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1、时态学案 人称代词表格人称代词物主代词反身代词人 称主格宾格形容性物主代词名词性物证代词单数第一人称我第二人称你第三人称他她它复数第一人称我们第二人称你们第三人称他她它们人称代词用法口诀动前主格动后宾名前形容介后宾如果名词含在内选用名物代就行一.用词的适当形式填空: 1. This book is not _ book.( you )2. Look at _ mouth. ( I )3. You are teaching _ English. ( he)4. Please take _ with _. ( it, you)5. Your school is newer than _. ( we

2、 )6. _ classroom is bright ( I ). _ is brighter than _. (you, I )7. _ is _ father. (he , they )8. You are taller than _. (she)9. This isnt _ pen. _ is over there. (she, she)10. _ school is far away from(远离) _. (he, you )二、用括号中的适当形式填空A)(1)Are these _(you)pencils?Yes, they are _(our).(2)Whose is this

3、pencil?Its _(I).(3)I love _(they)very much.(4)She is_(I)classmate.(5)Miss Li often looks after_(she)brother.(6)Are these _(they)bags ?No, they arent _(their). They are _(we).B)1. This bike is my sisters. It belongs to _ (她的)。2. This isnt my book. _(我的) is in the bag.3. They quarrelled among _(他们).4.

4、 You and I understand _(彼此) perfectly.5. If there are _(一些) new magazines in the library, take some for me.三、根据句意用适当的人称代词、物主代词填空:1. Mary works in a book store. likes work very much.2. John and I are in the same school. go to school together.3. Everybody likes that sport, do ?4. She is a friend of .

5、We got to know each other two years ago.5. Her sister makes all own dresses.6. I have many friends. Some of are good at English.7. May I use bike? is broken.8. Everybody is here except Ann and _ friend Jane. _ are in the library now.四、选择填空1. Whos singing over there ? _ is Sandys sister. A. That B. I

6、tC. She D. This2. _ will spend the summer holiday in Hawaii. A. She, you and I B. You, she and IC. I, you and sheD. Her, me and you3. Between you and _, he is not a real friend. A. me B. IC. heD. his4. My uncle bought a new bike for _. A. theirs B. theyC. me D. I5. Mr Smith often praises _ for his p

7、rogress in studies. A. he B. him C. I D. me6. Heres a postcard for you, Jim! Oh, _ is from my friend, Mary. A. heB. it C. she D. its7. Dont shake the young tree. _ leaves are falling off. You should look after _. A. It, its B. Its, itC. Its, it D. It, it8. Little Baby knows that he should not take t

8、he things that do not belong to _. A. heB. his C. her D. him9. Will anyone go on a trip with him ? Not _. A. I B. me C. mine D. he10. Among those lovely toys, the brown toy dog was given by _. A. he B. his C. him D. hes一、用人称代词代替下列各词或划线部分:1. Mrs. Li 2. her uncle 3. Miss Liu4. my family 5. my cousin a

9、nd I 6. our pencils7. its tail 8. his grandmother 9. your T-shirt10. Bob 11. their pears 12. the park13. Jenny 14. the animals 15. my mother and father 16. The car is red.17. These books are on the desk.18. My mother and I are at home.19. Mr. Smith is a kind man.20. Her aunt is a model.(模特)二、用所给词义的适

10、当形式填空:1、 is a teacher. (她)2、 is a good girl. (他)3、 is in the classroom (它)4、 are very smart today. (你)5、 (你们) are students.6、 cant find my ruler? (我). Where is ? (它)7、 am a student. (我) _like English very much. (我们)8、 is my brother. (他) 9、I like her pencil case. is nice! (它) 10、_ are playing ping-po

11、ng in the park.(他们)三、找出短文中的人称代词主格,划上横线:I Love My FamilyI have a happy family. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother and I. My father is a doctor. He is very tall. He likes reading books. My mother is a teacher. She likes watching TV. My brother and I are pupil

12、s. We study in the same school. My brother is strong. He likes playing football. They love me, and I love them, too. I love my family. Do you love it?四用括号中代词的适当形式填空1.Her sister is helping _(we).2.John and I are in the same school. (we)go to school together.3.Everyone likes_( she), do (you)?4.Her sis

13、ter is helping _(we).5._(I) have many friends. Some of (they)are good at English.6.Jim is English. _ (I) like playing with _(he)7.I love _(they)very much.8.Miss Li often looks after_(she)9.They are waiting for_(they).10.Do you like Li Ming? No, _(I) dont like _.(he)11.Danny gives the book to _ . (yo

14、u)五填空。 1. (她) is a student. (她) sister is a student too.2. (我) want (你) to do it today.3. (他) twin brother is a worker. (他们) are twins.4. (你们) are from England. (我们) are from China.7. These pens are (他们). (你们) are over there.8. Can (你) read it for (我们)9 (她) is a student.10 (我) want (你) to do it toda

15、y.11 (你们) are from England. (我们) are from China.12 (你们) are from England. (我们) are from China.时态初中阶段的十大时态: 掌握时态主要应从以下方面入手:1现在进行时 2.过去进行时 构成 用法3一般现在时 4.一般过去时 动词变化形式 5判断5一般将来时 6.过去将来时 (理解) 句式变换 6注意事项7现在完成时 8.过去完成时9.现在完成进行时10.过去完成进行时 (一).现在进行时1.构成: is/am/are + doing(现在分词)2.动词的变化形式:在现在进行时中,动词需变成现在分词3.现在

16、分词的变化规则: 1).直接 +ing 2).以不发音的e 结尾的去e +ing (*注意seeing) 3).双写 + ing: t尾: sit(坐着), let(让), cut(剪,割,切), put(放), get(得到), forget(忘记), hit(撞击,打), fit(适合), spit(吐痰), bet(打赌), n尾: run(跑), win(获胜,赢得), begin(开始), plan(计划) p尾: stop(停止,制止), shop(购物), drop(放弃,弄掉),map(绘制地图,筹划) g尾: beg(乞讨,乞求), dig(挖,掘), hug(拥抱) d尾:

17、 kid(哄骗,戏弄), nod(点头) m尾: swim(游泳) 3.句式变换:肯定句: I am studying. He is working.否定句: I am not studying. He is not working.一般问句: Am I studying? Is he working? 或 Are you studying?否定疑问句: Am I not studying? Is he not working? Arent I studying? Isnt he working? 或Arent you studying?简单回答: Yes, I am. Yes, he is.

18、 No, Im not. No, he isnt .4.用法:(1).表示现在(此时此刻)正在发生(或进行)的动作.(2).表示即将发生的动作,一般指最近按计划或安排要进行的动作,即:用现在进行时的形式表示一般将来时.这类动词有:come, go, leave, start, arrive, play, have, move, die, watch, be(3).表示频繁,反复出现的习惯性动作, 常与always(总是), continually, constantly ,frequently(不断地)等副词连用.5.判断:(1).时间状语: now=at the moment, right

19、now 现在,此时此刻(2). 提示词: Look! / Listen!(3) .上下文: 根据用法,理解上下文进行判断6.注意事项:不表示持续行动的动词通常不用现在进行时,如表示知觉,感觉,看法,认识,感情,愿望或表示某种状态的动词,如:see(看见,看到), hear(听到,听说), smell(闻起来), look(看起来), know(知道,认识), understand(理解), mean(意思是), think(认为), like(喜欢), forget(忘记), remember(想起), love(爱), hate(憎恨), want(想要), wish,hope(希望), f

20、eel like(想要), have(有)练习:一.用now 将下列句子改为现在进行时:1.I do an English exercise every day._2.My brother doesnt listen to the radio every day._3.They play football every day._4.Li Ming wears a blue dress every day._5.The workers come here by bus every day._二.用现在进行时完成下列句子:1.I _(think) about my English lessons.

21、2.I _(write) to a friend of mine in Hangzhou.3.She _(talk) with a friend of hers over there.4.They _(make) cakes.5.How _you _(get) on ? (你怎么样?)6.He _(get) on with his study of English.7.She _(help) her brother with his lessons.8.John _(sit) at the bus stop.*9.He _always _(ask)questions.(他总是爱问问题.)*10

22、.He _always _(leave)his things about.(他总是把东西乱扔.)*11.You _always _(say) that kind of thing.(你总是爱说那样的事.)三.用一般现在时或现在进行时填空:(一般现在时表示习惯性的动作, 现在进行时表示暂时性的动作.)My name _(be) Walter. My sisters name _(be) Mary and my brothers name _(be) Leo. I _(speak) French very well and a little Chinese. I am English and my

23、 native language(母语) _(be) English. I _(study) French now. My sister Mary _(write) a letter to a friend of hers in South America. Her friend _(be) a worker. He _(speak) Russian. He _(study) English now but he _(not speak) English very well. I _(not remember) his name. At the moment, my brother Leo _

24、(read) a newspaper. The newspaper _(be) in French .Leo _(read) French very well, and he _(speak) it very well,too. Right now, I _(think) about my Chinese lesson. I _(have) a lot of Chinese work to do. I often _(speak) Chinese with a Chinese teacher.四.改错:(只改错处)1.It gets late. I must go home. 2.It tak

25、e an hour to get there._ _3.She is wanting to buy some chicken for our supper. 4.Whose car stands outside the gate?_ _5.I dont watch TV now. 6.I cant come to see you now because I do important work._ _五.选择填空:( )1.Who _at the door? A.knocked B.knock I think it must be Uncle Wang. C.knocks knocking Knock 敲 door 门 must 一定(表猜测);必须 mustnt 禁止( )4.By the way, how_you_on with your English?(顺便问

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