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看电影学英语Bridge to Terabithia《仙境之桥》.docx

1、看电影学英语Bridge to Terabithia仙境之桥看电影学英语:BridgetoTerabithia仙境之桥(1)本片段剧情:吉斯是一个热爱跑步、画画但性格十分内向的小男孩,他有四个姐妹,但是他并不喜欢和自己的姐妹相处。拮据的家境使他不得不穿姐姐的旧鞋去参加田径比赛影片对白:Mother: Want toast?May Belle: Yes, please!Mother: Ellie, wheres your cereal bowl?Ellie: Im not hungry.Mother: You need to eat.Ellie: Im not hungry, Mom.Mothe

2、r: You need to eat before school. One more bite.Ellie: You want some jelly on it?May Belle: Yes, please.Ellie: Watch it, Brenda. Dont mess my clothes up. Billy Bakers in my class this year.Brenda: Oh, did he flunk too?Ellie: Shut up!Mother: Hey!Ellie: Youre one to talk.Mother: Are you excited about

3、your first day in school?May Belle: Yeah.Mother: Isnt your sister cute?Brenda: You! You stink!May Belle: Very cute.Brenda: He stinks. Hes gotta shower before he eats with us.Mother: May Belle? Honey, heres your juice.May Belle: Thanks.Jess: OK, who hid my sneakers?Mother: Jess, you could hardly call

4、 them sneakers anymore. I threw them out.Jess: What? Mom!Mother: Im sorry, but I will not send any child of mine to school looking like somehobo. Theres a perfectly good old pair of Brendas I put out for you.Jess: These are girls ones.Father: Its the fan belt this time, but I got another.Mother: Ell

5、ie? Honey, here you go.Father: Whats the matter with you?Jess: Theres a big race today.Father: And?Jess: My sneakers.Mother: I got a perfectly good pair for him.Jess: These are girls ones. I cant race in these.Brenda: You couldnt race in your old ones either.Father: He needs some new sneakers, Mary.

6、Mother: We dont have anything for extras.Father: They make them the same. You got your chores done?Jess: Just about to.妙语佳句 活学活用 1. Watch it: 当心!2. mess up: 把弄糟。例如:They told us not to mess up the room.(他们告诉我们不要把房间弄脏。)3. flunk: (考试、测验等)失败,不及格。看一下例子:She flunked the physics examination. 她物理考试不及格。又如:He

7、flunked in the final examination.(他期终考试不及格。)flunk也可以表示“使(某人)不及格;给(某人)打不及格分数”。例如:The professor flunked Hunter.(教授给亨特打了不及格分数。)4. stink: 发恶臭,发出难闻气味。例如:The butchers shop stank in hot weather.(肉铺热天散发腥臭味。)此外,stink还可以表示“惹人讨厌,令人厌恶,坏透”或“水平很低,差劲”的意思。例如:Your idea stinks. It will only get us into trouble.你的主意糟透

8、了,只会给我们惹麻烦。Anyway, youre too slow and your math stinks.不管怎么说,你太迟钝了,而你的数学又一团糟。5. sneaker: 帆布胶底运动鞋,旅游鞋。6. hobo: 流浪汉,游民。hobo还可以作动词用,意思是“流浪着过(日子),过流浪生活。例如:hobo ones way out to San Francisco(一路流浪到旧金山去)。考考你1. 他的测验成绩很糟。 2. 他化学考试不及格。3. 这个工作差劲透顶:老板笨,工作苦,薪水又低。4. 他流浪着经过15个州。仙境之桥精讲之一 参考答案1. He messed up his tes

9、t.2. He flunked chemistry examination.3. This job stinks: stupid boss, hard work, and low pay.4. He hoboes through fifteen states.看电影学英语:BridgetoTerabithia仙境之桥(2)本片段剧情:吉斯因为穿姐姐的旧鞋而遭到同学斯科特的讥笑,在参加田径比赛时,班上新来的女生莱斯莉突然出现,并夺走了田径冠军。当莱斯莉友好地向吉斯伸出手时,郁闷的吉斯扭头就走影片对白:Mrs. Myers: A few ground rules for this classroo

10、m. No talking. No chewing gum. No electronic devices. Beforewarned. If you download any essay off the Internet, youll be downloaded into detention. Lets start the year off on the right foot and all do our own work. I expect you to take notes.Scott: Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, Beep-beep-beep-beep-b

11、eep. Know what that is? My loser detector. Continues beepingMrs. Myers: Jesse Aarons! I got it from your sisters. I certainly do not need it from you.Jess: Oh, man.Mrs. Myers: That goes for you as well.Scott: He hit me.Jess: ScoffsGary: Youre dead meat.Mrs. Myers: Scott Hoager and Gary Fulcher, be q

12、uiet! Now, back to what we were discussing before we were so rudely interrupted.Scott: Sweet sneaks, Aarons. You wear your sisters hand-me-down underwear too?Gary: He asked you a question, twinkle toes.Knock on doorPrincipal Turner: Good morning, kids. Welcome back. I hope you had a great summer. Mr

13、s. Myers, this is Leslie Burke, who will be joining your class. Leslie, welcome to Lark Creek.Leslie: Thanks.Mrs. Myers: Thank you, Principal Turner. Class whisperingMrs. Myers: Well, Leslie, um, youll sit at my desk this morning, until we can figure out where to squeeze you in.Class laughsMrs. Myer

14、s: Exhales I like to start the year with a little fun. I want you all to write a one-page essay about your favorite hobby.Class groansMrs. Myers: Yes?Madison: Mrs. Myers, when you say one page, did you mean both sides of the paper?Mrs. Myers: You can do one side, Madison.Madison: Ill do two.*Janice:

15、 Yeah, thats cool.Girl 1: No way!Girl 2: It was so amazing.Girl 3: Can I have this?Janice: You could have two bucks out of it all. Im getting most of it, OK?Leslie: Excuse me.Janice: Got a dollar?Leslie: No.Janice: Then youre gonna have to use your pants.Leslie: Whats your problem?Janice: You got th

16、at backwards, freak. You got the problem.Girl: Thats right, new girl.Leslie: Nice feet.Janice: You say something?Leslie: What I said was, have you ever heard the story about the trolls under the bridges who collect tolls from unlucky travelers?Girl: Trolls? What is she talking about?GaspsJanice: Nic

17、e try, beanpole. Whispering Its still a dollar.Boys: Yeah! Lets do it. Do it.Teacher: Next grade, line up. Lets do this thing. Come on. Fulcher, Hoager, get in here. Get ready. Come on. Lets get this race started. Come on.Scott: Beep, beep, beep.Gary: Dead meat.Teacher: Back behind the line. You kno

18、w how it goes. Back behind. Come on.Scott: Hey, new girl. This is just for guys. Hey, Im talking to you!Jess: Whats the matter? Afraid a girls gonna beat you?Teacher: On your mark. Get set.Gary: Dead meat.All cheeringTeacher: Go, Hoager! Get in there!May Belle: Go! Go, Jess, go! Come on! Come on! Yo

19、u can do it! Come on, Jess! Go, Jess, go! Jess, Jess, did you win?Leslie: Hey, Jess, right?妙语佳句 活学活用 1. ground rule: 基本原则。2. forewarn: 预先警告;事先告诫。请看例子:Forewarned is forearmed.(凡事预则立。)3. detention: (处罚学生的)课后留校。4. start off on the right foot: 有一个顺利的开始。更常见的表达方式是:get off on the right foot(一开头就顺利),反之就是get

20、 off on the wrong foot(一开头就不顺利)。请看例子:I finally got a date with that new girl in class but I sure got off on the wrong foot with her, I had car trouble and got to her place almost two hours late.那天我终于和班上的那位新来的女同学约好了出去玩。可是,那天我的车出了问题,晚了两个小时才去接她,所以一开头就把事情弄糟了。5. detector: 探测器。6. Youre dead meat: 你死定了。dea

21、d meat有“处境艰难,倒大霉”的意思。7. hand-me-down: 传下来的,别人用过的。例如:hand-me-down clothes(别人穿过的旧衣服)。hand-me-down也可以表示“现成而价廉质次的”。另外,hand-me-down也可以作名词用,意思是“传下来的东西,遗物;别人用过的旧东西;别人穿过的旧衣服”或“现成的廉价衣服”。看一下例子:He wore his older brothers hand-me-downs until he was 16.他16岁前一直穿他哥哥穿过的旧衣服。8. You got that backwards: 你把话说反了。9. troll

22、: (北欧民间传说中居于地下、洞中、山间的)巨人,巨怪。10. toll: 通行费。例如:Anyone travelling across the bridge has to pay a toll.(过这座桥的人都要付通行费。)影片中Leslie提到的那个传说其实是在影射欺凌同学、向同学收取如厕费的Janice。11. beanpole: 瘦长之人。本义是“(插在地上供豆茎攀缘的)支竿”。12. On your mark: (径赛口令)各就各位。13. Get set: (径赛口令)预备。考考你1. 这位新来的女孩子上班的第一天就为公司赚了钱,一开头就很顺利。 2. 二十年前我们兄弟姊妹都必须

23、穿旧衣服。3. 我的工作是收取通行费。4. 如果哪个人发出声音,那他就死定了。仙境之桥精讲之二 参考答案1. Her very first day at work ,the new girl got off on the right foot by making a profit for the company.2. Twenty years ago my brothers and sisters all had to wear hand-me-downs.3. My work is to collect tolls.4. If anyone makes a sound, he is dead

24、 meat看电影学英语:BridgetoTerabithia仙境之桥(3)本片段剧情:老师让莱斯莉在课堂上朗读自己的作文,台下的吉斯被作文中描绘的美妙世界深深地吸引住了。坐公车时莱斯莉无意中坐到了最后一排,这是校园女霸王珍妮丝的专座,眼看珍妮丝大摇大摆地上了公车,吉斯赶紧跑过去把莱斯莉“救”走影片对白:Leslie: Wow. Youre really good at drawing. Like, better than any kid Ive ever seen.Jess: Uh. Thanks.Mrs. Myers: I wanna share this composition for t

25、wo reasons. One, it uses adjectives well. And two, its clear the author paid attention to what she saw and what she felt, which is important for any writing. Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus by Leslie Burke. Leslie, why dont you read it for us.Student: Oh, man. Can you believe this?Lesl

26、ie: Im moving gently forward, over the wild and beautiful, unexplored world below me. Im floating in silence, and breaking it up with the sound of my breath. Above me, theres nothing but shimmery light, the place where Ive come from, and will go back to when I am done here. Im diving. Im a scuba div

27、er. Im going deeper past the wrinkled rocks and dark seaweed toward a deep blueness where a school of silver fish wait. As I swim through the water, bubbles burst from me, wobbling like little jellyfish as they rise. I check my air. I dont have as much time as I need to see everything, but that is w

28、hat makes it so special.Mrs. Myers: Thank you, Leslie. Now tonight at 7:00 on channel four there is a special about an undersea explorer, Dr. Bob Ballard. I want everyone to watch and write one page about what youve learned. Leslie?Leslie: What if you cant watch this program?Mrs. Myers: Inform your

29、parents its an assignment, Im sure they wont object.Leslie: But. what if you dont have a TV?All laughLeslie: My dad says the TV kills your brain cells.Scott: Your dad doesnt know anything. We watch TV, like, every day.Leslie: I rest my case.Mrs. Myers: Well, then, Leslie, you dont have to write this

30、 essay. You can pick something else to write about.Scott: Yeah, like, how to live in a cave.Class laughsMrs. Myers: Thats enough, Mr. Hoager.Girls: Hey, Leslie, come here. What are you gonna write your essay on? Bats in caves?(In the bus)Students: Here comes Janice! New kids in Janices seat. What do

31、es she think shes doing?May Belle: Jess! The big kids will kill her!Jess: You have a death wish? The back row is for eighth-graders.Janice: Thats right, beanpole. Move it. Out of my way, farm boy.Jess: Youre really asking for it.Leslie: Seems to me she gives it out whether you ask for it or not. So might as well have some fun.Jess: Getting Janice all wound up is a weird way of having fun.Leslie: Well, whats your idea of having fun?Jess: I dont know.Leslie: Well, you wanna do s

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