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英语专业本科毕业论文 doc.docx

1、英语专业本科毕业论文 doc A Study On E-C Film Titles Translation Strategies From Dynamic Equivalence by 胡静A thesis presented to the School of English Studies ofXian International Studies Universityin partial fulfillment of the requirementsfor the degree ofBachelor of ArtsMay 18, 2014 Class: 2010-09 Advisor: 王巍

2、 西安外国语大学 毕 业 论 文 开 题 报 告姓名胡静性别女班级2010-09学号1001010921论文题目:动态对等理论下的英文电影片名翻译研究A Study On E-C Film Titles Translation Strategies From Dynamic Equivalence任务起止日期: 2013 年8 月29 日 至 2014 年 5 月 18 日论文主要内容及参考文献:本文拟从动态对等理论角度出发,以大量经典英文电影片名的翻译为案例,总结译者在翻译电影名字时所使用的翻译策略, 并从语言对等和文化对等两个方面对翻译过程中所使用的音译、直译、意译等翻译策略进行分析探讨。

3、最后指出译者在翻译中应把动态对等理论与具体翻译策略相结合,使目标观众对译名的反应与源语观众对电影片名的反应一致,从而最大程度的吸引观众。Nida, Eugene A. & Taber, Charles R. The Theory and Practice of Translation. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2003. Print. Nord, Christine. Translation as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches Explained.

4、 Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001. Print.郭建中. 文化与翻译. 北京: 中国对外翻译出版社, 2000. Print.贺莺. “电影片名翻译理论和方法.” 外语教学. 10 (2001): 38-9. Print.指导教师 (签名) 年 月 日 动态对等理论下的英文电影片名翻译研究摘要: 随着中国对外开放程度和中外文化交流程度的加深,英语电影正越来越多地涌入中国市场,成为了跨文化交际的重要媒介之一。作为电影的标签和门楣,电影片名的翻译至关重要。本文拟从动态对等理论角度出发,以大量经典电影片名为案例,总结

5、译者在翻译电影名字时所使用的翻译策略,并从语言对等和文化对等两个方面对翻译过程中所使用的音译、直译、意译等翻译策略进行分析探讨。最后,文章指出译者在翻译过程中应把动态对等理论与具体翻译策略相结合,使目标观众对译名的反应与源语观众对电影片名的反应一致,最大程度的吸引观众,最终实现不同文化、不同国家、不同思想之间更好的交流和传播。 关键词: 电影片名翻译;动态对等理论;语言对等;文化对等A Study On E-C Film Titles Translation Strategies From Dynamic EquivalenceAbstract: With more and more Engl

6、ish films appearance in the Chinese market, films have become one of the most important media for cross-cultural communication. The film title, as the movies face and label, is always put in the eye catching place to attract audiences eyeballs at the first sight. Therefore, the study of film titles

7、translation should be attached great importance to. This paper starts with the theory of dynamic equivalence theory, and takes a large number of classic movie titles as examples to summarize some main translation strategies used in film titles translation. Then the author analyzes different translat

8、ion strategies, such as transliteration, literal translation and free translation from linguistic equivalence perspective and cultural equivalence perspective. At last, the paper indicates that translators should combine dynamic equivalence theory with specific translation strategies to make the tar

9、get readers response to the original text similar to the original readers response to the original text. Eventually, this paper presents the audience a better understanding of different cultures, countries and thoughts.Keywords: film titles translation; dynamic equivalence theory; linguistic equival

10、ence; cultural equivalence Table of Contents 1. Introduction.1 1.1 Research Background.1 1.2 Purpose of Research.1 1.3 Research Questions.2 1.4 Structure of Research.22. Literature Review.3 2.1 Previous Studies on Dynamic Equivalence Theory.3 2.2 Previous Studies on Film Titles Translation.4 2.3 Pre

11、vious Studies on Film Titles Translation from Dynamic Equivalence.5 2.4 Problems and Restrictions on Previous Studies.53. Film Titles Translation.6 3.1 Profile of Film Titles.6 3.1.1 Genres of films.6 3.1.2 Features of film titles.6 3.1.3 Functions of film titles.7 3.2 Related Information of Film Ti

12、tles.84. Application of Dynamic Equivalence in Film Titles Translation. 9 4.1 Linguistic Equivalence in Film Titles Translation.9 4.1.1 Transliteration.9 4.1.2 Literal translation.10 4.2 Cultural Equivalence in Film Titles Translation.12 4.2.1 Differences in values, religions and customs.12 4.2.2 Li

13、beral translation.135. Conclusion.17 5.1 Summary of the Research.17 5.2 Limitations of the Research.18Works Cited.19 1. Introduction1.1 Background of Research With the quickening pace of globalization, the communication between countries is becoming more and more frequent, and cultural communication

14、 is an indispensable part that can not be neglected. As one of the media of culture exchange, more and more English movies have appeared in Chinese market, which has become a great part of peoples life. Therefore, the study of film translation should be attached great importance to. Like other forms

15、 of titles, film titles also deliver the most significant information of the films to the viewers. But it is widely acknowledged that the translation of film titles is quite a problematic and complicated task. Because the film titles have their own linguistic, cultural and communicational features,

16、which merit the translators careful consideration. In addition, due to various reasons, almost no one has offered a systematic principle to guide the film titles translation. There still exists many problems in the process of film titles translation. Such as mistranslation, loose regulation, many ve

17、rsions for one film,etc.All these really do harm to the film market.1.2 Significance of Research As is known to all, a film title is the mirror and also the trademark of a film, it not only transmits the most important information about the film to the audience but also arouses the audiences interes

18、t and imagination as well as the curiosity about a film. In fact, a film title plays an important role in the release of a film. An excellent and appealing translated version not only contributes a lot to the informative and aesthetic functions of a film but also stimulates the audiences desire to a

19、ppreciate the film. Consequently, the quality of film titles translation has a far-reaching influence on the spreading of the film and the box office. In this case, proper English film titles translation becomes extremely urgent.1.3 Research Questions1. What principles are applied in film titles tra

20、nslation?2. From the perspective of dynamic equivalence, what kind of specific techniques should be applied to translate film titles?3.How to translate film titles better under the guidance of functional equivalence?1.4 Structure of Research The paper consists of five parts. The first part mainly il

21、lustrates the research background, significance,research questions of this study, as well as the structure of the thesis. In the second part, the author reviews related studies on dynamic equivalence theory, film titles translation and film titles translation from dynamic equivalence theory in parti

22、cular. At the end of this part, the author mentions the problems and restrictions on previous studies. The third part can be divided into two sections. The first section is a profile of film titles, including film genres, the functions of film titles and the features of film titles. The second part

23、is about some main information of film titles translation, such as the definition,features and functions of film titles translation. Section four is an application of dynamic equivalence theory in the translation of film titles. The author separates dynamic equivalence theory into two portions, the

24、linguistic equivalence and the cultural equivalence. Then he introduces some main translation strategies used in film titles translation, such as transliteration, literal translation and liberal translation. Section five is the conclusion part. The author summarizes the viewpoint of the thesis and i

25、ndicates the limitations. 2. Literature Review2.1 Previous Studies on Dynamic Equivalence Theory The famous American translation theorist, linguist, and specialist Eugene A. Nida puts forward the dynamic equivalence theory. He points out that translation is to use the most appropriate, natural and equivalent language to reproduce the information of source language appropriately both from sematic perspective and literary form perspective( Language and Culture 24-5)

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