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china daily 国际新闻中英对照版.docx

1、china daily 国际新闻中英对照版University courses go online名校兴在线课程开放潮MITs announcement in 2001 that it was going to put its entire course catalog online gave a jump-start to what has now become a global open educational resources movement, with the ultimate goal of sharing the worlds knowledge, the New York T

2、imes reported. Harvard, Yale and Stanford all now offer substantial portions of their courses online. Anyone with an Internet connection can follow a $50,000-a-year course for free, and get the lecture notes and course assignments. 据纽约时报报道,2001年,美国麻省理工学院开始在网络上公布全部课程目录,由此,以世界知识共享为宗旨的全球开放式教育资源运动开始蔓延。目

3、前,哈佛、耶鲁、斯坦福等名校均将数量可观的课程在网上公之于众。只要有互联网,任何人都能免费学习一门5万美金一年的课程,网上也有讲义和课程作业可供下载。Did You Know?你知道吗?-A Chinese web portal has launched an open course channel and has the first batch of 1200 video clips of lectures up already, with more than 200 of them subtitled in Chinese. Most of the translation was done

4、 by volunteers. 中国某门户网站已经推出世界名校视频公开课频道,首批1200集课程上线,其中有200多集配有中文字幕。大部分翻译工作由志愿者完成。-Copyright is a big problem for such open course movements. This week, hundreds of educators, academics and computer scientists will gather in Barcelona, Spain for two meetings that may make it more apparent where open e

5、ducation is going.版权问题是开放课程的软肋。本周,西班牙巴塞罗那将召开两场会议,试图为开放教育何去何从的问题寻求答案。Russia warns WikiLeaks俄警告让维基泄密消失Russia gave a warning to WikiLeaks after the whistleblower website said it plans to release documents on Russia, Time magazine reported. The signals coming from Moscow suggest that the Russian reactio

6、n will not be as reserved as Americas. So far Russia has had no official response, but an anonymous official at the Center for Information Security of the FSB, Russias secret police, said, in an apparent warning to WikiLeaks that its essential to remember that given the will and the relevant orders,

7、 WikiLeaks can be made inaccessible forever. An expert on Russian security services said, it is possible for the FSB to take down a site such as WikiLeaks. They have the capacity for all of this. 据美国时代杂志报道,俄罗斯已对维基泄密网站将披露俄罗斯机密的消息发出了信号,这些信号表明俄罗斯的反应将不会像美国那么克制。到目前为止,俄罗斯还没有做出官方反应,但俄联邦安全局的一名匿名官员已发出警告,最好记住

8、,如果得到授意和相关命令,我们可以使维基泄密永远无法再被人们访问。一位研究俄罗斯安全部门的专家也表示,俄联邦安全局想要摧毁一个类似维基泄密的网站是极有可能的,他们完全有能力做到。UK boosts teaching of Mandarin英将培训千名中文教师The British government announced Wednesday a program to train 1,000 new Chinese language teachers in England over the next 5 years, part of efforts to forge closer commerc

9、ial ties with China, Reuters reported. The program will aim to train enough teachers to enable every student aged 11 or older in England who wants to learn Chinese to do so. Chinas emergence as the worlds 2nd largest economic power has encouraged parents and students to see Mandarin as the most usef

10、ul language to learn, rather than the traditional French and German taught in many schools.据路透社报道,英国政府10日宣布,作为促进与中国商贸关系的一部分,未来5年将在英国新培训1000名中文教师。该教师培训项目旨在储存足够的中文教师资源,满足英国11岁及以上有意学习中文学生的需求。随着中国崛起为全球第二大经济体,许多英国家长和学生都视中文而非传统的法语和德语为最有用的语言。Academic publisher Pearson announced Tuesday that it will build 5

11、0 English language schools in China, as British Prime Minister David Cameron arrived in the country on a trade-boosting visit, AFP reported.据法新社消息,英国首相卡梅伦抵华展开商贸之旅之际,英国培生教育出版集团9日宣布,未来数年将在中国新建50所英语培训学校。Tuition fees rise to 9,000英国宣布提高大学学费Universities in the UK will be able to charge tuition fees of up

12、 to 9,000 per year starting in 2012, the British government announced Wednesday. Universities Minister David Willetts said This is good news for students and universities. He stressed that universities should ensure students with financial difficulties can get good education equally, in spite of the

13、 higher tuition fees. The government will set up a total of 150m national scholarship scheme for poor family with talented students to that end. According to the British government, students may apply for student loans and begin to repay it if they have an annual income of more than 21,000 after gra

14、duation, with the annual repayment about 9% of income. Currently graduated UK university students must start repaying their loans if their annual incomes are more than 15,000.英国政府3日宣布,从2012年开始,英国的大学学费将升至最高每年9000英镑。负责大学事务的大臣戴维威利茨说:这对学生和大学都是好事。他强调,大学在向学生收取高学费的同时,必须确保不因此将经济困难的学生拒之门外。为此,政府将设立总额1.5亿英镑的国家

15、奖学金计划,资助那些家境贫寒但很有潜力的学生。根据英国政府的决定,大学生可以向政府申请助学贷款,毕业后年收入超过2.1万英镑时开始还贷,年还款额为收入的9%。目前,英国大学生年收入超过1.5万英镑时就要开始偿还助学贷款。【In Brief】US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton Wednesday designated Jundallah, an extremist organization that operates primarily in Irans southeastern Sistan va Balochistan province,

16、 as a foreign terrorist organization, Xinhua reported.据新华社报道,美国国务卿希拉里克林顿3日宣布把伊朗激进组织真主旅列为国外恐怖组织。真主旅主要在伊朗东南部的锡斯坦-俾路支斯坦省进行活动。Putins son-in-law quits普京女婿不堪骚扰辞职A South Korean man known only by his last name, Yoon, who has been dating the youngest daughter of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, has rep

17、ortedly quit his job at a Samsung Electronics branch in Moscow, KBS reported. A source from Samsung says Yoon tendered his resignation Monday due to excessive interest by people around him and safety concerns following media reports of his relationship with Putins daughter Ekaterina Vladimirovna Put

18、ina. A South Korean news outlet reported last week that the 2 are expected to marry soon, but Yoon, his family and Putins side all deny the report.据韩国KBS电视台报道,普京小女儿叶卡捷琳娜的韩国男友尹某已从三星电子莫斯科分公司辞职。尹某与叶卡捷琳娜的关系遭曝光后便成为大众舆论的焦点。公司知情人士表示,出于人身安全考虑,尹某已于1日提交辞呈。上周更有韩国媒体踢爆叶卡捷琳娜即将成为韩国媳妇,但随后遭到尹某本人和家长的否认,甚至连普京方面都出面澄清。U

19、K doles out most passports英准入移民为欧盟之最Britain is handing out passports to more foreign nationals than any other EU country, the Daily Mail of London reported. In one year, the number of citizenship applications approved by the government was almost a quarter of those issued across all 27 EU member sta

20、tes, according to Eurostat. From 2002 to 2008, the total number of approvals by Home Office officials in the UK was 1,008,500, outstripping even Germany and France, which have larger populations. Britain now has the 3rd largest number of foreign citizens - behind only Germany and Spain.据英国每日邮报报道,英国已

21、成为欧盟国家中向国外发放护照最多的国家。欧盟统计局数据显示,英国政府一年内通过的移民申请几乎占所有27个欧盟成员国总数的1/4。从2002年到2008年,英国内政部批准的移民申请总数达到100.85万,甚至超过了德国和法国,而后两者的人口总数均多于英国。据悉,英国现已成为欧洲第三大移民国家,仅次于德国和西班牙。【In Brief】The DPRK marked the 60th anniversary of the entry of the Chinese Peoples Volunteers into the Korean front by issuing 2 souvenir stamps

22、 for the occasion, the official KCNA news agency reported Saturday.据朝鲜中央通讯社11日报道,为纪念中国人民志愿军赴朝参战60周年,朝鲜日前发行了两枚纪念邮票。The US is considering withdrawing its bid for the 2018 World Cup to focus entirely on securing the tournament in 2022, US Soccer Federation president Sunil Gulati said .美国足协主席古拉蒂日前在接受采访时

23、表示,美国正在考虑放弃申办2018年世界杯,而把全部精力投入到2022年世界杯的申办中。Polish leaders criticized波前总统兄弟为兄发飙Jaroslaw Kaczynski(see photo) called on the countrys president, prime minister and other top officials to resign over poor investigation into the plane crash that killed his twin brother and former president of Poland, RI

24、A Novosti reported Saturday. Speaking in Warsaw, he accused the current leadership of waging a war against president Lech Kaczynski even after his death by completely abandoning an investigation into the tragedy in western Russia, which left 96 people dead 5 months ago. 据俄新社11日报道,波兰前总统莱赫卡钦斯基的孪生兄弟雅罗斯

25、瓦夫卡钦斯基(见图)日前在波兰首都华沙发表演讲,指责政府对总统坠机事件调查不力,并要求波兰现任总统 、总理以及其他政府高级官员辞职。雅罗斯瓦夫卡钦斯基称,波兰现任总统在莱赫卡钦斯基去世后仍在同莱赫进行战争,因为他彻底放弃了对前总统专机坠机事件的调查。今年4月,波兰前总统莱赫卡钦斯基乘坐的飞机在俄罗斯西部坠毁,机上96人全部罹难。#雅罗斯瓦夫卡钦斯基炮轰摘选:People like President Bronislaw Komorowski, Prime Minister Donald Tusk, Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski and National

26、Defense Minister Bogdan Klich must disappear from the Polish political arena once and for all. 像(现任总统)布罗尼斯瓦夫科莫罗夫斯基 、(总理)唐纳德图斯克、(外交部长)拉多斯瓦夫西科尔斯基和(国防部长)波格丹克利赫这样的人,必须从波兰政坛永远消失!G20 gets too many sponsors内衣炸鸡商争相赞助G20The upcoming G20 summit held in Seoul, the ROK is expected to offer a crucial opportunity

27、 for Korean firms to boost their image and promote products abroad. Korean companies in various sectors are waging promotion campaigns to offer sponsorship for the event, the Chosun Ilbo reported. Not only alcohol and mineral water companies, but undergarment factories and fried chicken companies ar

28、e also trying to use the event logo, a spokesman of the G20 organizing committee said. The committee, worrying too many sponsors will have a negative effect on the summit, is now minimizing the number of sponsored products, of which automobiles, TV and mineral water companies are most common.据韩国朝鲜日报

29、报道,首尔G20峰会召开在即,不少韩国企业将G20峰会视作宣传企业产品和形象的绝佳机会,纷纷争当本次会议的赞助商,并使用G20峰会标识开展市场宣传。首尔G20峰会筹备委员会相关人士表示:不仅是酒类和矿泉水企业,连内衣及炸鸡企业也要求使用会议标识。筹备委员会担心赞助商过多会对峰会产生负面影响,因此正在将赞助产品减至最少。目前峰会赞助产品以汽车、电视、矿泉水等为主。An exchange of gunfire across the border between the DPRK and ROK last week was likely an accident, an ROK top lawmake

30、r said Monday, and not a deliberate provocation by the DPRK. 韩国国会一名高层人士11月1日称,朝鲜与韩国上周在边境发生的交火事件很可能是一起意外,并非朝方的蓄意挑衅。MI6 chiefs girl shows gun英情报长女儿网上晒枪The head of MI6, Sir John Sawers, has some explaining to do after his daughter posted pictures of herself posing with a gold-plated Automatic Kalashnik

31、ov (AK47) on Facebook. Oxford graduate Corrine Sawers, 23, is seen in a picture holding the decommissioned weapon, believed to be from Saddam Husseins private collection. Sir John is said to have received one as a memento of his service in Baghdad after the war in Iraq in 2003.英国军情六处主管约翰索沃斯的女儿,23岁的牛

32、津毕业生科琳娜索沃斯,日前在脸谱网上上传了一张自己手持镀金卡拉什尼科夫自动步枪(AK47)的照片,令其父陷入尴尬境地。这件被科琳娜显摆的武器已经退役,被认为是萨达姆侯赛因的私人藏品。据悉,2003年的伊拉克战争后,约翰索沃斯获赠此枪,作为其在巴格达服役的纪念品。#被称为寡妇制造者的AK47被中东武装分子广泛应用,令无数英军将士命丧沙场。此番约翰之女竟手持该枪拍休闲照,英国媒体不禁好心提醒他们不怎么秘密的秘密情报局局长:As the head of MI6, Sawers and his family are expected to be cautious about revealing details of their private life because they could be potential targets for terrorist assassination.做为军情六处主管,索沃斯及其家人应当对暴露私人生活细节持谨慎态度,因为他们很可能成为恐怖分子暗杀的潜在目标。【H

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