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1、M写作强化总结完考研英语最新变化一词汇变难:1. 基本要求A 一词多义,熟词僻义;考研词汇的核心意思:真题中考过的意思。B 四大词性(名词、动词、形容词、副词)。2 最新要求A词义关系(同义词、近义词、反义词);写作取得高分的关键:同义替换(词汇+句型)B搭配关系(动介搭配、形介搭配、形名搭配);广泛的知识extensive knowledge/a wide range of knowledgeC 词根词缀(大纲附录三中的62个前缀和54个后缀)。二小作文变难:作文A节:题型有两种,每次考试选择其中的一种形式。A 考生根据所给情景写出一篇约100词(标点符号不计算在内)的应用性短文,包括私人和

2、公司信函、备忘录、报告等。0509,10英语二。B 要求考生根据所提供的汉语文章,用英语写出一篇80100词的文章摘要。C 告示最新大纲及解析(三本书)1 英语大纲A 考试说明B 附录:一、参考试题(最新大纲样题) 二、词汇表 三、词根词缀、常见国名、七大洲的名字、常见缩写 1)前缀后缀:跨国公司 Multinational,宏观经济学Macroeconomics,微电子Microelectronics,双语的bilingual,免税的duty-free 2)常见国名:葡萄牙Portugal,葡萄牙人Portuguese,荷兰The Netherlands 3)七大洲名:南极洲Antarcti

3、ca, 大洋洲Oceania 4)常见缩写:c/o=care of由转交,cf.=confer参看,试比较 四、最近三年真题(0810年)2考试分析(关注)A考试说明B六套考题:参考试题,最新五年真题(0610)3大纲解析考前冲刺,学习步骤一攻克词汇时间:今天10月30日攻克词汇的途径:1. 词汇书2. 新东方背单词软件3. 记忆法(十七天搞定GRE词汇)二精研真题时间:今天12月31日精研真题:19962010共15年1. 词汇:没有一个词汇不认识2. 选项:没有一个选项不了解3. 句子结构(长难句):没有一个句子结构不清楚4. 英译汉:阅读A节经典文章翻译完之后:仔细对比正确译文,寻找阅读

4、翻译弱点。对比两个方面:一词多义,句子结构。5背诵:阅读A节经典文章学英语的小经验:研究错题!三适当模考:2010年1月考前务必模考三次时间分配(勇于放弃)12:00-2:15 小作文:2分钟审题,12分钟写作,1分钟检查。 重点检查:A拼写 B标点 C语法(时态、冠词、主谓一致、名词单复数)22:15-2:50 大作文:3分钟审题,30分钟写作,2分钟检查。32:50-4:00 阅读A节44:00-4:20 阅读B节54:20-4:40 阅读C节64:40-5:00 完型填空背诵:1背诵是提高考研写作唯一的方法。最笨的方法就是最好的方法。2背诵要求:滚瓜烂熟!脱口而出!多多益善!3背诵之前需

5、要做的工作:A 写作(练习构思,语言) B中译英(练习语言)C仔细对比原文,寻找写作差距。对比两篇文章:1)写作文章与原文对比内容和结构; 2)中译英与原文对比语言。语言第一位、结构第二位、内容第三位;1) 语言:两大评分标准 A基本正确:及格分;B丰富多变(词汇+句型):高分;2) 结构:逻辑性A 段落结构:总分总主题句:1句,改写提纲 描述或论证:2-3句 小结:1句 B 评分标准: 关联词:小作文3-5个,大作文5-7个,适合而止 同义替换:词汇+句型 代词替换:it, that, they(多多益善)3) 内容:论证充分A 论点:中心思想(首段尾句或二段首句以及末端首句)B 论据:C

6、论证手段高分作文三大要求:语言精彩、结构严谨、论证充分写作学习:1 背诵:20大必背范文,滚瓜烂熟!脱口而出!多多益善!2 默写:仔细对比原文,发现写作弱点。默写程度:小作文8分钟默写完100词,大作文15分钟默写完200词。每隔半个月至少默写一次。背文章的第一周每天晚上(临睡前)默写一次。以后每周默写一次。3 仿写:提高写作实力!很多题目反复重考:1) 小作文A 道歉信(05年,08年)B 建议信(07年,08年,09年)2) 大作文考研写作六大必考话题:A 健康:2考,96、97B 两代关系:3考,92、03、05C 环境:4考,91、99、00、09小D 爱心:3考,95、01、06小E

7、 文化:5考 文化交流:02、10 流行文化:93、06、09F 青年面对社会:4考,03、04、07、08考研大作文框架结构:基本要求:3段,12句左右(3,5,4),160-250词,5-7个关联词(适可而止),5-7个从句(多多益善)一、Introduction:第一段,3句左右1)图画/表作文:图画/表描述(1)General description:总体描述(人物/动物/事物+动作+环境或数据变化规律),1句(2)Details 1, 2, 3:细节描述(挖掘细节词,串联成句),1句(3)Caption/Symbolic meaning:文字说明或象征寓意,1句2)提纲/情景作文:现

8、状说明 (1)Background information:背景交代,1句 (2)General talk of the topic:引出主题,1句 (3)Thesis: state specifically what your opinion is:确立论点,1句大作文四大要素 1)描述:第一段,图画描述 2)象征寓意:1句,全文中心思想,首段尾句或二段首句,承上启下,画龙点睛 3)分析:第二段,意义阐释 4)评论:第三段,建议措施 二、Body: 第二段,意义阐释,5句左右1)Topic sentence:Symbolic meaning,主题句,象征寓意,1句2)Argument:论证,

9、3句左右,考研写作四大论证手段(1)Cause and Effect:因果论证(2)Exemplification:举例论证A. Numerous examples can be given, but this/these will suffice.举例之前B. I can think of no better illustration than the following one(s).举例之前C. This/These case(s) effectively clarify that举例之后(3)联系现实:以小见大,把握象征寓意,个体想为群体,具体想为抽象Represent代表,symbo

10、lize象征,epitomize是的缩影,be naturally associated with自然与联系起来 (4)正反论证 3)Summary:小结,概括论证,总结本段,1句三、Conclusion:第三段,归纳结论/建议措施,4句左右1)Concluding sentence:结论句,呼应象征寓意,1句2)Suggestions 1、2:两句结论或两点建议(针对双方提建议),2句3)包装结尾、展望未来:1句,考研写作三大优秀句型 (1)倒装句:Only in this way can we solve this problem. 只有这样我们才能解决这个问题。 (2)强调句:It is

11、 persistent work that is conducive to your grasping a considerable vocabulary.只有长期学习才有助于你掌握大的词汇量。 (3)虚拟语气:It is high time that we improved the present situation. 我们早就该改进现状了。考研写作三大钻石定律 1.写想到的第二个词或句子 2. 写的每个词或句子最好背过 3. 错误的复杂句不如正确的简单句启承转合:1、启动观点,开篇点题2、观点承接,正面论证关联词运用实例说明1表示举例说明a case in point, after all

12、, as a proof, as an illustration, as an example, for example, for instance, in particular, just as, namely, such, specifically, that is, to illustrate, to demonstrate 2表示增补意义additionally, again, along with, also, and, and then, as well as, besides, equally, even, further, furthermore, in addition, i

13、n other words, just as, likewise, moreover, not only.but also, similarly, to put it another way, to repeat, then, too, whats more 3表示强调above all, anyway, as a matter of fact, certainly, indeed, in fact, in particular, most important, obviously, of course, surely, to be sure, truly, undoubtedly, with

14、out doubt 10表示顺序(至少积累三组,用在大作文二三两端和小作文第二段)and, besides, finally, first, firstly, further, in the first place, last, next, second, secondly, third, thirdly, to begin with, to start with, on the one hand, on the other hand, for one thingfor another., last not but least3、观点转折,反面论证(可以不写)4表示对比或对照by contra

15、st, but, conversely, in contrast, instead, on the contrary, on the other hand, otherwise, unlike, whereas, while, yet 5表示比较by comparison, equally, equally important, in comparison, in the same way, in the same manner, like, likewise, similarly 6表示让步admittedly, after all, all the same, although, cert

16、ainly, clearly, even so, it is true (that), in spite of, nevertheless, of course, still, true 8表示转折although, but, despite, except for, though, however, in spite of, instead, nevertheless, on the other hand, otherwise, rather than, though, yet 4、文章结尾,归纳结论(至少积累三组,用于末端首句和二三段两句)7表示结果accordingly, as a re

17、sult, consequently, for this reason, hence, in this way, so, therefore, thus 9表示结论as has been noted(mentioned,stated),at last,finally,in a word,all in all,in brief, in conclusion, in short,in sum,in summary,to conclude,to sum up,to summarize 考研作文最需要写好的句子是首尾两句。除此之外,还有首段和每段首句。重点积累四种句型:A 描述句型 B 原因句型 C

18、举例句型 D 评论句型考研遇到不会写的单词是可用上义词代替,比如赡养的上义词是“对好”上义词:包括这个词汇的含义,含义比其广,但是简单。考研写作八大高分技巧概括起来就是两个字变化,单调是低分,变化时高分。 1.大量使用不同主语: 1) 名词作主语:Multi-culture is vital.(重要也是考研作文常考的表达内容) 2) 人称代词作主语:I maintain that multi-culture is crucial. 3) 物称代词作主语: It is essential. 4) 动名词(短语)作主语:(Promoting cultural development) is sig

19、nificant. 5) 不定式(短语)作主语:(To promote cultural development) is of great importance. It is of great importance (to promote cultural development). 6) 从句作主语:(That we should promote cultural development) is of utmost significance. It is of utmost significance (that we should promote cultural development).

20、 2.大量使用被动语态: 主动语态比较主观,被动语态比较客观,写作时可以交叉使用 3.大量使用主系表结构: 主谓宾是口语,主系表是书面语 4.大量使用不同时态: 考场上可以使用五种时态 1)一般现在时 2)现在进行时(用于图画描述) 3)现在完成时 4)一般过去时(用于图表描述,举例论证) 5)一般将来时(包装结尾,展望未来) 5.大量使用定语状语: 1)形容词、副词: 2)词组: a great many students,a large number of students, a great deal of , the majority of students 3)不定式: a stude

21、nt (to crack NETEM一个要考研的学生) 4)介词短语: a student in NOS 5)分词短语: (1) 现在分词短语: a student (being 22) (2) 过去分词短语: a student (born in Beijing) 6)从句:定语/状语从句 6. 大量使用精彩词组:(要有意思的积累词组进行转换) universally acknowledge 7. 大量使用精彩句型: It is universally acknowledged that (Pride and Prejudice) 8、大量使用精彩从句: 小作文3-5个, 大作文5-7个,多

22、多益善! 1)定语、状语、宾语从句 2)主语、表语、同位语从句范文学习五大步骤:(大作文范文两个小时,小作文范文至少半个小时)(一)读透:十遍精读 1、精彩词汇 2、精彩词组 3、精彩句型 4、句子结构:简单句(主干:主谓宾)(修饰成分:定状) 从句(引导词) 时态 冠词 名词单复数 主谓一致5、段落结构:总分总(主题句加论证小结) 6、关联词 7、同义替换:词汇加句型 09年范文 A large number of, a good many Are addicted to, indulged in, overindulgence On line, web, internet, BBS 8、代

23、词替换 9、精彩观点 10、论点论据论证 论点:首段尾句,二段首句,末端首句 论据论证:二段中间部分(二)造句:08-10真题,Use it three times and its yours.(三)大声朗读:(四)背熟:(五)运用:大作文万能框架:(总体描述,事物加动作)As is shown in the pictures, we can see clearly that with the increase of commercial fishing, the number of fishes sharply decreased. (细节描述)In one picture, there w

24、ere various kinds of fish and only one fishing-boat in 1900. On the contrary, in 1995 there was only one fish, but many fishing-boats.(启 主题句 中心思想 象征寓意)The purpose of the pictures is to show us that due(足够的 utmost) attention (importance, significance)has to be paid to the decrease of ocean resources.

25、 (正面论述,因果)Owing to(due to, because of) over-fishing, the number of fishes has obviously decreased(shrunk). (反面论证)If we let this situation go(continue) as it is, we do not(缩写不正规) know where fish will be in the (near)future(forthcoming). By that time, our environment will suffer a great destruction. (

26、结论句)Therefore, it is imperative for us to take drastic(effective) measures(steps,actions).(两点建议,针对双方提建议) For one thing, we should appeal to our authorities to make strict(legislate,enact,issue) laws to control(regulate) commercial fishing. For another, we should enhance(cultivate,increase) the aware

27、ness of people that the ocean resources are very(extremely) vital to us. Only in this way can we protect our ocean resources.(包装结尾,展望未来) Also(meanwhile,at the same time), I believe(assume,maintain,reckon) that we human beings can overcome(surmount) this difficulty, and we will have a brighter(more b

28、rilliant) future. 第一段:第一句:08: with the rapid/speedy social and economic development, the number of the young who help each other sharply increases09: the number of the young who (get on line) sharply increases.10: 文化融合日益流行 cultural integration is becoming increasingly popular.第二句:08: In the picture,

29、 there are two disabled/handicapped young men/people who are supporting each other with their firm hands.09: In the picture, there are a good many people who are surfing on line within a spider web. 10: In the picture, there are various ingredients such as Bi Sheng, Lao She, Dao, kung fu in a hot po

30、t. 第二段:08: cooperation Owing to (selfishness), the number of adolescents (cooperating with others) has obviously shrunk. how the juvenile could succeed society 09: communication Owing to (Internet), the number of adolescents (directly communicating with others) has obviously shrunk. real friendship and kinship society10: cultural blending Owing to (globalization), the number of adolescents (admiring western culture) has obviously risen. our traditional culture

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