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1、托福语法精讲复习汇总托福语法精讲复习汇总语法一直都是一些同学的痛点,为了让同学们高效的备考托福,整理 了托福语法精讲复习,下而就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福语法精讲复习1有关并列连词的命题在TOEEL考试中占有极重要的地位。并列 连接词不仅自身是命题的焦点,它还涉及到一些其它的题型,如平行 结构,词类、及一致等TOEEL考试要点。一般说来,有关并列连词 的题目并不深涩,因为连接词无论在语意上还是结构功能上都并非孤 立使用。而且,细察并列连词的题目,还可寻见其中的命题规律并列 连词常考题型及解题要点1.并列连词and but or混淆解题要点 这类题型主要分而布在written Express

2、ion (16-40题中) 当A、B、C、D四项选择中出现单独的and或but或or 时,它通常就是此题的焦点,应根据句意判断此连词是否用错。全真例题要分析(1)Harvesting of grains is affected by annual changes in temperature or inthe amount of moisture, but both. (90.1)答案D根据句意,这里并无转折关系。因此but应改为or。(2)Porcelain is not a single clay, and a compound of kaolin. Ball clay,feldspar.

3、 And silica. (91.1)答案C此句表达的是一个取舍关系,and应改为but. totbut” 是表达转折,到舍含义的固定并列连词搭配。3 The structure or behavior of many protozoans are amazingly coinpies for single-celled artimals.答案A根据句中复数谓语动词are来判断,连词oi是错误, 它表述的概含是两项之一,应用单数第三人称动词。固而or应改为 ando(4) Cayenne popper comes from the seedpot of the pepper plant whi

4、ch is dried or then ground答案D根据提示词then,我们可以判断dried和ground (grind 的过去分词,碾碎)是顺序先后的两个动作,并非取舍选择关系。固 此or应改为ando2.并列连接词词组both.and as.asnot only .but also not so.aseither.or the same.asneither. .nor 比较级(moreTe) . .thanso.that 常与 so.thatwhether .or混淆搭配解题要点;上述并列连词词组和短语必须搭配使用,不能承意更 换或省略。考题中如出现上述词组的任何一部分

5、,则注意另一部分是 否正确。全真例题分析(1)In meteorology. Either formation of clouds and the oreciporddidon ofdew rain and snow are known as condensation (93)答案A either改为both,组成both.and词组(2)The survival of a forest depends not only on amount of annual rainfallit receives And also on the seasonal distribution of the ra

6、in.答案C and 改为 but,组成 not only. .but also 词组(3)Lucretia Mott, influence was too significant that she has been credited by some authorities as the originator of feminism in the United State.(91.1)答案A too改为so,组成so.that结构。(4)The gorilla, not as curious than the chimpanzee, shows more persistenceand memo

7、ry retention in solving a problem. (90.5)答案B than改为as,组成not as.as结构。(5)Some linguious believe that the earliest languages were no less complexas modern languages (94.5)答案D as改为than,组成“比较级.than”的句型。(6)Whether as statesman, scientist, and philosopher, Benjamin Franklin wasdestined to gain lasting hono

8、r throughout much of the world. (92.5)答案A and改为or,组成whether. .or的结构。(7)Meadowlarks are about the same size than robins, they have heavierbodies, shorter tails, and longer bills. (89.5)答案B than改为as,组成the same.as的结构。(8)Nature not only gave the Middle Atlantic fine harbors, however endowedit with a fir

9、st-class system of inland waterways. (91.1)答案C however 改为 but also,组成 not only. .but also 结构。托福语法精讲复习2复合句是TOEEL考题的基木句子结构,因而连接主句和从句的 连接词就成为重要的命题焦点。TOEEL常考的从属连词分三类:(1) 关系代词(that,which ,what who. Whose) (2)关系副词(where when why how) (3)状 语从句连接词(where, when,if, though, because.)有关从属连词的试题大部分集中在Stmcture (1-

10、15题中)掌握命题规律,这类题目并不复杂。从属连词常考题型及解题要点1.主句与从句之间必须有从属连词全真例题分析(1)The spiral threads of a spider. web have a sticky substance onthem insects.(A)traps(B)trap its(C)which traps(D)which it traps (92.1)答案C定语从句关系代词which引导从句,且在从句中作主 语。(2)Angiosperms inhabit relatively diverse environments and may befound higher

11、plants can survive.(A)there(B)wherever(C)somewhere(D)then (92.5)答案B空格前后为两个完整的句子,这里应填入连接词联系主从两句。四个选择只有wherever是连词,引导地点状语从句。(3)Duke Wellington was a composer. Conductor, and pianist ranked asone of the greatest of all jazz figures.(A)him(B)although(C)or(D)who (92.10)答案D关系代词who引导定语从句,并作从句的主语。(4) Some o

12、f the Earth interior heat escapes to the surface.(A)A volcano erupts(B)A volcano whether erupts(C)A volcano erupts it(D)If a volcano erupts (93.5)答案D从属连词引导条件状语从句。2.关系代词who与which混淆错用解题要点:在written Expression (16-40题)中的四个选择答案中 出现who或者which,应确认它所指代的是人还是物。全直例题分析(1)Fossil remains indicate that squidlike c

13、reatures called belemnites swamin the sea who covered the North American continent 70 million years ago.(94.5)答案C关系代词who指代的是sea,因此应用指物的which或thato(2)Vaccines for some rare diseases are given only to persons which riskexposure to the disease. (93.1)答案B关系代词which指代前面的persons,应改为人称关系 代词whOo(3)Anne Eliza

14、beth McDowell is best remembered for a weekly journal, theWoman. Advocate, who she launched in January 1855. (91.8)答案D关系代词who指代杂志the woman. Advocate,故应改为 which o(4)The attorney general of the United States advises the President on anyquestions of law who may arise in the conduct of administrative af

15、fairs.(90.10)答案B关系代词who指代前文的questions of law,故应改为 which 或 thato3.介词+关系代词which结构解题要点介词+which作用相当于一个关系副词,在从句作状语。 可表示时间(二when),地点(二where),原因(=why)等等。全真例题分析(1)In reorganizing the curriculum of Mt. Holyoke College in the late1800. Elizabeth Mead laid the foundation the modern college rests.(A)is which(B)

16、on which(C)which is on(D)on it (91.1)答案B on which指代on the foundation ,作用相当于一个表示 地点的关系副词。(2)A circuit may be defined as a closed path electricity canHow.(A)through it(B)through which(C)that is through(D)there goes through (93.3)答案B through which 指代 through the circuit,作用相当于一个关系副词,而介词through才能准确地表达句子的

17、含 义。(3)The extent of the harmful effect of locoweeds on animals depends on thesoil the plants grow.(A)which(B)which in(C)in which(D)in (90.5)答案C in which = where(4)Adhesives, such as glue, tape and gum, vary with the purpose intended (A)they were for(B)for they were(C)which were they(D)for which the

18、y were (93.10)答案D for which 指代 for the purpose4.What引导的名词性从句解题要点:what兼先行词和关系代词双重身份,即what = thething (things)that.o因此考生应特别注意,what既己包含先行词在内,它的前而 就不应该再出现先行中心名词。What与that的区分是TOEEL常考 题目全真例题分析(1)During the eighteenth century, Little Turtle was chief of theMiamitribe whose territory became is now Indiana a

19、nd Ohio.(A)there(B)where(C)that(D)what (93.5)答案D what = the areathato What所指代的是地点、位置。然而,此句却不可选择(B)whereo 因为关系副词where不能作从句的主语。只有what即是先行词又是 关系代词。(2)The chief foods eaten in any country depend largely on best inits climate and soil.(A)it grows(B)what grows(C)does it grow(D)what does grow (90.1)答案B wha

20、t grows = the thing thatgrows另请注意:介词后而通常不能接that引导的从句,但可接what 引导的名词性从句。(3)A hinge joint is permits the forward and backwardmovement of adoor.(A)the(B)what(C)those(D)whose (88.10)答案B what = the thing that.(4)Essentially, a theory is an abstract. Symbolic representation of reality.(A)what it is conceiv

21、ed(B)that is conceived(C)what is conceived to be(D)that is being conceived of (89.5)答案C what = the thing that (is conceived to be.).答案(A)中的代词it是多余的,因为what本身即己包含了先行词(the thing )和关系代词(that)。答案(B)中的关系代词that引导的从句不可以置于介词的后面。(5)Most of the food what elephants eat is brought to their mouths by theirtrunks.

22、 (93.10答案B what应改为that。此句己含有先行词food,不能再用关系代词whato5.主句和从句解题要点主语从句是TOEEL常考而中国考生又较陌生英文文法结构。有关主语从句的命题几乎全部集中在structure(1-15题)中。主语从句的特点是读起来有种头重脚轻的感觉,而且有两个谓语动词。连词That引导的主语从句应特别留意。因为That在句中没有任何意义,它只具有引导出主语从句的功能,因而很容易 被忽略。全真例题分析(1) xenon could not from chemical compounds was oncebelieved byscientists.(A)For(

23、B)It was(C)That(D)While (91.1)答案C That引导的主语从句。其中第一个谓语动词could from是从句的谓语,第二个系动was是主句的谓语。(2) to space travelers is high acceleration of decelerationforces.(A)Danger can be(B)They can be dangerous(C)What can be dangerous(D)While danger (93.1)答案C what引导的主语从句。What既是从句的连词,又是从 句的主语。has been a topic of cont

24、inual geological research.(A)Did the continents originate(B)How did the continents originate(C)Have the continents originated(D)How the continents originated (91.1)答案DHow引导的主语从句。(4) progress helps to relieve scarcities is a fact accepted byeconomists (A)Technological(B)That technological(C)Although

25、technological(D)There is technological答案B.That引导的主语从句,当连续读到两个谓语动词(c.g.,而空格在句首,应首先考虑主语从句。这是主语从句典 型的句子结构。托福语法精讲复习3动词不定式和动名词在TOEEL测试中不算活跃的考题,但出题 频率比较稳定,即不频繁,亦无间断。命题焦占主要集中在动词不定 式和动名词的基木功能及正确形式,即(1)不定式to后面接原形动词, (2)动名词具有动词和名词两重功能,介词后而的动词必须以动名词 形式出现。不定式和动名词常考题型1.不定型工to后而接原形动词全真例题分析(1) Astronauts

26、 circling the Earth may get to seen sixteen sunrises and sixteen sunsets every day. (93.8)答案C动词不定型式的标志9后面应接动词原形see。(2)Using their bills as needles, tailorbirds sew large leaves together with plant fiber to forming their nests(90.10)答案D to forming应改为to form正确的不定式形式。(3)The poetry of e.e cummings illus

27、trates the way in which some poets bendgraminastical rules as they strive to expression their insights. (91.10)答案D动词不定式to后面只能接原形动词,不能接名词。(4)The dromedary camel is raised especially to racing. (91.1)答案D这是一个非常简单的动词不定式错误形式的考题。 Recing应改为race,与to组成不定式。2.动词不定式作目的状语解题要点不定式结构在句中可以作多种成分,目的状语则是 TOEEL常考到的形式。动词

28、不定型式作目的状语的命题主要分布在 structure(1-15 题)中。全真例题分析(1) A fuel is a substance used light, heat .or energy (A)generating(B)generates(C)to generate(D)it is generating答案c根据句意及结构,此句固选择动词不定式作目的状语。(2) stereophonic phonograph records, two recordings are madeof thesame musical performance.(A)Creates(B)Created(C)The

29、creating of(D)To create (92.10)答案D这是典型的不定式作目的状语的句子。目的状语放在句 首是表示强调。(3) time and labor, cartoonists generally draw the hands oftheircharacters with only three fingers and a thumb.(A)Saved(B)Saves(C)To save(D)The saving (91.5)答案C此句与上面例题结构相同。不定式作目的状语,且放在 句首表示强调。3.动名词的正确用法解题要点有关名词的考题并不很多,但有一个常出现的题型;介 词后面

30、的动词一定要用动名词形式,作介词的宾语。全真例题分析(1)Microwave cooking can be accureately described as the first absolutelynew method of prepare food since the discovery of fire (94.1)答案C介词of后面应接动名词形式,即of preparingo(2)Most crickets have two pairs of fally developed wings, and mascularhind legs for iump. (94.1)答案D动名原形jamp位于

31、介词for后面,故应改为动句词 jampingo(3)Because it is a healthful way to exercise derobic dancing is consideredan excellent method for release tension. (93.1)答案D动名词原形release位于介词for后而,故应改为动名词 releasing o(4)The Cubist movement in art was reaction against traditional methods ofportray reality. (90.5)答案C动词原形portray应改为动名词portr

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