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1、英美概况复习题与参考答案 2011英美文化与国家概况期末考试填空与简答复习题1.Of all these isles, the largest one is called Great Britain. For the sake of convenience, Great Britain is often shortened to Britain.2.United Kingdom is made up of four parts, England, Wales,ScotlandandNorthern Ireland.3.The island of Great Britain can be div

2、ided into two parts according to its geographic features: the Highland Zone in the north and west and the Lowland zone in the south and southeast.4.In America, The presiding officer of the senate is the Vice-president of the United States who serves as chairman when the Senate is in session.5.Britai

3、n did not produce cotton and textile industry used to rely on wool as the principal fiber.6.In Britain, the city Birmingham is well known for its production of automobiles, electricity equipment, electronics, munitions, and arms.7.British government is produced through contest between two major poli

4、tical parties every five years8.British can enjoy higher education in three ways: Universities, polytechnics and Open Universities. 9.Mainland America is situated in the southern part of North America with two land Neighbors, Canada to the north and Mexico to the south.10.The longest river in Britai

5、n is the Severn River ,which runs 355 kilometers and empties into the Bristol Strait.11.White House is the place where American President lives and works.12.Britishs population is overwhelmingly urban, with about 90% living in urban areas and 10% living in rural areas.13.Britain invented the locomot

6、ive and was the first country to build a railway in the world in 1825.14.One of the most important US government principle is “Checks and Balances”.15.The majority of the British people believe in Christianity, which is the religion of the followers of Jesus Christ.16.The most important and longest

7、river running through the middle plain of America is Mississippi River.17.The U.K. has two established churches: the Church of England and the Church of Scotland.18.Important heavy industries in Britain include shipbuilding and motor vehicle.19. Modern English is the official language of the United

8、Kingdom as well as the first language of the vast majority 20. In Britain, the place where parliament has sessions in London is the Palace of Westminster.21. The US Congress has two chambers, the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate comprises 100 Senators, two from each of the 50 stat

9、es22. In early times, British nobility can be divided into upper nobility and lower nobility according to the amount of the land they possessed.23. In Britain, the nucleus of the government is known as the Cabinet , which is headed by the prime minister.24. In the United Kingdom, politics is under t

10、he control of political parties, and this is known as party politics.25. The US Constitution protects freedom of speech and freedom of the press so that common people can make their opinions known.26. The highest court in Britain is the Supreme Court.27. If the jury cannot reach a unanimous agreemen

11、t, it becomes known as a hung jury.28. The English legal profession is divided into two branches: solicitors and barristers . 29. Britain was the first country to introduce a new economic system known as free enterprise. 30. To meet the increasing need and protect environment, Britain has begun to d

12、evelop some new energies, such as bio-fuels, deriving from waste and crops.31. Traditionally, the British culture has been characterized by its requirement of decency and civility in doing things.32. To the south of San Francisco locates a famous valley, named Silicon Valley, which has now become th

13、e center of Americas electronic industry.33. The Mississippi River Valley, also known as the _Central Plain_, consists of the large area between the Appalachian on the east and the Rocky Mountains on the west.34. Britain has traditionally been a manufacturing nation and was once known as the “ works

14、hop of the world.”35. One of the most famous natural park in America, Yellow Stone National Park, is situated in the state Wyoming. 36. Las Vegas, the most striking gambling city in America, completely relies on the water from the Colorado River.37. Everything related with family life, including fam

15、ily meals, is regarded as privacy in Britain.38. The working class people usually have a “ high tea” with hot dishes at about 5 oclock in the afternoon; 39. The middle-class people normally have an early “ light tea” at about 4 or 5 oclock in the afternoon.40. Private schools in Britain are official

16、ly called independent schools because they are independent of the government. 3.简答问题:(15题)简要回答下列问题:1.Why is America compared to a melting-pot? 2.What are the characters of typical British people?3.Why do British people like to talk about weather so much? 4.What changes have taken place in British fa

17、milies? What are the possible causes for those changes?5.Who are the famous Queens in British history? Please write down their names. 6.What are the advantages and disadvantages of Jury Trial?7.What are the popular festivals in America? Please list two or three names of them. 8.What is the function

18、of monarch in Britain?9.Why is British government system called “Constitutional Monarchy”? 10.Please list some famous rivers in America.11.What measures can government take to adjust the development of economy? 12.Why do some Historians call black Americans “unwilling immigrants”?13.What are the fac

19、tors that can help you decide social status of a man in British society? 14.What are the spirits American People worship?15.How does American government system demonstrate the principle of “Checks and Balances”? 2011英美文化与国家概况期末考试填空与简答复习题 2、 知识填空题:( 40题) 1.Great Britain; Britain 2.England; Wales; Nor

20、thern Ireland 3.Highland Zone; Lowland Zone 4.Vice-president 5.wool6.Birmingham7.five8.Universities; Open Universities9.Canada; Mexico10.Severn11.White House12.urban; rural13.railway14.Balances15.Christianity; Jesus Christ16.Mississippi River17.established; England; Scotland18.shipbuilding; motor ve

21、hicle production19.Modern English20.the Palace of Westminster21.Senate; House of Representatives; 100; two22.upper; lower23.Cabinet24.parties25.speech; the press26.the Supreme Court27.hung28.solicitors; 31.decency32.Silicon Valley33.Central Plain; Appalachian; Rocky34.w

22、orkshop35.Wyoming36.Las Vegas37.privacy38.high39.light40.independentXX文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我4.简答问题:(15题)1.As immigrants from different regions and cultures came to live in the United States, their old ways of life melt away, and they became part of the American culture. 2.Traditionally, the British cultur

23、e has been characterized by its requirement of decency and civility in doing things.3.Because the weather in Britain is very changeable; moreover, as British people tend to avoid private topics, weather is considered to be a safe topic.4.Today, British women are no longer confined to trditional hous

24、e chores. Women employees can be found in almost every part of social life. They make up about 48% of the British labor force. Paid jobs meant independence for women,which finally led to changes in womens social status.5.Mary ; Elizabeth I ; Victoria ; Elizabeth II 6.The jury trial in Britain embodi

25、es some basic principle of the value cherished by the British people, such as the protection of individual rights. However, if the jury cannot reach a unanimous agreement, it becomes known as a hung jury. Then a new jury has to be formed, and a new trail is called.7.Christmas Day ; New Years Day ; T

26、hanksgiving Day ; Independence Day ; Lincolns Birthday ; Halloween 8.Over centuries in history, the English monarch personally controlled supreme executive, legislative, and judicial power. After the founding of the law court in the 12th century and Parliament in the 13th century, the direct exercis

27、e of these functions by the monarch gradually decreased.9.On the one hand, Monarch is the symbol of supreme power in Britain; on the other hand, the power of Monarch is limited by laws, and it has mainly advisory and ceremonial responsibilities, the real power is clenched by Prime Minister and parli

28、ament. 10.the Mississippi River , the Missouri River , the Ohio River , the Tennessee River , the Colorado River , The Rio Grande River , the Potomac River , the Hudson River11.1) Fiscal policy: increase/decrease tax rate; increase/decrease government budget.2) Monetary policy: increase/decrease int

29、erest rate; issue national bond.12. Because they were victims of the traffic in slaves.13. wealth, clothes, accent, education, family background, gestures, social circle, profession 14. The spirits American People worship are supposed to include equality, freedom, hard work, self-reliance. 15. 1) Ex

30、ecutive branch can check legislative branch through: A. Bring up with Bills B. Deny Bills C. Implement policies 2) Legislative branch can check executive branch through: A. Initiate revenue bill B. Reject nomination C. Investigation D. Impeachment 3) Legislative branch can check judicial branch thro

31、ugh: A. Appoint judges B. Determine budget C. Overthrow verdict D. Impeachment 4) Judicial branch can check legislative branch through: A. Judicial review of Acts B. passed by congress 5) Executive branch can check judicial branch through “appointing Judges on the advice of congress”. 6) Judicial branch can check executive branch through “judicial review of Executive action”. (写出任意三点可得满分)

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