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1、英语试题30英语试题30第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节: 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. The area is as full of _ history as it is of _ salt.A./, / B. the, the C. a, a D./, the22. -Do you know why Ann is ill?-Yes, she _ more work than is good for her.A. takes outB. takes down C.

2、 takes on D. takes in23. _ his eyes, Tom found himself _ on the roadside.A. Opened, lied B. Opened, laidC. Opening, lying D. Opening, lain24. The Dead Sea is so salty _ its hard for anything to live in it, _ is why its called the Dead Sea.A. that, which B. that, that C./, that D./, what25. -How did

3、he catch so many fish?-By using a _.A. bamboo long fishing line B. long bamboo fishing lineC. fishing long bamboo line D. bamboo fishing pole, line26. Because the scientists are always traveling towards the truth _ arriving at it, they need to help one another to find the way.A. more than B. less th

4、an C. other than D. rather than27. A lesson will be repeated until _. It just takes a little patience.A. learning B. learned C. be learned D. has learned28. My mother ought to stop work; she has a headache because she _ too long.A. read B. has been reading C. is reading D. had read29. -Which would y

5、ou like to see, my passport or my ID card?-Oh, _.A. either one will do B. each will be fineC. each one is good D. either does well30. My careless friend Bob received a ticket for speeding. He _ have driven so fast.A. cantB. wouldnt C. mustnt D. shouldnt31. The person in charge always gives the free

6、seats to _ comes first.A. whoever B. whomever C. who D. whom32. Not until recent years _ a popular means of communication.A. e-mail has become B. e-mail becameC. did e-mail become D. will e-mail become33. - Why must I leave?- Well, _, the researchers cannot focus their attentions on that experiment.

7、A. on your standing thereB. with you standing thereC. you are standing thereD. you stand there34. I was speaking to Tom on the phone about our class outing _ suddenly we were cut off.A. as B. while C. before D. when35. _ that saw the trade between the two countries reach its highest point.A. During

8、the 1980s B. That it was in the 1980sC. It was the 1980s D. It was in the 1980s第二节: 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。All children in the United States have to receive an education, but not all children go to school. A number of parents36not to send

9、their children to school. Such children are known37 “home-schoolers”. Some parents prefer teaching their children at home38 they do not believe schools teach the correct religious (宗教的)39 ; others believe they can provide a better educational40 for their children by doing so.41 , results show home-s

10、chooled children often do better than 42 on national tests in reading and math.David teaches his three children at home. He 43that his children learn very differently from children in school. Learning starts with the childrens44and questions. For example, when there is snowfall on a winter day, it m

11、ay45a discussion about climate, snow removal 46 , Alaska, etc. Or a spring evening when the family is out47the stars is a good time to ask questions about the sky. If the Brazilian rain forests are on TV, it48be a perfect time to talk about how rain forests influence the climate, how deserts are49an

12、d how the polar ice caps50 ocean levels.Home schooling is often more interesting than51 schools, but critics (批评家) say home-schoolers might be uncomfortable52 with other people in adult life. Critics also say that most parents are not53to teach their children. However, most parents dont have the tim

13、e or the54to teach their children at home, so schools will continue to be55most children get their formal education.36. A. considerB. prefer C. provide D. suggest37. A. for B. to C. as D. in38. A. becauseB. forC. thoughD. while39. A. activitiesB. uses C. thoughtsD. values40. A. experienceB. knowledg

14、e C. behavior D. way41. A. Sadly B. ActuallyC. Unbelievably D. Happily42. A. normalB. ordinary C. common D. average43. A. believesB. saysC. offers D. imagines44. A. interests B. discussion C. needsD. hobbies45. A. carryB. openC. lead D. start46. A. furniture B. equipmentC. tool D. maker47. A. seeing

15、B. lookingC. watching D. noticing48. A. needB. must C. oughtD. could49. A. appearedB. formedC. inventedD. built50. A. affectB. decideC. make D. determine51. A. outside B. expensive C. informalD. regular52. A. livingB. matchingC. mixingD. connecting53. A. fitB. adapted C. available D. good54. A. mone

16、y B. desire C. hopeD. demand55. A. why B. how C. when D. where第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThe first thing I do when I wake up is to make a mental list of all things I have to do that day. Im very organized! Then I get up and have my bath. Often my best

17、 matchmaking ideas come while Im in the bath. Sometimes I have a really good idea about who might be with whom.Before I did matchmaking, I was a social worker, but I knew I wanted to do something without bosses telling me what to do and that I am good at dealing with people. Also I had seen too many

18、 broken marriages and too many people go downhill because they were so lonely. So I gave up my job, did a bit of research and started the matchmaking business in 1970. Over the last few years weve been doing introductions throughout Europe as well as here in Britain. Europeans want to meet British p

19、eople. For every 100 people who come to us, about 65 will settle down. We keep going until clients (委托人) find someone that they get on very well with. Of course there are impossible people, those who will never settle. Sometimes I end up giving advice to clients. A few months ago, we had a highly pa

20、id scientist with a very nice face, but every woman refused to meet him a second time. It soon became clear that he did not like changing his shirts. So I had to be very honest and direct and told him, “But a woman cant start to love you if your shirt smells.” The job is most satisfying when I get a

21、 call from a couple telling me they have fallen in love. 56. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?A. On Being a Matchmaker B. Dealing with PeopleC. Matchmakers and Clients D. The Most Satisfying Job57. What does the author mean by saying “Im very organized”?A. She is especially

22、capable of organizing things.B. She has a fixed plan for her everyday activities.C. She likes to remember things she has to do.D. She always finishes what she does on time.58. What was the personal factor that made the author change her job?A. She was warm and kind-hearted.B. She could understand pe

23、ople better than others.C. She liked to make her own decisions.D. She was interested in social problems.59. From the authors experience given in the last paragraph, we can conclude that to be a good matchmaker, sometimes it is better for one to be _.A. directB. kind C. hard working D. organizedBWe h

24、ave saved as a final set of emotions the two most important emotions (情感) towards other people: love and its opposite, hate. Love can be seen everywhere. Yet surprisingly, love has been the subject of less scientific research than other emotions, such as anger and fear. The reason for this may be tw

25、ofold.First, love is a very complex (复杂的) emotion, difficult to describe and measure. Secondly, unlike many extreme emotions, extreme love is generally not a problem; thus less medical attention has been paid to it.What is love? This is a complex question and requires a complex answer. Love is a las

26、ting, strong, positive attraction and feeling for another person or thing. But it is more than this. It also includes feelings of caring, protection and excitement. When two people are in love, they feel drawn to one another; they greatly enjoy each others company; and they may be sexually attracted

27、 to one another.Sometimes it is easier to think in terms of different kinds of love: “puppy” love, romantic love, brotherly love, and so forth. Though they differ in some respects, they share one important characteristic: a strong positive feeling toward another.Our feelings toward other people are

28、often complex. We may love someone and, at the same time, be angry with him. Or we may love someone, even though we envy him. We might even love someone and, at the same time, hate him for some specific reason. Hate is a strong negative emotion toward someone, and is due to anger, or some other fact

29、or. Like love, hate can be a very strong emotion. It can also be very dangerous. The question is often asked, “Is it bad to hate?” The best answer is probably “sometimes yes and sometimes no.” Usually hate does not help us; it makes us feel unhappy and makes us do things that may hurt others. However, sometimes it may be necessary to hate and hurt someone in order to protect loved ones.60.In the parts previous to the passage youve just read, the a

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