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1、七年级英语下册Unit1Canyouplaytheguitar学案设计新版人教新目标版Unit 1Can you play the guitar?Period 1Section A 1a-2c【课型】听说课学习目标1.掌握本课重点单词和短语play the guitar,sing,swim,dance,chess,play chess,draw,speak,speak English,join,club。2.基本听懂含有本课重点词汇和目标语言的听力材料;并在听的过程中学会抓关键词,做到有目的地获取有效信息。3.初步运用Can you.?What club do you want to join

2、?询问彼此的能力和加入俱乐部的意愿,并能做出相应回答。4.初步理解情态动词can的用法及其一般疑问句和答语。学习过程【自主学习】认读并书写本课单词。1.个人自读,记忆单词。2.小组互相检查读、写情况。3.写出下列单词并展示。吉他 跳舞 游泳 唱歌国际象棋 画画说话,说4.小组内核对答案。5.完成1a,将活动与人物匹配。【新课导入】Step 1:Lead-inAnswer the questions:Can you sing?Can you fly?【新知呈现】Step 2:Presentation1.Look at the picture in 1a.Then read the words a

3、nd phrases.2.Match the activities with the people.3.Play a game(What can I do?).Tell your partners what you can do.For example:I can play the guitar.I can sing and dance.4.Write down the clubs you know._【新知学习】Step 3:Listening 1bBefore listening1.Look at the picture in 1a.看课本1a图中的人物和场景。Talk about you

4、r favorite club.2.Talking 说一说(What club do you want to join?)仿照例句:I can play the guitar.I can sing and dance.I want to join the music club.While listening1.Listen and number the conversations 1-3.2.Check the answers3.Listen and repeatStep 4:Pair work:1c1.理解并复述听力对话,和你的同学编新对话。2.练习下面的对话:Can you.?Yes,I

5、can.No,I cant.跟踪训练1根据汉语提示完成句子。1.I can (下国际象棋).2.She cant (跳舞).3.Can Bob (弹吉他)?4.They can (说英语).Step 5:Guessing gameGuess what she/he can do.快速出示图片,覆盖部分内容,回答“What can she/he do?”。Step 6:Listening 2a and 2bBefore listening1.Look at the pictures.听前看图了解对话双方身份及发生的场景。2.Pair work.T:Do you want to join the

6、chess club?What club do you want to join?I want to join the music club.Can you sing?No,I cant.Can you dance? No,I cant.Can you play the guitar? Yes,I can.While listening 1.听录音,圈出你听到的俱乐部。English clubart clubmusic clubchess clubswimming club2.两人一组,利用上面的俱乐部来练习下面的对话。A:What club do you want to join?B:I w

7、ant to join.3.Listen and finish 2b.4.Listen and answer some questions:Can Bob play soccer?Who wants to join two clubs?Step 7:Pair workT:What club does Lisa want to join?S:She wants to join the chess club.T:Can she play chess?S:No,she cant.跟踪训练2按要求改写句子。1.I want (参加音乐俱乐部).2.Tom wants to (参加艺术俱乐部).3.We

8、 want to join the chess club.(对画线部分提问)What you want to ?4.Can you speak English?(作否定回答)No, .5.I can play the guitar.(改为一般疑问句) the guitar?【拓展提升】Step 8:Group work小组活动(方案一)任务:Talk about what clubs you want to join.学校活动小组要招募一些新成员,同学们依据个人意向选择自己喜欢的俱乐部。就近结合成小组进行对话编排,然后上台表演,由老师和其他组进行评价,评出最成功的招募小组。 语言提示:What

9、 club do you want to join?Can you.?Welcome to our club!小组活动(方案二)Make a survey(调查)NameCan doClubStudent Aswimswimming clubStudent BStudent CStudents can report like this:Student A can swim;he wants to join the swimming club.【课堂练习】一、汉译英。1.下国际象棋 2.说英语 3.想要做某事4.参加美术俱乐部 5.英语俱乐部6.音乐俱乐部 7.国际象棋俱乐部8.游泳俱乐部9.踢

10、足球10.听起来不错二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Can you (dance),Jane?2.I want (join)the music club.3.Lets (join)the English club.4.Alice cant (speak)Chinese well.5.You can join the (swim)club.6.Jane (want)to join the art club.自我反思1.我的收获:Words and expressions: Sentences: 2.学习本节后,我能用英语进行 3.我的易错点: 参考答案【自主学习】3.guitardancesw

11、imsingchessdrawspeak跟踪训练 the guitar4.speak English 跟踪训练 join the music club2.join the art club3.clubdo;join4.I cant5.Can you play【课堂练习】一、 chess2.speak English3.want to do sth.4.join the art club5.English club7.chess club8.swimming soccer10.

12、sound good二、 join3.join4.speak5.swimming 6.wantsUnit 1Can you play the guitar?Period 2Section A 2d-3c【课型】语法课学习目标1.巩固本单元所学的表示能力的单词、短语及情态动词can表示“能力”的用法。2.正确运用can引导的一般疑问句、what引导的特殊疑问句及相关陈述句与同伴就爱好、特长的话题进行交流。3.运用所学,根据要求写出一则招募广告。4.拓展视野,了解国外学校生活,并通过谈论彼此的特长与爱好,加深了解,增进友谊并增强自信。学习过程【自主学习】一、你喜欢丰富多彩的课

13、外活动吗?写出下列动词或动词短语。二、请阅读Grammar Focus中的句子,然后做填空练习。1.你会游泳吗? you ?是的,我会。/不,我不会。Yes, ./No,I .2.她会下国际象棋吗?_不会。_3.贝尔和简会跳舞吗?_是的,会。_4.你会做什么?_我会弹吉他。_【新课导入】Step 1:Greetings【新知呈现】Step 2:PresentationWhat can you do?I can.Step 3:Listen and guess听并猜测演奏的是哪种乐器。What can they do?【新知学习】Step 4:Reading1.Fast readingWho ar

14、e they?2.Careful reading(1)What can they do?(2)What club does Jane want to join?3.Pair workWhat club do you want to join?I want to join 5:Role-play 2dListen to the record and act it out.Step 6:PracticeFill in the blanks with “can” or “cant”.用“can”和“cant”填空。She walk(走),but she play tenn

15、is.They stand up(站立),but they play basketball.观察与思考1.请仔细观察下列句子,你能看出我们可以使用情态动词can来谈论什么吗?I can swim and play basketball.She can sing and dance.It can swim.They can play the guitar.结论:can译为“”,可用来谈论某人的。2.请仔细观察下列句子,你能看出情态动词can在用法上有什么特点吗?I can swim and play basketball.She can sing and dance.It can swim.Th

16、ey can play the guitar.结论:(1)没有和的变化。I can swim and play basketball.She can sing and dance.It can swim.They can play the guitar.(2)与“形影不离”。跟踪训练一、按要求改写句子。1.They can play basketball after class.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答。) they basketball after class?,they.,they.2.Liu Lin can sing in English.(改为否定句)Liu Lin in

17、English.二、语法巩固。1.My aunt French as well as Chinese.A.can speaksB.can speakC.cant speaks D.cant to speak2.Can you play the computer game?Yes,I .A.must B.needC.may D.can3.Can you play volleyball?Sorry,I .A.cant B.dontC.isnt D.arent4. can he do?He can Chinese kung fu.A.How;play B.What;doC.Where;see D.W

18、hat;to do5.Can you play the guitar?No,I ,but I play the violin.A.can;can B.cant;cantC.cant;can D.can;cant6.Susan is good at English and she sing English songs.A.need B.mayC.can D.do7. you help me with my English?My pleasure.A.Must B.MayC.Can D.NeedStep 7:Writing1.Fill in the blanks and complete the

19、poster.(work on 3b)2.Writing Can you write a poster for the school music festival?Students Wanted for School Music FestivalWe want students for the _Can you _【课堂练习】一、选词填空。speaktellsaytalkshow1.Ms.Wu wants to to his son.2.Jenny and Mary can English well.3.Can you your new photo,Grace?4.Bob ,“I can pl

20、ay chess well.” 5.Mr.Li often us interesting stories.二、选词完成句子。1.My grandpa likes to play (chess/the chess).2.My sister wants (join/to join)the art club.3.Mr.Wu cant sing (and/or)dance.4.Our Chinese teacher always tells (story/stories)to us.5. You can join the chess club. (Sounds/Sound)good.6.Linda c

21、ant play volleyball,(and/but)she can play soccer.7.Can you play the guitar (well/good)?三、按要求改写句子。1.Can you play soccer?(作否定回答)_2.Can Mary and Linda play chess?(作肯定回答)_3.I can play volleyball.(对画线部分提问) can you play?4.I want to join the music club.(对画线部分提问) do you want to join?5.They can write stories

22、 and tell stories.(变否定句)They write stories tell stories.自我反思1.我的收获:Words and expressions:_Sentences:_2.学习本节后,我能用英语进行:_3.我的易错点:_参考答案【自主学习】一、swimplay the guitardrawplay chesssing play soccer二、1.Can;swim I can;cant2.Can she play chess?No,she cant.3.Can Bell and Jane dance?Yes,they can.4.What can you do

23、?I can play the guitar.跟踪训练 一、1.Can;playYes;canNo;cant2.cant sing二、15 BDABC67 CC【课堂练习】一、1.talk2.speak3.show4.says5.tells二、 join3.or4.stories5.Sounds6.but7.well三、1.No,I cant.2.Yes,they can.3.What sport 4.What club5.cant;orUnit 1Can you play the guitar?Period 3Section B 1a-1f【课型】听说课学习目标1.掌握

24、本课重点单词和短语:drum,piano,violin,play the drums,play the piano,play the violin。2.进一步熟练运用情态动词can谈论能力。3.通过听录音学会有目的地获取对话中的关键信息,同时在听的过程中进一步巩固本单元目标语言。学习过程【自主学习】一、认读并书写本课单词。1.个人自读,记忆单词。2.小组互相检查读、写情况。3.写出下列单词并展示。鼓 钢琴小提琴4.小组内核对答案。二、完成课本1a。【新课导入】Step 1:Lead-in1.Play the flash “Play the guitar”.2.Daily greeting.3.

25、Check the homework.Let some students report what his/her family members can do.【新知呈现】Step 2:PresentationGuessing game 听猜游戏1.Listen to some sounds of the instruments.Guess what they are.2.Work on 1a.Draw lines to match the words with the pictures.【新知学习】Step 3:Work on 1b1.Listen and number the words 1

26、-4 in the order of the sounds you hear in 1a.2.Pair work:Work on 1c.Ask and answer questions about the instruments.T:I can play the drums.Can you play the drums?S:Yes,I can./No,I cant.3.Game(Talent show)T:Please stand in front of your classmates.Act and say what you can do.Student A:(sing and dance)I can sing and dance.Student B:(play the drums)I can play the drums.4.Talk about yourselfUse “I can.but I cant.”

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