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Unit 06 素材文档.docx

1、Unit 06 素材文档College English Creative Reading3跨文化交际英语阅读教程 3Unit 6 NetiquetteNote on the TopicLearning Objectives1. Gain a full comprehension of the way how the Internet has become a dominant means of communication, replacing the written letter and even the telephone;2. Reflect on how effectively and

2、politely you communicate via email and think about some dos and donts relating to email protocol and clarity;3. Express agreement or disagreement using conversational gambits and respond to a passage by creating statements about telecommunication using alliteration.Before You Read 1.Watch the follow

3、ing video and discuss the following questions with a partner. 2.Discuss the following questions with a partner.1. In the first scene, whats the mans auto-response?Ill be on vacation from Tuesday, June 27th until 2 days ago.2. What does ASAP mean?As soon as possible.3. Whats Tripp Crosbys job title?R

4、egional Sales Manager.4. In the Email, what video does the mans mother ask him to watch?The video of a cat sleeping on a horse.5. Whats your opinion on the email Johnson Emmanuel wrote to Tripp, in which he said he would be the next heir to the throne in Nigeria and wanted to offer him a large sum o

5、f money? Is it true?It is a phishing scam.Reading Saying the Right Things in Emails Email is one of the fastest, most convenient and cheapest means of communication in the world but that doesnt mean that its the easiest to get right. In fact, it can be quite difficult to achieve appropriate tone (po

6、lite or intimate) and style (formal or informal) in an email. This difficulty is caused by the fact that emails have some of the features of written language and some of the features of the spoken form.Key words:tone: the way voice goes up and down as a person speaksintimate: relating to very privat

7、e or personal things参考译文: 电子邮件是现有的最快、最便捷也是最便宜的通讯方式之一。但这不代表写电子邮件是最容易做好的事情。事实上,写电子邮件时,想用恰当的语调(礼貌的还是亲密的)和风格(正式还是非正式)是十分困难的。之所以这么难是因为电子邮件兼具书面语的某些特征和口头语的某些特征。Reading In speech, we use voice inflection and also gestures and eye contact to communicate what we are feeling. We cannot, of course, use these fe

8、atures in emails. So, instead, some emailers use special symbols to communicate their feelings. These symbols are called “emoticons” e.g. = happy and 0 = worried. Another way of putting emotions into emails is to put special words in brackets followed by an exclamation mark: Sorry my essay is late (

9、groan!) but Ive had a lot to do lately (phew!) Ill be able to hand it in on Friday (finally!).参考译文:在演讲时,我们会用声音的音调、手势以及眼神来表达我们的感受。而在写电子邮件时我们当然不能做到这些。于是,有些发件人就用一些特殊的符号来传递他们的感受。这些符号被称为“感情符”,如=幸福,0=焦虑。另一种可以在电子邮件里表达情感的方法是在括号里写上特定的语气词再加上感叹号:对不起,我的文章交晚了(呻吟!)但我最近有太多事得做(厌恶!)我这周五一定能交上去(终于!)。Reading Yet anothe

10、r way of expressing emotions in emails is to capitalize every letter in words which the writer wants to emphasize: Sorry my essay is late but Ive had A LOT to do lately Ill be able to hand it in on Friday! The problem with this form of expression is that it gives the impression that the writer is sh

11、outing at the reader!Emoticons, expressions in brackets and capitalized words may be acceptable when emailing friends but are far too informal and intimate for communicating with a teacher or employer. Another feature to avoid in formal emails is excessive use of abbreviations. Look at this email an

12、d try to guess (as I did) the meanings of the abbreviations. The email is a response to my request for information on how people use email.参考译文: 还有一种在电子邮件中表达情感的方法是用大写字母打出作者想强调的单词的每个字母: 对不起,我的文章交晚了,但我最近有太多事得做,我这周五一定能交上去。 这种表达方式的问题是它给人的感觉是作者在朝着读者喊。 在写电子邮件给朋友时,不论是感情符号、在括号内注明情感还是单词大写都是可行的。但是如果邮件是发给老师或雇主

13、的,这些做法都会显得太过随意和亲密。在正式邮件中要注意避免的另外一点是过度使用缩略词。看一看下面这封邮件,(像我一样)试着猜猜这些缩略词的意思。这封邮件是对我询问人们如何使用电子邮件的回信。Reading Dear Chris:Youve certainly made me think about how I write email! FYI, I try to be as brief as possible and dont spend so much time in checking the grammar and spelling as you can probably see!Mayb

14、e some people still think you should write email like normal letters. But for me its more like writing a postcard or a personal note or like talking to someone. IMO, its OK as long as the receiver can understand the message.I hope this info helps you. Hope the project is successful and thanks for th

15、e information on how to use email effectively. Of course, I dont agree with all the points you mentioned!BTW, are you coming to the staff lunch next Friday?CheersTina参考译文: 亲爱的克利斯: 看了你的信,我确实认真地想了想我写电子邮件的方式。实话说吧,我尽量写得简短,不太花时间在检查语法和拼写上你也可从我的电子邮件中看出来这点。 可能有的人认为写电子邮件应像写正式的信那样。可是我觉得它更像是写张卡片或便条,或与人在聊天。所以,我

16、的观点是只要收到邮件的人能懂就行了。 我希望我的看法能对你有所帮助。也希望你的这个项目能获得成功,也感谢你发了关于如何有效使用电子邮件的文档过来。当然,里面有些观点我不能同意。 顺便问一下,下周五你来参加全体职员的午餐聚餐吗?再见蒂娜Reading At 19:53 14/01/02, you wrote:Dear Tina:Im working on a project on how the use of email affects the way English is used by my Chinese colleagues so Ive contacted quite a lot of

17、 people who use email a lot to get their views.Do you write differently in emails compared with letters? And if you do, what kinds of differences are there?I have to finish the project soon, so please reply as quickly as you can.Apologies for the rush.Thanks a lotChrisPS Ive attached the file on ema

18、il etiquette you requested. The abbreviations stand for for your information, in my opinion, and by the way. Some recipients will know these abbreviations but others will spend a long time trying to guess their meanings! The following file was attached to the email I sent to Tina requesting her help

19、. The file gives some advice on how to write effective emails.参考译文:在02年1月14日7点53分,你写道:亲爱的蒂娜:我正在做一项研究,主题是关于电子邮件的使用是如何影响我的那些中国籍同事的英语表达。于是我联系了许多常用电子邮件的人,想听听他们的看法。你写电子邮件与写信有何不同吗?如果有,不同在何处呢?我得很快完成这个计划,所以请尽可能快地给我回信。很抱歉这么匆忙。多谢!克利斯此外,在附件里有你要的写电子邮件守则的文档。这些缩写分别代表“特此奉告”、“就我看来”和“顺便一提”。有的收件人懂这些缩略词,有些人要花很长时间才能猜到它

20、们的意思。下面这篇文档是附在我发给蒂娜寻求帮助的那封电子邮件里的。这篇文档就如何有效地写电子邮件提出了些建议。Reading A Attachment converted: C: dialupattachemailhints.doc The first point I want to make is very basic: much communication between humans is approximately 55% body language, 38% tone of voice, and 7% what you say. The problem with email is t

21、hat you remove the first 93%. You need to be aware of this basic fact when you write emails. So, be explicit with your meanings, since subtleties will be lost or completely misunderstood. Remember this, too, when reading others emails: poor language skills or haste in composing the message may give

22、the mail an abrupt quality or negative tone. The best thing to do if you receive this kind of mail is to re-read it and see if you are simply misinterpreting the words. Misunderstanding messages is often the cause of conflict.参考译文:我想要说明的第一点是很基本的一点:人与人之间的交流大约55%是通过肢体语言传递的,38%是通过声调传递的,只有7%是通过说话的内容传递的。

23、写电子邮件的一个问题是你损失了93%的传递方式。当你开始写邮件时,你就应该意识到这一基本事实。既然收信人可能读不懂你的微妙意思或者完全误会你的话,你还是把意思表达清楚为妙。在你读别人的邮件时,最好也记住这一点:语言技巧不完善或者写邮件时很匆忙可能会使你的信看上去唐突或消极。当你收到此类信件时,最好的方案是将信再读一遍,看看是不是你自己误解了。误解信的意思常常会引发冲突。Reading B Treat email confidentially. If somebody sends you information or ideas by email, you should not take it

24、as a licence to post that information in a public forum (discussion group, chat site, etc). Personal emails must be treated privately, so that you maintain the trust of those you communicate with.参考译文:要为电子邮件保密。要是有人用电子邮件发给你信息或想法,你不能看作是得到了在公开论坛上(讨论群体、聊天网站等等)粘贴信息的许可。别人发给你的个人信件应得到保密,这样你才能得到那些与你联系的人的信任。R

25、eading C If you email a lot of people, be careful not to paste all the names into the “CC” (carbon copy) field of your email. If you do that, all the people you are writing to will be able to see the email addresses of all the other people. This can be very annoying, as people may not wish to disclo

26、se their email address, particularly if they do not know all the otherrecipients. Always use the “BCC” (blind carbon copy) field instead. That way, each person will only see his or her own email address on your message.参考译文: 如果同时发电子邮件给很多人,注意不要将所有收件人的名字贴到副本里。如果你这么做,那你发邮件的所有人都能看到其他收件人的地址。这可能让人感到不快,因为人

27、们可能不太喜欢公开自己的地址,特别是如果他们不认识其他收件人。记住总是用隐蔽副本就行了。这样,每个人在你发给的信件上只能看到自己的地址。Reading D When emailing someone you dont know for the first time, dont be informal. For example, if youre responding to someones website or a widely circulated business email, avoid beginning your response with “Hi Chris.” Use the m

28、ore formal “Dear Mr/Ms/Dr/Prof Green.” Also, avoid ending the mail with “Cheers” or “Bye-bye.” Use “Sincerely” instead.参考译文: 当第一次发邮件给不认识的人时,不要用语不正式。例如,若你是给某个网址或广为传播的商业信件回信时,信的开头避免用“嗨,克利斯”这样的称呼。要用较正式的“亲爱的格林先生/小姐/博士/教授”。结尾也避免使用“再见”或“回见”,而要写上“您诚挚的某某”。Reading E Heres a warning about HTML mail: If you ar

29、e sending an important message to somebody, dont use HTML code in your message unless you are sure that his or her email program can display HTML correctly. If it doesnt, your message will become an unreadable mess!参考译文: 关于超文本链接标示语言邮件的警告:如果你有重要的信息发给某人,在你的信件里不要用这种语言密码,除非你很肯定他或她的系统能显示这种语言。否则,发过去的信件将出现

30、乱码。Reading F Email is fast and to make it even faster, many users have stopped paying attention to correct spelling, punctuation and grammar. This is not acceptable. An email is a permanent written record and the impression it makes on its recipient is important. If the recipient doesnt know you per

31、sonally, he/she may well judge you negatively on the evidence of a poorly presented mail.Key words:recipient: someone who receives something参考译文: 电子邮件的发送是很快的,许多人为了更快,不再注意拼写、标点符号和语法的正确性。这是不能被接受的。一封电子邮件就是一份永恒的书面纪录。它给收件人的印象是很重要的。如果收件人不了解你这个人,他/她可能会根据写得很糟的邮件而对你有负面的判断。Reading G Another cause of much conf

32、usion is the email dealing with a number of subjects. In fact, an effective email just like a conventional memo deals with a single subject only. All of us complain about not receiving prompt answers to the emails we send, but often the delays are caused by the recipient struggling to understand poorly organized mails with multiple subjects. Receivers respond faster to well-organized

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