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1819 阶段综合检测三精品教育doc.docx

1、1819 阶段综合检测三精品教育doc阶段综合检测(三)(时间:100分钟;满分120分).阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)A【导学号:19142053】Who are we and what do we do?Since National Theatre Live was launched in June 2009,weve broadcast more than forty productions live,from both the National Theatre and other theatres in the UK.Our broadcasts have now b

2、een experienced by over 5.5 million people in over 2,000 venues around the world,including over 650 venues in the UK alone.Past broadcasts from the National Theatre have included Danny Boyles Frankenstein with Benedict Cumberbatch and Jonny Lee Miller,War Horse;Man and Superman with Ralph Fiennes.Br

3、oadcasts from other UK theatres include Coriolanus from the Donmar Warehouse;Macbeth from the Manchester International Festival;Our biggest single broadcast to date is Hamlet with Benedict Cumberbatch at the Barbican,which has been seen by over 550,000 people.How do we do it?Though each broadcast is

4、 filmed in front of a live audience in the theatre,cameras are carefully positioned throughout the theatre to ensure that cinema audiences get the “best seat in the house” view of each production.Where can you find us?The nearest venue to you is Emei 1958 Cinema,located at No.360 Qingjiang Road East

5、,Chendu,China.Whats on?Helen McCrory returns to the National Theatre in Terence Rattigans masterpiece.Time:3 pm. Sunday 25 June,2019 Venue:Emei 1958 CinemaPrice:120 RMBAcademy Award nominee Ralph Fiennes plays Jack Tanner in this exciting reinvention of Shaws classic.Time:3 pm. Sunday 23 July,2019 V

6、enue:Emei 1958 CinemaPrice:120 RMBClicking “Book Now” will take you through to a third party site where you can complete your booking.【语篇解读】本文主要介绍的是英国国家剧院和其在中国成都现场演出的一些信息。1What is the number of audience who have watched the National Theatre Live productions?AOver 5.5 million. BOver 2,000.COver 650.

7、DOver 550,000.A细节理解题。根据“Who are we and what do we do?”中的“Our broadcasts have now been experienced by over 5.5 million people in over 2,000 venues around the world”可知,观看英国国家剧院现场演出的观众人数超过5百万。2Which of the following statements is true about Hamlet?AIt was performed at National Theatre.BBarbican is one

8、of the actors playing a role in it.CIt is Benedict Cumberbatchs biggest single broadcast.DNone of their other single broadcasts has been bigger than it.D细节理解题。根据“Who are we and what do we do?”中的“Our biggest single broadcast to date is Hamlet with Benedict Cumberbatch at the Barbican,which has been s

9、een by over 550,000 people.”可知,迄今为止最大的单独剧目是哈姆雷特。3Which of the following productions can the audience in Chengdu enjoy this July?AThe Deep Blue SeaBWar HorseCMacbethDMan and SupermanD细节判断题。根据“Man and Superman”部分中的“Time:3 pm.Sunday 23 July,2017”可知,今年七月成都观众可以欣赏的作品是人与超人。4Where is this passage likely fro

10、m?AA website. BA theatre magazine.CA textbook. DA booklet.A推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Clicking Book Now will take you through to a third party site where you can complete your booking.”可推断出,本文的来源是网站。故正确答案为A。【易错分析】有些同学可能会误选B。原因在于阅读文章不仔细,只关注到文中的theatre,就轻易做出选择。其实解答本题的关键词是Clicking “Book Now”,这是网站的专用语。BBright red p

11、ost boxes,the Queen and queuingwhat do they all have in common?They are all important parts of British life.At least I thought so.However,the ability to queue for long periods of time,once believed to be a traditional characteristic of the British,is no longer tolerated by people in the UK,according

12、 to a survey done by British bank Barclays.Once upon a time,queuing was seen as normal.During World War ,everyone had to queue up to receive their daily supply of foods.In fact,if you didnt stand up and wait in line with all the others,it was seen as uncivilized (不文明的)The famous English doubledecker

13、 buses,with only one entrance,might also help explain why queuing was seen as part of British life.Almost always,there is a queue to get in.But perhaps the British are tired of being pushed past by the Spanish,the Italian or the French as they queue up to get a table at a restaurant.The people of th

14、ese other European countries have more than one entrance to their buses,which explains their more relaxed attitude to the queue.Two minutes is now the longest time most British people are prepared to stand and wait.But could it be that the Internet,which allows us to carry out tasks quickly,is the m

15、ain reason why British people are no longer prepared to queue?“Used to buying without delay,customers are even giving up purchases rather than wait their turn,” says Stuart Neal of Barclaycard.“Shoppers are also less likely to queue for long if the item they are buying is of low value.”Perhaps I wil

16、l have to replace “queuing” with “impatience” in my list of things I relate to the British.【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了英国人排队习惯的改变。5What can we learn about the tradition of queuing in Britain?AIt was a product of the slow pace of life.BIt was a long time tradition as old as the Queen.CIt was considered a symbol of

17、a civilized behavior.DIt has made the British different from other Europeans.C推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句话可知,如果不排队等候,就被认为是不文明的行为,据此可推断出C项正确。6According to the passage,the British gradually stopped queuing because Athey prefer shopping onlineBthey follow the example of foreignersCBritish buses have more than one

18、entranceDthe Internet has changed their way of lifeD细节理解题。根据第六段中的“.the the main reason why British people are no longer prepared to queue?”可知,主要原因是因特网改变了人们的生活方式。7It can be learned from the text that Athe British get impatient with queuing for longBthe British have to queue to receive foo

19、dsCthe British like to eat in foreign restaurantsDthe British prefer to take doubledecker busesA推理判断题。根据第六段第一句话和第七段可知,英国人对于排队不再那么有耐心了,2分钟的等候时间已经是大多数英国人能接受的等待底线了。8The authors main purpose of writing the passage is Ato tell us the influence of the Internet on the British ways of lifeBto compare the cu

20、ltural differences between Britain and other European countriesCto talk about the changes in the attitude to queuing in BritainDto report his research on the British ways of lifeC写作目的题。通读全文可知,本文的写作目的是谈论英国人排队这一传统习惯的转变。CA popular saying goes,“Sticks and stones may break my bones,but words will never h

21、urt me.” However,thats not really true.Words have the power to build us up or tear us down.It doesnt matter if the words come from someone else or ourselvesthe positive and negative effects are just as lasting.We all talk to ourselves sometimes.Were usually too embarrassed to admit it,though.In fact

22、,we really shouldnt be because more and more experts believe talking to ourselves out loud is a healthy habit.This “selftalk” helps us motivate ourselves,remember things,solve problems,and calm ourselves down.Be aware,though,that as much as 77% of selftalk tends to be negative.So in order to stay po

23、sitive,we should only speak words of encouragement to ourselves.We should also be quick to give ourselves a pat on the backThe next time you finish a project,do well in a test,or finally clean your room,join me in saying “Good job!”Often,words come out of our mouths without us thinking about the eff

24、ect they will have.But we should be aware that our words cause certain responses in others.For example,when returning an item to a store,we might use warm,friendly language during the exchange.And the clerk will probably respond in a similar manner.Or harsh (刻薄的) and critical language will most like

25、ly cause the clerk to be defensive.Words possess power because of their lasting effects.Many of us regret something we once said.And we remember unkind words said to us!Before speaking,we should always ask ourselves:Is it true?Is it loving?Is it needed?If what we want to say doesnt pass this test,th

26、en its better left unsaid.Words possess power:both positive and negative.Those around us receive encouragement when we speak positively.We can offer hope,build selfesteem (自尊) and motivate others to do their best.Negative words destroy all those things.Will we use our words to hurt or to heal?The ch

27、oice is ours.【语篇解读】本文讲述的是语言的威力,以及语言对人的影响。告诉我们说话之前要三思。9Why should we not feel embarrassed when talking to ourselves?ATalking to ourselves is believed to be good for our health.BIt does harm to have “selftalk” when we are alone.CTalking to ourselves helps us to solve all the problems.DAlmost everybody

28、 has the habit of talking to oneself.A细节理解题。根据第二段中的“In fact,we really shouldnt be because more and more experts believe talking to ourselves out loud is a healthy habit.”和第三段第一句话可知,我们从这个习惯中得到很大的益处。10The underlined phrase “give ourselves a pat on the back” in Paragraph 3 means Ablame ourselves Bpunis

29、h ourselvesCtalk to ourselves Dpraise ourselvesD词义猜测题。根据第三段中的“So in order to stay positive,we should only speak words of encouragement to ourselves.We should also be quick to give ourselves a pat on the back.”可知,我们要鼓励自己。选项中只有“赞美自己”和“鼓励”意思相近。故答案为D。11Which of the following statements would the author

30、agree to?AIt is impossible for unkind words to be forgotten.BIt is better to think twice before talking to others.CWords always possess long positive effects.DKind words are sometimes not needed at all.B推理判断题。根据第五段中的“Before speaking,we should always ask ourselves:Is it true?Is it loving?Is it needed

31、?If what we want to say doesnt pass this test,then its better left unsaid.”可知,语言的影响很大,在我们说话之前应该三思。故答案为B。DWe all know the hard work that filmmakers and actors put in to provide us with entertainment,but it seems that even regular moviegoers like us have a big impact on how a movie turns out too.For d

32、ecades now,film studios have used socalled test screenings (试映) to get feedback from members of the public before a movie comes out.While test audience members are usually asked to fill in a questionnaire after a screening,telling the film studio what they liked and didnt like,media giant Disney has come up with a more hightech so

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