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1、冀教版四年级下册英语第一单元教案 冀教版四年级下册英语 通案 主备人: 教案序号:1课题Lesoon 1 How Are You课时1授课时间目标知识与技能1、能听,说,读,写句型: How are youFine, you Very well, thank you.2.能听懂并且说出 Nice to meet you.和 Nice to meet you,too.方法与过程能向他人作自我介绍、介绍他人并打招呼,从而培养学生的交际能力,锻炼学生的语言的组织能力和知识的运用能力。情感态度与价值观)通过对本课的学习,让学生懂得要做有礼貌的人。重点1、认识单词:you, teacher, hello

2、, your, hi, friend, pupil, his, her2、How are you Fine, thanks以及其它的回答方式:very,thank you.难点You can call me的用法。教法启发法、引导法教具Mood先生的图片,单词卡片,录音机教学过程二次备课Step 1:Warming upFree talk. whats your name Nice to meet you! How are you How old are you? How many How much How do you feel1等问句及回答Step 2: Presentation1、教师用

3、Hello / Hi向学生们问好,再用英语向同学们作简单的自我介绍。T: Hello. My name is_ .2、指着自己,说出名字。重复几次让学生明白是什么意思。在此引出“ My name is_ .3、刚才我们已经掌握了一种自我介绍的方法,那么,同学们还想不想学习另一种自我介绍的方法呢出示 Mr Wood的图片,向学生作自我介绍“Hello! Im your new teacher! You can call me Mr. Wood. Nice to meet you告诉学生向别人介绍自己时也可以说 You can call me.,4.听会话录音N1,模仿语音语调5.小组会话。Ste

4、p 3: Presentation1. Sing a song“ How are you”,为学生学句型做铺垫。2.同学们听到Im fine.这个句子了吗板书单词fine.然后出示fine让学生试读,反复领读fine一词并检查学生的发音。教师指着自己对学生说:“ Im fine today.”用表情来表示自已今天很好(指身体)3.出示单词卡片:fine,nine,five,bike等,引导学生发现读音规律。Step4: Practice1.示范:师生之间进行打招呼问候。T: Morning, boys and girlsSs: Morning, Miss Yun. How are youT:

5、Fine, thanks. And youSs: Very well, thank you./2.同桌两人或前后两人进行会话练习。3.让学生听会话录音N2两次,第二次跟读,模仿语音语调。4.三人一组进行对话练习,在教室前面表演请几组到前台演示,演得好的给予掌声鼓励。老师应充分鼓励学生上台表演对话Step 5: Consolidation1.和小伙伴用所学的单词和句型编写一组小对话。2.做同步练习。Step 6:Homework画一画自己的朋友或家人,并介绍他们的名字、年龄板书设计: Lesson 1 How are youNine fine five bikeHow are youIm fin

6、e, thanksVery well, thank you.当堂检测内容:连线whats your name Im fine.Nice to meet you! My name is How are you Nice to meet you,too.课后反思:主备人: 教案序号:2课题Lesson 2 Is This Your Pencil课时1授课时间目标知识与技能,1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:pen,pencil,pencilbox,ruler,crayon,what,whose2.学生能认读、理解并运用句型结构:WhoseisthisIts my / his / her.方法与

7、过程1.在日常情境中注意观察,并用简单的英语对话。2.通过学习本课,使大部分学生能够用英语互相讨论常见物品的归属问题,部分学生能进行情景对话表演。情感态度与价值观能用本课目标语言讨论东西是谁的,并找到物主,培养学生互相帮助、团结友爱的品德。重点1.同知识目标122、名词所有格的用法。难点“Whose名词”句型的理解与运用教法引导法、举例法教具文具教学过程二次备课Step 1:Classopeningandreview1、Greeting并复习上节课学过的单词you,your,teacher, hello,hi,name,friend,pupil,his,her2、课文导入:这节课,我们将要学习

8、有关“文具”,教师引导并收集文具。Step 2: Presentation1. Learn the new words教师手举一支钢笔,说:T: Boys and girls, look at this please. whats this in EnglishSs: A pen.T: Yeah. its a pen.教师领读:It s a pen.学生齐读:It s a pen.T: Can you spell itSS: p-e-n(依次学习单词:pencil ruler crayon)2. Practise the new wordsNow, please look at the pic

9、tures in your books. Can you read thempencil, pencil box, pen, ruler, crayon(1) Read each word in groups(2) Read each word one by one.(3)单词竞赛Step 3: Present the drill in教师举着已经收集好的文具:pencil 问T: whats this S: Its a pencil.#T: Is this your pencil S: No, it isnt.T:Is it Ones pencil S:No, Its not his/her

10、 pencil.T:Whose pencil is this S: Its Ones pencil.用不同的文具继续练习这些句型。Step 4: Practice1、小组对话练习。出示PPT,呈现对话格式,让学生练习对话: (1)、 Isthisyour_(pen,pencil,pencilbox,ruler,crayon) Yes,itismy(pen,pencil,pencilbox,ruler,crayon).(2)、Isit_s_(pen,pencil,pencilbox,ruler,crayon) No,itisnthis/her_(pen,pencil,ruler,crayon).

11、2、Whose_isthisItssomebodys_.3、播放光盘第二部分,学生跟读,分角色朗读,再表演课文。4、Letsdoit!实物投影:Lookandwrite.让学生根据表格中的信息,完成填空。集体订正,并读一读。5、Letsplay!Pleaseguesswhoseeyes/airarebig/long和学生一起做游戏。猜猜是谁Step 5:Summay 结束课堂教学用汉语问这节课学了什么,并复习所学内容。板书设计: Lesson2Isthisyourpencil;Isthisyour_ Yes,itismy_.Isit_s_No,itisnthis/her_Whose_isthi

12、sItssomebodys_. 当堂检测内容:选词填空!(My,He,His,She,Her) isagirl.2. _ isaboy.3.Whatsyourname _ nameisLiMing.4.Whatshername_ nameisJenny.5.Whatshisname_nameisDanny.课后反思:|主备人: 教案序号:3课题Lesoon 3 Where Are They课时1授课时间目标知识与技能,1.能听、说、读、写单词: blackboard, between, beside2.能灵活运用句型Where are they Where is he/she/itDanny

13、is between the desk and the chair.Kim is beside Jenny.方法与过程能准确运用 where句型及方位介词.情感态度与价值观培养学生团结合作的意识重点掌握方位介词的用法及 where句型。难点如何在实际中灵活运用本课句型。教法谈话法,讨论法,探究法。*教具物品实物教学过程二次备课Step 1: Warming up and revision1. Greeting the students.T:Hello,boys and girls. S: Hello, Miss Cai.T: How are you S: Im fine. Thank you.

14、T: You are welcome.T: whats your name S: My name isT: How old are you S: Im2. Chant Pen and PencilStep 2: Revision1.老师把一支笔放在桌子上,并指着问:T:Where is my penS:Its on the desk (学习on ,under ,between, beside )2. 今天老师给大家带来了许多 present,你们知道是什么吗S: I dont know%T:你们可以猜一猜。现在我们就来猜一猜,比一比,看谁的运气最好,猜得最准。不过在猜的时候我们可要用上这个句子

15、来表示自己的猜测和疑问。(板书: Is it a.)S: Is it a pen/Is it a pencilT: No, it isnt./Yes, it is.Step 3: Presentation1. Teach the new word:“ schoolbag”(书包)T:(出示一个实物 schoolbag)What s thisS: Its a schoolbag,朗读 schoolbag, schoolbag书包。(板书schoolbag)教师用同样的方式教新单词:chair,desk,blackoard2. Teach the new word:“ where” and the

16、 sentence:“ Where is the penT: Now I have two schoolbags in different colours find a your eyes.(Put the pen in the green schoolbag.)T:Look, the pen is missing. wheres the pen你们知道“ where”是什么意思吗S: I dont know.朗读 where, where在哪里(边读边配上相应的动作)。Where s the pen又是什么意思呢(板书:笔在哪里)学生齐读: Where s the penT, Wheres

17、the penS: Its in the green schoolbag.3. Play a guessing game.T: whats thisS: its a dog.T: Please close your eyes.(教师把cat的卡片放在一个黄袋子里。) Who can askSI: wheres the catT: Who can answerS2: Its in the yellow schoolbag.教师用同样的方式教学词汇 blackboard,desk和 chair.Step 4: Practice,请同学利用手中的pen,book和 schoolbag,用黑板上的句型

18、同桌两个进行对话练习,并运用beside,in,on,under等方位介词。Step 5:Homework 用所学过的单词和句型编写一组小对话。板书设计: Lesson 3 Where Are TheyWhere are theyDanny is between the desk and the chair.Kim is beside Jenny.The book is in the schoolbag. 、当堂检测内容:你能帮单词宝宝排好队吗, beside, Jenny, Kim(.)_ .2. can, you, What, see()_ 课后反思:)主备人: 教案序号:课题Lesoon

19、 4 How Many Books You There课时授课时间目标知识与技能1.能听、说、读、写单词: forty, fifty, sixty, seventy,eighty, ninety.2.能灵活运用句型:How many books are thereThere are eight books.Let s put eight books on the eight books.Can you say the numbers from thirty to forty方法与过程会运用 there be结构的肯定句以及 how many引导的特殊疑问句。情感态度与价值观培养学生的合作精神.

20、重点词汇 forty,fty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety。难点there be结构的肯定句和 how many引导的特殊疑问的基本构成。教法教具录音机,挂图,投影片,书,数字卡片:教学过程二次备课Step 1: ChantOne, two, three, four,Five, six, seven,Eight, nine, ten.Step 2: Presentation1. Teach the new words: forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty,ninety.(1)教师用图片复习数字130。教师举起六个手指说:s

21、iX,six。学生举起他们的手指,并跟读。接着教师拿起含有siX的卡片和含有 sixty的卡片让学生仔细观察,然后教师领读、讲解。教师用同样的方法教学 forty,fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety(2)Game:Can you say the numers form thirty to forty学生举手回答。 (3) 让学生听录音,跟读数字,并要求学生用手指表示相的数字,力求做到“眼到、手到、口到、心到”2.教学“ How many., are there”出示游乐园的挂图:T: How many girls are thereSs: There a

22、re forty girls.T: How many boys are thereSs: There are fifty boys.教师手里拿着10支钢笔,问)T: How many pens are there in my handSI: There are ten pens教师手里拿着20支铅笔,问:T: How many pencils are there in my handSI: There are twenty pencils.Let the students ask and answer similar questionsStep3: Practice1.趣味操练数字。教师用拍手

23、表示数字,拍一下手,说:one,让学2. 巩固检测:四则运算:|sixfourteen_,eightyfifty_,twofive_,fortyten_活3.自制扑克牌教师将写有100的扑扑克牌举起,让学生读上,让学生读上面的数字,然后扑克牌面朝下放在讲台上,请学生上讲台,任意抽出一张扑克牌,并说出数字是什么,说对的同学可为本组赢得一分.游戏可以在学生与学生之间、小组与小组之间、男生与女生之间进行。Step4:Homework1.和小伙伴用所学的单词和句型编写一组小对话2.课本P9页 Lets do it.板书设计: Lesson 4 How Many Books Are ThereHow m

24、any books are there on my desk, JennyOne, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eightforty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety. 当堂检测内容:写出下列数字的英文22 34 45_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _课后反思:-主备人: 教案序号:课题?Lesson5 Where is Danny课时1授课时间目标知识与技能1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:in front of,behind2.学生能认读、理解并运用句型结构:Where is he/ she He/

25、 She is3.学生能了解字母组合ea和oo在单词中的发音及规律。方法与过程在日常情境中注意观察,并用简单的英语对话情感态度与价值观培养对英语的兴趣和学习英语的好奇心。重点1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:in front of,behind2.学生能认读、理解并运用句型结构:Where is he/ she He/ She is】难点母组合ea和oo在单词中的发音及规律。教法引导法,小组合作探究法教具数字卡片教学过程二次备课Step1.开始上课和复习Class opening and review)Greeting 利用卡片复习数字1-100课文导入Lesson hook:今天,我们将

26、要进一步学习描述某物在哪的更多的表达法。 front of, behind利用摆放的学习用具复习方位词:Where is _ Its_(on, in, under, between, beside)_.看书讨论第一部分图片,每幅图要问:Where is Li Ming/ he 告诉学生“在前面”是:in front of ; “在后面”是:behind 。学生能够回答:Li Ming is in front of the tree. Li Ming is behind the tree.(同理学习behind)播放录音两遍,学生看书跟读。2.小组练习:Where is he/ she He/S

27、he is in front of/ behind the_.;1. Where is Danny(1). Where is Danny Where is Steven (Danny is in front of Steven. Steven is behind Danny. ) 如果学生答不上来,出示右边的文字,大声读一读。(2). Where is Jenny What are they doing 生答:Jenny is behind Danny. They are playing a game. (3)播放第二部分两遍,看书跟读。(4)game同伴练习:3人一组前后站成一队,说:第一个

28、人 :I am in front of _. 第二个人:I am between _ and _.第三个人: I am behind _. Lets do it! )出示课件图片 Pair work . Look and say. Where is Danny He is_.Step5. Letters and sounds 板书字母组合ea和oo, 写出对应的单词,让学生试读单词及字母组合发音,找出读音规律,再给出sea, thread, moon, wood练习读。Step6结束课堂教学Class closing: Great work, class! I want the boys follow behind the girls. See you next time!板书设计: Lesson5 Where is DannyWhere is he/ she

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