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1、新概念青少版入门级A上学期教案Unit1 Hello! 一、教学目标:1、会听,说,认读单词:ball, cat, dog, fish. 了解不定冠词a的用法。2、能掌握字母在单词中的发音。3、能运用以下常用表达:Hello! Hi! Good dog! Oh, no!4、了解人名:Flora, Robert, Kim, Dan.5、能听,说,认读单词apple, egg,能听,说,认读人名Max. Pop.6、了解不定冠词an.7、理解Part A对话,能模仿表演。8、会说Part D chant.9、能理解运用Look!10、掌握字母Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff的正确书写方

2、式及字母的名称音。11、通过Part B的游戏培养学生的观察力,用Good!鼓励评价。二、教学重难点: 1、能认读单词并掌握字母在单词中的发音。2、能根据图片提示进行场景表演。3、模仿对话表演。4、掌握单词apple, egg并学会用不定冠词an,初步感知元音因素。 5、正确掌握AaFf的书写。 三、教学时间:三课时四、教学过程Lesson 1教学目标:1、会听,说,认读单词:ball, cat, dog, fish. 了解不定冠词a的用法。2、能掌握字母在单词中的发音。3、能运用以下常用表达:Hello! Hi! Good dog! Oh, no!4、了解人名:Flora, Robert,

3、Kim, Dan.教具准备:卡片,录音机教学过程二次备课Warming up:1. Greeting: T: Hello, Sue! Hi, Lee!Learn to use “hello” or “hi” to greet.2. Ss say “hello” to each other.Presentation:1. Learn words: ball, cat, dog, fish.(1) Put a ball in the desk. Have a S touch and feel it. Guess: What is it?(2) Take it out. Learn: a ball.

4、(学生能读出字母在单词中的发音) /b/- /:/- /l/ -ball /- /b:l/- a ball(3) Ss read the word.(4) Mime actions, Ss guess the animals: cat, dog, fish/k/- / /- /t/ -cat / /- /kt/ - a cat/d/ -/ -/g/ -dog / -/dg/ - a dog/f/ - /i/ -/ - fish / -/fi/ - a fish2. Introduce the children in part A to Ss (1) Show Ss the pictures o

5、f children: Flora. Robert. Kim and Dan.(2) Have Ss say: Hello, Flora! Hi! Robert!(3) Game: T says a name, Ss point to the picture on part A.3. Learn part A.(1) Listen to the story 2 times, Ss repeat with the tape.(2) Help Ss understand the meaning of these sentences: Good dog! Oh, no! No cat! No bal

6、l! 在学习单词时,先感受No dog.(3) Role play act Part A. 4. (1) Listen and say of part B. (2) Listen and act of part C. 5. Guessing game: S1 faces to Bd, T chooses a card, S1 guess the card: A dog? The others say: Yes! Or No!Homework: 1. Workbook. P1 2. Listen and read lesson 1.Bd design: Unit 1 Hello! Lesson

7、1 Hello! Hi! A ball/ cat/ dog/ fish. Lesson 2教学目标:1、能听,说,认读单词apple, egg,能听,说,认读人名Max. Pop.2、了解不定冠词an.3、理解Part A对话,能模仿表演。4、会说Part D chant.5、能理解运用Look!教学过程二次备课Warming up:1. Greeting: Hello! Hi!2. Review words of lesson 1: T mimes actions and Ss guess what animals it is. Then show Ss the words, Ss mime

8、 actions and say them out.Presentation:1. Learn: Look! (Look! 用于让他人注意正在发生的事情或说话者看到的人或事物。)(1) T draws a ball on Bd.T: Look! A ball.Then draws a fish on Bd. T: Look! A fish! (2) T points to S1. T: Look! Peter. (强调在人名前不加冠词。)(3) Ss read and act.2. Learn: an apple, an egg. 注意区分/, /e/的发音。(1) Draw an apple

9、 on Bd. T: Look! An apple.(2) /- /p/- /l/- apple. /n/- /pl/- an apple.(3) Show Ss an egg. T: Look! An egg. /e/- /g/- egg.(4) Show Ss the words, read them. 读出字母在单词中的发音。3. Introduce Max, Pop to Ss.(1) Point to the monkey: This is a monkey. His name is Max. Have Ss to say “hello” to Max. Ss: Hello, Max

10、.(2) Introduce Pop in the same way.4. Learn Part A. B.(1) Open the books to page 4. Listen and learn part A.(2) Ss read part A in roles.(3) T orders and Ss point to the pictures on page 4.(4) Listen to the tape and Ss repeat Part B.Practice:1. (1) Listen and chant: Listen to the tape and try to repe

11、at and mime actions.(2) Look at part D, Ss read by themselves.(3) Act in groups.2. Part E: Listen, point and say. (冠词a, an 学生能正确运用在已学单词的前面,但对于元音a, e, I, o, u还不是很熟悉,在以后的学习中还要多渗透。)3. (1) Show Ss an egg. T: An apple? Ss: No. (2) Practice with other cards. (3) Read Part C, Ss practice in pairs, then pra

12、ctice in the whole class.Homework: 1. Listen and read lesson 2 three times.2. Workbook P2.Bd- design: Unit 1 Hello! Lesson 2 Look! an apple/ egg挂图 Max Pop Lesson 3教学目标:1、掌握字母Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff的正确书写方式及字母的名称音。2、复习1. 2课中已学的词汇和常用表达。3、复习不定冠词a, an.4、通过Part B的游戏培养学生的观察力,用Good!鼓励评价。教具准备:Word cards.教学过程W

13、arming up:1. Greeting.2. Review the words of lesson 1, 2: ball. Cat. Fish. Dog. Egg. Apple.(1) Show Ss the cards one by one. T: Look! A ball!(2) Have Ss stand in a line, read words one by one.Presentation:1. Stick the cards on Bd. Change the order from Aa to Ff. Write letters before words.2. Learn:

14、AaFf.(1) T: A (= /ei/), a, Aa for apple. (2) Ss write with fingers.(3) Learn the other letters in the same way.(4) Read together: Aa for apple. Bb for ball. Cc for cat. Dd for dog. Ee for egg. Ff for fish.(5) Part A. Listen and say.3. Part B. Play the game.(1) T says letters. Ss write them with fingers.(2) Check some Ss, have them write letter on Bd.(3) Play the game of part B. Circle the letters.4. Do part E. F on page 7. Check the answer in pairs. Ss c

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