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1、商务英语写作重点商务英语写作重点 名词解释 写作目得(writing purpose)受众/读者(audience)构思过程(thought process)演绎式组织模式(deductive organizational patterns)归纳式组织模式(inductive organizational patterns)直接组织模式(direct organizational patterns)间接组织模式(indirect organizational patterns)写作修改得3个步骤(three distinct stages of revision: adding on; mov

2、ing around; cutting out) 管理沟通(managerial munication)组织沟通(organizational munication)人际关系与团队建设(human relationships and team building)销售沟通(sales munication)商务文件(business documentation)国际交流(跨文化交际)(international munication/ intercultural munication) 表达式写作(expressive writing)沟通式写作(municative writing)简洁风格(

3、clarity)简易风格(the plain style)简明风格(concision) 附件说明信函(cover letters of résumé)3类求职信函(three general types of cover letters for job applications: the application letter; the prospecting letter; networking letter ) 后续询问信函(followup letter)致谢信函(thankyou letter)谢绝工作回复(job rejection letter)接受工作

4、回复(job acceptance letter)辞职信函(resignation letter) 告别信函(farewell letter) 常见履历表格式(mon résumé formats):按年月顺序(chronological résumé format) 按任职顺序(functional résumé format) 复合式(bination résumé format) 简短文件(short document)信息咨询函(message to obtain infor

5、mation)谈判便函(messages that negotiate)说服沟通便函(persuasive messages) 商务便函得特征(8C):清晰性(clarity)正确性(correctness)具体性(concreteness)完整性(pleteness)周到性(consideration)礼貌性(courtesy)简洁性(conciseness)一致性(coherence) 商务备忘录版式(format of a business memo)商务备忘录功能(function of a business memo)信函结构(structure of a letter)信件与信封格

6、式(styles of letter and envelop) 会议纪要(minutes)逐字记录(verbatim minutes)决议记录(minutes of resolution)陈述记录(minutes of narration)记录内容版式(minutes’ content format) 会议议程(meeting agenda)会议筹划(meeting preparations)会议程序(3 个环节)(meeting process: planning & preparing, conducting, and followingup) 会议后续工作(follo

7、wup activities)后续文案职责(accountability of followups) 书面发言写作策略(writing strategies for business presentation)书面发言得材料组织(wring organization for business presentation)书面发言用语(language used in a presentation)书面发言避讳用语(language avoided in a presentation) 人际沟通得功能(functions of interpersonal munication)人际沟通得目得(pu

8、rpose of interpersonal munication)人际沟通得4个阶段(four general stages in interpersonal munication) 团队得特征(group characteristics)团队得角色(group roles)团队影响力(group influence)沟通结构(munication structures) 企业前景(vision)企业使命(mission)企业价值观(corporate values)企业目标(goal)战略计划(strategies) 政策与流程(policies and procedures)业务流程得构

9、成要素(15个)(content of procedures)业务流程得版式及内容(format of a procedure) 商务文件得层次结构(3个)(tiers of documentation)ISO 9000质量体系(ISO 9000 Quality System ) 议程报告(agenda)行程安排(itinerary)费用支出报告(expense reports)项目进程报告(progress report)人事评估报告(personnel evaluation) 第一手资料来源(primary sources)第二手资料来源(secondary sources)商务蓝皮书(b

10、lueprint)商务计划书(business plan)战略性计划书(strategic plan)战术性计划书(tactical plan)操作性计划书(operational plan) 操作性管理(operational control)战术性管理(tactical control)战略性管理(strategic control) 商务背景(business background) 市场计划(marketing plan)财务预测(financial projections)行动计划(action plans) 商务提案(business proposal)内部提案(internal

11、proposal)外部提案(external proposal)招标提案(solicited proposal)非招标提案(unsolicited proposal) 提案写作得简单模式(simple form for proposal writing)提案写作得复杂模式(detailed form for proposal writing) 外部提案得结构要素(6 个)(elements of the external proposal: introduction; problem identified and defined; objective & goal set; solut

12、ions proposed; implementation & measuring; costs and timeframe estimated)内部提案模式得内容版式(content format of internal proposal) 征集提案(Request for Proposal, RFP)征集启示得基本要素(basic ponents of a RFP)提案评估(proposal evaluation) 引证信息(documenting information)解析数据(interpreting data) 常规商务报告(routine reports)任务报告(tas

13、k reports)条目清单功能 (itemized lists) 图表辅助功能(graphic aids)标题得功能(headings) 协议得本质(essence of a deal)合同得修订(contractual modifications)违约与补偿(breach of contract and remedy)律师费用条款(attorneys fees clause)合同免责(escape from contract)第三方签字(third party signature)合同追加条款(contract rider)合同授权(authorization) 商务谈判(contract

14、 negotiation)合同起草(contract drafting)合同实施(execution)合同终止(closeout) 合同(contract) 合同有效性(validity of contracts)要约(offer) 接受(acceptance)法定权力(capacity) Sales contracts 买卖合同 Contracts for supply of power ,water,gas or heat 供应电、水、气、热力合同 Contracts for loan of money 借款合同 Leasing contracts 租赁合同 Financial leasi

15、ng contracts 承揽合同 Contracts for construction projects建设工程合同 Carriage contracts运输合同 Technology contracts 技术合同 Safekeeping contracts 保管合同 Warehousing contracts 仓库合同 Agency appointment contracts 委托合同 Tradingtrust contracts行纪合同 Brokerage contracts居间合同 大题 1,8C1.Clarity:keep it short;keep it simple;avoid

16、ambiguity;write in the active voice;avoid or explain technical words;avoid using jargon;get to the point;Write in plain English2、Correctness:link your ideas;be careful about placement of subordinate clauses;be sure that a pronoun,a participial phrase, or an appositive refers clearly to the proper su

17、bject;Make the subject and verb agree with Each Other, Not with a Word That es between Them;To join two independent clauses, Use a ma followed by a conjunction, a semicolon alone, or a semicolon followed by a sentence modifier、;Make a right choice of word;Watch out repetitive wording;Put parallel id

18、eas in parallel constructions;3、Concreteness:use concrete words instead of abstract ones;omit qualifiers and vague expressions;use action verbs and concrete nouns;void overusing noun forms of verbs;don”t change verbs into nouns;avoid unnecessary double negative;avoid noun strings;take a stand;keep a

19、cronyms under control;4 、pleteness:make it plete by constructing a longer paragraph; use the whodoeswhat order and avoid padding;provide a clear message;avoid inplete question;avoid fragment in writing;take an overall view;5、Consideration:write from the “you” perspective;emphasize the positive;handl

20、e the customer”s plaint specifically;interact with the addressee in a conversational tone;avoid using inflated language;avoid using quasilegalisms;use personal reference;use conrractions;6 、 Courtesy:show respect;show appreciation;avoid the problem of gender;write professionally ;7、Conciseness:elimi

21、nate”the filler”;omit repetitive wording;replace circumlocutions with direct expressions;use short words;avoid using old fashioned expessions;8、Coherence 2,Message that Negotiate:1、counterproposals:counterproposals have two objectives: first, you want to show the reader that his or her original prop

22、osal is not fully acceptable, and ,second , you want to persuade the reader to accept your counterproposals、2、nonnegotiable changes3、plex messages 3、 、Types of meetings: 1、Sharing information and monitoring 2、decision making and problem solving3、creative/ideagenerating4、legislative/administrative5、a

23、dvisory 6、social and ceremonial 4 、Minutes’content format: 1、main heading 2、time and venue 3、attendance 4、chairperson 5、agenda 6、subtitles 7、record keeper/minutes taker 5 、Functions of interpersonal munication:1) Gaining and giving information 2) Building a context of understanding 3) Establis

24、hing identity 4) Interpersonal needs 6 、The dyadic life cycle:the initial stage;the formative stage;the mature stage;the severance stage 7 、Presentation types:purpose, audience and methods 8 、Writing strategies for business presentation: 1、Choosing a right topic with a clear purpose 2、Adapting your

25、messages to the listeners 3、Using explicit transitions 4、Using concrete words and visuals 5、Presenting novel ideas 6、Making analogies 7、 Quotations 8、Storytelling 9、Plotting conflict 10、 Cutting in humor 11、 Keep the material in good taste 12、 Allowing for redundancy 9、 、 书面发言注意事项:1、begin with a top

26、ic sentence2、limit the number of major points you want to make to 34 、3、recap your ideas or main point Presentation preparing:1、write a script, practice it, and keeo it around for quickreference during your talk;2、set up an outline of your talk , practice with it , and bring it for reference;3、set u

27、p cue cards, practice with them ,and use them during your presentation 4、write a full script and read from it、 10、 、 商务沟通基础:Business munication drawstring draws on information derived form a wide variety of other disciplines, including (but not limited to ) linguistics, semantics , rhetoric , psycho

28、logy, sociology, graphic design ,management, marketing ,economics ,and information technology、 11 、Purpose of the writer:1,Expressive writing: it is personal and informal, employed to encourage prehension and reflection on the part of writer、 2,municative writing: it presupposes that the writer alre

29、ady considerable knowledge and understanding of the topic, and is writing to inform or to persuade a reader、 12、 、得 附件说明信函得5 大基本目标:Five primary goals of good resumes;Good resumes and resume cover letters must be able to;Cut the clutter;Catch the eye;Sell your skills, Strengths and success ;Direct th

30、e reader your way;Get you to the next step; 14、 、content format of a resume cover:content format of a resume cover: the resume cover should follow the basic content format of a typical business letter and should include three general issues:first paragraphwhy you are writing;middle paragraphwhat you

31、 have to offer ;concluding paragraphhow you will follow; 15 、Top 10 resume tips:A page or two to land you a job or an least an interview; Fundamentals do exist;Customization is critical ;Reveal enough to excite;A resume is 99% of the time read by a stranger;Once your basic content is ready;Reevaluat

32、e choice of words, sentence structure and language;Spell check,;When you are presenting hard copies of your resume, make sure you use quality stationery ;Keep copies of he carious customized versions of your resume、; 16 、Essential contents of resumes:Good resume having been to bine fact with fantasy、 By fact, it means that details provided in resume have be

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