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1、UnitWhatCanYouDoUnit 4 What Can You Do?【教案过程】一、Warming up/Revision(热身/复习)1. 情绪热身教师播放四年级上册第四单元A Lets do部分的录音,适时出示各房间词卡,学生边说边做相应的动作。2. 划分小组学生按本班座位分组,用彩色大拇指为评价工具,看哪个组最棒。3. 复习教师播放Lets chant部分的录音,学生边说边做相应的动作,并准备好各种头饰进行练习。复习上节课学过的词组,然后一生做动作,其余学生说出词组或句子。【设计意图】通过Lets do, Lets chant等,学生的思维很快进入英语状态,复习了动词词组,为新

2、课做好铺垫,划分小组,进行竞争,学生倍感兴趣。二、Presentation/Practice(新课呈现/操练)(一)分步学习对话中的重点语言1.教案Are you helpful at home?,练习Are you helpful at home?(1)呈现学习Are you helpful at home?教师按以下句型询问学生:T: What can you do at home?S1: I can T: Great! Youre helpful!S2: I can 问几个学生后,适时引出Are you helpful at home? 并引导学生回答Sure. 或Yes. 板书这个句子

3、。(2)怎样练习运用传递游戏练习句子:教师放音乐或拍手,同时学生传递板擦或其他东西,音乐停时,拿板擦的学生站起来,全体学生齐问:“Are you helpful at home?”这个学生回答:“Sure.”或“Yes.”。(3)练习整个对话教师问某个学生,“Are you helpful at home?”学生回答后,教师接着问:“What can you do?”学生回答后,教师伸出大拇指夸奖说:“Great! Youre helpful!”先同位练习,后展示交流。【设计意图】通过分步呈现新知识,分散了重点,使学生易于掌握;通过活动或游戏巩固新句子,学生兴趣高涨,突破难点。(二)巧用比赛/

4、游戏/歌曲/歌谣/Do来突破重/难点句型1. Lets chantAre you helpful? Are you helpful? Are you helpful at home? Yes, I am. Yes, I am.What can you do? What can you do?I can sweep the floor. I can cook the meals.Great. Great. Youre helpful!2. 比赛教师先与一个学生示范对话内容,所干家务可以任意回答。对话内容仿照Lets talk。然后每小组选一名学生进行对话比赛,能流利地说完对话的组员所在小组胜利。

5、【设计意图】通过歌谣与比赛的形式来熟悉对话内容,寓学习于游戏之中,可以使学生在轻松的氛围中不知不觉地操练了对话。(三)教案对话Lets talk1Watch VCD / Listen to the tape. 说一说对话中说了些什么。2. Listen and choose.( ) 1. What _ you do? A. are B. can C. do( ) 2. I can _ the floor. A. cook B. empty C. sweep( ) 3. I can cook the _. A. bedroom B. meals C. floor答案:BAB3. Listen a

6、nd answer the questions.What can Chen Jie do?答案:She can sweep the floor. She can cook the meals.4. Read the dialogue in pairs.【设计意图】通过看、听、选、答等环节后,学生对新对话有了初步的理解,再读对话,可以使学生更有目的性,阅读效果会更好。三、Consolidation and extension(巩固与拓展)1. 创编对话学生根据课本第47页插图或自己任意选用学过的动作词组仿照对话创编对话。2. 活动设计创设生病的老奶奶与仙女的情景:角色:G:GrannyF:Fai

7、ryG:(拄着拐杖出场)Wu-Imold.Icantcookthemeals/cleanthebedroom/(掩面而泣)F: (从远处飞过来)Dontworry,Granny.Icanhelpyou.G:(不敢相信自己的眼睛,揉了揉眼睛)Areyouhelpful?F:(自信地)Ofcourse/Sure.G:(疑惑地摊了摊手)Whatcanyoudo?F: (用魔棒挥)Icancleanthebedroom.Icansweepthefloor/watertheflowers/.G: (开心地)Great!Yourehelpful.ButnowImhungry.(手捂着肚子)F: (做炒菜的

8、动作)Icancookthemeal.Hereyouare.G:(尝了尝)Mm,ittastesgood.Thankyouverymuch.Imveryhappy.(想了想)Look!Imtooold,canIbeyoung?M:(考虑一下)Mm-OK,itseasy.(用魔棒一点)G:(转了个圈)Great.Imyoungandbeautifulnow.Thankyou.【设计意图】通过创设有趣的情景,学生在有激情地参与中,不知不觉地练习了新句子,又提高了学生的表演能力。3. Read and choose.(1) Are you _ at home?A help B helpful C h

9、elping(2) What can you do? _. A I can sweep the floor. B Im helpful. C Sure.(3) _ I can cook the meals. A Are you helpful at home? B Whats your favourite fruit? C What can you do?(4) Are you helpful at home? _. A Sure. B I can clean the room. C Great!(5) I can cook the meals. _. A Sure. B Great! You

10、 are helpful! C Im helpful!四、Emotional Theme(情感升华)Everyone of a family should do some housework. 家庭中每个人都要做家务。【设计意图】培养学生热爱劳动的好习惯;也让学生意识到自己是家庭的一分子,有义务承担一部分家务。五、Homework(家庭作业)1. Listen and read “Lets talk”. (听读Lets talk。)2. Make a dialogue in your group and act it out. (在小组内编一个对话,并表演出来。)PEP小学英语四年级上册Uni

11、t 3 第五课时 Lets talk. 教案设计PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 3 第五课时 Lets talk. 教案设计 一、教案目标:知识与技能:1 能够提问和回答别人的姓名: Whats hisher name? His Her name is .2 能够听懂Boy or girl ?以及带有or句子。3 能吟唱 Lets chant 中的歌谣.过程与方法: 创设情景导入新课,小组合作操练新知。情感态度价值观: 注重培养学生严谨的学习态度和与人交往的能力,培养学生交朋友的能力,和助人为乐关心朋友的良好品质。二、教案重点:Whats his her name? His Her name

12、 is 三、 教案难点:区分Whats his her name? His Her name is 的用法以及he,she,his,her 的区别。四、教案准备: 录音机、教案图片、教案课件、寻人启事的告示五、教案过程:(Teaching steps)Step1: Warm-up1T:Class, are you ready?Ss:Yes. T: Now, class begins. Good morning,boys and girls.Ss:Good morning,teacher.(设计意图:组织教案,集中孩子们的注意力,让孩子们把注意力转到课堂上来.) Step 2: Warm-up2

13、(1) Look and guess . The teacher does the actions , the students guess.(listen to music,do sports,paint,make friends,play computer ga (设计意图:通过看看猜猜,激发孩子们学习英语的兴趣的同时,也培养了孩子们仔细观察和用英语思考的能力,不仅复习了上节课的内容,同时也为本课内容的学习打下牢固的基础.) (2)Play the tape Lets do ,the children listen and do the actions. (3)Play the tape

14、again, the children cahnt and do the actions together. (设计意图:老师在与孩子们一起做做唱唱中开始一节课的学习,即活跃了课堂气氛,同时也拉近了师生之间的距离,无意中给孩子们创造了学习英语的氛围.) Step 3: Review and lead in(1) The teacher shows the pictures of Chenjie ,Sarah,Zhang Peng and John one by one. Ask some questions about them. Such as Who is he/ she? Ss: He/

15、She is He / She likes. When the children are right. Teacher says right,right, you are right.同时板书:You are right (设计意图: 通过提问复习,学生熟练地掌握了本节课的句型: Who is he/ she? Ss: He/She is He / She likes. 通过用right,right, you are right.来评价学生,即引出了新的知识点为学习新课文做了铺垫)(2)Look, listen and answer.Show the pictures and ask: Boy

16、 or girl ? Girl or boy? Science or music? Blue or green? Green or blue? Strong or thin? Lets say right right,you are right.(设计意图: 通过这个活动学习新知识or 的用法.让学生从分理解学会应用)(3) Say the opposite: big small tall- short short- long old- new thin-strong me you(4) You me you and me me and you me and you you and me (y

17、ou and me ,we are good friend, you are my friends.) 板书: (设计意图:通过复习反义词,引出今天的课题.) Step 4:New lesson(1) T: I have a friend, do you want to know? (Ss:yes )Listen carefully, He is tall and strong. He has big eyes and short black hair. He is in our classroom? Guess Whats his name? Ss: His name is ( T: let

18、s say , right right ,you are right.)(板书:whats his name? his name is .) (2) I have another friend, do you want to know?(Ss:yes ),now listen carefully, she is tall and thin,she has long hair,she likes Chinese,she is in our classroom,too .Guess Whats her name ? Her name is .(板书: whats her name ? her na

19、me is ) (设计意图: 通过听听猜猜,既锻炼了学生的听力和理解力,又引出了本节课的重点句型.)(3)出示幻灯片:姚明、周杰伦、成龙、美羊羊等 T:Whats his her name ? (s: His Her name is.) T: HeShe likes. (s: HeShe likes sports) ,in the same way ,practice the others. (设计意图:通过孩子们喜欢的大众明星,来练习本节课的重点句型,孩子们会非常感兴趣.热情很高涨.) (4)师生共同做“四拍”练习重点句型. whats her name ? whats her name?H

20、er name is Chen Jie. Her name is Chen Jie. whats his name ? whats his name?His name is John. His name is John. (设计意图:孩子们喜欢唱歌、表演、在唱唱玩玩中,巩固了本节课的重点句型,既强化了重点,又弱化了难点,同时还可以改变成本班学生的名字,激发孩子们的学习兴趣) (5)出示Amy 的图片,T: Whats her name ? (s: Her name is Amy.) Amy has a friend. Do you want to know? Lets listen. Play

21、 the tape. Listen to the tape and answer my questions.Who is Amys friend? Who is Johns friend?(设计意图:在学生听磁带之前,教师提出问题,让学生有目的的去听.) (6)Play the tape again,the children listen and follow it. (7)Read in pairs.(设计意图:分组活动,培养学生的合作意识。)Step 5 consolidation and extension1.Task work.( Divide the class into three

22、 groups). Now, class, do you want to help others? (S:yes). Three children are missing. Their mothers are very worried. Lets help them ,find their children ,OK? (S:OK). Group 1 helps the first mother . Group 2 helps the second mother. Group 3 helps the third mother. Now , Lets look. 2.ReportGroup 1 W

23、hich one is the first mothers child? Group 2 Which one is the second mothers child? Group 3 Which one is the second mothers child? (设计意图:新课程标准指出,要培养孩子的综合语言运用能力,要学有所用,我设计这个活动的目的就是让孩子用学过的知识来解决实际问题.同时培养孩子们乐于助人的高尚品德.) (3) learn a chant. 1. Play the tape, the children listen. 2.The children chant together. Step 6 AsessmentBoys and girls ,today you did good job. Thank you ! Please rember: we should love our friends for ever .Now, Class is over .goodbye students!板书设计: My friendsWhats his / her name ? His / Her name is Boy or girl? You are right

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