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1、人教版八下英语课前预习Unit 1 Whats the matter?Period one Section A (1a-2d)I.自己认读1a单词,与画面中字母匹配,并在自己的身体上指认人体部位。 II.对照单词表翻译1a画面上的句子,并读熟。5min (5分钟)【自学检测】把你所知道的身体部位的单词写下来,并写出其相应的中文意思。 _eye_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _III.have a cold的意思是“感冒,着凉”为固定词组,have 表示生病,解释下列词组的意思。have a sore throat

2、_ have a sore neck _ have a fever _ have a headache _have a stomachache _ have a toothache _IV、Whats the matter?怎么了,其后常与介词with 连用。类似的问句还有:_ _Whats the matter with Ben? (改为同义句)Whats _ with Jim? V、情态动词should的用法 1)should 常用来表示劝告、建议、认为某人应该做某事。 2)should 本身不能单独作谓语,必须和动词原形连用。should 没有人称和数的变化,其否定形式为shouldnt

3、. 如:We_ study hard.我们应该努力学习。 You_ play computer games.你不应该玩电脑游戏。He _ lie down and rest. 他应该躺下来休息。反思:通过预习,你学会了什么?还有哪些不懂的?请记录我学会了_我不懂的_Unit 1 Whats the matter?Period Two Section A (3a-4C)I. 短语翻译:1、 休息 _ _2、没有移动 _3、以相同的方式 _ 4、听起来像_5、割伤自己 _ 6、让自己受伤_7、在伤口上敷点药_ 8、跌倒_9. 伤着自己 10. 给伤口上药_ 11. 切到自己 _ 12. 量体温 _

4、 13. 摔倒 _ 14. 做个X光检查_II. 完成下列句子。1、你还好吗? Are you _? 2、我该怎么办? _ should I _?3、我应该量体温吗? Should I _ _ _?4、我头疼。 I have _ _.5、你周末做什么了? What_ you_ on the _?6、你应该离开电脑休息一下。You need to _ _ _ _the computer. 7、我认为你应该躺下来休息。I think you should _ _ and rest.III. 根据句意填空1. A: I hurt _ when I played basketball yesterda

5、y. What _ I do?B: You _ see a doctor and get an X-ray.2. A: _ the matter?B: My sister and I _ sore throats. _ we go to school?A: No, you _.3. A: _ Mike _ a fever?B: No, he _. He _ a stomachache. A: He _ drink more hot tea with honey.IV.探讨。1、小组成员轮流读对话并翻译,划出疑难准备提问。2、共同划出你们认为重要的短语、句子,写在纸上。_Unit 1 Whats

6、 the matter?Period Three Section B (1a-1d&self check)I. 根据下列方框中左侧所给病况,在右侧方框中给出合理化建议。illnessadviceI have a sore throat.I have a stomachache.I have a toothache.I have a fever.II. 短语翻译1. 缠上绷带 _ 2. 上点药 _3. 流鼻血 _ 4. 伤了背_5. 感到不舒服 _ 6. 撞了头_7. 按鼻子的两边 _ 8. 拍X光_III. 从II栏中找出与I栏中相对应的应答语。 I problems II treatment

7、s( )1. Someone felt sick. A. Put a bandage on it.( )2. Someone cut his knee. B. Took his temperature.( )3. Someone had a fever. C. Told him to rest.( )4. Someone had a nosebleed. D. Took him to the hospital to get an X-ray. ( )5. Someone got hit on the head. E. Told him to put his head back.反思:通过预习,

8、你学会了什么?还有哪些不懂的?请记录我学会了_我不懂的_Unit 1 Whats the matter?Period Four Section B (2c-selfcheck)I. 写出下列短语1. 的重要性 _ 2. 做决定 _3. 掌握 _ 4. 放弃 _5. 继续做 _ 6. 冒险 _7. 习惯于 _ 8. 切除 _9. 失血过多 _ 10. 处境危险_II. 根据汉语完成句子。1.学好英语很重要。_ _ to learn English well.2.我的压力很大,因为我的口语没有长进。Im _ _ because my speaking English isnt _.3.作为一名登山

9、者,他习惯于冒险。 _ a mountain climber, he _ _ _ _ _.4.因此他用小刀切掉了他的一半右臂。 So he used his knife _ _ _ half his right arm.5. 他在这次事故之后没有放弃,如今他继续爬山。 He didnt _ _ after the accident and _ _ _ mountains today.6. 在书中他讲述了关于做出明智抉择和掌握自己生民的重要性。 In this book, he tells of the _ of _ _ _, and of _ _ _ _ ones life.III.探讨。1、

10、小组成员轮流读文章并翻译,划出疑难准备提问。2、共同划出你们认为重要的短语、句子,写在纸上。_ Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.Period 1 Section A 1a-2dI. 根据音标拼读单词(P115 Unit 2 clean upcare for)、听磁带并试着记背。II. 预习section A(1a-2d),写出下列单词。 1 欢呼 2 志愿者 3 标志 4 通知 5.孤独的 III. 1. 译一译,读一读,背一背1)饥饿 2)无家可归的 3)标牌 4)广告 5)创办 6)打扫干净 7)使振奋起来 8)分发 9)建立,建造 1

11、0)推迟 11)想出 12)清洁日 13) sick children 14)at the food bank 15)after-school study program 16)make a plan _ 2. 自主预习完成1a的任务。听力导学1. 听力前准备 1)认真阅读1b各句子,弄懂大概含义,并猜一猜空格会填什么内容。 2)看懂2a中五幅图片的内容,用英文把图片反映的内容描述出来。3)认真阅读2b中句子,猜一猜空格会填什么内容。IV. 合作探究1. 学会施用“I will”,“I would like”等句型,向别人提供帮助。2. You could help clean up the

12、city parks.1)help作动词,“帮助”。help sb.(to)do=_.帮助某人做某事如:He often helps me(to)study English.=_.2)help作名词,“帮助”。如:_. 谢谢你的帮助。3) clean 可用作形容词,意为“清洁的,干净的”,此外clean 可用作动词,用于以下词组:clean up 打扫清洁或收拾整齐,整理。clean out 打扫某物内部(如:房间,抽屉,箱子等)clean-up (名词)打扫,清洁。练一练:Its time for you to _ your bedroom. I will help you _ the sc

13、hool. Tomorrow is _day, everyone should try to do some cleaning.反思:通过预习,你学会了什么?还有哪些不懂的?请记录我学会了_我不懂的_ Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.Period 2 Section A 3a-4cI. 温故知新翻译短语。1)建立,建造 2)计划做某事 3)使振奋起来 4)推迟 5)花费做某事 6)第77中学 7)帮组某人做某事 8)不仅而且 从方框中选择恰当的词组,并用其适当形式填空。clean up, put up, cheer up, set up,

14、come up with, give out ,put off, call up1.He has a lot of work to do, so he has to _going to the doctor.2. Could you help me _ these new books?3. Dont worry. Ill help _your room.4. Lets _the sick kids in the hospital.5. In the end, Grandma _ a good idea.6. Would you please not _signs here?7. Were go

15、ing to _a food bank to help hungry people.8. Ill _you_ as soon as I come back.II.自主互助学习 1.词汇检测:译一译,读一读,记一记1) 训练,指导 2) 志愿者 3)elementary 4) major 5) veterinarian 6) commitment 7) leave school 8) put this love to good use 2. 认真预习3a,完成3a,3b的任务。反思:通过预习,你学会了什么?还有哪些不懂的?请记录我学会了_我不懂的_Unit 2 Ill help to clean

16、 up the city parks.Period 3 Section B 1 a-2 eI. 温故知新 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Lets cheer _ (they)up, ok?2. Id like _ (visit)my English teacher tomorrow.3. Ill feel good about _ (help)the old people.4. He _(spend) every morning _ (do)some sports.5. They plan _ (buy) a big house.II. 自主预习1. 译一译,读一读,背一背1)相似的 2)修理

17、3)修理(短语) 4)与相像 5)用完,耗尽 6)赠送,捐赠 2. 自主预习完成1a,1b.(必要时查查字典)III. 合作探究1辩一辩 take after & look like1)take after 由于血缘关系而(外貌、性格等方面)相似,和 意义接近。如:I take after my mother= _.我像我妈妈。2) look like 看起来像(多指外貌),如:He his mother. 他长得像他妈妈。2. 辩一辩 fix,repair& mendrepair 用于建筑、堤坝、机器、车辆等的修理;fix是美语用法,等于repair; mend一般用于衣服,鞋袜等小东西,偶

18、尔也用于道路、门窗等。练一练:Can you my bike? 你给我修修自行车行吗?He is a road. 他正在修路。3. run out of 意为_, 相当于 _.I have run out of my pocket money. 同义句:_.IV. 听力导学. 先看懂2a中的四幅图的内容,猜一猜他们的顺序V. 预习2b并回答2b的两个问题。反思:通过预习,你学会了什么?还有哪些不懂的?请记录我学会了_我不懂的_Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.Period 4 Section B 3 a-self checkI. 温故知新 把

19、下列词组翻译成英语。1.使振奋 2.用完,耗尽 3.打电话 4.分发 5.安装,修理 6.捐赠 7.与相像 8.提出,想出 9.闲逛,逗留 10.给某人提供 II. 自主预习1.词汇检测。 译一译,读一读,记一记1)张贴,搭建 2)要求,请求 3)分发,发放 4)产生结果,发展 5)(互联网)站点 6)方法,策略 7)hang out 8) a professional singer 9) call-in 10)make money 2.自主预习完成Self Check 1&2的练习题,并掌握所给词的含义及其用法。III. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。luck kind satisfact

20、ion sweep send1. Thank you for _ me such a nice gift.2. He felt _ to get the ticket to the concert.3. The mans _ makes it possible for the poor children to go back to school.4. The girl can help her mother do lots of chores like _ the floor.5. She is _ with her good job.IV. 预习3a,please add more volu

21、nteer work that you knowV. 预习3bThe sentences in the tables can help you know how to write a letter ore-mail for volunteer work.反思:通过预习,你学会了什么?还有哪些不懂的?请记录我学会了_我不懂的_. Unit 3 could you please clean your room?Period 1(section A 1a-2d)I. 预习并熟读熟记一下重点词汇和句型。1.学习词汇:do the dishes, sweep the floor,take out the

22、 trash. fold your clothes,clean the living room, do chores, have to do sth, like to do (doing) sth, make dinner, make your bed2.句型(委婉地提出请求、征求许可做某事)。 -Could you please clean your room? -Yes, sure.-Could you please do the dishes? - Sorry, I cant. I have to do my homework.II. 实施诊断性评价导入新知识结合语境,用can, may, must, neednt, could填空.1.A: _ you answer the question in English?B: Sorry, I _. _ I answer it in English ?A: No, you _. You _ answer it in Chinese.

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