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1、福建省教师公开招聘考试小学英语真题可编辑修改word版福建省教师公开招聘考试小学英语真题 2017 年(总分:150.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、第一部分 选择题(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、单项选择题(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、(一)单项选择(总题数:20,分数:40.00)1.Need I buy you something to eat on my way home? I think you must feel hungry after working so long.Thank you.(分数:2.00)A.Its up to youB.If you likeC.Of c

2、ourse, you canD.It couldnt be better 解析:解析 考查情景交际。句意为“需要我在回家的路上给你买些吃的吗?我想你工作这么长时间一定饿了吧。谢谢, 。”A 项表示“由你决定,取决于你”,B 项表示“如果你愿意的话”, C 项表示“当然,你可以”,D 项表示“那再好不过了”。D 项最符合语境。2.Didnt the film Beauty and the Beast excite you? . I felt bored.(分数:2.00)A.Take it easyB.It dependsC.Far from it D.Thats all right解析:解析

3、考查情景交际。前者问“美女与野兽这部电影有没有让你感到兴奋?”根据后者的回答“I fell bored.”可知并没有感到兴奋,而是感觉无聊。far from it 表示“远非如此,一点也不”, 符合语境,故选 C。其他三项,A 项表示“放松点,别着急”;B 项表示“视情况而定”;D 项表示“不客气,没关系”,一般用于回答别人的感谢、道歉等,均不符合逻辑。3.We will see that communities and rural areas have better to e-commerce and express delivery service in the near future.(

4、分数:2.00)A.chance B.access C.permission D.attachment解析:解析 考查名词辨析。chance“可能性,机会”,access”“接近(的机会),使用之权”,permission“许可,允许”,attachment“附件,附属物”。句意为“在不久的将来,社区和农村将能更好地享受电商和快递服务”。have access to sth.为固定搭配,表示“可以使用,有接触的机会或权利”,符合句意。故选 B。4. the current stage of development so far, China can now advance only throu

5、gh reform and innovation.(分数:2.00)A.Reaching B.To reachC.Having reached D.To have reached解析:解析 考查非谓语动词和时态。根据前半句中的 so far 可知,前半句叙述的是到目前为止的情况。因为不定式一般表示将来时态,带有目的性,与句意不符,所以排除 B 项和 D 项。非谓语动词表示的动作reach 已经完成且发生在该句谓语动词 advance 表示的动作之前,所以用现在分词的完成式作伴随状语。句意为“中国发展到现在这个阶段,不靠改革创新就没有出路”。5.Any citizen, whoever he i

6、s, use his ID to check in a hotel by law.(分数:2.00) A.will B.would C.shall D.should解析:解析 考查情态动词。shall 表示意图、要求、法令等文件的义务或规定,一般用于第三人称,有“必须”之意。四个选项中只有 shall 有这样的用法,故选 C。句意为“任何公民,无论他是准,都必须依法使用身份证人住旅馆”。should 表示义务或要求,常泽为“应该”;will 和 would 表示意愿、请求、决心等。 watching French films, they are sometimes confusin

7、g.(分数:2.00) ifB.even though C.since D.because解析:解析 考查连词。as if 表示“似乎,好像”,一般用于引导方式状语从句;even though 表示“虽然,尽管”,可作为连词引导让步状语从句;since 和 because 都可表示“因为”,用来引导原因状语从句。根据句意,“尽管法国电影有时候很难懂,但我仍喜欢看”,空格前后表示转折关系,所以用even though 来引导让步状语从句。7.Bike-sharing apps are a(an) solution to the last mile problem for commuter

8、s.(分数:2.00) A.absolute C.initial D.effective 解析:解析 考查形容词辨析。句意为“共享单车为上班族最后一公里的出行问题提供了一个 解决办法”。absolute“完全的”,final“最终的”,initial“最初的”,effective“有效的”。根据题意,应是“有效的解决办法”,故选 D。8.Theres a greater possibility for things to translation over social media.(分数:2.00)A.get lost in B.get hold ofC.catch up wi

9、thD.catch sight of解析:解析 考查动词短语辨析。get lost in“迷失在,沉迷于”,get hold of“抓住”,catch up with“赶上”,catch sight or“看到”。get lost in translation over social media 意思就是“迷失在社交媒体中”。故选 A。9.As is known to all, China has taken the lead in space is an inspiration to millions of Chinese.(分数:2.00)A.that B.what C.which D./

10、 解析:解析 考查 as 引导的非限制性定语从句。句意为“众所周知,中国在太空领域已经处于领先地位激励了数百万中国人”。“As is known to all, .”是由 as 引导的非限制性定语从句,as 作关系代词,指代后面的整个主句,后面不加 that。如果用 it 作形式主语,后面的主语从句则必须由 that 引导, 即变成“It is known to all that.”。故选 D。10.I wear a watch every day, ticking always reminds me that nothing is more precious than time.(分数:2.

11、00)A.which B.why C.when D.whose 解析:解析 考查定语从句。分析句子成分可知先行词是 watch,且与后面从句中的名词 ticking 之间是所属关系,所以空格处应该填入关系代词 whose,在定语从句中作定语,修饰其后的名词 ticking,表示“的”意思。故选 D。11.The need for sleep varies from person to person.( 分 数 :2.00) A.conservatively B.alternatively C.considerably D.influentially解析:解析 考查副词辨析。conservati

12、vely“保守地,谨慎地”,alternatively“二者择一地,作为选择,或者”,considerably“非常地,相当地”,influentially“有影响地,有力地”。四个选项中, 只有 considerably 能修饰动词 vary,表示程度,句意为“不同的人对睡眠的需求差异相当大”。故选C。12.Typhoons bring a downpour, which is sometimes a delight there is a water shortage.(分数:2.00) A.that B.which C.when D.why解析:解析 考查时间状语从句。本句逗号后面的内容是

13、 which 引导的非限制性定语从句。此处 when 表示“当的时候”,引导时间状语从句。句意为“台风会带来暴雨,这在水资源缺乏的时候,也是一件令人高兴的事”。13.Our world is but a small part of the universe, which is orderly and continuous unity.(分数:2.00) C.the D./解析:解析 考查冠词。该句是由 which 引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词 the universe。句意为“我们的世界只是宇宙的一小部分,宇宵是一个有序的连续的整体”。表示世界上独一无二的事物的名词前一般加

14、定冠词 the,但如果名词前有修饰语,也可用不定冠词 a 或 an。在这样的情况下,独一无二的单词被“泛指化”。此处的 orderly and continuous unity 并不表示特指,所以要用不定冠词;又因为orderly 的读音以元音开头,所以用不定冠词 an 修饰。故选 B。14.The dilemma for modern people is that they hate cell phones whereas they cannot live them.(分数:2.00)A.withB.without C.on D.for解析:解析 考查介词。句意为“现代人的困境就是他们讨厌手

15、机但是离开手机他们又无法生存”。without 表示否定,“没有,无”,符合题意,故选 B。15.Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained are the masterpieces of .(分数:2.00)A.John DonneB.John BunyanC.John Milton D.John Dryden解析:解析 考查英国文学。失乐园和复乐园都是英国作家约翰弥尔顿(John Milton)的作品, 他的代表作还有力士参孙等。故选 C。约翰邓恩(John Donne)的主要作品包括十四行诗、爱情诗、宗教诗、拉美翻译、警句、挽歌、歌曲、讽刺和说教,例如歌与十四

16、行诗挽歌一周年与二周年圣十四行诗突发事件的祷告等。约翰班扬(John Bunyan),代表作品有天路历程灵魂城圣战恶人传奔走天路绝望者的盼望白省。约翰德莱顿(John Dryden),英国诗人、剧作家、文学批评家,他一生为贵族写作,为君王和复辟王朝歌功颂德,被封为“桂冠诗人”,主要作品有时髦的婚礼一切为了爱情阿龙沙与施弗托沦戏剧诗悲剧批评的基础等。 16.Which of the following is Harriet Beecher Stowes work, which describes life in slavery in America?(分数:2.00)A.The Scarlet

17、Letter. B.Life on the Mississippi. C.The Sun Also Rises.D.Uncle Toms Cabin. 解析:解析 考查美国文学。哈丽叶特比切斯托(Harriet BeecherStowe)(斯托夫人),美国作家、废奴主义者,著名小说汤姆叔叔的小屋的作者。该小说通过描写汤姆和乔治哈里斯夫妇这两种不同性格的黑奴,告诉读者:逆来顺受、听从奴隶主摆布的汤姆难逃死亡的命运,而敢于反抗敢于斗争的乔治夫妇得到了新生。该书对社会发展起到了积极作用,特别是对美国废奴运动和美国内战中以林肯为代表的正义一方获得胜利,产生了巨大的作用。林肯总统在接见斯托夫人时,曾称她

18、为“写了一部书,酿成一场大战的小妇人”。17.On April 19, 1775, the battles of Lexington broke out, marking the beginning of .(分数:2.00)A.the War of Independence B.the Civil WarC.World War D.World War 解析:解析 考查美国概况。“莱克星顿的枪声”亦称美国独立战争的开始,1775 年 4 月 19 日,在莱克星顿(Lexington)打响第一枪的美国独立战争,是北美殖民地人民为反对英国殖民统治,争取民族独立而进行的民族解放战争。这场战争从 17

19、75 年至 1783 年,持续 8 年之久,最终以英国在北美殖民统治的破产和北美殖民地的独立而告终。18.The word unlikeliness contains morphemes.(分数:2.00)A.3B.4 C.5 D.6解析:解析 考查语素知识。语素是最小的语言单位,不能再进一步划分为更小的单位而不破坏或彻底改变其词汇或语法意义。单词 unlikeliness 由 un-,like,-li-,-ness 四个语素构成,其中 like 是本词的自由语素,其他三个是黏着词素。故选 B。19.根据义务教育阶段英语课程语言技能一级标准,“能根据指令做事情,如指图片、涂颜色、画图、做动作等

20、”,该技能属于 。(分数:2.00)A.听做 B.说唱C.玩演D.读写解析:解析 考查英语课程标准内容。根据义务教育阶段英语课程语言技能一级标准,“能根据指令做事情,如指图片、涂颜色、画图、做动作等”,这属于“听做”技能。20.义务教育英语课程标准(2011 年版)语言技能目标“读”技能三级标准规定,“课外阅读量应累计达到 万词以上”。(分数:2.00)A.4 B.10 C.15 D.18解析:解析 考查英语课程标准内容。根据义务教育英语课程标准(2011 年版)语言技能目标“读”技能三级标准,课外阅读量应累计达到 4 万词以上。四、(二)阅读理解(总题数:1,分数:15.00)Frenchm

21、en attach great importance to education. They regard the cultivation of children as a social obligation. French education mixes warm romantic humor into its careful and severe education. I have ever heard such a story:It took place in an ordinary French family. One day, when the boy was playing bask

22、etball, the ball hit a vase off the shelf with its mouth knocked off a large piece. The vase was an antique handed down through generations from Bourbon Dynasty. To cover the great trouble, the boy glued the pieces together and put the vase back to its place panic-stricken.That evening his mother no

23、ticed the change on it. At dinnertime, she asked her boy if he had broken the vase. Being scared of punishment, the boy said by a sudden inspiration that a cat jumped in from the window and knocked the vase off the shelf. His mother was quite clear that her son was lying, for all the windows were cl

24、osed before her leaving. However, she just said that it seemed it was her carelessness not to have the window tightly closed.Before going to bed, the boy found a note on his bed, on which he was asked to go to the study. The boy had thought he had gotten by under false pretences, but then felt he co

25、uldntdodge the misfortune. Now that he had already lied, he made up his mind no matter what hismother said, he would disavow to the end.On seeing her son enter in fear, his mother took out a chocolate box and gave one piece of the chocolates to her son. Baker, this chocolate is a reward for you, for

26、 you created a cat with your special imagination. Then, she put another chocolate in his hand. This chocolate is a reward for your ability to restore. But the glue you used is for restoring paper materials; to restore a vase needs higher special technique. Tomorrow, lets bring the vase to the artist

27、s to see how they make a craftwork intact as it was. With that, she took the third chocolate, The last chocolate stands for my apology. I shouldnt have laid a vase in a place where it could so easily fall down. I wish you hadnt been scared, my little sweetheart.But, Mom, I . The boy tried to make so

28、mething clear, but he awkwardly uttered nothing but some words. Our talk is over. Good night, Baker! She gave a soft kiss on his foreheadand walked out of the study.The following days were the same as before. The only change was that the boy had never told a lie since then.No scolding. It looks unim

29、aginably queer. In fact, the three chocolates are the alarm in the boys heart all the time. Sometimes, no punishment itself is a kind of punishment.(分数: 15.00)(1).What does the underlined word dodge in 4th paragraph probably mean?(分数:3.00)A.Avoid. B.Cover.C.Rescue.D.Bear.解析:解析 词义题。根据原文第四段中“The boy h

30、ad thought he had gotten by under falsepretences, but then felt he couldnt dodge the misfortune. Now that hehad already lied. he made UD his mind no matter, what his mother said, he would disavow to the end.”可知,小男孩原本以为自己已经蒙混过关了,没想到母亲让他去书房,看来自己没能躲过“做坏事被发现”的不幸,但他既然已经撒了谎,就决定要否认到底。dodge the misfortune 表

31、示“躲避不幸”,A 项 avoid 与之意义最接近。故选 A。(2).How did the boy feel when he found the note on his bed?(分数:3.00) A.Doubtful.B.Calm.C.Uneasy. D.Embarrassed.解析:解析 推断题。定位到原文第四段。小男孩发现纸条后,明白自己之前撒的谎并没有蒙混过关, 也避免不了惩罚了,当然会感到 uneasy(不安的)。下一段的开头“her son enter in fear”也表明了小男孩的感觉是害怕、不安的。故选 C。(3).Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?(分数:3.00)A.The broken vase was beautifully restored.B.The three chocolates served as a reminder. C.The boys mother forgot to close the window.D.What the boy said was well prepared and

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