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1、怪兽大学台词修改后可打印怪兽大学台词00:00:03,000 - 00:00:06,000-= CHD字幕组 原创翻译 =-200:00:06,000 - 00:00:09,000字幕仅供翻译学习交流 谢绝用于任何商业用途300:00:09,000 - 00:00:12,000翻译:Victor Wumo Maxchan校对:dxch Victor后期:dahongying400:01:13,783 - 00:01:15,326- 我吓到你啦! - 不,你没有- I scared you! - No, you didnt.500:01:15,493 - 00:01:17,369好了!大家都把考

2、察旅行规则记好Okay! Remember our field trip rules, everyone.600:01:17,536 - 00:01:20,164不许推搡,不许咬人,不许喷火!No pushing, no biting, and no fire breathing!700:01:20,706 - 00:01:22,291刚才说到哪儿了?What did I just say?800:01:22,541 - 00:01:23,876十八,十九Eighteen, nineteen.900:01:23,959 - 00:01:26,170好了,我们少了个同学 是谁?Okay, wer

3、e missing one. Who are we missing?1000:01:27,838 - 00:01:29,673是大眼仔麦克Mike Wazowski.1100:01:30,591 - 00:01:31,675谢谢你,乔Thanks, Joe.1200:01:31,759 - 00:01:33,511很幸运能完成你的猜字游戏Good luck finishing your crossword puzzle.1300:01:33,761 - 00:01:36,680- 对不起,迈克尔 我没看到你 - 没关系- Sorry, Michael. I didnt see you. - T

4、hats okay.1400:01:36,847 - 00:01:39,350我在车上找到了一枚硬币!When I was on the bus, I found a nickel!1500:01:39,683 - 00:01:41,102真希望身上能有个兜I wish I had pockets.1600:01:41,268 - 00:01:44,230好了,大家分组 挑一个队友吧Okay, everyone, partner up. Get your field trip buddy.1700:01:45,481 - 00:01:48,609杰瑞米!你和我好吗?好吧,不要紧Jeremy!

5、You and me? Okay, no biggie.1800:01:48,776 - 00:01:50,900海莉?不想?你和克莱尔一组?Hailey? No? Pairing up with Claire?1900:01:50,904 - 00:01:52,738好主意 她是个好伙伴Great choice. Shes a good egg.2000:01:52,905 - 00:01:54,115拉塞尔Russell.2100:01:54,782 - 00:01:56,617麦克?大眼仔?Mike? Wazowski?2200:01:57,535 - 00:01:58,702我们一组好

6、吗?We car-pool?2300:01:59,662 - 00:02:01,580我们是表亲啊Were cousins.2400:02:01,664 - 00:02:03,791好吧 选的真不错Okay. Good catching up.2500:02:03,958 - 00:02:06,752好吧,迈克尔,看来又是你我一组了Well, Michael, it looks like its you and me again.2600:02:12,591 - 00:02:14,218快点,凯伦 我们掉队啦Come on, Karen. Were falling behind.2700:02

7、:14,301 - 00:02:15,970请别叫我凯伦Please dont call me Karen.2800:02:21,392 - 00:02:22,893现在,大家跟紧了Now, stay close together.2900:02:23,185 - 00:02:25,980我们正在进入一个非常危险的区域Were entering a very dangerous area.3000:02:26,147 - 00:02:28,816欢迎来到惊吓车间Welcome to the Scare Floor.3100:02:33,571 - 00:02:36,156这里就是我们收集尖叫能

8、量This is where we collect the Scream Energy3200:02:36,323 - 00:02:38,158给全城供电的地方to power our whole world.3300:02:38,242 - 00:02:41,453现在谁能告诉我从事这项工作的人叫什么名字吗?And can anyone tell me whose job it is to go get that scream?3400:02:41,745 - 00:02:43,831- 惊吓员! - 没错!- Scarers! - Thats right!3500:02:43,914 -

9、00:02:46,333现在,谁能给我演示一个最恐怖的吼叫?Now, which one of you can give me the scariest roar?3600:02:46,500 - 00:02:47,626我,我,我!Me, me, me!3700:02:47,835 - 00:02:51,380先生!在这儿!这个小绿球,两点方向!Sir! Right here! Little green guy, two oclock!3800:02:51,463 - 00:02:53,048不,应该像这样No, its like this.3900:02:53,132 - 00:02:54

10、,466嘿,伙计们,听听这个Hey, guys, watch this one.4000:02:54,550 - 00:02:55,551嘿,我吼得才最棒Hey, I got a really good.4100:03:15,446 - 00:03:16,450好吧,你们好,孩子们Well, hey there, kids.4200:03:16,454 - 00:03:17,990是来参加学校考察旅行的吗?Are you on a tour with your school?4300:03:18,115 - 00:03:19,116- 是的! - 是的- Yeah! - Yes.4400:03

11、:19,283 - 00:03:21,420我们是来这里考察尖叫能量生产过程Were here to learn about Scream Energy4500:03:21,430 - 00:03:23,203以及如何成为一名惊吓员的and what it takes to be a Scarer.4600:03:23,454 - 00:03:24,527好吧,嘿,你挺走运Well, hey, youre in luck,4700:03:24,796 - 00:03:27,458因为我正好是一名惊吓员because I just happen to be a Scarer.4800:03:27

12、,541 - 00:03:29,543是我的大学成就了我的一切I learned everything I know from my school,4900:03:29,710 - 00:03:31,378怪兽大学Monsters University.5000:03:32,963 - 00:03:34,048惊吓界中最好的大学Its the best Scaring School there is.5100:03:34,131 - 00:03:36,300想得美!恐惧技能学院才是最好的You wish! Fear Techs the best.5200:03:36,634 - 00:03:3

13、8,510好吧 看完之后再告诉我Okay. You guys watch us and tell me5300:03:38,516 - 00:03:40,346哪所学校才是最棒的 好吗?which schools the best. All right?5400:03:40,888 - 00:03:42,014就是怪大MU is.5500:03:44,850 - 00:03:46,143走吧,各位!Lets go, everybody!5600:03:46,226 - 00:03:47,895西海岸上线中West coast coming online.5700:03:47,978 - 00:

14、03:49,605惊吓员准备Scarers coming out.5800:03:49,813 - 00:03:51,065小心 停下来Oops. Stop right there.5900:03:51,315 - 00:03:53,067别越过安全线Dont cross over that safety line.6000:03:53,150 - 00:03:55,819人类小孩是剧毒的Human children are extremely toxic.6100:03:56,987 - 00:03:58,489快看那!Look at that!6200:03:58,656 - 00:04:

15、00,866嘿,伙计们,小心点儿!Whoa! Hey, guys, watch the eye! Ow!6300:04:00,991 - 00:04:02,368快看那!太神奇了!Look at that! Its amazing!6400:04:02,451 - 00:04:03,661我知道!I know!6500:04:04,244 - 00:04:05,245借过 兄弟们Excuse me. Fellas.6600:04:05,496 - 00:04:07,748最高的站到后面如何?How about we do tallest in the back?6700:04:09,583 -

16、 00:04:12,419看,他要开始真正的惊吓了!Look, hes going to do a real Scare!6800:04:14,922 - 00:04:17,341- 酷 我想成为惊吓员 - 是啊 我也是- Cool. I want to be a Scarer. - Yeah. Me, too.6900:04:17,466 - 00:04:18,676拜托,各位 我也想看看Come on, guys. I want to see.7000:04:18,884 - 00:04:20,600别挡道,大眼仔Out of the way, Wazowski.7100:04:20,60

17、0 - 00:04:22,846你不属于尖叫楼层You dont belong on a Scare Floor.7200:04:31,522 - 00:04:33,941布莱恩!不要越线Brian! Do not step over the line.7300:04:34,024 - 00:04:36,860格里夫斯女士,迈克尔过线啦Mrs. Graves, Michael went over the line.7400:04:38,362 - 00:04:40,197迈克尔!Michael!7500:05:16,233 - 00:05:17,901看吧?我告诉过你 他没事See? I to

18、ld you. Hes fine.7600:05:18,152 - 00:05:20,279好吧,我的确听到了动静Well, I thought I heard something.7700:05:45,429 - 00:05:46,513怎么了?What?7800:05:50,768 - 00:05:52,519你没事吧?Are you okay?7900:05:52,728 - 00:05:54,688你会受伤的!You could have gotten hurt!8000:05:55,189 - 00:05:57,524我不懂怎么会发生的!I dont understand how t

19、his could happen!8100:05:59,526 - 00:06:00,940那可太危险了,孩子That was real dangerous, kid.8200:06:00,945 - 00:06:02,696我都不知道你在那儿I didnt even know you were in there.8300:06:06,366 - 00:06:09,703我也不知道你能回来Wow. I didnt even know you were in there.8400:06:11,580 - 00:06:12,956不错嘛,孩子Not bad, kid.8500:06:15,125

20、- 00:06:17,294迈克尔,有什么要对自己说的吗?Michael, what do you have to say for yourself?8600:06:19,963 - 00:06:22,925怎样才能成为惊吓员呢?How do I become a Scarer?8700:07:13,100 - 00:07:14,685怪兽大学到了!有谁下车吗?Monsters University! Anybody getting off?8800:07:18,689 - 00:07:20,774好啦,各位,我不是故意要煽情的Well, everyone, I dont mean to ge

21、t emotional,8900:07:20,858 - 00:07:23,360但是我人生的一切都是为了这一时刻but everything in my life has led to this moment.9000:07:23,443 - 00:07:25,153希望这不会是我个人梦想的开端Let it not be just the beginning of my dream9100:07:25,237 - 00:07:26,905而是大家梦想的开端but the beginning of all of our dreams.9200:07:26,989 - 00:07:28,949格

22、拉迪斯,答应我要常联系Gladys, promise me youll keep auditioning.9300:07:29,032 - 00:07:31,118玛丽,你的真命天子就在某个地方Marie, Mr. Right is out there somewhere.9400:07:31,368 - 00:07:33,495菲尔,药要记得坚持吃Phil, keep using the ointment till that thing goes away.9500:07:33,745 - 00:07:36,373希望你们一切都好 非常感谢大家I wish you all the best.

23、 Thank you all so much!9600:07:40,544 - 00:07:43,839我都快流眼泪了,现在,给我下车Im welling up with tears. Now, get off.9700:08:12,868 - 00:08:14,369你好 还好吗?Hello. How are you doing?9800:08:31,720 - 00:08:33,305划啊!划啊!Stroke! Stroke!9900:08:33,597 - 00:08:34,806加油,都打起精神来!Come on, put all you have into it!10000:08:3

24、5,682 - 00:08:37,184冲啊!冲啊!Stroke! Stroke!10100:08:39,061 - 00:08:40,520好吧!首要任务Okay! First thing on my list,10200:08:41,271 - 00:08:42,147报到get registered.10300:08:42,230 - 00:08:44,358你好,新人 我是杰伊Hey there, freshman. Im Jay the R.A.,10400:08:44,441 - 00:08:47,235新生报到往那个方向走and Im here to say that regis

25、tration is thataway!10500:08:47,319 - 00:08:50,155- 好的,杰伊 - 报到愉快- Okay, Jay. - Have a great first day.10600:08:50,447 - 00:08:53,075嘿,我叫凯!这是你的新生手册Hey, Im Kay! Heres your orientation packet.10700:08:53,283 - 00:08:54,368谢谢,凯Thanks, Kay.10800:08:54,618 - 00:08:55,870你可以把行李放在这里You can drop your bags of

26、f here10900:08:55,875 - 00:08:57,329然后到泰锐那里拍照and get your picture taken with Trey.11000:08:57,537 - 00:08:59,122- 说茄子! - 茄子!- Say hooray! - Hooray!11100:08:59,748 - 00:09:01,041难以置信I cant believe it.11200:09:01,291 - 00:09:04,252我是真正的大学生啦!Im officially a college student!11300:09:04,336 - 00:09:06,08

27、8好了,大伙儿,我是费伊Okay, everyone, Im Fay,11400:09:06,171 - 00:09:09,633我将带领你们开始大学的参观之旅!and Ill be giving you your orientation tour on this perfect day!11500:09:14,096 - 00:09:16,056这里是学生学习Here are the labs where students learn11600:09:16,139 - 00:09:18,308设计和建造通往人类世界大门的实验室to design and build the doors to

28、the Human World.11700:09:25,107 - 00:09:27,693看起来教授正好要测试一扇门!Looks like the professor is about to test a door!11800:09:36,535 - 00:09:39,017怪大食堂提供有充足的自助餐The MU cafeteria serves a full buffet,11900:09:39,017 - 00:09:40,163一天三顿three meals a day.12000:09:41,039 - 00:09:44,418我个人相信这里有全世界最好的厨师I personally

29、 believe we have some of the best chefs in the world.12100:09:49,172 - 00:09:51,883学校有各种专业可供选择The campus offers a wide variety of majors,12200:09:51,967 - 00:09:56,680但是怪大最好的学院就是惊吓学院but the crown jewel of MU is the Scaring School.12300:10:10,736 - 00:10:11,791欢迎参加辩论队Welcome to the Debate Team.12400:10:11,791 - 00:10:12,6

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