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1、物流英语课文翻译一单元A篇Logistics is a unique global “pipeline”1 that operates 24 hours a day; seven days a week and 52 weeks a year, planning and coordinating the transport and delivery of products and services to customers all over the world.物流是一个独特的全球性的“管道”,即每天24小时运作;一星期7天,一年52周,计划和协调着产品的运输和配送以及对全球客户的服务。 Co

2、ming into being with the advent of civilization, logistics is anything but a newborn baby2. However, when it conies to modem logistics, most professionals in the business consider it one of the most challenging and exciting jobs, invisible as it is3. 文明伊始,物流就已经存在,因而不是新鲜事。然而,说到现代物流,几乎所有业内专业人士认为,它的一个无

3、形的、最有挑战性和令人兴奋的工作。 Modem logistics is related to the effective and efficient flow of materials and information that are of vital importance to customers and clients in various sections of the economic society4, which may include but by no means is limited to: packaging, warehousing, material handling

4、, inventory, transport,forecasting, strategic planning, and customer service.现代物流关系到货物流和信息流的有效性和高效率。对于经济社会各个中间商和消费者来说,货物流和信息流是非常重要的,可能包括但绝非局限于:包装、仓储、转移、存储、运输、预测、战略规划、客户服务等。 “Logistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective flow and stora

5、ge of goods, service and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption to meet customers,requirements. ” Although this definition fails to incorporate all specific terms used in the study of logistics,it does reflect the need for total movement management from point of mat

6、erial procurement to location of finished product distribution.物流是供应链过程的一部分,它计划、实施和控制着流动的高效率、有效性和货物的储存、服务的准备以及从原始点到消费终点相关信息,以满足客户的要求。虽然这个定义不能把所有特别说法用在研究物流方面,但它反映了从物资采购点到成品分销地的整个货物流向管理的需要。第二单元A篇It is universally acknowledged that products are of two kinds, products for customers and products for indu

7、strial use. As industrial products are not the key factors in planning a physical distribution strategy, they will not be mentioned in this text.就产品而言,普遍认为有两类,一类是消费产品,另一类是工业用途产品。因为工业用途产品在配送战略中不是主要因素,所以就不在本文论述了。 An important characteristic of any product is its availability at the place where a custo

8、mer wishes to consume it. And this is what logistics is chiefly concerned with. Products are of any value when and only when they are moved to the right place where it is available to the customer. Thus, we should make an analysis of products, depending on who uses them and how they are used.任何产品的一个

9、重要特征就是在顾客需要它时就能买到它。而这也正是物流所关心的。产品只有在被运送到能被消费者买到的场所时才体现出价值。这样,我们应该依据谁使用以及怎么使用这些产品来进行产品分析。Consumer products are those that are directed to ultimate consumers. According to the three different ways in which consumers select goods and services and where they buy them, consumer products can be put into t

10、hree categories : convenience products, shopping products, and specialty products .消费类产品是指直接面对终端消费者的 产品。根据消费者挑选产品和服务的三种不同方式以及从哪里购买这些产品,购买型产品和特殊产品三种。Convenience products are those goods and services that consumers purchase frequently, immediately, and with little comparative shopping. Typical product

11、s are banking services, tobacco items, and many foodstuffs. These products generally require wide distribution through many outlets. Distribution costs are typically high but are more than justified by the increased sales potential that is brought about by this wide and extensive distribution. Custo

12、mer service levels, as expressed in terms of product availability and accessibility, must be high to encourage any reasonable degree of customer patronage for the products.便利型产品是指消费者需要经常、及时购买并且不十分需要比较差价的产品和服务。银行业务、烟草产品和许多食物都是典型的便利型产品。这种产品一般都要求大范围的配送,配送成本一般都很高,但高成本却因大范围配送能增加其销售潜力而被认为合理。客户服务水平体现在产品购买时

13、的方便性和可得性方面,为了鼓励客户购买产品,服务水平心肝提高。Shopping products are those for which consumers are willing to seek and compare: comparing in many locations the price, quality, and performance, and making a purchase only after careful deliberation. Typical products in this category are fashion clothes, automobiles,

14、home furnishings, and medical care. Because of the customers willingness to shop around, an individual supplier may stock goods or offer services in only a few out-lets in a given market area. Distribution costs for such suppliers are somewhat lower than for convenience products, and product distrib

15、ution need not be as widespread.购买型产品是消费者愿意到处寻寻觅觅,比较价格、质量和性能,三思之后才作出购买决定的产品。这一类的典型产品有时装、汽车、家具和医疗服务等。因为消费者愿意到处看看,各供应高会在给定的市场上仅设几个销售点存放产品或提供服务。这种供应商的配送成本比便利型产品低一些,而且这类产品的配送范围也没有那么大。Specialty products are those for which buyers are willing to expend a substantial effort and often to wait a significant

16、amount of time in order to acquire them. Buyers seek out particular typesrangi and brands of goods and services. Examples can be any type of goods ranging from fine foods to custom-made automobiles or a service such as management consulting advice. Because buyers insist on particular brands, distrib

17、ution is centralized and customer service levels are not as high as those for convenience and shopping products. Physical distribution costs can be the lowest of any product category. Because of this, many firms will attempt to create brand preference for their product lin0065.特殊产品是指买家愿意花费大量精力并为了获得它

18、们可以忍受很长的等待时间的产品。消费者会寻求特定类型和品牌的产品和服务,例如精美食品、定制的汽车等各种商品,或者像管理咨询建议这类服务。因为消费者对品牌很执着,所以配送是集中进行的,消费者服务水平亲不像便利型产品和购买型产品要求那么高。配送成本可能是三种类别中最便宜的。正因为这个原因,许多公司试图为他们的创造品牌效应。第四单元B篇Inventory is viewed as playing a role in the value-added process. This does not mean the more you have in the form of inventory, the r

19、icher you are. If you keep an over-stock of the inventory, expenses will incur not only in warehousing, but also in many aspects, such as the capital cost and the interest accruing on it, taxes, insurance, obsolescence cost and storage cost.在增值过程中库存被人们认为起着重要作用,这并不意味着以库存的形式存放的货物越多,你就越富。如果库存过量,不仅增加仓储方

20、面的费用,如本金、随之递增的利息、税、保险、陈旧性损耗费和仓储成本。On the one hand, capital cost increases with the lot size. On the other hand, the interest accrues on the capital invested in the carrying inventory, which is, in many ca-ses, computed according to the prime interest rate or a specified rate pegged to the prime inte

21、rest. The logic behind it is that the cash to replace capital invested in invent-tory can be qurchased in the money market.一方面本金随着批量大小而改变;另一方面,利息了随着投资在存货上的本金的多少而增减,而大多数情况下,存货是根据主要利息或指定利息率计算的。其暗含的逻辑是用于代替投资在库存上的本金的现金可在货币市场买到。In many countries, taxes are levied on the average inventory lev-dl on a spec

22、ific day of the year.Insurance cost is a direct levy normally based on estimated risk or exposure over time.Obsolescence means the dete-rioration of product in storage which is not covered by insurance.许多国家按一年中某一特定的日子的平均库存水平征收税款。保险费一般根据预计风险或风险次数直接征收。损耗指仓库中的产品老旧了,这是不包含在保险范围内的。The storage cost incurs

23、in re-spect of product holding, whether you store the goods in a public warehouse, rented private ware-house or a warehouse you own yourself. The cost, which can well amount to over 37% of the total lo-gistics cost, results in the necessity of making plans for inventory.储存成本产生于产品保管,不管产品储存在公共仓库、租用的私人

24、仓库还是自有仓库。储存成本占整个物流成本的37%以上,所以做库存计划是很有必要的。The plan should be able to an-swer three basic questions: when to order, how much to order and inventory control procedures.库存计划要能够回答以下三个基本问题:何时订购,订购多少以及库存控制程序。For the time being we are con-cerned only with the question of how much to order. The lot sizing co

25、ncept calances the cost of maintaining in-ventories against the cost of ordering. The key to understanding the rela-tionship is to remember that average inventory is equal to one-half the or-rer quantity. The larger the order quantity, the fewer orders required per planning period and, consequent-ly

26、, the lower the total ordering cost. Lot quantity formulations identify the precise quantities at which the annual combined total cost of ordering and maintenance is lowest for a given sales volume.这里我们仅关心订购量的问题。批量大小概念平衡了维持库存的成本和降低订购成本的矛盾,理解他们的关系的关键是要记住平均库存数等于订购数量的二分之一。每次订购的量越大,每个订购计划周期订购次数就越少。因此整个订






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