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9A unit5 The human brain知识点及练习.docx

1、9A unit5 The human brain知识点及练习9A unit5 The human brain知识点及练习一.单词(基础篇) vi. 同意 agreement n. agree with sb. agree to do agree on sth.2. improve v t. 改善;改良 improvement n. n.方式 vt. 记住 memory n. 经历 remind 使记起 remind sb. of sth. adj. 傻的;好笑的 adj.惊人的;了不起的 amazed adj. amaze v.7. death n. 死,死亡 die v. 8. variou

2、s adj. 各类各样 variety n. 9. daily adj. 天天的,日常的 n. 日报10. store v t. 贮存;贮藏11. in addition 另外12. feeling n. 感觉 feel v.13. sensible adj. 机敏的 sense n.感官 sensitive adj. 灵敏的14. death n. 死 die v. dead adj.死的 dying adj. 垂死的15. need v.需要 dont need to do /dont need sth. neednt do 单词(提高篇) 1. feature n. (报章、电视等的)特

3、写,专题节目2. editor n. 编辑 edit v. edition n. 版本3. short-term memory 短时间经历 memory 长期经历5. injure vt. 损害,使受伤6. afterwards adv. 后来;以后7. basic adj. 大体的,基础的 base n. 基地8. link n. 连接;关联9. colourful adj. 颜色鲜艳的;丰硕多彩的 colour n. 颜色10. imagine vt. 想象 imagination n.11. the Guinness Book of Records 吉尼斯世界记录大全 adj. 有关系的

4、;有联系的 connect v. 联系,连接 connection n.联系13. spider n. 蜘蛛14. dramatic adj. 戏剧性的;不寻常的 drama n.戏剧,事件15. memorizing method 经历方式17. stimulate vt. 刺激18. normally adv. 平常地 normal adj.19. focus vt. 聚焦,集中20. concentrate vi. 集中(思想,注意力等) n. 思想,方式 think v. 试探,想 thought, thought22. lower vt.减少,降低 low adj.低的23. be

5、referred to as 被称为24. mnemonic adj. 帮忙经历的 n. 技术,技术 n. 图象,形象27. vitamin n.维生素,维他命28. maintain vt. 维持,维持29. sleepiness n. 困倦,昏昏欲睡 sleepy adj.二. 词组(斜体部份为提高篇)1. forget to do/ doing remember to do / doing2. help sb with sth help sb. (to ) do sth.帮忙某人做某事3. happen to sb. 发生在某人身上 happen to do 可巧做某事4. be con

6、nected with 与联结在一路; 与有联系 be connected to 和.连接5. something dramatic 某些不平常的东西形容词修饰不定代词,放在不定代词后面 1)I have nothing to say. 2)Is there anything else you want to buy?. start to do/ doing begin to do / doing 开始做 wrong 犯错,变得失常8. be essential for /to对很必要 Food and water are essential for life.9. be angry with

7、 对(某人)很动气 be angry at 对(某事)很动气10. one basic way of doing sth.做某事的一条大体方式 Everybody has his own way of relaxing.11. hear about /of听说 Have you heard about Thomas Edison? older 变老 down 摔倒 some weight 减肥 put on ones weight 增肥 or或或 If either David or Jenny comes, they will ask for a drink. then 就在那时 vt. 避

8、免,阻止 preventfrom 阻止.做prevent/stop/keep sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事 We should try our best to prevent people from cutting down the trees.18. take special care of 专门关注 take good care of 好好照顾19. at normal speed 以正常的速度 at the speed of 以的速度 ones memory 失忆,失去经历 ones mind 在某人的脑海中 on ones head (摔倒)头着地 the air

9、 conditioning on 开空调 down 抛锚 on 传递 easy way to do this做这件事的一条简单方式三英语说明1. basic: most simple; main; standard2. connected: joined; linked3. dramatic: exciting; unusual4. imagine: pretend; make a picture in your mind5. improve: make sth get better6. injured: hurt; damaged7. link: join; connect; make a

10、chain of things or ideas8. lose your memory: be unable to remember things9. memorize: put into your memory; learn exactly10. method: way of doing something11. sensible: wise四.语法由if, ifnot, unless 引导的条件状语从句(1) 主句,从句都为一样此刻时,表示这一行为引发的必然结果,现在可用when代替if. If (when) you heat water, it boils. If (when) you

11、take a fish out of water, it dies.(2) 从句谓语动词为一样此刻时,主句谓语动词为一样以后时或情态动词及祈使句形式,表示将可能引发的结果. If you practise playing the piano every day, youll play well. If she returns from London, please call me. We may buy a car if my husband passes the test.(3) unless 除非,若是不,可替换为ifnot. If you dont keep the ice in a f

12、ridge, it melts quickly.= Unless you keep the ice in a fridge, it melts quickly.If they dont invite me, I wont go to their party.=Unless they invite me, I wont go to their party.(4) 和and, or 的转换 If you study hard today, your dream will come true. = Study hard today, and your dream will come true. =

13、Study hard today, or your dream wont come true.Exercises:I. Choose the right answer:( ) 1. Is there _you want to tell me?A. important something B. something importantC. important anything D. anything important( ) 2. Some people seem to prefer TV to radio. But _ dont.A. the other B. others C. other D

14、. the others( ) 3. I must do him a favour _ I am asked for help.A. while B. how C. if D. unless( ) 4. My ambition is _ an architect.A. become B. to become C. becoming D. became( ) 5. Everyone has his or her own way of _.A. relax B. relaxing C. relaxed D. relaxes( ) 6. This photo can _ me of my child

15、hood.A. remember B. remind C. memory D. memorize( ) 7. If there is no answer in his home ,_ his mobilephone.A. try to dial B. try dialling C. tried to dial D. tried dialling( ) 8. The light is on in his room. He _ be at home.A. may B. can C. must D. need( ) 9. The class teacher asked me to _ who bro

16、ke the window.A. look B. look for C. find D. find out( ) 10. What _ just now?A. was happening B. happened C. hold D. was holding( ) 11. Good memory _ by making a picture in your mind.A. will improve B. will be improved C. improves D. will be improving( ) 12. The basic way of improving your memory is

17、 _ the link method.A. using B. used C. to use D. to using( ) my grandpa is over sixty, he still remembers things _.A. Now that; clear B. Though; clearly C. As; clearly D. Because; clear( ) 14. The question is when _ the computer.A. shall we buy B. buy C. are we going to buy D. to buy( ) 15. The girl

18、 was _ to see _ many nice presents on the Christmas tree.A. surprising; so B. surprised; so C. surprised; such D. surprise; such( ) 16. Study still harder, _ you wont be able to pass the exam next month.A. and B. so C. or D. /( ) 17. Even now many people still remembered _ when hey heard about the 1

19、976 earthquake in Tangshan.A. what were they doing they were doing C. what they were doing they were doing( ) you go to the Grand Theatre if it _ tomorrow?t rain B. doesnt rain C. not rain D. wont rain( ) 19. Youd better _ your parents after you graduate from college.A. not to depend on B. not depen

20、d on C. dont depend on D. to not depend on( ) 20. Success is connected _ hard work.A. at B. to C. for D. from( ) 21. I prefer _ a walk to _ in front of the computer.A. taking; sitting B. to take; sit C. take; sit D. take; sitting( ) 22. What _ the students life like in the USA?A. is B. does C. do D.

21、 did( ) 23. Excuse me, Betty. Why didnt you come _?A. a few minutes later B. a few minutes earlierC. a little late D. little early( ) 24. _ here in time , she came _ all the way.A. Getting; running B. To get; running C. To be getting; to run D. To get; to run( ) have _ to do it _, Mr. Green.A. time

22、enough, good enough B. enough time, well enoughC. time enough, enough well D. enough time, enough goodII. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words1. When you get old, three things start to go _( wrong).2. I have a friend who can _ ( memory ) a lot of telephone numbers and dates.3.

23、 We can find some _ (amaze) stories about memory.4. When something _(dramatically) happens, we usually remember it well.5. His arm _ (injury) when he fell.6. They set up a _ (basic) at the South Pole.7. What a _ (colour) painting! How beautiful it is for a boy of only six.8. A bad driver and the ter

24、rible weather were responsible for so many peoples_(die).9. I like the _(dramatic) very much.10. _ (imagination) that you are now 100 years old.III. Change the following.1. It is the longest word in the world.(维持原意) It is _ than _ _ _ in the world.2. After he left school, he became a famous artist.

25、(维持原意) _ _ _, he became a famous artist.3. I have seen the film only once.(依照划线部份提问) _ _ _ have you seen the film?4. We connected Britain with France. (被动句) Britain _ _ with France.5. The man from Britain can remember the correct order.(依照划线部份提问) _ man can remember the correct order?6. He can memori

26、ze 15,000 numbers. (依照划线部份提问) _ _ _ can he memorize?7. He died many years ago. (维持原意) He _ _ _ _ many years.8. If Bobby doesnt work hard, hell fail the exam. (维持原意) _ Bobby _ hard, hell fail the exam.9. If you dont put on your scarf, youll catch a cold. (维持原意) Put on your scarf, _ youll catch a cold

27、.10. I havent decided whether Ill go to see the film or not. (维持原意) I havent decided _ _ go to see the film.11. The man asked , “Where can I make a phone call, Joan?”(改成宾语从句) The man asked Joan _ _ _ make a phone call.12. Catherine chose new mountains from books-like buying from a shopping catalogue

28、. (一样疑问句) _ Catherine _ new mountains from books-like buying from a shopping catalogue? to bed earlier, or you will feel tired tomorrow. (维持原意)_ you _ go to bed earlier, you will feel tired tomorrow._ you go to bed earlier, you will feel tired tomorrow._ you go to bed earlier, you wont feel tired to

29、morrow. up, and you will be there on time. (维持原意)_ you _ hurry up, you_ be there on time._you hurry up, you wont be there on time.15. If you are dishonest, I wont make friends with you. (维持原意)_ _, or I wont make friends with you.IV. Tense:1. If you _ (drop) a glass, it _(break).2. He _(fail ) in the exam if he _ (not study) hard.3. If a fish _ (take) out of water, it _(die).4. Unless you _ (leave) now, you _ (be) late.5. We _ (have) a barbecue unless it _ (rain)

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