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1、新目标英语七年级上册Unit5教学设计新目标英语七年级上册Unit5教学设计教材分析1、教学内容1)、词汇:have ,soccer,ball,tennis racket,ping-pong ball,volleyball,basketball sport , bat,2)、语言结构:A、Do you have a ping-pong ball?Yes,I do。Do you have a ping-pong bat?Not,I do not。Does she/he have a pen?Yes,she/he does2、教材的地位及其作用本单元的教学主要内容是:学习have的一般现在时的疑问

2、式的肯定和否定回答 ,该话题与学生的日常生活紧密联系在一起,容易唤起学生的学习兴趣,这对于提高学生的综合能力很有帮助,特别是说的能力。本单元仍在继续学习一般现在时,这是一个生活中离不开的时态,也是最基本的一个时态。新课程标准要求学生重点掌握一般现在时,这在英语中使用频率很高,学好这一时态的用法对以后其他时态的学习和交际有很大的帮助。二、学生分析学生现有的能力与已掌握的知识:学生在已经学过词汇:What is this ? What is that?句型:Whereis?Itsin/on/under/经过前面的学习学生已经积累了一定的词汇,掌握了一定的目标语,已经具备了一定的听说读写能力。三、教

3、学目标1、语言知识词汇:A、重点掌握表示有关各种运动球类的名词,如basketball, soccerball,so on 重点句型:? Do youthey have a TV?Yes,Ithey doNo,Ithey dont.Does heshe have a soccer ball?Yes,heshe doesNo,heshe doesnt.2、语言技能1)、能看着图片说;Do youthey have a TV?Yes,Ithey doNo,Ithey dont.Does heshe have a soccer ball?Yes,heshe doesNo,heshe doesnt.3

4、、学习策略1)、利用老师所提供的图片卡片做出简单的判断。2)、通过与同学交流,学会使用一般现在时的疑问形式及肯定和否定回答。4、情感态度1)通过各小组的对话练习培养学生的合作精神;2)通过学习本单元,教会学生之间互相有无的主要句式重点难点1、Have 的一般现在时的疑问式用法;2、Have的一般现在时的疑问句,及其肯定,否定回答;3、简单拓展主语第三人称单数的句型。教学手段:采用最简单的卡片图片、课本以及肢体语言。理念与思路、教法1)采用图片进行直观教学。2)学生在课堂教学过程中口头训练应成为本单元教学的重点内容。课时划分: 根据需要共用4课时完成本单元的教学任务.第一课时: 球类单词,学习句

5、型 Do you have.? Yes, I do. No, I dont.第二课时: 部分生词, 复习句型Do you have.? Yes, I do. No, I dont. 学习Does he/ she have.? Yes, he/ she does. No, he/ she doesnt.第三课时: 部分生词, 复习Do you have .? Does he/ she have.? 学习have的陈述句形式: I (We, You, they) have. He / She has.及否定句和句型Lets. That sounds good.第四课时: 部分生词, 复习前面的内容

6、, 进行Selfcheck.The plan of each unit:第一课时教材分析:本课主要介绍球类单词和句型Do you have.?所以在讲解句型之前,先让学生认知单词,可采用图片和实物等方法进行教学。教学目标: 1.认知生词tennis racket, baseball bat, soccer ball, volleyball, basketball, have. 2. 掌握句型: Do you have.? Yes, I do. No, I dont.3.根据场景会熟练运用Do you have .?进行询问且能正确的肯定和否定回答,并扩展到运用Do I/we have.? Do

7、 they have.?进行问答.语法:have 的一般疑问句用法(用于第一、二人称和第三人称的复数)及其肯定和否定回答语言目标:1. Do you have .? Yes, I do. No, I dont. 2. Do I/ we have.?Yes, you do. No, you dont.3. Do they have .? Yes, they do. No, they dont.学习策略:通过上下文内在的逻辑关系,运用句型进行对话。语言功能: 询问你, 我(我们) ,他们是否拥有某物Teaching steps:Step 1. Greeting, sing an English s

8、ong togetherStep 2. presentation (用实物导课,引出新单词)(show a ball). Ask the student: Whats this?Its a ball. Its a soccer ball.Is this your soccer ball?No, it isnt.Do you have a soccer ball? Yes.Step 3. ( 展示图片) show a picture to study the new words: tennis racket, baseball bat, soccer ball, volleyball, bask

9、etball, television学习方法:先用图片认知单词,然后领读,注意讲解单词拼写和读音之间的联系,渗透音标教学.再用熟识的句型练习运用这些单词,让学生在不知不觉中达到熟识程度。如:Whats this ? Its a tennis racket. Is this your volleyball? Yes, it is.Then do the exercises:1a ( P25) Match the words with the things in the picture.Keys: 1. c 2. a 3. e 4. f 5. d 6. bListen to 1b (P25) an

10、d finish the exercise.Step 4. Make sentences with the new words to practice the structure:Do you have.? Yes, I do. No, I dont.师生先进行对话,然后生生对话,可以用实物,也可以用图片,还可以用周围的事物.Do the following pairwork:1c (P25) Pairwork Let the students ask and answer each other: Do you have a baseball? Yes, I do. No, I dont.3

11、(P26) Pairwork look at the things in the picture. Ask your partner if he or she has these things with “ Do you have a .? Yes, I do.”Listen to 2a (P26) and 2b(P26), then finish the exercises.Step 5. 现场调查The students ask their partners if he or she has a pen, a ruler, a sharpner and so on. 让每个学生都参与到这个

12、活动来,人人都有表现的机会。Step6. look backLet the students sum up what we have learned this class. Then ask what they havent understood.Step 7. Homework 口语练习:问你的父母,兄弟姐妹和你的好朋友是否有.,然后把它记录下来.遇到的生词可以查词典,然后写到你的单词积累本上.教后一得:学生已经从死背语法知识,机械模仿句型为主的学习方式过渡到“做中学”的活学活用阶段。学生的学习积极性大大提高,课堂气氛也更加活跃。第二课时教材分析:初步掌握了句型Do you/they hav

13、e?及其肯否定回答后,学生对此有了一定的交际兴趣,再讲Does he/ she have.? 就容易接受了。教学目标:1 掌握生词television, has, does, doesnt, collection, but, play sports, only, them, small, every, day, every day. 2.掌握句型Does he have .? Does she have.? 及回答.3.根据场景询问, 熟练应用句型进行交际.语言目标:Does he have.? Yes, he does. No, he doesnt. Does she have? Yes,

14、she does. No, she doesnt.语法项目:have 的一般疑问句用法(适用于第三人称单数)及其肯定否定回答。学习策略:由问及你是否有某物引到他或她是否有某物。Teaching steps:Step 1. Greeting, sing an English song togetherStep 2. presentation(to a boy) Do you have a pen?Yes, I do.(to other students) Does he have a pen?Yes, he does.(to a girl) Do you have a knife?No, I d

15、ont.( to other students) Does she have a knife?No, she doesnt.学习单词:does, doesnt, has, television (将单词板书,解释does, doesnt 是do, dont的第三人称单数,has 是have的第三人称单数,解释何为第三人称单数,以及它的用法)Step 3. show a picture. (some balls)Please make a dialogue with “Does he/she have? Yes, he/she does.No, he/she doesnt.”JaneMikeBa

16、rryPeterbaseballbasketballSoccer ballvolleyball可要求学生先口语练习,然后书面写出来.Step 4. 现场调查 (利用周围事物练习句型)4 ( P29) Survey Write four questions with Do you have? Find people in the class who has these things. Write their names.然后再将这些句子转换成他/她有 吗?练习两种句型 Do you have.? Does he/ she have.?Step 5. Do the exercises3a (P29

17、) Read the magazine article. Circle the sports things.Keys: tennis rackets, basketballs, baseballs, soccer balls, volleyballs出现的生词:collection, but, play sports, only, them 要求学生会读,认知其意义,当堂不必要求会拼写,可放到课后。3b (P29) Look at the picture. Fill in the blanks in this magazine article about Sue Swanson.出现的生词:s

18、mall, every, day, every day. 要求学生认知并记住。(small 可补充其反义词big, every 可补充其他短语,如every morning, every Sunday, every student等)3a, 3b 这两个题目是阅读类型,可让学生先按照要求去完成任务,然后让他们朗读全文,把握其全意,增强语感。3c (P29) Write about sports things and other things you have.本题目是复习生词,并扩展学生的词汇量,鼓励他们去接触新的单词。Step 6. look back (Grammar Focus)Let

19、the students sum up what we have learned this class. Look at the grammar focus:Do you have a TV? Yes, I do. No, I dont.Do they have a computer? Yes, they do. No, they dont.Does he have a tennis racket? Yes, he does. No, he doesnt.Does she have a soccer ball? Yes, she does. No, she doesnt.Does Chi-Yo

20、ung have a baseball? Yes, he does. No, he doesnt.总结句型,强调人称的变化和助动词的变化。Then ask what they havent understood.Step 8. Homework 口语练习:向你的同桌询问, Mike是否有字典? Kate 是否有钢笔?Jane是否有新自行车?等等,然后把你的句子记录下来,遇到的生词可以查词典,然后记录到你的单词积累本上。教后一得:课堂上把时间还给学生,让每个学生都动起来。学生通过讨论交流和合作方式展示他们丰富的想象力和创造力。教师应为学生创设宽松,和谐,民主的学习气氛,设计多种合作方式或活动内容

21、,多思考导入的途径和技巧。第三课时教材分析:这节课我们将学习如何向别人提出建议,这个话题很贴近生活,所以学起来气氛比较轻松。学习了Do youhave? Does he/she have.?后,同学们都想知道怎么表达 “我有. 你有.他(她)有.”了。教学目标:1. 掌握生词let, us, lets, play, well, sound, good, welcomeour, sport, center, like, we, many, club, ping-pong, more, join, class, interesting, boring, fun, difficult, relaxi

22、ng, watch TV. (重点词汇:let, us, lets, play, well, sound ,good)2. 认知句型:Lets That sounds good. 会用它向别人提出建议。3. 会用句型I (We, You, They) have. He(She, Kate, Jane) has. 及否定句自由表达。语言目标:1. Lets watch TV. No, that sounds boring. That sounds great. 2. I (We, You, They) have.He(She, Kate, Jane) has.3I (We, You, They)

23、 dont have.He(She, Kate, Jane) doesnt have.语言功能:用祈使句对别人提出建议以及回答, 表达某人有(没有)某物。跨学科学习:绘画、用形容词描述某件事、礼貌待人Teaching steps:Step 1. Greeting, sing an English song togetherStep 2. presentation( to one student) Do you have a soccer ball?Yes, I do.Lets play soccer ball.That sounds good.( to another student ) Le

24、ts play football.I dont have a football.Well, Lets play baseball.That sounds great.Step 3. show the new words: let, us, lets, play, well, sound ,good.要求学生会读单词,并掌握其拼写、含义及用法。Step 4. Do the exercises:3a.(P 27) Fill in the blanks with words from the box.Keys: 1. dont 2. Lets 3. have 4. soccer让学生填写后,读熟并同

25、位之间互相练习。3b.(P27) Pairwork让两个学生对话,练习句型。Do another exercise4 (P27) Pairwork阅读“招收广告”后,填写右边的表格。First name, last name 在前面已经讲过,注意和汉语拼音之间的区别,class 要注意大写,sport you like 写上你喜欢的体育项目。文中出现的生词:welcome, our, sport, center, like, we, many, club, ping-pong, more, join, class. 要求学生会读,认知其意义,要求课后记住。Step5. 你认识这些形容词吗?(S

26、ection B)用汉语解释什么样的词是形容词,然后解释interesting, boring, difficult, relaxing的意思。这几个单词比较长,在讲解时,注意渗透音标教学,按音节去记忆其拼写 ,这样就简单多了。Do the exercises: 1a, 1b (P28) 学生画完后,可传阅他们的作品。2a, 2b (P28)听力题目可在听完之后,将材料投放在屏幕上,作为阅读材料练习。2c.(P28) Pairwork 口语练习,复习句型Lets . That sounds. 和形容词interesting, boring, difficult, relaxing.Step 6

27、. 练习句型I (We, You, They) have. He(She, Kate, Jane) has.I (We, You, They) dont have. He(She, Kate, Jane) doesnt have.T: Do you have a baseball?S1: Yes, I do. I have a baseball.T: Does he have a baseball?S2: Yes, he does. He has a baseball.T: Does she have a baseball?S2: No, she doesnt. She doesnt have

28、 a baseball. She has a basketball.板书:I (We, You, They) have.He(She, Kate, Jane) has.I (We, You, They) dont have.He(She, Kate, Jane) doesnt have.同位之间用这几个句型相互交流。特别强调He(She, Kate, Jane) has. 中的has, 和He(She, Kate, Jane) doesnt have.中doesnt have形式。Step7. look backLet the students sum up what we have lear

29、ned this class. Then ask what they havent understood.Step 9. Homework 以小组为单位,记述每个人有的物品。将它写在练习本上,下节课互相交流。教后一得:充分体现了学以致用的教学原则。学生已经从死背语法知识,机械模仿句型为主的学习方式过渡到“做中学”的活学活用阶段。学生的学习积极性大大提高,课堂气氛也更加活跃。课堂上把时间还给学生,让每个学生都动起来。学生通过讨论交流和合作方式展示他们丰富的想象力和创造力。第四课时教材分析:Selfcheck 是本单元的复习部分,主要对本单元的重点词汇和句型进行复习和运用。教学目标:1.复习球类单

30、词和形容词 2.熟悉句型Do you have.? Lets. That sounds good.3.根据场景询问, 熟练应用句型进行交际.语言目标:Do you have? Lets That sounds good.语法项目:have 的一般疑问句用法及其肯否定回答,have的陈述句、否定句用法,与 There be 句型的区别。学习策略:联想、编短剧、合作精神Teaching steps:Step 1: greeting and sing an English song togetherStep 2: Check the new wordsDo the exercise 1: check the words you know. ( read and write the Chinese meanings of them)Show a picture and let the students write the names of the things in the picture.

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