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学年七年级英语上册 Unit 4 My Day导学案新版牛津版doc.docx

1、学年七年级英语上册 Unit 4 My Day导学案新版牛津版doc2019-2020学年七年级英语上册 Unit 4 My Day导学案(新版)牛津版【学习目标】知识与技能:1掌握It is time for句型;2学会谈论日常安排和活动。过程与方法:能够在语篇层面上对一天的活动安排进行简单描述。情感态度价值观:学生能够对日常生活有个系统的安排,培养他们做事的条理性。教学重点难点:1学会回答有关安排和活动。 2 掌握It is time for_句型。3能够在语篇层面上对一天的活动安排进行简单描述。【使用说明及学法指导】1. 认真阅读教材,把重要的知识点用 “圈、点、勾、划”的方法进行标记。

2、2. 先独立完成自主学习部分,做好预习笔记,合作探究部分由小组讨论共同完成。3. 课上掌握自我介绍,相互问候的基础知识,并探究解决自习中的出现的问题。4. 展示学完后认真整理保存教学案。【学习过程】 一、自主探学,发现问题1. wake up的含义是_,你知道wake her up的意思吗?_2.It is time for breakfast.Breakfast为名词,若后接动词该怎么办呢?_如,It is time for_(fly)a kite. Lets go!请写出该句的同义句_3、你知道have fun的含义吗?_你还知道have fun的用法吗?_4、 do ones homew

3、ork的含义你一定知道_,那么你知道do morning exercise的意思吗?_ 总结下和do相关的短语吧,你一定行!5、熟读p42页漫画,并回答问题(需背诵)Does Eddie want to go walking in the hills? Why?What does Hobo think of some dogs?What do you think of Eddie?6、 完成下面的短文:Millie often g_ up at six thirty. A_ seven oclock , she e_ her b_. She goes to school at seven th

4、irty. At school, first she does morning e_, then she has four lessons in the morning. At eleven fifty, she has l_ with her classmates at the school dining hall. In the afternoon, she has two other lessons. After class, she a_ does a_ activities. S_ goes home at five oclock. She usually does h_ or an

5、 hour. After s_, she sometimes w_ TV. At nine thirty, she goes to bed. 7、通过自学,你还有哪些疑问?二、小组助学,探究问题1、对子交流预习笔记2、小组讨论展示预习成果3、老师分配展示任务 三、师生展学,解决问题1、展示单词词组的预习情况,并给予评价2、展示comic strip 的对话 回答问题表演对话语言点诠释Wake up It is +adj+ for sth how to do sth3、展示43页课文内容Here is Millies diary entry. Now lets read it and find

6、out what Millie does every day.S1: When does she go to school?S2: She goes to school at 7:30AM.几位同学做示范问答。请同学们两人一组就Millie的时间表进行问答练习,请几组同学展示。小组讨论各自一天的活动安排,完成教材第43页A部分My day表格。讨论结果展示。请三到五组同学各派一名代表到讲台前报告,报告本人的一天安排。4、Talk about your school life ,use the conversation on p43 as a model课堂反馈练习一、单项选择:( )1. Is

7、 it time _class?A. to B. for C. at D. in( )2. My mother _at six oclock every morning.A. wakes me up B. wakes up me C. wakes up I D. wakes I up( )3.We must know _.A. how have fun B. how to fun C. what to have fun D. how to have fun ( )4. A: Do you have_ on Friday afternoon B: No, it is time for our _

8、. A. lesson , fun B. lessons , after-school activities C. any lesson , after-school activities D. lesson , after-school activity 二、翻译:A) 词汇 1)醒来_ 2)起床_ 3)吃早饭_ 4) 去上学_ 5)上课_ 6)做早操_7)吃午饭_ 8)做课外活动_9)做家庭作业_ 10去睡觉_ B) 句子1该上床睡觉了。Its time _2有些人就是不知道如何找乐子。 Some people just _ know _.3Millie和同学们在下午4点开展一些课外活动。

9、Millie and her classmates _at 4 _.4Millie 7点钟吃晚饭,然后写作业。 Millie _ at 7 oclock and then _5今天你打算做什么?What _ you _ _ _ today?6. 午饭后,我想去睡觉。 _7许多老人晨练。 Lots of old men _ _ in the _8学生们需要不同的课外活动。 Students need different _ _9.到了上学的时间了吗? It is_10.一些狗不知道该怎么样娱乐。 Some dogs _三、句型转换:1 .Do you want to go shopping th

10、is afternoon ? (改为同义句)_ you _ _ go shopping this afternoon.2 . We usually do after-school activities at 3:30 p.m. (改为否定句)We _ usually _ after- school activities at 3:30 p.m.3. Its time to have lessons . (改为同义句)Its time _lessons4 . Millie has breakfast at 7:00 a.m.(对划线部分提问)_ _ Millie _ breakfast?四、根据

11、首字母提示及上下文完成短文There are lots of nice people in my class. Amy is my b_ friend. At l_ ,we often sit under the trees in the playground. we always c_ with each other or play games. The school day s_ at eight every morning. We do morning e_ first. my f_ lessons are Chinese and English. I go to the l_ ever

12、y day, I like playing volleyball. Sometimes, I p _ with my friends. Amy is a m_ of the swimming club. She is a very good s_ .【评价反思】知识盘点今天我学会了:疑惑告知这堂课我还有如下疑问:自我评价 组长评价老师寄语Period2 Reading【学习目标】1.知识目标1) 词汇:本课时的四会单词2) 词组: chat with each other , twice a week , at lunchtime , have a good time3) 句型: I spen

13、d about two hours a day doing my homework.2.能力目标 能够运用已学知识,描述自己的校园生活。3.情感目标 学会合理安排时间,热爱自己的校园生活。教学重难点【使用说明及学法指导】1. 认真阅读教材,把重要的知识点用 “圈、点、勾、划”的方法进行标记。2. 先独立完成自主学习部分,做好预习笔记,合作探究部分由小组讨论共同完成。3. 课上掌握自我介绍,相互问候的基础知识,并探究解决自习中的出现的问题。4. 展示学完后认真整理保存教学案。【学习过程】 一、自主探学,发现问题1.预习课本125页44-46的单词,达到四会要求。2.解释下列词组的意思chat w

14、ith each other_ spend some time doing sth._have a good time _ twice a week _be nice to sb. _ a member of_the Swimming(Reading) Club_ play volleyball_3.读两遍44页reading后,回答问题When does the school begin in the morning?Which subject does Mille like best?What do they usually do after class?When does Millie

15、practise volleyball?4根据课文完成下列短文。 Millie _ in Beijing. She is a student at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. She has _ friends. They always _ with _ _. Her _ lessons is English. She likes playing _. She is _ the school volleyball _ . Millie likes reading in the school _. She goes to the reading club

16、 _ a week.5通过自学,你还有哪些疑问?二、小组助学,探究问题1、对子交流预习笔记2、小组讨论展示预习成果3、老师分配展示任务 三、师生展学,解决问题Task1Read the e-mail again, lets match each activity with the correct time. ( Page 45 Part B1 )Task2.Read the e-mail again,Write a T if the sentence is true. Write an F if it is false.( Page 45 Part B2 )Task3.Finish Part

17、B2 on Page 45 Task4. Please read after the tape again and find out what each paragraph tells us.Para. 1 My friends and I Para. 2 My school and my lessons Para. 3 School activities Para. 4 My school and I (introduction)Para. 1 My school and I (introduction)Para. 2 My school and my lessonsPara. 3 Scho

18、ol activities Para. 4 My friends and I Task5.Try to write some sentences about your day Finish Part B2 on Page 45 课堂反练馈习一、翻译下列短语1.在操场上_ 2. 在午餐时间_ 3.互相交谈_ 4. 一天两小时 _ 5.花费时间做某事_ 6. 对某人友好_二、词汇A根据汉语提示,写出正确的单词1. Amy enjoys (聊天)with her online friend at the weekends.2.We do not have an English lesson on (

19、星期二).3-Are there any (图书馆) in your school? -Yes, there are two. One is big and the other is small.4. I have been to the Great Wall (两次).B写出所给单词的正确形式5.Amy often (swim) in the swimming pool. She is a good (swim).6.She is always the (one) one to get to school.7.Lucy spends two hours (play) the piano ev

20、ery day.8.Simon draws (well) .He practices (draw) twice a week.三、根据首字母填写单词.1. We a_ have a good time at our school.2. Millie is a m_ of the Reading Club. 3. My f_ sport is badminton.4. Every week we s_ three hours p_ speaking English.5.We have classes from M_ to F_.6. She is in the Swimming Club. Sh

21、e is a very good s_. 四、单项选择( ) 1I go to the Reading Club Saturdays or Sundays. A. in B. at C. on D. of( ) 2. Lucy and Lily spend about one hour every day. A. does her homework B. do their homework C. to do their homework D. doing their homework( ) 3. Would you like with me? A. playing the badminton

22、B .playing badminton C. to play the badminton d .to play badminton( ) 4. If you are reading in the library, . A. you can run and play B. you can write and draw on the books. C. you should keep quiet D. you can chat with each other loudly五、按要求完成句子1. I like Chinese and English best.(同义句) 2. She goes t

23、o the English Club twice a week.(画线提问) 3 .She does morning exercises at 8:00 a.m.(画线提问) 4.Miss L i (对我们很好了)5.They are all (我校足球队的成员)6. you (玩的开心) in the park?7Millie和她的同学们在一起总是过的很愉快。 Millie always with her classmates.8. 我最好的朋友Amy总是和我一起在树下交谈或做游戏。 My Amy always or with me under the tree.9. 他最喜欢的科目是语文和

24、英语吗?_10. 她喜欢午餐时间因为她能和好朋友聊天。_11. 到了做课外活动的时间了_六、任务型阅读On school days, American students usually get up at 7:00. They usually eat eggs, toast (吐司) and a glass of milk for breakfast, Then they go to school. Nearly all the students walk to school or take a yellow school bus. Very few ride bikes. They start their classes at 8:30 or 9:00.At noon, students eat lunch at school. The usual lunch is meat, vegetables, fruit, bread.American children like sugar and after the meal they have a small piece of cake or cookie.They play or watch TV before supper. 晚饭后,他们做家庭作业。

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