respect【点拨】respect可作动词,意为尊重,尊敬;仰慕,常用于:respect sb. / sth. for (doing) sth.。如:She promised to respect our wishes.I think people will respect you for telling the

19、 truth about it.【上层楼】1. respect也可作名词,意为尊敬,尊重;重视,常用于respect for sb. / sth.。如:All the students showed their respect for the headmaster by sending flowers.She has worked hard to earn the respect of her workmates.2. respectable adj.体面的,值得尊敬的;respectful adj.表示尊敬的;尊敬的;respected adj. 受人尊敬的,受人敬重的。如:The Gree

20、ns continued to live a respectable life.The ladies kept a respectful distance from the leader.This is a highly respected language paper.语法导入Look at these sentences and notice about the verbs that follow the underlined verbs1.But now after two weeks the class really likes working with her.2.Ive alway

21、s hated making mistakes or pronouncing a word incorrectly3.There are a few students who keep coming to class late.4.I think this is because he really enjoys teaching Chinese literature.了解常接-ing形式作宾语的动词:1:avoid, consider(考虑),enjoy, prevent, imagine, mind, practice, suggest,miss(错过),stand(忍受),finish,d

22、elay,risk2:常见的直接接动词-ing形式的短语feel like, give up, cant help, be used to, keep on, insist on, look forward to, put off, devoteto , stick to, object to, thanks to, be busy in, get down to, have some trouble /difficulty /problems (in)等Complete the sentences with words from the box. There may be more than

23、 one answer.Change the form where necessary.admit avoid consider dislike enjoy finish hate keep imagine like lovepractice stop suggest1.The students _copying from other students.2.Please _talking.3.Have you _checking your work ?Its time to go home .4.You need to _speaking in English to make progress

24、.5.He _asking stupid questions!了解可以跟不定式又可以跟动词ing形式的动词及动词短语remember: remember doing sth.记着干过某事remember to do sth.记住去干某事forget: forget to do sth.忘了去干某事forget doing sth.忘了干过某事regret: regret to do sth.遗憾地去干某事regret doing sth.后悔已干过某事stop: stop to do sth.停下来去干另一件事stop doing sth.停止正在干的事try: try to do sth尽力

25、干某事try doing sth试着干某事mean doing意味着mean to do打算做1. Dont forget_(water)the flower while I am away.2.The speaker stopped_(have)some water and then continue_(speak).3.I regret_(waste)so much time to play in the forest.Sentence patterns usingV-ingas objects: prevent / stop(from) doing:阻止某人作某事 have troubl

26、e / difficulty (in) doing:作某事时遇到困难 have a hard / good time (in) doing:艰难/轻松地作了某事 spend / pass / waste / kill some time (in) doing:花费/浪费/消磨时间作某事 be busy (in) doing:忙着作某事 be accustomed to doing:习惯于做某事3) Some verbs can be followed by bothV-ingandto doas their objects without difference in meaning:prefe

27、r like love hate begin start continue He continued to live / living with his parents after his marriage.结婚后他仍然和父母住在一起。 I like to read in bed but I dont like having meals in bed.我喜欢躺在床上看书,但我不喜欢在床上吃饭。4) Some verbs or phrases that can be followed by bothV-ingandto doas their objects but they are differ

28、ent in meaning:forget remember regret stop try mean want / need / require canhelp be used to go on be afraid be sure be sorry nice to meet you / meeting youHe tried to pass the exam but failed.他尽力考及格,但失败了。Why not try doing it a third time.干嘛不再试一次呢?Im sorry to disturb you.很抱歉要打扰你一下。 Im sorry for waking you up.很抱歉叫醒了你。The little girl was afraid to clime the fence, because she was afraid of falling off it.那个小女孩不敢

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