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1、新版广州九年级上册Unit7讲解及练习上课时间: 学员姓名: 学校:授课人:李芙蓉老师性别:年级: 科目:英语课题: 教学方法: 逐项讲解,提问回答教学 目标重点难点重点: 难点: 作业课前检测作业完成情况:优 良 中 差 建议_教学过程教学过程Unit 7 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer课前检测语法选择Jackworkedinashopthatsoldclocks.HewasalwaystellingHarry1_anewclock.ButHarry,_2_livednextdoortoJack,saidhedidntneedone. “_3_needsaclock

2、,”Jacksaid.“Howdoyouknowwhenitstimetogetup?” “MylandlordMr.Smithturnsonhisradioatsevenoclockandlistens_4_thenews,”Harrysaid.“Thats mymorningcall.”“Ok.Buthowdoyouknowwhentogotowork?” “BythetimeI_5_mybreakfast,itseightoclock,timetoleavefortheoffice.ThenIwalkthere.WhenIarriveatmyoffice,itsnineoclock.Th

3、ats_6_timeIstartwork.” “OK.Buthowdoyouknowwhenitstimetogohome?” “Thefactorybell_7_,”Harrytoldhim. “Buthowdoyouknowwhenitstimetogotobed?” “Thetelevisionprogramscometoend.” BynowJackwasreally_8_.“OK,”heshouted.“Nowtellmewhatwouldhappen_9_youwokeup inthemiddleofthenightandwantedtoknowthetime.” “Thatsea

4、sy,”Harrysaid,“Iwouldknockheavilyon_10_wall.Thenyouwouldshoutatme,Whatareyoudoingknockingonmywallatthreeoclockinthemorning?” B.toC.inD.on5.A.eatsB.haveeatenC.ateD.waseating6.A.aB.anC.theD.不填7.A.rin

5、gB.ringsC.wasrungD.ringing8.A.angerB.angrilyC.angryD.angering9.A.ifB.thatC.whyD.how10.A.hisB.theirC.herD.your完形填空TheJapaneseMacacamonkeyhasbeenstudiedinthewildforover50years.In1952,ononesmallJapaneseisland,scientistsdroppedsome 1 inthedirtforthemonkeys.Themonkeyslikedtheirtaste,buttheyfoundthedirt2

6、.Oneclever18-month-oldmonkeyfoundshecould3 theproblembywashingthesweetpotatoesinanearbyriver.Shetaughtthistohermother.Her4alsolearnedthisnewwayandtheytaughttheirmothers,too.Alltheyoungermonkeys 5 learnedtowashthedirtysweetpotatoes,tomakethem_6_toeat.Butmanyoldmonkeysfounditveryhardtolearnthisandstil

7、latethe7sweetpotatoes.Thensomethingverystrange8.Intheautumnof1958,scientistsfoundthatthemonkeysonothernearby9beganwashingtheirsweetpotatoes,too.Scientistsstilldontfullyunderstandhowthisknowledgewas10fromoneislandtoanother.1.A.sweetpotatoes B.greenplantsC.hardstones D.freshnuts2.A.beautiful B.terribl

8、e C.difficult D.interesting3.A.find B.reach C.solve D.understand4.A.children B.brothers C.sisters D.friends5.A.quietly B.easily C.angrily D.awfully6.A.nicer B.smaller C.lighter D.drier7.A.small B.large Cnew D.dirty8.A.tookon B.tookoff C.tookplace D.tookaway9.A.trees B.islands C.beaches D.rivers10.A.

9、lost B.dropped C.passed D.left阅读理解To: AggieFrom: joeSubject: Help!Date: 21/03/2014 10:02 AMDear Aunt Aggie,Im having a problem with my classmate, Joan, at school. The other day I wrote an email to another classmate, Beth, in which I said something about Joan that perhaps wasnt very nice. Unluckily,

10、when Beth was writing back to me, she sent it to joan, which is Joans email address! Now Joan is really angry with me and wont talk to me, and Beth is unhappy as well. She has said sorry to me a hundred times already, but the harm is done. I feel bad, because I never would have said those things to

11、Joans face, but how do I get her to forgive(谅解) me? What should I do? JoeTo: joeFrom: AggieSubject: Some advice Date: 22/03/2014 2:45 PMDear Joe,This problem is more common than you might think! Email is very useful, but also very dangerous, as you dont know where your message might end up! First of

12、 all, you should say sorry right away to Joan. Explain that it was a mistake, and that you didnt mean to hurt her feelings. It may take time for her to be able to forgive you, but thats up to her. Then you might want to do something nice for her. Perhaps send her some flowers to show that youre trul

13、y sorry. Also, you should remember that old saying: If you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all. And good luck! Aggie 1. If you have any problem, youd better send an email to .A. joe B. joan C. Aggie D. beth 2. How soon did Joe get the reply from Aunt Aggie? A. In two days. B. In

14、 one day. C. In a week. D. In a month. 3. Why did Joe write the Email to Aggie?A. To ask for advice. B. To say sorry.C. To give advice. D. To say something unfriendly. 4. The underlined word “she” (the first e-mail) refers to_. A. Joe B. Aggie C. Beth D. Joan 5. What did Aggie suggest Joe to do? A.

15、Joe, Beth and Joan should have a talk together. B. Joe should wait for some time before saying sorry to Joan. C. Joe should ask Beth to explain that to Joan. D. Joe should say sorry to Joan and then send her some flowers. 任务型阅读 Lifeisfullofunexpectedthings.Allwecandoandshoulddoischerish(珍惜)everyday.

16、1Sadmoviesalwaysmakeuscry,butthisonemakesuslaugh.ThemovieisbasedonthecomicartistXiong Dunstrueexperience.Ittellshowshefoughtagainstcancer(癌症)duringthelastdaysofherlife.2Themoviecanbeenjoyedasacomedyforthemostpart.ItbringsXiongswildimaginationtolifeonemoment,shefightsagainstzombies(僵尸),andthenextsheh

17、asadatewithherMr.Right.3ButifyouvereadXiongscomicseriesorvisitedhermicroblog,youknowthatsheisjustawomanfullofpositiveenergy. SomedaysbeforeXiongpassedaway,shesharedherexperienceinthehospitalonatalkshow.4Hercouragehasencouragedmillionsofpeople. 5However,ithelpsusbetterunderstandthemeaningoflifethroug


19、习1 查阅 2 使.变成.3 灭绝 4 全世界范围内5 得知 6 既不是.又不是.7 例如 8 对.有用处9 死于 10 知道11 一些 12 把.变成.13 对.感兴趣 14 害怕.15 挖起 16 至多有17 找出.的答案 18 生育19 同类的 20 除.之外21 因为 22 课内讲解1.writer可数名词,意为“作家,作者”,由动词write在词尾加-r构成。 【拓展】部分动词的后面可以加-(e)r或-or构成名词,该名词表示执行该动作的人。 report(报道)reporter(记者) sing(唱歌)singer(歌手,歌唱家) swim(游泳)swimmer(游泳者) driv

20、e(驾驶)driver(驾驶员,司机) invent(发明)inventor(发明家) visit(参观,访问)visitor(参观者)2.辨析:except, besides, but与except forexcept除去.,除.之外强调从整体中除去部分,except后面的部分不包括在整体内。besides除.之外还有强调除去一部分还有另外一部分,besides后的部分包括在整体内。but除了多与no one, nobody, all, who等连用,其余情况下可与except互换。except for除去.之外表示对一个人或者事物先进行一个整体评价,再就局部或细节提出看法或修正。 Ikno

21、wnothingabouttheyoungladyexcept thatsheisfromBeijing. There are three more visitors besides me. All but him have gone to Japan. His article is very good except for a few spelling mistakes.3. He painted one board and surveyed his progress, and then he sat down to have a rest. (1) survey 及物动词,意为:查看,审视

22、 The engineers surveyed the coast. 工程人员查看了海岸。 She turned to survey her daughters pale face. 她转过头审视女儿苍白的脸。 【拓展】survey 作动词,还可意为:调查;作名词,意为:调查,测量Business Development Advisers surveyed 211 companies for the report. (v.)Pleasemakeasurveyabout yourfavoritefestivaland fill out the form. (n.) (2) progress 不可

23、数名词,意为:进展,常用短语如下: make progress 取得进展make great progress 取得很大进步 Aftersome periodofpractice,youwillmakegreatprogress.(3) rest 名词,意为:休息have/take a rest 休息一下【拓展】rest作名词,还意为:剩余部分,余下的人或物the rest of 剩余的., 作主语时谓语动词应与of后的名词保持一致。 The rest of the apples have gone bad. 剩余的那些苹果坏了。 The rest of the apple has gone

24、bad. 那个苹果的剩余部分坏了。rest也可作动词,意为:休息,歇息The workers stopped to have a rest. We rested for an hour after lunch.4. Tom began to think of the games that he wanted to play. think of 意为:想象到,想出,考虑。后面接名词、代词或动名词。Can you think of any other way to do it?Were thinking of moving house. 【拓展】think of 还可意为:认为 What do y

25、ou think of the film? = How do you like the film? 由think构成的其他短语:think about 考虑think over 仔细考虑5. pick up 意为:拾起,捡起 He picked up his cap from the floor. There is a book on the floor. Please pick it up. 【拓展】pick up还有“(用车)接(人或物);(车辆)中途搭(人)”之意。 The car stopped and picked me up. 车停了,我上了车。 Ill come to pick you up. 我会开车来接你的。6. What a pity! 这是一个感叹句,其结构为: what+a/an+可数名词单数! pity名词,意为:可惜,遗憾 It is a great pity that all students in the city cannot have the same chances. 【拓展】 pity还可做不可数名词,意为:怜悯,同情心 take pity on sb. 同情某人 Imhopingsomekind peoplewill ta

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