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1、高一英语阅读理解解题技巧和训练方法及练习题含答案及解析高一英语阅读理解解题技巧和训练方法及练习题(含答案)及解析一、高中英语阅读理解1阅读理解 You can see a sea turtle named Herman, an octopus ( 章鱼) called Octavia, and a seal named Lidia at the Smithsonians National Zoo in Washington, D.C. Rather than real animals, they are actually artworks made out of plastic trash f

2、rom the ocean. These artworks are part of a traveling exhibit called Washed Ashore: Art to Save the Sea. The Washed Ashore project, led by the artist called Pozzi, works to raise awareness about plastic pollution in Earths oceans. More than 315 billion pounds of plastic litter the worlds oceans toda

3、y. Most of the plastic is garbage from towns and cities, as well as trash that people leave on beaches. Rainwater, winds, and high tides bring the trash into the ocean or into rivers that lead to the ocean. Once it is under the waves, the plastic begins to break up into smaller and smaller pieces. T

4、housands of sea animals die each year from eating plastic bags and other things. Each year, millions more pounds of plastic end up in the ocean. A recent study found that if that continues, by 2050 the total weight of plastic will be more than that of all the fish in the ocean. The Washed Ashore pro

5、ject is working to stop that from happening. Since 2010, Washed Ashore volunteers have collected 38,000 pounds of plastic trash from more than 300 miles of beaches. They helped Pozzi create more than 60 artworks of sea creatures harmed by plastic pollution. These artworks are a powerful reminder of

6、our personal role and global responsibility in preserving biodiversity (生物多样性) on land and in the sea, says Dennis Kelly, director of the National Zoo.(1)What is the purpose of the artworks shown at the Smithsonians National Zoo? A.To let people know about animals in the ocean.B.To introduce one way

7、 of recycling plastic trash.C.To warn people of plastic pollution in the ocean.D.To show Pozzis great gift for creating artworks.(2)According to the passage, what is the source of plastic pollution in the ocean? A.Garbage from towns and cities.B.Trash left on beaches by people.C.Plastic bags broken

8、up by waves.D.Litter created by human activities.(3)The data in Paragraph 5 is given to prove that . A.plastic pollution will be more serious in the oceanB.more and more artworks of sea creatures will be madeC.the Washed Ashore project has made great achievementsD.volunteers can solve the ocean poll

9、ution successfully by 2050(4)Whats Dennis Kellys attitude towards the artworks? A.Worried.B.Supportive.C.Doubtful.D.Unconcerned.(5)What would be the best title for the text? A.Turning Trash into ArtB.Working for Washed AshoreC.Collecting Plastic TrashD.Stopping Environmental Pollution【答案】(1)C(2)D(3)

10、C(4)B(5)A 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,Pozzi用垃圾雕塑了海洋动物,来提醒全球的人们去保护海洋,禁止人们朝海洋扔垃圾。(1)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“ These artworks are a powerful reminder of our personal role and global responsibility in preserving biodiversity on land and in the sea.”可知这些艺术品展示了人们在海洋生物多样性保护中的个人作用。即:警醒人民注意海洋中的塑料污染。故选C。(2)考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“ More t

11、han 315billion pounds of plastic litter the worlds oceans,today. Most of the plastic is garbage from towns and cities, as well as trash that people leave on beaches.”可知海洋中的塑料垃圾主要是由人类活动所产生的垃圾。故选D。(3)考查推理判断。根据第五段中所列的数字信息可以证明:该项目最近几年在清理海洋垃圾中所做的巨大成绩(已有3800吨垃圾被清理)。故选C。(4)考查观点态度。根据最后一段中的 “These artworks a

12、re a powerful reminder of our personal role and global responsibility in preserving biodiversity on land and in the sea.”其中关键信息 “powerful reminder”可知这些艺术品是人们在保护海洋中所起作用的有力证明,故选B。(5)考查主旨大意。本文是通过把海洋中的塑料垃圾变成艺术品以唤醒人们的海洋保护意识。故选A。【点评】本题考点涉及推理判断,观点态度和主旨大意三个题型的考查,是一篇故事类阅读,要求考生根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析,推理,概括和归纳,从而选出正确答

13、案。2阅读理解 Every country may have to consider what, if anything, to do about global warming. We should understand that the oft-repeated claim that nearly all scientists demand that something dramatic be done to stop global warming is not true. Perhaps the most inconvenient fact is the lack of global wa

14、rming for well over 10 years now. This is known to the warming establishment, as one can see from the 2009 Climategate email of climate scientist Kevin Trenberth: The fact is that we cant account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is an irony that we cant. But the warming is only missing i

15、f one believes computer models where so-called feedback involving water vapor and clouds greatly amplifies the small effect of CO2. The fact is that CO2 is not a pollutant and it is a key component of the biosphere ( 生物圈)s life cycle. Plants get better growth with more of it and part of the increase

16、 of agricultural yields in the past century certainly came from additional CO2 in the atmosphere. Although the number of the scientists who are publicly opposed to the claim is growing, many young scientists secretly say that while they also have serious doubts about the global-warming message, they

17、 are afraid to speak up for fear of not being promoted or worse. Why is there so much passion about global warming? There are several reasons, but a good place to start is the old question Cui bono?, or the modern update, Follow the money. Alarmism (危言耸听) over climate is of great benefit to many, pr

18、oviding government funding for academic research, and thus those people who benefit from this fiercely defended their dogma (信条) and the privileges it brought them. Every country should support rational ( 合理 的) measures to protect and improve our environment, but it makes no sense at all to back exp

19、ensive programs that turn away resources from real needs and are based on alarming but shaky claims of incontrovertible evidence.(1)What can we infer about the authors opinion on global warming? A.Global warming hasnt happened in the latest 10 years.B.Global warming has become an urgent problem thes

20、e years.C.Global warming has worsened a little bit in the recent years.D.Global warming has never happened since measures were taken.(2)Which of the following statements about CO2 does the writer probably agree with? A.CO2 greatly affects the global warming.B.CO2 makes crops more productive.C.CO2 in

21、volves water vapor and clouds.D.CO2 is the most important part of the biosphere.(3)Why is there so much passion for global warming? A.Because it is a good chance for young scientists to be promoted.B.Because the scientists want to have an insight into the problem.C.Because the government values the

22、problem and tries to solve it.D.Because some people can greatly benefit from the research about it.(4)Whats the writers attitude toward the programs to protect and improve our environment? A.To support all the programs as long as they are beneficial.B.To support cheap programs instead of expensive o

23、nes.C.To support the programs that are necessary and reliable.D.To support those programs that use less money and resources.【答案】(1)A(2)B(3)D(4)C 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇议论文,论述的是“关于地球的变暖。” 每个国家都可能不得不考虑“全球变暖”的问题。我们应该明白,经常重复的说法是,几乎所有的科学家都要求采取一些引人注目的措施来阻止全球变暖,这是不正确的。(1)考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“Perhaps the most inconvenient

24、fact is the lack of global warming for well over 10 years now.”可知,我们能从作者对全球变暖的观点中推断出“在最近的10年里,全球变暖并没有发生。”故选A。(2考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“Plants get better growth with more of it and part of the increase of agricultural yields in the past century certainly came from additional CO2 in the atmosphere.”可知,关于 “二氧化碳

25、使作物更多产。”陈述可能是作者同意的。故选B。(3)考查细节理解。根据第四段中的“thus those people who benefit from this fiercely defended their dogma (信条) and the privileges it brought them.”可知,对全球变暖有如此多的热情是因为有些人可以从这项研究中获益良多。故选D。(4)考查推理判断。根据第五段中的“Every country should support rational ( 合理 的) measures to protect and improve our environmen

26、t, but it makes no sense at all to back expensive programs that turn away resources from real needs”可知,作者对保护和改善环境的计划的态度是支持那些必要和可靠的项目。故选C。【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解和推理判断两个题型的考查,是一篇环保类阅读,考生需要准确掌握细节信息,同时根据上下文进行逻辑推理,从而选出正确答案。3阅读理解 Have you ever experienced such an annoying thing as it took so long to open a web pag

27、e? Youre watching stops every few minutes, which ruined your internet experience. But it could be a thing of the past. On June 3, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced that China would issue licenses for the commercialization of 5G. It means major telecom carriers will start

28、to provide 5G services. The G in 5G refers to the generation of mobile network technologies. 1G let us talk to each other, 2G let us send messages, 3G gave us mobile data and the internet, and 4G made all of these things faster. Now 5G promises much faster data download and upload speeds, and more s

29、table connections. This means that you will be able to download an entire HD movie in seconds and only experience a short delay between sending and receiving data. For example, when you have a video chant with your friend, there is generally a 100 to 200 milliseconds (毫秒) delay with 4G, but 5G will

30、reduce the delay to 1 millisecond or less, which is almost real time. With a 5G network, the short delay in information exchange will allow driverless cars to run more safely, as they will be able to communicate in real time and avoid potential dangers. Meanwhile, 5G enabled wearable devices will ke

31、ep doctors constantly updated on the health status of their patients and warn them immediately if theres something wrong. Besides, VR games will become more popular with 5G. The short delay of 5G will make the games feel even more real. Though 5G will make our lives more convenient, it will not be perfect. For one thing, 5G will not travel far. On 4 networks, you can be 10 kilometers away from the

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