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1、U3M3U2M6词汇篇章Unit3 M5An Air Crash飞机失事I was aprevioustypistin a post office. Because I couldnttoleratetyping any morepostagebills orpostcodes on atypewriterevery day, I resigned. With agreedymotivation of making big money, Itook up working as a businessrepresentative for the G.EEcologyCompany, which p

2、roducedgoodsbyrecyclingusefulmaterials from ourdustbins. My new job left me goodimpressions in manyaspects except that the workingtimetablewas full of traveling byjets.Once, whenspeedingup, our jet wasswallowed by a thunderstorm, which destroyed our GPSreceiverand made uslose sight ofthe directions.

3、 Aconstantlyflashing light showed that our jet was in danger. Asteward instantlyasked us to put onmasks andfastenthe safetybelts, and thenpressed abuttontoswitch on the escapingcapsule. Itslid sideways out oftheopeningat once and landed in adesertarea safely.Lacking food andtablets, we were nervous

4、anduncertainat first. But we all keptoptimisticand made good adjustmentto the situation. Weswept upthesurroundingmudto make oursettlementandwere back on our feetsoon. Finally,guided by the smoke of our crashing jet, some localcitizens came bycarriages and saved us.我以前是一家邮局的打字员,因为忍受够了每天在打字机上打邮资账单或邮政编


6、,很快就恢复过来。最后,在我们坠机烟雾的指引下,一些当地的居民搭乘马车到来,我们都获救了。Unit4 M5An Amateur Journalist业余记者Jane is ahousewife, butdelightedto work as anamateurjournalist. It is adilemmafor her to rush between family and work, and it is alsounusual for the NewsDepartmenttodepend onan amateur to covercrimes. But Jane is reallygif

7、ted. It isadmirablethat she is seldomaccusedofmaking mistakes. And,eager to become moreprofessional, sheconcentratesonher job andupdates herself now and then.Once she isinformed of a newcase, her normal workingprocessis as follows: first, she makesappointments withguiltypeople for interviews. So as

8、toacquire accurate stories, she usuallydemands to record what they say.Meanwhile, atechnicallygoodcolleaguewillassisther in takingphotographs. Second, sheassesses whether they aredeliberatelyhiding the truth. If she isskepticalabout their words, she will look into the case herself. Third, she writes

9、thoroughstories ahead of thedeadlineandsubmits it to theseniorchiefeditor, whopolishes andapproves everysection. Finally, her stories will bepublished indifferenteditions of their magazine.简是一名家庭主妇,但却非常乐意做一名业余记者。在家和工作之间奔波总是使她左右为难,而且对于新闻部来说,依靠一名业余人员来报道罪案也是不同寻常的,但是简真的很有天赋,让人钦佩的是她极少因为犯错而受到责备。因为渴望做得更加专业

10、,她全神贯注于工作,且时不时地就提升自身的业务水平。一旦接到新案子的通知,她通常的工作程序如下:首先,她和有罪的人约了作采访。为了获得准确的新闻,她通常要求做录音,同时,一位技术上好的同事会协助她拍照;接着,她对受采访的人是否有故意隐瞒真相作出评估。如果她怀疑他们的话,就会亲自调查案件;然后,她在截稿期限前写出详尽的报道,呈交给高级主编,由他对每个部分做润色和批准;最后,她的新闻就发表在杂志的各个版本中了。U5 M5First Aid急救A boyfell ill. Hisorgans were damaged by theradiationof an infraredraystove. Bu

11、t before theambulancearrived, a number ofotherinjurieshappened to this unlucky boyover and over again. First, he waschoked by somepoisonousliquidfrom thekettle on thecupboard. Then hiswristskinwas burnt byelectricshock. Finally, hisanklewas cut by apan.Fortunately, the boys nurse gave him propertemp

12、orarytreatmentsaccording to hiscomplexsymptoms. Shemildlysqueezed the poisonous liquid out of histhroat and putbandagesfirmlyin placetoapply pressureto the ankle wound to stopbleeding. As for the burn, she usedscissorsto remove hissleeve, poured abasinof cold water over the burn to cool it andput he

13、r hands onadampblouseto cover hisswollentissuetightly. She also inspired hisbraveryto fight against theunbearable pain. Herfirst aidmade a vital differencein saving his life. Aceremonywas held to honour the nurse who overcame avarietyofbarriers to save the boy.有个孩子病倒了,他的体内器官被一台红外线烤炉的放射线灼伤了。但是在救护车到来前

14、,这个不幸的孩子身上还一而再、再而三地发生了许多别的伤害。开始是被橱柜上水壶里的有毒液体噎住,然后是手腕的皮肤被电击烧伤,最后,一只平底锅还割伤了他的脚踝。幸运的是,男孩的保姆根据他的复杂症状给予了适当的临时治疗。她轻轻地从他喉咙里把有毒液体挤了出来;并在脚踝合适的位置紧紧扎上绷带,施加压力使伤口的流血止住;对于烧伤,她用剪刀剪去他的袖子,倒了一盆凉水给烧伤位置降温,并找来一件湿的女式衬衫紧紧盖住他肿胀的皮肤组织。此外,她还激发起他的勇敢和难以忍受的疼痛做斗争。她的急救在挽救他性命中起了至关重要的作用。人们举办了一场典礼来表彰这位克服各种障碍挽救了男孩的小保姆。U1M6Abstract Art

15、抽象艺术Abstractart used to becontroversial. On one hand, the artists stopped paintingdelicate figures butattempted toadoptspecialtechniques to give people differentvisualimpacts.On the other hand, their works, includingsculpturescarved out ofmarbleorfragileclay, were all with aspecificaimof showing fee

16、lings. Someconventionalscholars who wereallergic toabstract art said it wasevidentlyridiculousand neither art norgeometry. Their Traditional ArtCommitteepredicted its soon disappearing.But nowadays, abstract art has become part of thepermanentpossessionsofcontemporarycivilization.Galleriesalong the

17、MadisonAvenuegive scores ofsuperbexhibitions ontypical abstract works,appealingtomany who have apreferencefor abstract art. The ShadowofEgypt, acafin thisdistrict, has become the home to thoseaggressive abstract artists.Consequently, it is not acoincidencefor you to meet one of these artists of grea

18、treputation in the flesh. They are asked forsignatures and givenbunches offragrantflowers plus they are givena great dealof praise by theirfaithfulfans.抽象艺术曾经颇受争议,一方面,抽象艺术家们不再画精致的画像,而是试图采用特别的技巧给人们以不同的视觉冲击;另一方面,他们的作品,包括用大理石和易碎的粘土雕刻出来的雕像,都以表达感情为其明确的目的。有些对抽象艺术反感的传统学者说抽象艺术是极其明显地荒谬可笑,说它既不是艺术,又不是几何学,他们的传统

19、艺术委员会还预言了它的迅速消失。但是到了今天,抽象艺术已经成为当代文明永久财产的一部分,麦蒂逊大道的画廊为典型的抽象艺术作品举办了许多出色的展览,吸引了许多对抽象艺术有偏爱的人。这区有家叫埃及之影的咖啡馆已经成为那些有进取精神的抽象艺术家们活动的根据地,所以,亲眼见到一位名声极大的艺术家本人并不是什么巧合的事,他们被忠实的崇拜者索取签名,并被给予成束的芬芳花朵和大量的赞扬。U2M6 A Russian Poem俄国童谣Since childhood, Anton had often recited poems, accompanied bypianists andviolinists, at

20、wedding ceremonies beforebrides andbridegroomsexchanged rings. Gradually, he found writing poems the mostappropriateway toconveyhis joy andsorrow. When his poemContradictoryBlankwon him a nationalchampionshipand ascholarshipto the Moscow University from asponsor, he was just an unknownlibrarian. Aft

21、er getting hisdiploma, he devoted his life to writing poems. Usingconcrete butflexiblelanguage and the minimumof words is his style. Hetried outdifferent patterns and preferrednurseryrhymein particular. The following is atranslation of one of his worksmade up of 3 sections: Littlesparrowwith heavylo

22、ad, Ran out ofenergy and very cold; Nocompassand all sweatsalty, Can you go through theendlessdarkness? Little balloonlet outby the thread, Flew overcottages and was very glad; Withwarmthtransformed from sunlight, He said he couldforever fly; Take it easy, little balloon; Dontteasethe sparrow with h

23、is wound; On thebare branchand have a rest; Thisdiamondheart willeventuallyget success.从童年时起,安东就常常在钢琴师或小提琴师的伴奏下在婚礼上朗诵诗歌,为新郎新娘交换戒指前的仪式助兴。渐渐地,他发现写诗是表达他的欢乐和悲伤的最合适方式。在他还是个寂寞无闻的图书管理员时,他的诗矛盾的空白就获得了全国诗歌创作冠军,并为他赢得一位赞助人提供的奖学金,到莫斯科大学深造。获得文凭后,他将一生都投入到诗歌创作中。使用具体而灵活的语言和最少的词语数量是他的风格,他还喜欢尝试不同的诗歌形式,特别是童谣。下面由三部分组成的译文就是他的作品中的一首:小麻雀,负重担, 筋疲力尽挡风寒, 汗水成盐无指引, 能否穿越无边暗?小气球,脱绳系, 飞越农舍真高兴,阳光给予它温暖, 永远高飞不费力;别紧张,小气球, 别笑麻雀伤口留,光光的树梢歇片刻, 恒(钻石)心终把成功求。

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